head over feet (jensoo)

By bpconverts

9.3K 318 108

Jennie uses the "Her" app to meet girls. She sleeps with them and loses interest. It's become a habit, but sh... More

chapter 1
chapter 3

chapter 2

2.1K 89 51
By bpconverts

"You know they say you shouldn't talk politics or religion," Jisoo was shaking her head at her, clearly amused, as Jennie listed the many reasons she was anti Trump. Jennie couldn't quite remember through her alcohol induced haze but she was almost certain that Jisoo had raised the topic, somewhere between the exchange of funny ex stories and travel.

"That's an excuse for apathy!" She was drunk and speaking far louder than she thought she was, and feeling very impassioned. "Don't you care?" she asked, reaching for Jisoo's hand and gripping it.

"I care," Jisoo was laughing and Jennie knew it was at her.

"Don't laugh at me," she pouted.

"I'm just enjoying your company," Jisoo smiled easily and Jennie stared at her because that smile did things to her insides, did things between her legs too.

"You know if Trump is elected he'll try and repeal the right to marry? For us?"

"Well, you're cute but I'm not sure you're marriage material," Jisoo teased and Jennie sat back in her chair.

"You're not into politics?" She slurred, "that's ok, I get it. At least tell me you vote?"

"Jennie," Jisoo took her hand this time and her heart thudded its pleasure.


"I care about politics. I even draw anti Trump cartoons. But I'm in a bar, flirting with a sexy girl, pretending she could never convince me into bed, and really...I don't want to talk about the biggest buzz kill, not to mention libido obliterator to ever exist."

"A libido obliterator?" Jennie couldn't help but laugh.

"You know, if I was a guy trying to think away my erection it'd be a mental chant of Donald Trump in his undies - total libido killer!"

"I was wrong - you do care!" Jennie cupped her face without thinking, then hastily withdrew her hand, and waved the barman down. "Tequila," she ordered.

"Tequila huh?"

"I love tequila," she said and then shivered and released a small growl as she considered drinking the tequila from the body of the girl before her. "It'd be more fun if we could drink it in private," she gave her a sultry look.

"I'm sure it would Ms One nighter!"

"I'd stay till morning. Fuck you again," Jennie promised as the barman delivered a bottle and two fresh shot glasses.

"Wow, last of the big spenders," Jisoo grinned widely.

"I promise it would be good," Jennie was too drunk to even care that she was begging. She wanted to be close to Jisoo, wanted her face pressed up against those fucking amazing boobs. Her hands literally itched to take hold of those hips and tug her close.

"I'm sure it would," Jisoo winked, and brushed her fingers along Jennie's jaw, the featherlight touch causing her eyes to flutter shut, "It would be amazing and I bet..." Jisoo's fingers moved over her lips and Jennie wanted to drag them into her mouth, "I bet you'd be a really, really good lay..."

"I would," Jennie caught Jisoo's hand and pressed a kiss to the pads of her fingers, loving the hitch in the other girls breath. "Let me show you," she implored.

"You're not gonna give up trying to get into my knickers are you?" Jisoo rasped beautifully and it only turned Jennie on more.

"Look at you - of course I'm not," Jennie boldly placed her hand on Jisoo's hip and God, even her hip felt good.

"But I bet tomorrow you'd never speak to me again," Jisoo smiled, and didn't brush her hand away. If anything she leaned into to it.

"Talking is over rated, conversation is - face it Jisoo," Jennie leaned forward, aiming for that beautiful slope of neck she'd been drawn to for at least the last hour, and pressed a warm, wet kiss to soft, sweet smelling skin. Jisoo released a soft, moan that both encouraged Jennie and sent a pulse right through her. "See, that's a much better noise," she kissed the skin again and pressed her nose into it thinking that no one person had the right to feel and smell so good.

"Jennie," Jisoo angled her neck giving Jennie more room, which made her want to do a ridiculous fist bump.

"Hmm?" she hummed into her skin.

"Telling me you prefer me moaning to talking is not how you get me into bed. Sorry to burst your bubble hot stuff, but it isn't gonna work..."

Jennie stilled and pulled back, unable to help the pout, "it isn't?"

"No...you can't tell me that works with other girls? You're basically saying you want them to shut up and spread their legs!"

"Well," she flushed, "mostly I do..."

"Big turn off babe," Jisoo patted her knee dismissively.

"You said you didn't necessarily want a relationship," Jennie frowned. "And we've talked...."

"Yeah but I want to be made to feel good about myself, and being told my moaning is a better noise than my conversation doesn't make me feel good. In fact it's pretty annoying - even if it's casual I kinda like to be more than just a warm body. I think," Jisoo laid a hand on her knee, "I think maybe we should keep this to chat, ok? If you need to get laid - go get laid, ok?" Jisoo squeezed her knee and stood.

"Ok," Jennie sat back, feeling chastised and offended.

"I get it," Jisoo's face softened, "your job is life and death, you put yourself in dangerous situations and you like to let off steam with casual sex. You don't want the conversation because it makes a one night thing have potential to become a two night thing and for whatever reason that's worse than no sex," Jisoo shrugged and pulled her bag onto her shoulder. "You're sexy Jennie and really fucking hot. Go find a girl who wants just sex too...for me...I need the conversation to feel attracted, I need someone to be attracted to me body and mind to even enjoy the casual sex. And I really love second and third and fourth time sex because I love knowing a girls body and what really does it for them. This was fun," she gave a little shrug as Jennie gaped at her, more shocked than she liked to admit, "but I'm out. Have fun," Jisoo leaned forward and pressed a chaste kiss to her cheek, filling her nostrils with that delicious smell for one last moment before she was heading out of the bar, who knew where considering she lived above it.

Jennie stared at the seat where Jisoo had been sat - this vibrant, beautiful woman who was the dictionary definition of sexy, but so obviously so much more and considered what had happened. Jennie wasn't apologetic about what she wanted. After fighting a fire she wanted what most of them wanted, someone alive and warm in her bed making her feel good and coming apart for her, because of her. There was nothing wrong with that. None of the other women seemed to have a problem with her less talk, more action approach. And she and Jisoo had spoken - more than she normally did, because Jisoo was smart, confident, and an excellent flirt.

She thought back over her whole 'now that's a much better sound' line and conceded that it may have come across a little like she wanted the girl to just shut up. And in truth she had. She'd wanted Jisoo moaning, chest heaving, as she sucked on a nipple and had her fingers buried inside of her. She'd wanted Jisoo so turned on, so filled with lust that she was incapable of speech. She wanted the only word to be coming out of her mouth, in that husky voice of hers to be her name. Her body clenched and she ached between her thighs at the very thought. The thing was she hadn't wanted Jisoo to stop talking because she wasn't interested in what she had to say. It was the opposite. She was far too interested in every single thing Jisoo had to say - whether it was a vet story, a personal one or even just flirtatious banter. She'd been like a puppy hanging on the girls every word. So yes, Jisoo had needed to shut up, but for more than one reason and not the reason Jisoo seemed to think.

Jennie looked around the bar, taking in the other patrons for the first time that evening. She needed sex, needed release - more from Jisoo's abrupt departure than the emergency situation of earlier, but still - the thought of heading home alone wasn't appealing. There was one girl who had potential. She stared at the brunette who was gorgeous and should have absolutely been her type. She sighed and caught her eye, lifting the bottle of tequila and nodding at the seat Jisoo had vacated. The brunette gave her an appraising look before heading over. She was beautiful, and Jennie tried really hard to feel the buzz of attraction.

"Hey," she poured them both a shot.

"Hey," the girl smirked and grabbed the shot and downed it before looking at her for another.

"I'm Jennie," she held out a hand.

"Chaeyoung," the girl squeezed. "And the girl you were with before?"

"No one," she gave a dismissive shrug.

"Actually someone - my best friend."

"Oh," Jennie took another shot.

"So it's not gonna happen, this I mean," Chaeyoung waggled a finger between the two of them and then downed her second shot "want my advice?"

"No," Jennie shook her head.

"You're a dumbass."

"Thanks," Jennie glared at the girl.

"Don't get me wrong, you're brave and all that, but you could have had her and you blew it. Totally dumb. What kind of fool are you?"

"I may have let my vagina speak for me...clit thinking..."

"Thinking with your clit only ever ends badly..." Chaeyoung shook her head sadly.

"Well not usually," Jennie gave a casual little shrug and a smug smile.

"Oh my god, but you're one cocky little wench."

"As I said to Jisoo, it's the lack of cock the girls seem to like..."

"Ok, dude, I'm out. Jisoo said you were funny, smart and cute...I'm not so sure."

"Well I'm really very drunk, so my game is weak."

"See ya," Chaeyoung stood and flicked her in the forehead, literally flicked her in the god damned forehead and was gone before Jennie could react to the injustice and shame of such a thing. Grumpily she pulled out her phone, opened her app and hit Jisoo's conversation.

Jennie - Your friend just flicked me in the forehead!

Jisoo - Were you being a douche?

Jennie - No!

Jennie - Yes

Jisoo - I'm gonna go with the latter

Jennie - That hurts (sniff sniff)

Jisoo - Oh lord, please don't tell me you're a teary drunk. I don't want to have 'stalk out on douchey girl' regret

Jennie - You should have stalk out regret.

Jennie - Leaving me here all alone

Jisoo - You're not alone! You have tequila

Jennie - And I'm a horny drunk, not a teary drunk

Jisoo - Yeah, I gathered

Jennie - Look in the mirror and ask yourself why I was horny

Jisoo - I'm not gonna do that

Jennie - You're eyes are blue like the ocean one minute and then blue like the sky the next

Jisoo - Maybe give the tequila back to the barman

Jennie - Your hair is like this soft golden halo and it smells so fucking good, like coconut and honey and all things delicious

Jisoo - I wouldn't advise eating it

Jennie - and your face...fuck your face is so, just so...really it's very perfect

Jisoo - Says you

Jennie - and that dress. Holy hell but you're hotter than the fire I put out today. I wanted to press my face into your gorgeous tits and kiss your legs and not stop until I reached your knickers

Jennie - and not even then

Jennie - Why d'you even call them knickers?

Jisoo - It's a great word. Better than panties.

Jennie - You know? I think knickers are overrated, so god...id have had to get rid of them and carry on kissing.

Jisoo - You are a horny drunk!

Jennie - fuck...I'm still trying to have sex with you. What's wrong with me??

Jisoo - Chaeyoung said no and apparently the bar has no other options?

Jennie - I didn't want to sleep with Chaeyoung.

Jisoo - She didn't want to sleep with you

Jennie - Did you?

Jisoo - Until you dissed my conversation yeah

Jennie - I didn't diss

Jisoo - You want a one night stand and no conversation. There are apps especially for that you know?

Jennie - I chose friendship!

Jisoo - And kept trying to fuck me

Jennie - Look in the mirror!

Jisoo - Again, I'm not gonna look in the mirror.

Jennie - But you're funny, and clever and sweet and kind and you look like...like...you know, the sexiest person ever. We may have said friends but I'm insanely attracted to you.

Jisoo - be less of a dick!

Jennie - yeah, I can do that!

Jisoo - On here you can. In person you're insane

Jennie - in person you're there in front of me. You know what I suggest?

Jisoo - What?

Jennie - We have sex and then we can get on with being friends because all this pent up sexual tension will be gone!

Jisoo - nice try but no

Jennie - I was being serious. I'd actually contact you the next day! I promise!!

Jisoo - You as good as admitted you don't contact *any* girl the next day.

Jennie - But you I would and we could be friends. Because I like you!

Jisoo - Why don't we be friends first?

Jennie - Because I can't function around you. Seriously look in the mirror!!

Jisoo - I'm going to bed. I have work in the morning. Get some sleep!

Jennie - Sleep is for the weak

Jisoo - I'm pretty sure sleep is for everyone. Stay safe Jennie.

Jennie - I am sorry I was a douche

She waited, staring at her phone screen for a couple of minutes and then huffed, her head swimming.

Jennie - Ok, you're gone

Jennie - That's fine


Jennie felt like shit. Her head hurt and she felt kind of nauseous. The nausea and pounding increased as she remembered everything that had happened and the drunken messaging that had occurred.

"Fuck," she grumbled to herself and grabbed her phone, shooting off a text to Jongin asking him for a run before work then crawling out of her bed and for the bathroom. "Don't look at me like that," she grumbled to Rocky as he sat on his haunches, ears alert and expectation written in every hair on his furry face. "Shower, coffee and then a run." He whined a little at the word run and she snarled. He flopped down to lying apologetically and she vowed to buy him a treat for being so awesome.

The shower revived her, but her brain had woke up a little and it was on a very determined one track path - Jisoo, Jisoo, Jisoo, Jisoo, Jisoo. She hated her fucking brain sometimes. She should have taken the unethical route and taken Jisoo with promises of more and then she'd be sated and beyond this torture. Maybe she'd feel a little bad, but Jisoo would be out of her system. And she needed Jisoo out of her system, even if she had to be the worst kind of cad to achieve it.

With a coffee in hand and a large dog draped unceremoniously all over her she picked up her phone and hovered over her app, before clicking in and opening up her conversation with Jisoo.

Jisoo - Bet you regret all this today. Hope your head isn't too bad.

Regret what? Jennie scowled and scrolled up through their conversation, frown and the boom in her head increasing. What . The . Actual . Fuck???? She promised to call Jisoo the next day? Begged, actually begged for sex? Jisoo was right, there were apps for that, but Jennie apparently, according to her drunken self, didn't want sex with anyone but the gorgeous, sexy, blond vet, with the raspy voice and quick wit. Jennie was pretty sure Jisoo would never want to see her again. Quite frankly if she wasn't herself she'd never want to see herself again.

Jennie - Regret seems like too trite a word

She turned off her phone and stood to grab Rocky's leash.

"Come on Rocks, let's run," she urged and laughed at the oversized puppy and his enthusiasm.


Tuesday night she managed to check her phone. It had been an exhausting twenty-four hours with little time to do more than sleep. Plus the trip to the hospital where phones weren't allowed really kiboshed the communication business. She glared at the sling on her arm thankful that her shoulder had only been dislocated and in a week maybe two she'd be back on active duty. She hated paper work. And she was best in the field, the whole station knew that.

Jisoo - I get that you're no longer interested but Rocky has an appointment tomorrow. Will you still be in?

Jennie sighed, closing her eyes for a moment because she hadn't forgotten the appointment. On the contrary, she'd spent much of the last twenty four hours relieved that she'd be seeing the vet again. She'd spent much of the last twenty four hours, when not in the thick of the rescue, thinking about Jisoo, thinking about her laugh, her departure from the bar. She was going crazy. And she was more tired than she'd ever been.

Jennie - I'll bring him in at 10

She shut down her phone, rolled onto her right hand side so as not to squash her left shoulder and closed her eyes.


Wednesday morning was sunny and bright, and after fifteen hours of sleep Jennie actually felt nearly human. She showered and attempted to put her sling back on. It wasn't as comfortable, but it was all she could manage with one hand. She dressed in some shorts and a tank, hair mostly brushed and makeup sparse but there. It wasn't the look she'd planned subconsciously several times over the last twenty-four hours, but fuck...her arm was useless and Jisoo was clearly not into it, and Rocky just needed his jab.

She decided to walk round to the veterinary surgery and clipped on Rocky's leash. It was a beautiful day, and she felt uplifted by the beauty around her. The surgery, named Griffin's Veterinary Surgery, had no fancy slogans, and was a converted old wooden house set in a pretty garden with tons of flowers. Jennie loved flowers. She usually pretended she didn't because it didn't really go with the badass lesbian firefighter image, but this garden was beautiful and she found herself stooping to smell and marvel at colours.

"You make that kinda slow progress to the door and you're gonna be late," Jisoo was leaning casually against the doorframe, dressed in a white coat and looking stunning and incredibly professional. The white coat hung open to reveal black pants and some sexy top. Her hair was up in a bun and she was smiling, legs crossed st the ankle and arms folded over her ample chest. "Though smell the cosmos - it smells like chocolate," she pointed to a reddy brown flower and Jennie found herself plunging her nose into the blossom and inhaling.

"Fuck, that's good."

Jisoo stepped off of the step and reached out a hand to let Rocky smell her and Jennie braced herself for the worst because there would be an undeniably medical smell around Jisoo.

"Hey Rocky," she knelt down, "aren't you the most handsome dog in the world!" Rocky's tail wagged and Jisoo's hands began to massage his ears which normally he hated but the damn dog whined and leaned into the vet, actually managing to dislodge her balance and send her sprawling onto her ass. Jisoo laughed loudly, "well that was dignified," she grinned, as the dog nosed her neck. Jisoo slid her arms around Rocky who gave a soft whine.

"He likes you," Jennie was confused because she hadn't exaggerated Rocky's hatred and fear of vets in the slightest.

"I put Eliza Doolittle to shame, of course he likes me," Jisoo gave Rocky one last hug before scrambling to her feet. Once standing she peered into her pocket and Jennie frowned. "It's Xena," she explained and opened up the pocket to show her a sleeping hamster, probably the most fucking adorable thing Jennie had ever seen - well aside from Rocky as a puppy. "She's mine. She doesn't normally live in my pocket either, it was just that I saw you out here when we were having a cuddle. I wasn't sure you'd come..."

"I meant to message you more...not just 'I'll be there'...after...well you know, but it's been a crazy couple of days and to be honest I only just woke up in time to make it," Jennie flushed, because this girl couldn't be real - she had a hamster sleeping in her pocket and Rocky thought she was great, and what was happening made no sense, because her heart was thudding loudly and her palms were sweaty and she didn't have one single line up her sleeve - nothing smart or smooth. All she could do was stare at this beautiful girl, in her beautiful garden with a hamster asleep in her pocket and her traitorous dog pressed against her legs.

"You were involved in that factory fire? The one down on Water Street?"

"Yeah," she nodded.

"Can I?" Jisoo stepped forward and she gave her a questioning look, "your sling. It can't be comfortable..."

"Oh," Jennie sucked in s breath, "I couldn't do it with one hand after my shower."

"Well I can sort it for you if you want?" Jisoo's hands hovered over her.

"Thanks," she nodded as the vet reached forward and with gentle hands adjusted the sling, even going so far as retying it, the end result being a relief in the slight ache that had set up in her shoulder, and an increase in the one between her thighs.

"You dislocated it?"

"Yeah. It was a minor thing. A beam fell and I landed awkwardly when I jumped out the way."

"Yeah, minor," Jisoo teased with a roll of her eyes. Jennie knew she was staring but it was so hard to look away. It was like the girl had swallowed the sun and it kept shining regardless, little beams escaping. Jisoo was beautiful, that much had been established when she looked at the damn pictures on her profile, but God, she was beautiful. Sex, Jennie reminded herself. Sex was a reliable way to get rid of an obsessive crush, infatuation, or whatever this was. She wanted Jisoo, there was no point denying it anymore. She was thinking about her, wanting to chat with her, she'd even caught herself wanting to take pictures of things and send them to her and that was not what she wanted. That was sharing her life with someone else. That wasn't what she wanted. Even if Jisoo had the sweetest brain, the kindest heart, the sassiest tongue, and the goddamned sexiest rack ever. Those boobs would be the end of her and she wouldn't even be sad. Death via drowning in Jisoo's cleavage would be an honourable way to go.

"You still with me," Jisoo grinned and waved a hand in front of her eyes. Jennie felt a full on blush stain her cheeks and she began to babble, and she never babbled,

"I'm fine...I er...just...am tired...and you know...I'm worried Rocky will freak...and you...fuck...are here and...fuck again... And you...fuck...." she rubbed her face.

"I thought fucking was off the table?" Jisoo was teasing but Jennie was mortified to feel her blush intensify.

"Apparently it's not off my brain," she managed and then swore again.

"Well let's sort out Rocky and then we'll sort out you, ok?"

"Huh?" Jennie's head snapped up, eyes locked on Jisoo's which was of course a mistake because her eyes were like quicksand.

"Come on Rocky, let's get you all up to date with your shots. Just the usual boosters?"

"Uh yeah," Jennie couldn't focus on anything except the idea that Jisoo might 'sort her out.' She handed Jisoo Rocky's vet book as her brain turned to mush. She was scarcely aware of anything but Jisoo, who was petting Rocky after checking her two syringes against the information in his book.

"Ok big guy, I'm not gonna lie, this is gonna hurt a bit," she squeezed his ears and he looked like an oversized puppy, staring at the vet with love and adoration normally reserved for Jennie. She watched as Jisoo gave him one and then another shot, not on the table like the last vet, but on the floor, while stroking and talking to him. When she was done Rocky yawned and slumped to his belly. Jisoo laughed and gave him a treat, before filling in paperwork and washing her hands.

"He's all good for another year, but bring him back if sooner if you need to," she smiled and Jennie could barely hear her over the hammering of her heart and the swoosh of blood.

"Ok. Thanks. Normally the vets is a lot more stressful," she mumbled eyes stumbling over each of Jisoo's perfect features.

"Well I consider myself to be an excellent vet even if I sound conceited to say it."

"I'm sorry about the other night," she hadn't even been planning to say that, "I maybe came on a little strong."

"Maybe just a little," Jisoo smiled disarmingly. "But I get it."

"You do?" Jennie wasn't even sure she got it.

"Yeah. You're gorgeous and you do this sexy heroic job and you're charming and I'm thinking most girls imagine that if they sleep with you, you'll change your mind about things being casual. And there's nothing wrong with casual sex Jennie. I love casual sex. It wasn't even that I cared about changing your mind. I just don't usually do casual when the person has already decided that once with me is enough. Maybe it's an ego thing but I prefer to have my partner feel like once could never be enough."

"I get that," she nodded wondering if a lifetime between the blonds thighs would ever be enough.

"And if you want a girl to shut up and kiss you, don't say it you prefer moaning to conversation, just kiss them...obviously vibes permitting."

"I don't know why I said that. I actually think nearly every word out of your mouth is kinda amazing," Jennie knew she needed to be the one to shut up because she was a verbal mess around Jisoo.

"Well I am extremely bright and witty," Jisoo teased.

"That's the problem," again words kept tumbling out as if she were afflicted with the most severe case of verbal rambling disorder.

"Ah, so you like a girl who's stupid and dull?" Jisoo laughed,

"No I..."

"I guess it's wise we went for friendship over fooling around!"

"Is it?"

"We could do both," Jisoo's voice lilted flirtatiously. "But I have a feeling that would send you reeling."

"Yeah, reeling..." she agreed and then sucked in a breath. "Head over feet..." she mumbled.


"Keep my head over my feet's ardent desire to get as close as humanly possible to you."

"Friendship over feelings?" Jisoo clarified.

"And incredible orgasms," she promised.

"Cocky lil shit," Jisoo whispered but her hand trailed around the back of Jennie's neck and Jennie goddamn well shivered. Fuck her head, she wanted her feet to do her thinking. Well actually the place a little further north.

"I thought we'd established that it's the lack of cock that does it for the girls," Jennie couldn't help herself, not with soft fingers working through the hair at the nape of her neck.

"Shut up," Jisoo husked.

"Make me," Jennie couldn't pick where to look - at half lidded, pupil blown eyes, soft lips, voluptuous cleavage, golden hair. She was a horny mess and Jisoo was close and smelt fantastic and as she leant closer those beautiful soft boobs smooshed up against hers and she moaned, or groaned, who the fuck knew or cared about the difference. And then Jisoo was kissing her, warm mouth and dirty tongue on hers because the girl kissed like she was fucking her and Jennie, who thought herself a fucking excellent kisser, had never been kissed like this girl was kissing her, had never turned to pheromone induced goo from a kiss. Jennie had game. She was a heart breaker. She was a top for fucks sake. She made girls scream her name before she ever came herself. Jisoo didn't give her the chance.

Jisoo's mouth was hot and extremely talented and before Jennie could even process thoughts through her lust addled brain, cool fingers were popping the button of her shorts and sliding into her underwear where she was embarrassingly wet. Jisoo had to know she'd been thinking of sex since they first saw each other. Jisoo had to know the unbelievable effect she had on her.

Jisoo had to know as she pushed her shorts and underwear down and dragged her arousal up to her clit but Jennie just couldn't care. All she wanted was for Jisoo to keep up the torturous pattern of rubbing against her clit and dipping nearly into her. She wanted both and she grasped at Jisoo's other hand and pushed it down, begging wordlessly as she tilted her head back so the blond could track kisses down her throat.

The message was apparently clear and as Jisoo's left hand rubbed at her clit in exactly the right way the fingers of her right hand slid inside and curled with delectable accuracy, brushing over and over that one spot. The combined effect made her legs weaken, but Jisoo just pressed her into the examination table never letting up until Jennie was moaning with every breath, hips thrusting against the girls hand, hand tugging Jisoo's face to hers so she could kiss her as the most incredible orgasm washed through her. And it fucking kept on coming, endless tendrils of pleasure until she was coming on top of coming and begging Jisoo to stop with kisses to the girls throat.

"Holy fuck," she all but whimpered as Jisoo lightened her touch before stroking across her and pulling her hand away, then carefully pulling up her underwear and shorts, even doing the button up. She then held her hands against her hips and kissed her long and hard. When she pulled away Jennie tried to follow. "It's so my turn...just give me a second..." She curved her hand around the back of Jisoo's neck and into soft fair waves.

"Sorry babe, but I gotta go," Jisoo pressed a last kiss to her lips and Jennie stared at her confused as she moved away from her and bent to pet Rocky who'd just had an x rated show.

"Go where?" she was appalled at the thought of not getting to sink her fingers into the girl, of not getting to watch her face slack with pleasure, of not hearing her voice groan out her name.

"Wednesday's is normally my day off because I work Saturdays. That's how I could squeeze you in. That's why no one is here," she laughed softly, "I normally have a receptionist and a full waiting room you know!"

"So why do you have to go? Do you have any idea how much I want to fuck you," to emphasize her point she hooked her fingers into the belt loops on Jisoo's jeans and tugged her close, fully intending to distract her until she forgot about whatever it was she apparently had to do.

"Aw Jen, I'm not saying it wouldn't be fun but I have to go. I've had an old cat on my books for the last two years and she's in a lot of pain and I told her family I would visit and send him off in the home with them. They're pretty upset. They're expecting me."

"But..." Jennie didn't know what to say, "but..."

"I'm afraid I'm gonna have to get you to leave so I can lock up," Jisoo gave an apologetic little shrug as she grabbed a medical looking bag and her keys.


"All good now, right?" Jisoo's sultry wink threw Jennie because she didn't understand what the girl meant.


"Well now you can get on with pretending I don't exist, or...or you can be more mature than that and give the friendship thing a go..."

"It's not that I don't want friends...I mean I don't need friends but I just...I just..."

"Don't want to be friends with girls you fucked? Well I guess maybe I stand a chance cos I fucked you," she gave a little shrug. "Now I've really got to go. Come on Rocks, she looks slightly orgasm drunk...lead her out would ya?" Jennie watched as Jisoo ruffled the dogs ears again, something he normally hated but seemed to adore when the vet was doing it. He then lumbered to his feet and followed Jisoo out of the front door. Jennie slowly followed, her body still tingling.

"See ya," Jisoo turned abruptly once they were through the garden and pressed a kiss to her cheek, then headed to a bike, big and badass looking, before pulling on a helmet and straddling the beast. The whole image caused a pleasant swoop and small whimper of frustration because it had happened but not how she'd imagined. Jisoo raised her hand and then pulled away.

"Well fuck," she grumbled.


© Tabithacraft

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Short story ⚠🔞⚢👭 Jensoo converted Original story by ©Devje
146K 2K 24
in which Lisa and Jennie run into each other and try to make it work again. SEQUEL TO SEND NUDES