Becoming Queen Pin

By tayylove33

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Chapter 1: The beginning
Authors Note
Chapter 3: A change
Chapter 4: Realization
Authors note
Chapter 5: A Twist In The Mix
Chapter 6: Jayy
Chapter 7: Relations
Chapter 8: Lies
Chapter 9: Think About It
Chapter 10: Leave Her
Chapter 11: Business Comes First
Chapter 12: Pressure
Chapter 13: Confusion
Chapter 14: Jayy Jr.
Chapter 15: Karma
Authors note
Chapter 16: Why?
Chapter 17: Cutting Loses
Chapter 17: Code Blue
A little about the Author
Chapter 18: Choices to make.
Authors note
Chapter 19: A Fighter
Chapter 20: Truth comes out
Chapter 21: Can't Play No Games
Chapter 22: Kindness
Authors Note
Chapter 23: Simple Statements
Chapter 24: Changing Ways
Authors note.
Chapter 25: Changing Ways (part2)
Chapter 26: Whats mine
Chapter 27: Plan Into Effect
Chapter 28: Caught up.
Chapter 29: Moving Forward
Chapter 30: Revenge
Authors note
Chapter 31: Loses
Chapter 32: Loses (part 2)
Chapter 33: Its Tayy Baby
Chapter 34: Here i am
Authors note
Chapter 35: Choosing
Chapter 36: Family From Hell
Chapter 37: Tayy Love The Kids
Chapter 38: Settle down
Authors note
Chapter 39: More Drama
Chapter 40: Lemme See
Chapter 41: Stalker Alert
Chapter 41: Handle that
Authors note
Chapter 42: Tell me
Chapter 43: Rude Bitch
Authors note.
Making Shit Clear
Author notes
Chapter 44: I Love You
Chapter 45: Fawk You Mean?
Authors note
Chapter 46: Bring That Ass Here
Chapter 47: Questions
Authors note
Chapter 48: Meeting Moms
Chapter 49: Fuck You
authors note
Chapter 50: Money and Power
Chapter 51: Not going anywhere
Chapter 52: Oh No
Chapter 53: Baby on the way
Chapter 54: Whats Wrong With Me
Chapter 55: Big Mistake
Chapter 56: Benefit Of The Doubt
Chapter 57: Passed Time
Chapter 58: Stay away from me

Chapter 2: New Friendship

9.1K 288 22
By tayylove33


I reach over and turn off my alarm.
"TAYY GETCHO ASS UP SO YOU CAN GO TO SCHOOL" my brother is always yelling 😒.

"NIGGA IM UP" I yelled back.
I roll out of bed to start my day, I waltz into the bathroom and turn on the shower to let the water warm up and start to brush my teeth.

30 minutes later I'm done, so I turn off the water and wrap a towel around me. I go into my room and go in the closet to find something to wear. It doesn't really matter what I wear to school because no one is going to notice. But I decide to wear a white Tshirt, black skinny jeans, and my Jordan 13 Barron's.

When I'm done getting dressed I put my hair up in a high ponytail and give myself a run over in the mirror, I guess I'm satisfied with my look. I jog downstairs into the kitchen to see my brother at the stove in his boxers......... Ew.

I go to the refrigerator to get me some OJ. "Good morning to you too" my brother said. I stared at him for a few minutes cause I know he hates it, then said wassup foo. He stale faced me and threw a handful of Cheerios at me. He's always making me laugh when he's around.

" Do you need me to take you to school today" he asked. Nahhhh I think I'll walk today. He gave me $30 and told me he's not gonna be home til tomorrow, so it looks like another night alone. I grab my book bag and head to the door, it feels good outside since it spring time. We have exactly 4 weeks until graduation and the summer starts. I walk down the porch stairs and start my walk to school, I wave at my neighbor Mrs. Jenkins, she's always on her porch in a rocking chair in the mornings, she's the sweetest lady I've ever met in my life. But I continue my walk and I start to hear a group of people talking, I look up from the ground and see a big crowd of guy, so I pull out my phone and put in my headphones and pick up my pace. I look up and notice all of them are looking at me but I don't acknowledge it I just keep walking, then I feel someone grab my hand, I turn around and there's a cute light skin guy. I take out my headphone and pull my hand away.

"Can I help you with something?" I say with a slight attitude. He looked me up and down while biting his lip and said "yea, you can help me by giving me them digits and maybe what's between them legs"

I looked him up and down, scoffed and kept it moving. A few minutes later I was about 2-3 minutes away from my school, school doesn't start until 7:40, I still had about a spate 15 minutes, as im getting closer to school I see the group separations. I see the goths, the real nerds, the Hispanics, and the preps. I go sit next to a tree and pull out my phone to listen to music. I see this girl standing alone just looking around, but I turned my attention away from her and back to my phone.

A few more minutes pass and I feel a tap on my shoulder. I look up and see the same girl, I notice that we're wearing almost the same exact thing except her Tshirt is black. I didn't know what to say to her so I just looked.
"Sorry to bother you, but I'm new here, do you mind if I sit here with you? Cause I probably look weird standing there alone." I noticed she was kinda jittery, like she was nervous. "Sure" I said. We sit in silence for a few minutes until she broke spoke. "My name us Kadereka, but everyone calls me KD, what's your name??"

"I'm Octavia, but I prefer Tayy, nice to meet you KD", I said. Then I asked her to let me see her schedule, we had almost all of the same classes except one and that was gym class. The bell rang for us to go to class.

We got up and started to make our way to the building, our first class is Historical Literature, as we're walking we see a girl walking backwards towards us. I stopped walked and she walked straight into me. She spun around really quick and yell "DAMN BITCH WATCH WHERE YOUR GOING" that girl just had to be the biggest Hoe at Eastern High.

Her name is Janay, she's always been the only person that's given me a hard time at school, I calmly said "maybe if you were trying to laugh and giggle in a nigga's face you wouldn't have walked into ME, I'd advice you to get the fuck out of my way before I have you an ass whoopin"

Then her little friend started to come, so she starts getting loud with a lot of unnecessary yell that I tuned out.

I was about to speak but KD started to talk before me, "damn bitch shutcho ghetto ass up, I don't even know yo ass and i don't like you, and here's a mint cause your breath smells like bounce that ass two times DAMN"

I stared cracking up, I was in tears, I can tell that me and this girl are gonna get along just fine. Janay mean mugged us turned around and stomped off.

For the rest of the day KD and I joked around and got acquainted, she's one of the coolest people I've ever met. We're in our last period class waiting on the bell to ring now, until we hear someone yell "BITCH" me and KD look around to as who's arguing and we see Janay standing up looking at us.

KD looked at me and I looked at her. We started laughing and KD said goofy hoes. Janay started getting louder and louder with her telling until she started to aggravate me.

I calmly got out if my desk, walked over to her and punched her in the face to make her shut up, I've been on edge all day and punching her face my body a sigh of relief. Janay fell as she didn't get up, she just looked at me. Then I heard deck me moving and things getting knocked down and guys yelling world star , I turn and see KD putting in work on janays best friend, Britney, I wasn't going to interfere so I let them fight. After KD finally got tired she said that's what happens when bitches try my best friend. I knew from then on she's have my back no matter what. We collected our things and started to leave the school.

"Where's your house" she asked. I told her and she told me she lives two houses down from where my house is. We say our good byes and exchange numbers, she told me to call her tonight. I finish my short walk home and go inside to no one being home as usual.

I go to my room and take a long shower and lay down and I'm out like a light, with all of the things that occurred today on my mind, I finally have a friend that may be dependable....

Sorry for the errors
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