The Huge Magical Snake Problem

By MorningStar137

119K 4.2K 1.6K

Harry Potter is having an absolutely brilliant summer at the Dursley's - as usual. His aunt and uncle seemed... More

The Huge Magical Snake Problem
Attack on the Wolf
The Huge Magical Snake
The Potions Master
Diagon Alley
The Dungeons
Redeemed Part 1
Redeemed Part 2
Cursed Ring
The Truth
The Haven
Chamber of Secrets
The Lifted Curse

Eye of the Storm

6.7K 222 81
By MorningStar137

Snape almost looked...


He looked deep in thought. Loath to break the silence, Harry slipped out of the room... his room, to get his things. He picked up his trunk, piling his purchases on top of it. He staggered back down the hallway under the weight of the items in his arms. Snape was still standing in the doorway, looking lost. Wow, Harry never thought he'd see the day when he silenced the potions professor.

Nagini spoke up. "What isss wrong with Ssssevere-Sssstern now?" she asked.

"I have no idea," Harry replied. "It might have been ssssomething I ssssaid." Harry was getting more and more accustomed to speaking in parseltongue. He might not even have to look at a snake to speak it anymore! He placed his things on his bed. He sorted through his new school supplies and his clothes. He put the things for school in his trunk. He took out his wand, solely because he might need it.

He stuck it in his back pocket, and set to folding his new robes. He now officially owned no muggle clothes. He folded his trousers and shirts, and put them in the top two drawers on his dresser. He hung up his robes and cloaks in his closet. He had left two items of clothing out- a pair of trousers and a top to put on.

He glanced at the door, looking to see if Snape was still there. The professor was nowhere in sight. He walked over and closed it. He still had some shreds of his dignity left, and he was determined to keep them.

He took off the cloak and shivered. How anyone managed to live here was beyond him. He quickly slid on the shirt and buttoned the dark green fabric up. He stepped out of his trousers, goose bumps popping up everywhere from the cold. He quickly stepped into the black trousers he had gotten earlier, and buttoned them up. It was great having clothes that actually fit him.

He was still a bit cold, so he put his black cloak back over his shoulders. He warmed up almost instantly. There must have been a warming charm on it. Harry placed the trunk under his bed.

He walked back out of the room to where Nagini was lounging on the couch. Well, as best as she could. She was half draped across the floor, thanks to her length. Snape was nowhere in sight.

"Do you know where Sssssevere-Ssssstern went to?" Harry asked her. She lazily raised her head.

"Yessssss. Over there." She lifted up the end of her tail and pointed over to the hallway Harry had just came out of.

"Yeah, I know that, but did he come out of that hallway?" he asked. Nagini shook her head.

"No... but he did go into another room."

Aaah, so that must be his personal room. Harry didn't dare go in there. Forget about the consequences of not drinking his potion, if he went in there, he was sure to die a horrible, slow, and gruesome death.

Suddenly tired, he leaned back against his serpent, and fell asleep.


Severus rubbed his head. That show of thankfulness that Potter had shown had temporarily broken down his barriers. Luckily, there had been no legilimency masters around, other than himself.

That little bit of emotion that had wormed its way past his walls had made him rethink his attitude about the youngest Potter. Severus had seen him over the past day, and, in fact, he was nothing like the arrogant, egotistical brat he had thought him to be. Instead, he had seen the quiet, respectable fifteen-year-old that his colleagues had spoken so fondly of.

But, it might be an act. Severus, his mind said, why must you doubt him so much? Severus briefly wondered if he had a split personality.

He mentally sighed. He didn't want Potter to get lost, get cursed, get blown up, or do something forbidden, solely because Severus didn't want to be responsible for his death.

He walked out of his rooms, straightening his robes and his back. He walked up the hallway, looking into Potter's room. He wasn't there, but everything was organized. He was in the middle of putting things away when he left to his rooms. He turned away from the door, and went to the living room. Sure enough, Severus found him there, resting on his snake, with her head on top of his.

There was one problem, though. Potter was shifting around in his sleep, restlessly. Instead of the serene face of the sleeping, his features were scrunched up, as if he was in pain.

More alarmed than he ought to be, Severus walked over and shook his shoulder. Potter gasped out, eyes opening abruptly. Potter sat up, startling him. He backed up, staring at him.

"What was that?" Severus said lowly.

Potter swung his legs over the side of the couch, not answering his question. Angered, Severus stood in front of him, not allowing him to get up. "What was that?" he repeated dangerously.

Potter swallowed. "A dream... can you please move? I need to get something..." he trailed off as he saw Severus' thunderous face.

"Have you not been clearing your mind since you have known about my certain... position? Of course you haven't. What if the Dark Lord had seen? Imbecile!" he raged. His temper stuttered when he saw Potter shrink away from his raised voice.

By that time, Nagini had been fully woken up. She shot up immediately, hissing something at Potter. He hissed something back, and the snake glared at Severus. Did the boy tell her to attack? He backed up warily. He'd seen firsthand how her venom had killed people. It stopped your blood from clotting around the wound, eventually making you bleed out if she hadn't eaten you whole yet.

Obviously, Potter had told her to back off, because she spat and curled up tightly, as if she was sulking. He stood up and speed-walked stiffly toward his rooms, the serpent following him. Severus wondered what he was doing. He went just as quickly as Potter did, and stopped as he saw him, seated on his bed, scribbling something down. He was shivering uncontrollably, and Nagini was curled around him protectively, whispering something in his ear.

He marched over, planning to give Potter the rebuking of his lifetime when he stopped dead. He caught a few words that he was scrawling down.

Voldemort. Planning. Number 4 Privet Drive.

What in Merlin's name did that mean? Was it his dream?

Potter breathed out a sigh. He placed the parchment down to the side, and laid down. He shivered again, and the snake curled up further around him. She eyed Severus as he picked up the discarded piece of paper.

This is what it read: July 12, 1996. Voldemort still furious over loss of Nagini. Planning to attack Number 4 Privet Drive, all D.E. force. Blood wards fallen. Suspects a spy in ranks, must warn Snape.

The boy was actually thinking of warning him of the Dark Lord's suspicion? Of course, Severus already knew that he was doubting the loyalty of his inner circle, but he had no reason to accuse the potions master of treason. He had been very careful about what information he had let him know, and even then, his occlumency walls had remained firm and placid. Placid, meaning that he used the image of water to mask his thoughts. Now that he thought about it with a slightly less biased mind, he probably could have taught Potter better the year before.

Wait, Potter!

He hadn't moved from where he had collapsed down onto the bed. He didn't want him to have another dream while he was sleeping. Not only that, it was very unnatural for anyone to just pass out like that.

Unlike when Severus had seen him earlier, Potter was still. His face was pale with blotchy red spots on his cheeks and sweaty. The snake's tongue was flicking out worriedly at him. Severus cast a spell, waving his wand over him. 38.9°C, 102.02°F, it read. Potter had a fever. Just wonderful.

He walked out of the room and went into his potions lab. He snatched up a phial of fever reducer potion, and went back to Potter. Ignoring the warning hisses from the blasted snake, he pried the boy's mouth open and poured it down his throat. Almost immediately, you could see the effects of the potion. His face turned to a much more normal color, and his breathing, which had sounded restricted earlier, had levelled out.

Potter took in a sharp breath, and his eyes shot open. He struggled to sit up, but Nagini's weight hindered him. The serpent quickly unwound herself from him, and he got up. Potter, no longer shivering, stared at Severus. What was the boy thinking now?


Did Snape just... he stopped his line of thoughts. It wouldn't have been the first time the professor had healed him. He tore his eyes away from Snape's, and they rested on the piece of parchment that he had strewn to the side. Did Snape read it? He looked back at the towering man. He looked angry.

Harry remembered how he had not felt the cruciatus curse when Nagini was wrapped around him. For some reason, he had felt it that time. Some unfortunate Death Eater of a lower rank had experienced Voldemort's wrath. Maybe he was only protected by the serpent when she completely wound herself around him.

"Potter, we need to talk." Uh, oh, that never meant anything well. Snape swept out of his room, dramatic as ever.

Harry beckoned Nagini to follow him into the living room. Snape was sitting on the couch, fingers steepled under his chin. What a sight to see. "What is it?" Harry asked, trying not to sound sullen. Like Snape needed a reason to get mad at him. But, maybe with Nagini around, he wouldn't be as horrible as usual.

He stood in front of Snape, nervous. Nagini rose up beside him, yellow eyes flashing. Obviously, she still didn't trust him.

Snape raised his head from his fingers. "I will be needing to teach you occlumency."

Of all the things Harry was expecting, that wasn't one of them. "What?!" he yelled. Nagini, agitated, looked up at him as if to say, 'Are you okay?' Harry nodded at her.

The potions professor looked slightly peeved. "Yes." He seemed to be choking on the next words to come out of his mouth. "I... understand that my... previous instruction may not have been... satisfactory. I am willing to teach you again, if you do not wish to experience these dreams." Harry immediately declined the offer with a hastily shook head. Snape then looked truly angry. "Do you want my cover to be blown?" he hissed at Harry.

"No, sir," Harry responded quickly. He truly believed no one deserved such a fate as that.

"Then you will be taking occlumency lessons with me. I don't care," he said as Harry started to object, "that you may find it... unpleasant. It is necessary, however."

Harry pursed his lips in a sigh. "Fine." He looked at the kitchen, which was behind the couch. "When do we start?"

"Now would be preferable." Harry froze up, trying not to start panicking. Come on, he had survived Umbridge's class, he could definitely do this. With that thought bolstering him, he took a deep breath and walked closer. "Sit." Snape pointed at the cushion next to him. Harry licked his lips and sat.

"What now?" he asked. He wondered if Snape would start shooting legilimens at him again.

He responded by closing his eyes and saying, as if strangled, "You have to trust me for this part." Harry's head shot towards him, stunned.

Trust him? "Erm," he cleared his throat. "I guess I could trust you... I mean, you have sort of healed me over the past day, and all."

Snape seemed to take that as an acceptable answer. He opened his eyes, and held his hands out. He hesitated. "Tell your snake to not kill me."

Harry nodded, and turned to look at Nagini, who was still on the floor, head level with Harry's. "Nagini," Harry said. "I have a feeling that Ssssnape isssss about to do sssssomething weird, ssssso don't bite him, or anything." Nagini nodded and backed away.

Snape then turned on the sofa, facing Harry, legs crossed. "Turn to look at me," he said awkwardly. To think that the professor could do anything awkward was almost beyond him, but he mirrored Snape's position obediently.

What Snape did next was baffling. He took a deep breath and held it in like he was sensing a bad smell. He said, "Close your eyes," and placed his fingers on Harry's temples. He managed not to jump, but wow. Those fingers were freezing! Harry closed his eyes.

Unlike the typical darkness that greeted him when he closed his eyes, he saw sparks zooming past, as if he were moving through space at a super fast speed.

That is imbecilic, a voice echoed in his head.

What? Snape? he thought.

Professor Snape, Potter, the voice rebuked. I have gained entry into your mind. Can you sense me with that impossibly big head of yours?

Harry probed in his mind, and sure enough, he found the mind that was Snape's- no, Professor Snape's. I doubt you actually think I have a big head, given what you've seen today, Harry retorted.

Silence. Finally, Can you attempt to push me out? I am getting a migraine from all of these pointless thoughts being tossed around.

Harry suddenly was angry. Why don't you get yourself out? he grumbled as he slammed against Snape's presence as hard as he could. He didn't budge. Harry wasn't surprised. It obviously wasn't chance that the man was called a master of his art.

The next few minutes were filled with Harry determinedly trying to dislocate the professor, and failing. He had tried slamming into him, tripping him, pushing him, and all sorts of other things. Harry grew more and more frustrated.

Finally, Snape said, or rather thought, That is enough. He abruptly pulled out of his mind, leaving his eyes black with darkness. Harry opened them, and Snape was standing up, about to go into full lecture mode.

"You have seen how difficult it is for you to push out a legilimens out of your mind once he or she is already inside." Harry nodded, and Snape continued. "It takes a master occlumens to be able to do that. Therefore, it is vital for you to know how to keep them out."

Harry wondered why he hadn't done this last year. Then again, if the potions master had put his hands anywhere near his head even a few months ago, he would have attempted to curse him into oblivion, professor or not.

Harry nodded, saying, "How do you do that?" He was actually making an effort to be civil to the man. The world was officially turned on its head.

Snape started pacing. "It is slightly different for everyone. For me, I shield my mind in a lake of dark water. For you, it might be a fire, clouds, a forest, earth, or anything else. I know someone who, instead of placid waters, has a raging ocean protecting him." He glanced at Harry, to see if he was taking all of this in.

Harry was, but he had one question. "How do you find what this shield is for yourself?"

"It is a matter of meditation and mental control. If you do not have either, you will be having a hard time mastering occlumency." He stopped right in front of Harry. "Any questions?" he seemed to choke out.

He actually did have one. "How do you meditate?"

Snape seemed to refrain from rolling his eyes. "How do you not know how to meditate?" he grumbled under his breath. He sighed. "You need to find a focal point. This could be a breath, a flame, a chant, whatever suits you. This allows you to concentrate on what your 'shield' could be." Harry nodded to show that he understood. "Do not concentrate on controlling your breathing, just do it naturally. Attempt to do this for three minutes, then we'll go from there."

Harry said, "Okay." He closed his eyes, trusting the professor not to do anything. He sat there on the couch, trying to find a focal point. He tried focusing on his breathing, but he wasn't able to concentrate on that. He then opened his eyes and stared into the flames that were in the hearth in front of him. He watched the dancing fire, directing his mental abilities there.

Thankfully, that was a success, and he gazed into the flames, noting how the fire jumped up and twirled around... like... like a snake. A snake! He held onto that image, and the fiery bands in the fireplace soon solidified into a dark green mass. The mass thickened and largened, and yellow eyes flashed in his mind. Wait. Harry recognized those eyes! They were Nagini's.

Could it be possible for an animal to guard a mind?

He had just thought of that idea when Snape suddenly said, "It has been three minutes." Harry jumped, head whipping toward him. Snape smirked, and said, "Given from your meditation point, I'm guessing you wish your wall to be fire?" Harry shook his head, and Snape looked annoyed. "Did you not find what your shield would be?" he asked, peeved.

"No, no, it's not that. I just have a different idea."

Snape raised an eyebrow. "Oh, really?" he asked. "Do tell."

"Erm..." Snape twisted his wrist, in a motion asking him to go on. "Is it possible... perhaps... to shield your mind... with a creature?" he asked.


Severus tried not to look surprised. He had honestly not thought of that before, and he considered himself to be a master of both occlumency and legilimency. "I suppose that would be possible," he said. "But I suspect it would be much more difficult to manage than a natural formation."

The boy shrugged and nodded. "Yeah, I guess."

Severus ignored the blatant disregard of respect thrown his way. "What animal did you have in mind?" he asked, curious.

"Well..." Potter hesitated, for some unknown reason. "I was looking into the fire, and I noticed how the flames looked like snakes, and that progressed into me thinking of Nagini, coiled around me. Well, you don't know this, but she likes to wrap herself around my entire body." The next thing he said was so quiet, Severus almost didn't hear him. "It makes me feel safe."

He remembered how, when he had seen him at the Dursleys', he had been entirely enveloped by the serpent. Severus could see how that would make him feel... protected.

"We will attempt this shield. Who knows, it might work." Severus sat down again gracefully. "Close your eyes again, Potter."

"Harry," the boy said suddenly.

"Pardon?" Severus asked, confused.

"Harry... call me Harry. We'll be stuck here for the near future, so you might as well call me by my first name, professor."

Severus thought for a second. You have to admit, he isn't what you originally thought him to be. He isn't his mother... but he isn't his father, either. Give him a chance. "Very well, Harry." The name felt strange on his tongue. He made an uncharacteristically split second decision. "You may call me Severus in private, for that matter." He internally cringed. Why had he done that, again? (A/N: It's because the author of this story is evil... hehehe...)

Pott- no. Harry blinked, surprised. "Errr, okay, erm, S-Se-everus," he stammered. Severus held in a sigh, and breathed out slowly. Now would not be a good time to lose his famous temper.

"Harry. I need you to close your eyes." Flustered, he complied. "Now I want you to think of Nagini. Let her envelop your mind, guarding it." Severus watched as he frowned in concentration. Suddenly, his face relaxed and he and a faint smile graced his features. Severus reached out and replaced his fingers on Harry's temples, entering his mind to see his progress.

He saw, instead of the black, starry place that was Harry's mind, the large, coiling snake winding itself repeatedly around his presence. Severus couldn't help but sit back on his mental heels in astonishment. He had expected gaping holes to be in his defences, but his shield was as solid and firm as someone who had been practicing occlumency for years.

Severus poked around the edges of his mind, testing to see if the barriers were as strong as they seemed. Sure enough, as soon as he had touched the boy's mental defences, the image of Nagini lashed out, and Severus jumped away just in time as her jaws snapped shut where he used to be. Wow, that was close.

Severus pulled out of Harry's mind. He tried not to think of how proficient he might have been by now if he had taught him correctly in the first place. Harry, sensing Severus' departure from his mind, opened his eyes and said, "S-Severus? Erm, was that okay?" he asked timidly.

Severus decided to swallow his pride and look him in the eye. "Harry, I think that defence is best for you. I have got to say, I have not seen a shield that strong procured so quickly ever before."

Harry looked stunned. "Really? I was just thinking of how safe I felt..." He looked like he wanted to say more, but was thinking otherwise.

"Spit it out, Po- Harry," Severus said.

Harry blinked. "Oh... well, I was just wondering what you meant by saying 'clear your mind' last year," he said, using air quotes.

It was Severus' turn to not have anything to say. He thought about the answer for a few seconds. "Hmmm... for most people, they have to clear their mind of emotions to gain a sufficient shield. You, on the other hand, used the strong emotions you are known for to guard you."

Harry nodded. "That makes sense."

"However strong your shield is, it will be useless if you have to close your eyes and leave yourself physically defenceless. To practice, I need you to occlude during everyday tasks. During meals, while reading, and even while asleep."

Harry looked bewildered. "How am I supposed to do that?" he asked.

Severus was actually pleased that he asked that question. "You have to practice being able to use your shield, making it look like you are not." Harry nodded, gaze drifting to Nagini, who was still on the floor, looking at them intently.

Harry hissed at the serpent, and it spoke back. Severus found it faintly irritating that he could not understand what they were saying. A minute or two passed, and Severus cleared his throat. He jumped in surprise, and looked over at him. "Yes, sir?" he asked politely.

"Is there anything else you would like to ask on the subject of occlumency?"

Harry shook his head.

"If that is all, I will tell you the rules that you have to follow when you are in my care." Severus waited to see the nod of his head. "Rule number one: You may leave my quarters whenever you desire, however do not get yourself into any of the heroics you are infamous for. Rule number two: You may call me Severus, but only when we are in private. I still am a spy. Rule number three: You are not allowed in my room, unless it is a life-or-death scenario. You do not have a curfew, but you need to be able to get out of bed and function properly by 8:30 in the morning. You can also do magic inside the castle. The wards, and just the sheer amount of magic in this building, block you from The Trace."

"Okay, I understand," Harry said when Severus had finished. Suddenly, they heard a tapping at the door to the hallway. All three heads whipped over to look at the back of the portrait. Severus raised his eyebrows. Usually people didn't come down to the dungeons often.

Severus swept up and went to the doorway. He silently opened it, and a white blur zoomed past him as he stepped aside instinctually. His eyes widened fractionally from surprise as the blur rested itself on Harry's shoulder.

"Hedwig!" Harry exclaimed. The blur was, in fact, a beautiful snowy owl with large amber eyes. Severus saw Nagini hiss dangerously and stand up. Things were about to get interesting.


"Hedwig!" Harry said, pleased.

He raised his hand to stroke the top of her head when he heard Nagini hiss, "Army- Leader. Isssss that owl a threat?" and slide up to head level.

Harry quickly allayed her fears. "No, thissss isss my owl, War-Combat." He then noticed a rolled up parchment tied to her leg. Hedwig, sensing this, held out her right leg, waiting for him to untie the letter. He took it, unrolling the parchment.

The short letter said:

Hey, Harry!

Your owl kept poking all of us in the head, and flying towards the window. We thought that she wanted to go to you, mate. I wonder why, though... huh. Well, things have been interesting at the Burrow. I'll tell you once I know that this letter has reached you, if she really wanted to see you.

See you later!


Harry smiled. Nothing could cheer him up like a letter from one of his friends. He distractedly wondered how he'd react to him being under Sna- no, Severus' care, and with Nagini as a familiar. Harry watched as Nagini's eyes narrowed on Hedwig. Oh, no. Were they going to start having a rivalry? He dearly hoped not.

Sn- Severus walked over from his point at the door. It seemed like he had been waiting for the danger with Nagini to pass, and he stood beside where Harry was sitting.

"Do I sense some jealousy?" Severus asked, smirking, looking at the serpent.

"I wouldn't provoke her if I were you," he said. "Even if she doesn't understand you."

He responded by raising an eyebrow and saying, "If you need me, I will be in the potions lab." He swept away with a snap of his cloak. Harry wondered if he always wore heavy teaching robes.

Nagini was still sending glares at Hedwig. Harry chuckled, and said, "Nagini, you shouldn't worry about my owl. Sssseriously, she'ssss no threat whatssssoever."

The serpent blinked and looked away. "That... isss not exactly the problem..." she hissed sadly.

Harry then knew his previous worries weren't unfounded. "Come here," he said, gesturing to himself. Nagini happily complied, wrapping herself around his body. This startled Hedwig from his shoulder, and onto the small table next to the couch. He prepared himself for the speech he was about to give, taking a deep breath. "No matter how clossse I am to War-Combat, it will never, ever compare to my love for you." Yes, it may have been only a few days since their union, but Harry felt as if he had known her all his life. He had a feeling Nagini felt the same, because she squeezed him slightly. "You mean a lot to me, Nagini."

"Thankssss, Army-Leader." Her tongue flicked out to touch the side of his face. "Now, are you going to tell me what exxxxactly wassss happening with you and Sssevere-Sssstern?"

Harry chuckled. Her tongue tickled! Harry started to explain. "Well, I had another dream, assss you already know." The snake nodded. "Ssn... Ssssevere-Sssstern wassss helping me put up shieldssss around my mind to sssstop the dreamssss. And we were sssuccesssssful!"

Nagini looked proud. Harry was getting better and better at guessing her facial expressions. "That'ssss great, Army-Leader! What form did your barriersss take?" she asked.

Harry suddenly felt sheepish. "You, Nagini... you."

The serpent's eyes widened. "Really? That... issss very flattering..." she said, trailing off.

Harry had a question that had been nagging at the back of his head for a while. He stroked the back of her head, making the snake close her eyes like a cat. "Hey, I was wondering. Why did you leave The Forssssaken One when he had done much worsssse thingssss in front of you before?" he asked tentatively. He didn't want to break their friendship from a misplaced word.

Thankfully, she didn't take offense. She gave a long hiss that Harry identified as a pensive sigh. "I guesssss that once I had losssst my brethren, I undersssstood what it wassss like for you humanssss when my previoussss masssster killed with abandon. It wassssn't just the fact that he had broken hisssss promissssse in a ssssspectacular manner, it wasss that I now had empathy for the victimssss of The Forssssaken One."

Harry hummed. "That makessss ssssenssssse." He closed his eyes, envisioning Nagini coiled around not only his body, but his mind. He opened them when he was successfully occluding, sighing contentedly.

Maybe, just maybe, things were going to turn out okay. (A/N: Hehehe...)

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