Wrong Number

By Mendedships

10.3K 449 417

An innocent mistyping of a number leads to a slew of scandals and controversies but just because he's famous... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34

Chapter 22

230 13 3
By Mendedships

The diner was close to being empty, one of the reasons they had picked it. The only problem was that it was just outside the mall. Thankfully the only part connecting the two was the hall containing the bathroom. Mina's crutch rested against the outside of the booth. After much prodding and threats of screaming that she had been kidnapped, she finally managed to get the two men to sit across from her, not crushing her.

"So how have you been?" Tae asked casually. From the way his head tilted to the slight narrowing of his eyes, she assumed the question was anything but casual. She contemplated lying for a moment.

"Honestly," he added.

She sighed heavily. "I've been better. I felt so guilty that I got Jungkook in trouble and then he just stopped talking to me but Sunny started coming around. I feel horrible, but I almost felt like it was worth it, you know? Like a trade-off. But after today, I think I was right with assuming why she was initially coming back around." Mina slumped in her seat. The stupid cast was hot and itchy. Not to mention that it was a constant reminder of what she had considered one of her most embarrassing days.

"His phone was taken away," Jimin said. He stated it simply like it wasn't going to affect how she had perceived the last couple weeks.

"Oh," Mina said.

"And then we went on a break to let the scandal die down. We were all sent home or off to do our own thing. He's supposed to be getting his phone back today. Weird how he was basically grounded even though he's an adult," Tae added with a laugh. At least that answered the unexpected tan. He looked up from his milkshake to make eye contact with her. "And we were told specifically not to contact you. I'm sorry about that."

Mina nodded her head but kept her focus on her ice cream. She didn't want to say anything to further spoil the mood.

Tae's hand slid across the table to nudge hers. "He asked about you. The moment we got back. He asked if either of us had talked to you. Kept going on and on about how sorry he was and how you must have felt abandoned."

That was what finally got her to look up. She looked from Tae to Jimin for confirmation, which he readily gave. His hair bounced with how quickly he nodded his head. "Wouldn't shut up the entire drive over to your dorm. It was his idea to surprise you."

The corner of her lips twitched up into a smile. He had missed her that much? And she had thrown him out. "I should have at least heard him out, huh?" she asked.

Jimin stood up from his seat and stretched. "I'm sure you'll get the chance. But if you guys will excuse me, I have to pop over to the restroom. I shouldn't have drunk that milkshake so fast."

Tae cocked his head to the side at her the moment Jimin walked away. "You've been quiet. I can't say quieter than usual since we've only met face to face once, but you haven't said much. I know it has to be a lot to process, but I'm here if you want to talk about it. Jimin and I both are. We're pretty great listeners."

His eyes looked soft and his expression reminded her of her little brother. It was the same way he looked at her whenever she had been ignored by Sunny in the past. Only it wasn't just Sunny this time. She was utterly torn between her feelings for Sunny and those developing towards Jungkook. And then what she had perceived to be a total betrayal.

Tae's phone buzzed once. Twice. Three times. He rolled his eyes as he dug it out of his pocket. His expression slipped from concerned to horrified. He scrambled up from his chair hastily. A twenty-dollar bill was dropped on the table that more than covered their ice cream. "We have to go. Now. How fast can you move on that thing?" He eyed the crutch but shook his head. "Just gonna have to trust me."

For the second time that day Mina wasn't able to protest before Tae moved. He scooped her up effortlessly and adjusted her so that he had her with one arm and her crutch in the other hand. "Hold on." That was the only warning she got. He was sprinting out the door towards a dark car. The door slammed shut behind them just in time for her to look up and see Jimin running towards the car. His mask was back on but his eyes were frantic. Behind him, a crowd of girls ran with their phones out. She could hear shouts of his name. Tae crowded her over to the far side and held a hand out for her to stay put as he threw the door open for Jimin.

"What the hell?" she asked. The girls were pushing each other to get closer to the dark tinted windows.

"Got spotted coming out of the bathroom," Jimin answered. His voice was breathy. "Mobs form pretty quick."

"So where are we going?" she asked again.

"Home until this dies down," Tae said. "Hope you're ready to meet the guys."

Mina slumped back against her seat. Was she ready to meet all of them? It didn't seem like she had much of a choice as the car started forward. The crowd screamed behind them as they drove quickly through the city. Buildings passed left and right. Her head rested against the car window. The sun had begun to go down and street lights flicked by.

The men beside her carried on an easy conversation about how well they had escaped getting caught with a girl, their laughing and joking was background noise to her own concerns. Ready or not... the car began to slow down as it pulled into a long driveway.


Back with a vengeance! Let's get it.

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