After BL2

By dcode1079

57 2 1


After BL2

57 2 1
By dcode1079

One day on pandorah when handsome jack was defeated, axton and his robot buddy claptrap were at the outlands. A grassy mountain that was filled with animals and threshers. Just then a loader dropped from the sky. The loaders have not been seen since last year when jack was defeated. "Ahh minion help me!"

"Don't worry claptrap it s too old to shoot at us."

"But minion look, it still has a weapon it its hand."

"It won't shoot us, but I do wonder why it landed here. Hyperion shut down when we killed jack."

The loader looked rusty and because it had probably not moved since jack was killed in the vault where he tried to awaken the warrior and take over the planet. Axton decided to investigate. He got to the nearest catch a ride and got into a car. He raced over to the first fast travel they saw and headed to Helios, Hyperion corps flying base.

When they got there all the walls were drained of color. Their infamous Hyperion yellow now looked like a shade of orange that had a layer of dust on it. As they got farther the walls began to look like they were in the process of getting painted again. Axton told claptrap to stay back while he went to check. While he was walking through the factory he remembered the first time he'd been there the place was filled with engineers that wanted to protect jack at all cost. They threw themselves on the line for him.

After a while of walking around he finally walked into a big room but he saw them before they saw him. There were about 5000 workers in the room, Axton thought they must've been on break so he hid around the corner. He didn't want to get caught so he waited outside for one to leave. Once one did he knocked him on the head so the worker past out. Then he slipped into his armor and walked in. He had a helmet on from the worker that kept people from noticing him as a threat. One guy walked up to him without a helmet on and water in his hand.

"Why do you have your helmet still on?"

"Because I got a really embarrassing haircut." He lied.

"But we are all bald, that how are hair is supposed to be cut."

"I'm new and just got it." Axton lied again.

"I know what you mean, I mis my hair too." The worker said rubbing his smooth head.

"Well I have to go I'll see you sometime." He said trying to end the conversation.

Axton left the worker and went up to another one. Then he asked him if they always had fun breaks like this. The worker explained that they were celebrating the first loader to drop down from Helios since jack died. Axton left the big room and saw that a group of medical bots were circled around something. He moved in closer and it was the guy he had knocked out earlier.

He knew he had to leave before people got alarmed. He went around the corner and looked for the control deck. He looked for so long he forgot that he left claptrap alone. When he reached it his legs were aching, but he knew he had to complete the mission. He walked in and saw a guy sitting in what used to be jacks chair. He walked up to him expecting a fight but instead he said what do you need worker? Axton said nothing and pulled off his helmet.

"I know you, your the vault hunter that shutdown Hyperion last year."

"I did shut down Hyperion, and I want to know why you brought it back." He said in a very serious voice

"I brought it back because it was here for the taking. No one wanted to take responsibility and bring back Hyperion. As soon as I heard jack was gone I flew here and took the place as leader."

"I guess I bring down Hyperion on more time then." He said

"you can't do that!" He yelled

The flooring around his chair opened and mechanical arms began to rise out. All the arms had parts with them. They put the parts on him and began to make him a man controlled mech. Axton pulled out a pistol and shot all the arms connection wires and they malfunctioned and froze. He was stuck between a between a bunch of metal parts and his fancy chair, he couldn't call for help or move at all.With that Axton left him there, put the helmet back on and walked away walked all the way back to the fast travel and left. Then he went to sanctuary and walked to his room and fell asleep.

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