By Nightingale520

13K 2.4K 1.1K

Ikhlas's life was just like a rollercoaster, one great turn after the other. She had a friend she holds dear... More

Author's Note
1. First Sight ♥️
2. Second Encounter ♥️
3. The Test ♥️
4. The Engagement 💔
5. Broken 💔
6. Final Exams 💔
7. Painful Departure💔
9. The Marriage ♥️
11. A Happy Married life ♥️
12. Disturbed 💔
13. The Return ♥️
15. Reunion❤️💖.
16. Meeting Him💖
17. Khaleel💖
18. Divorce 😱
19. Regret
20. The Agreement 💖
21. Her Choice💔
22. Her Decision♥️
23. Save My Marriage ♥️
24. preparations♥️
25. Wedding ❤️
26. Harmony ♥️
27. Double joy ❤️
28. The Dawn of Trouble♥️
29. Trouble 💔
30. Fighting the Demons 💔
31. Homewrecker 💔
32. Homewrecker 2 💔
33. Scorned 💔
34. A little break 💔
35. Hell 🔥
36. Hell 2 🔥
37. Tragedy 💔
38. Truth 💔
39. Giving up 💔
40. Mending the broken hearts♥️
41. Mending the broken hearts 2 ♥️
42. Mending the broken hearts 3♥️
43. Forgiveness ♥️
44. A Brand New Friendship♥️
45. New York ( The End) ♥️
Author's Note ♥️
New Story Alert ♥️

8. New York♥️

304 67 11
By Nightingale520


I arrived at New York and headed straight to Manhattan University, I went to the Administration Block and handed my Admission letter to the secretary.

"Welcome to Manhattan University Miss Ikhlas, here is your room referral letter, take it to the third office in the next block and collect your room key. This is your weekly schedule and your school guide." She said with a polite smile.

I collected it and thanked her before going to collect the key.

I reached the female hostel and had no idea where to go. I was still wallowing in the thoughts of how to locate my room when a beautiful brunette said "Excuse me Miss you seem lost."

"Yeah My room is in Block B and I have no idea how to locate it, I don't even understand this school guide," I answered my words laced with frustration. 

"Oh great! I am also in Block B what's your room number, I'll take you there."

" Thanks so much my room number is 487," I answered.

"Wow!! That's my room number too, making you my roommate" she squealed.

"My name is Delilah Styles, Radiology department." She said, extending her hand for a hand shake, I took it before introducing myself.

"Wow!! I am Ikhlas Muhammad Radiology department. But first of all, please can you tell me why I am getting these weird stares from people?" I asked.

"What else? You are obviously a muslim hijabii and you look like an African." And I mouthed an "Oohh." Well I am an African, a Nigerian to be precise. It's nice meeting you Miss Delilah."

We entered the room and she showed me my bed, desk and wardrobe. I think we are going to share the bathroom.

"Miss Delilah are you also In your first year?" I asked. "Yeah and you don't have to be formal when you are talking to me." she answered.

I unpacked and arranged all my stuffs before I Skyped My family. After that, I Skyped Haneefah. We talked and chatted, I showed her my room and she also spoke with Delilah. After that we ate Burger and fries with Apple juice that Delilah brought from Burger King and I slept off.


It's really happening, my marriage with Yaya haneef is next week and I am really freaking out.

Most of my mom's family came to Kano from different parts of the country.

Aunty Husnah is my most loved Aunt, she is really awesome and always help me with soothing words of encouragement.

"Haneefah! Haneeeffaahh!!"  She called, stopping my trail of thoughts.

"Yes" I answered. "What are you thinking about?" Aunty Husnah asked.

"Nothing just random stuff" I answered.

"You know you can tell me anything, I'll listen to you." She replied scooting closer to me. 

"Actually aunty", I Started.

"I don't know how to put this but I am really nervous. Yaya Haneef is someone I barely know anything about. His best food, best friend, most liked sport............... I don't even know all these basics and I am expected to spend the rest of my life with him, will he even love me.
Everyone knows his mom hates me.  I....I .. just don't know."

"Calm down Hanny Let me ask you some questions. did anyone force you to marry him?"
" No!" I answered.
"Do you think you can respect and care for him as your husband?"
" Yes!" I answered.
"Do you think you can be patient and cope with any behavior of his?"
" Yes!" I answered.

"Then we have nothing to worry about, I understand all what you are going through Hanny with the engagement and wedding preparations, I know and I empathise with you. I was once in your shoes you know, in my own case I was forced because I already had someone. Baba forced me to marry someone I never knew. But you know what hanny, I accepted my fate, embraced my husband and I realized he was actually the best for me.

So I urge you to do the same, don't fret too much about it, enjoy the moment and let the future unfold it's secrets." She said rubbing soothing circles on my back. 

"Thank you very much Aunty Husnah I really appreciate this cos it gave me the courage I was lacking, and I promise you that I will try my best to be a very good wife, sister and friend to him." I replied feeling a whole lot better. 

"Awwwnnnn....... That's my baby." I heard which startled me.

"Mom!! Were you evesdropping?" I asked.

"No I was only listening, When you knew that you wanted to discuss a top secret why didn't you close your door?" She replied.

"Oh right!! Haj. Khadeejah Mai gyaran jiki is here and she will be the one to help out with your wedding henna, I am going to send her in so get ready," she added.

I Facetimed Ikhlas, we chatted and joked with Delilah before I got ready and sent for Haj. Khadeejah


"Nurr! Do you think hannefah might call off the wedding?" I asked Nurudeen my friend.

"Chill Man! Nothing like that is gonna happen. And besides please where is the haneef I knew? Because I Definitely do not like this nervous wreck." He answered chuckling a bit.

"Are you calling me a nervous wreck? Are you okay Nurr? This is a life partner we are talking about and you want me not to feel uneasy about it?

Honestly I was okay with it but I started having this feeling the moment She fainted when she knew I was the person engaged to her. There is more to this Nurr and I need to find out.

She really is a nice person and she will make a good wife but the problem is my mom refused to talk to me ever since I agreed to this marriage, and my parents are having problems. This is tough man." I ranted to him. I have been feeling so miserable since when this engagement issue started things have been so much confusing and am not even sure if I'll make a good husband. 

"All I have to tell you is be patient, and allow Allah to design your life. if marrying her is your fate then you definitely can't escape it. About your parents I am sure they are going to mend their relationship so you have nothing to worry about" He Answered and I felt better.

Yeah we should always play our part well and allow the creator of all things decide the next path we are going to take.

"Do you think I should at least get her a gift since we are close to the departmental store? I am going to go see her tonight." I asked him, unsure if I should or shouldn't.

"Yes!! That's a good idea" he answered.
I entered the store bought the gift and it was packaged in a very beautiful goodie bag.

"What did you buy?" Nurr asked. "It's a secret" I answered.

I reached Haneefah's home after Isha and I called her to inform her of my arrival. She came looking beautiful as usual but exhausted, we chatted a bit and I stood up to leave before remembering the gift.

"Thank you Yaya" she said unwrapping the gift, revealing a bracelet. Masha Allah!! This is pretty she said and tried it on. It looked perfect on ner wrist. She thanked me before we wished eachother a good night and parted ways.


"Hey man what are you thinking about?" Nurr asked.

"Nurr didn't you notice something odd about me these days?" I asked.
What is happening?

"I think I talk more than usual, I smile when I am with her and I talk to her more often now."  I answered.

"Ahem Ahem... ladies and gentlemen please put your hands together for the lover boy Haneeeefff." He said clapping and laughing.

"Cut it out man it doesn't suit me. I can't possibly be a lover boy that is too early" I answered.

You can't say Mr haneef, not So soon.

Author's Note ❤️

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