Control [HIATUS]

By Anonymous_Lover_3

33K 1.5K 435

Y/n Yagi was a relatively normal girl. Or at least as normal as having two pro hero parents, having multiple... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter Short
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17

Chapter 8

1.3K 91 6
By Anonymous_Lover_3

Your legs were moving on your own to catch up to Izuku, he was pretty fast when he needed to be. Weaving past people much like he did, you tried to catch up but when you got to the roadblock a hero grabbed you just before you could cross. 

"HEY KID DON'T YOU SEE HOW DANGEROUS IT IS! GET BACK HERE!" he yelled to Izuku. Helplessly you watched as Izuku clawed at the same sludge villain that attacked the two of you before. More explosions went off and a growl escaped you. If these 'heroes' won't do their job then you and Izuku will. Shuffling in the hero's arms you dropped your things and handed them your headphones and phone. They looked at the items confused, since you were still in their grasp via the back of your uniform, and then you teleported. You appeared next to Izuku causing him and many others to look at you in shock.

"Y-Y/n-Chan! You shouldn't.. My legs.." he tried to make out, but you knew what he was trying to say. Giving the young boy a smile, you took a deep breath and did what you should of been able to do the first time. Digging your fingers into the villain you manipulated the water within his body, heating him up until he began to let out a loud blood curdling scream. As space formed between Katsuki and the sludge you formed a protective force field around him.

The use of two of your quirks at the same time wasn't unheard of but was known to be hard. It left your stomach feeling knotted and made you feel like vomiting, and teleporting earlier didn't help one bit either.

The force field you made for the young bully was a milky white and transparent, Katsuki was basically trapped in a bubble, and as your head began to spin you slowly made it rise out of the villain. When Katsuki was completely free of the sludge, you let the field pop near the other heroes. Your fingertips were a blazing red from the heat of the sludge and slowly your fingers slid out of him and you leaned into the dumbfounded boy next to you. 

"Y-Y/n-chan!? A-are you alright!?" He shouted as your weight against him began to increase. With his attention on you, the sludge villain began to grow back, hissing in pain as he fixed the damage given by you. If you had taken off your gloves your head wouldn't feel like something was drilling into it. But that was too risky, you can barely control yourself with them on and if you took them off people could get hurt. You allowed Izuku to help support you as you shake your head a few times in an attempt to decrease and be rid of the multiple projections you were witnessing. It worked somewhat but not nearly enough as you hoped it would. 

With both of you distracted and Katsuki being tended to by heroes you didn't see the villain as he got ready to pounce on you while you were weak. "I should have killed you when I had the chance little girl!"



"What were you two thinking! You shouldn't have ran into trouble like that! Heroes exist for a reason and you could of gotten yourself along with others killed! Even if your quirk is great you shouldn't have done that!" Letting out a groan and visibly rolling your eyes you picked your stuff off the ground, ignoring the heroes scolding you and Izuku for your reckless behavior as they praised Katsuki for his quirk. Both boys sat on the ground as you dusted off and put your headphones around your neck.  "HEY KID WE'RE TALKING TO YOU!" 

"Yeah. And I'm ignoring you, fuck off. I've had a shitty day and I don't need to listen to some shitty heroes to make it worse. Izuku would you like to walk home together?" you said in a monotone yet annoyed voice cause both boys, the heroes, and bystanders around you to gasp and watch in shock, some news cameras turning away from All Might to zoom in and catch the commotion you were causing between you and the heroes.

"WHO DO YOU THINK YOU ARE LITTLE GIRL!? WHERE ARE YOUR PARENTS!?" one hero yelled, face flushed in anger and embarrassment. 

"I think- no I know- I'm Yagi Y/n, the girl that did what you didn't. You're supposed to heroes. We're supposed to trust you with our lives, And yet all of you, ALL OF YOU, watched as boy was basically suffocated and fought for his life because of a Villain! You call yourselves heroes and yet you all stood there with your heads up your asses as if you couldn't help. You're adults, We’re children, you're certified heroes and we’re in middle school and yet Izuku did what you couldn't. He didn't wait. He acted. He's more of a hero in my eyes then you'll ever be. Because at least he cared, he tried, and he inspired me to help. So it looks like they just gives the hero title to anyone with a nifty little costume and a flashy quirk, cause all I see here are fake heroes getting fat off the money that comes from the taxes of hard workers. So excuse me if I'm annoyed and don't care about what you have to say. Izuku and I actually took initiative to help, despite being children, what did you do that you could be proud?" you said in an icy voice as you threw your bag over your shoulder. Cameras zoomed in on your face as you sucked your teeth and rolled your eyes again. During your whole rant you didn't notice the look of awe and shock that both boys gave you. "But since I'm the irresponsible one here, ALL MIGHT-sama!" 

Turning his in a matter of seconds, Toshinori coughed into his hand and made his way over to you concern laced in expression. You weren't looking at anyone else but most shared the same thought and expression. "Is everything alright over here?" 

"No. They want to speak to an adult about my reckless behavior. Do you think you can handle that? My Kaa-chan is expecting me home soon."  came your smooth voice. Placing your hand on his arm you allowed your reversal quirk to work its magic, giving him a solid 10 to 15 extra minutes in his muscled form. A sigh escaped the man as he pinched the bridge of his nose. Leave it to you to pick a fight with certified heroes and then leave him to clean up the mess. "Do you still wanna walk home together Izuku?" you asked, your voice immediately softening and your body in a more relaxed and bashful stance that didn't go unnoticed by those watching. However it did go unnoticed by Izuku as he stood up hesitantly with a nod. 

The two of you walked away from the wreckage as the sun began to set, a new chapter in both of your living opening up. For better or worse. 


A soft whistle and chuckle came from the man within the empty warehouse as he watched from his phone a live news broadcast of a young girl. Under him was a large puddle of blood and just 2 yards away was a weak and crawling Yano: the air hero, fighting for his life. But his efforts were futile because all it took was the man to take 7 steps before his bloody combat boots pressed into the back of the wounded hero, causing him to scream out loudly in pain.

"Well isn't that just precious!? This girl is something else. Isn't she Yano?" 

He didn't get the chance to answer.


Silence was in the air as the two of you walked together. You secretly hopped your speech didn't upset Izuku though, he idolized all heroes and just insulted a good 6 on live television. Your dry throat was proof of such. You haven't talked this much in a long time and the tight dry feeling in your throat that cause immense discomfort reminded you why.

“Y/n.. Why did you mention me? I didn’t do anything I ju-”

“My throat is starting to hurt my like crazy but I’ll talk anyway. Izuku, you’re quirkless. We both know this, but that doesn't make you worthless or a burden, like you think you are. To you your quirklessness is known to you like the sky is blue. But to me?” you cut yourself off to stand in front of the moping boy. As you stood in front of him the light of the setting sun hit your brown skin majestically, and reflected off the stray hairs within your loose braids a smile wide on your face. “To me the sky's so many different colors, and on many different days as well. You inspired me to help, so yeah maybe I saved your ‘Kacchan’, but you sparked that Izuku. That was all you . And I love that about you. You do your best, and because of that you should never ever sell yourself for a penny less, because you're amazing Izu. So when you get called Deku by him and his lackeys, hear me say do your best instead. Because that's what you always do, no matter the obstacle.”

The soft smile that graced your face never left, even as Izuku had big fat tears rolling down his face. You kept your smile despite the painful tingle in your body, a telltale sign for over using your quirks. However, that was the least of your worries, nothing matters to you more than Izuku knowing just how amazing you thought he was. That was until you heard your phone ring, your mother’s ringtone specifically that was almost as loud as the boy you knew and loved cries.

“I’m sorry, that's my mother, I have to go. But don't forget what I said Izuku. I believe in you. So do yourself a favor.” this was the moment of truth. Placing your hand on Izuku’s shoulder you took a step forward as his glassy green eyes met yours causing him to sniffle. Your soft lips met his plump tear stained cheek in a gentle and warm Siren’s kiss, granting immunity to your Siren quirk if ever used around him, and in the process of doing so you were showing your affection. In less than a second, his eyes were wide and face flushed immediately.


“Believe in yourself too. I’m counting on you. I'm supposed to be your personal nurse after all.” and just like that you left with a wink, leaving Izuku flushed with wide eyes and stone still.

The only reason he moved was due to Toshinori appearing in front of him minutes later, meters away from where you once stood. Just like any other day in Izuku’s life there were hardships. But today? Today was the best day of his life.

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