The Demons who are never talk...

By Damien93

74 3 0


The Demons who are never talked about

74 3 0
By Damien93

Ive seen a lot of pantheons,

Thought which ones are for Me,

I came to the conclusion,

Egyptian, Sumerian and Greek,

And Norse and Arabian Mythology,

So I thought, which ones are the Demonic Beings in these?

Found out All Deities,

Well discard the time period of jehova's deceit and treachery,

I couldn't believe,

The demons who were supposedly wrong,

Look correct to Me,

Doing soo much wonderful things,

Like, Making Man and Women fall in love,

Earthquakes and reveling mysteries,

Breaking up marriages and relationships,

Sinking ships,

Healing and turn water in to wine,

Bestow wisdom, intellect and courage,

Understanding another animal's language,

And turn any metal into gold,

Hail The Gods and Goddesses Of The Underworld,

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