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By milevenn_

15.4K 435 280

two best friends who have stuck together their entire lives know that they're going to be together forever, i... More

𝘡𝘸𝘦𝘯𝘡𝘺 𝘧𝘰𝘢𝘳


1.3K 47 82
By milevenn_

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Through our early teen years, I didn't spend as much time with Finn as I usually do. His schedule was packed with filming and award shows and press tours, which meant he would only be home every few weeks. Each time I saw him, he looked a year older. Finn's fast glow up made our friendship easier when he had finally "caught up" to me. 

I know it sounds bad, but it was kind of weird to the same height as my best guy friend for the first thirteen years of my life. I was an early bloomer so I stopped growing at the age of fourteen, plateauing at the miniature height of 5'2. By fourteen, Finn was finally taller than me for the first time in our lives rather than the same height, and he was finally kind of hot, which I would always annoy him about. 

"Finn, I can't believe you're a teen heartthrob. Any girl would be lucky to have to honor of playing Eleven on stranger things just so she can kiss you. I know my ovaries would just explode if I could touch your majestic black curls and perfect freckled skin. PLEASE DATE ME FINN I LOVE YOU COME TO BRASIL SO WE CAN GET MARRIED"

"Shut up, Sky," he nudged me through his laughter.

"Come on, it's funny."


But with his new fame brought some cool new opportunities that he would let me be a part of sometimes. This one time, him and his friend Josh wrote a music video for this band called Spendtime Palace. Finn asked me to come down to LA with him to film the video since he needed a girl to play the love interest. 

When he told me there was a kiss in the video, I was a little nervous. Sure, I had kissed him a couple of times before, but nothing more than a peck on the lips in kindergarten and a dare during a night with the cast of It the summer before. The video actually went really well, and kiss really wasn't that awkward, I actually kinda liked it. His fans loved it, which made them love me more.

Another hint that made the dating rumors begin was our new band. Finn had been a part of a charity event that year where he needed to put a band together to perform, which birthed Calpurnia. Our four-person band was lead by Finn and included Malcolm as our drummer, Jack on bass, and myself on guitar. My best female friend Ayla is an amazing guitarist, so she helped me get really good in my young teen years. Turns out, we made a good group, so we were now an official band.

Fans knew that we were best friends, but began conspiring that we were dating around July that summer when the music video got released and there were clips of us cuddling in the makeup trailer and running around holding hands in the music video behind the scenes. They did make us look kind of romantic, but it was nothing more than our usual friendship. The more I looked into his fan accounts, the more I began to question my relationship with Finn. 

Of course, Finn and I talked about it. We had both commented on Instagram posts that we weren't dating, but fans ignored us and proceeded to make ship accounts and fanfictions about us.

So that takes us to July of 2017, up in the streaming room at the Wolfhard residence. I was a recurring guest in Nick and Finn's twitch streams since I was always around.

Finn was reading comments from the viewers. He squinted as he read, "is Sky your relative or friend or girlfriend? She's none of those, she's my best friend."

"Finn and I have been best friends for over 14 years. We're kind of like brother and sister but not," I explained.

My best friend shrugged, "We kind of are, but we probably get along better than most siblings do."

Nick chimed into the conversation, "Yeah, Sky's closer with Finn than I am. Like Finn loves her more than his own brother" Finn and I laughed it off, but a young, immature Nick continued with his case, "no really, I think Finn loves Sky more than his actual family, like even our parents"

"Yeah no offense to anybody but I love Sky more than anybody else in the world, but not in that way. It's like in the most, uh-"

"Platonic," I gave him.

"That's the word," he laughed, "in the most platonic way possible."

"Yeah, these two are really really close. Like I think I see a platonic marriage in their future," Nick said, making air quotes with his fingers whilst saying the p-word.

Finn and I's moods instantly dropped by twenty-five percent. "Yeah dude that's not going to happen," Finn scolded.

"Oh because of how platonic you guys are?"

"I don't know if you're trying to be sarcastic right now," I said to Nick, in a harsh tone.

"No yeah, I get it you guys don't have any feelings for each other... yet," Nick said.

I turned to Finn at the same time he turned to me, and we both nodded "no" at the same time.

"and we never will," Finn clarified, "It's just a thing that doesn't need to happen."

I added, "and it's not happening because we just don't like each other like that."

Nick argued back, "but you guys seem like a couple. Like you guys cuddle each other and stuff like that."

"You're allowed to cuddle someone who you're not romantically interested in. And we're both too young to date."

"It's like cuddling with your dog," Finn added, making us both laugh. "Sorry sky."

"It's fine," I laughed. "We've just been best friends our whole lives, so it's not weird that we're really close."

"Yeah, the worst part is that I'm always traveling though," Finn said as he yawned and ran his fingers through his short curls.

"Sky, sometimes I feel like you should just come with us when Finn's filming," Nick told me.

"I have to go to school though," I responded.

"Well... Finn doesn't go to school."

I sighed, "It would be really great if I could do that but my parents would never let me."

Finn chimed in, "and we just FaceTime anyways."

There was a moment of silence before Nick spoke again. "Have you guys ever kissed?"

Finn gave him a glare. "Well, yeah," he scoffed.

"But other than for the music video."

I sighed as I mentally face-palmed myself. "I feel like if we say yes then you're gonna be an ass about it."

"So it's a yes?" Nick raised his brows.

"Yeah but we've still only kissed twice if you include the music video," Finn lied.

Nick's face brightened since he was clearly a Fly shipper. That's right, our fans named our ship "Fly ". "Wait what? when and how-"

"We were in kindergarten and both wanted to know what kissing felt like," I laughed as I told Nick and the stream.

"What if one of you guys fell in love with someone else and got married. Like you guys are gonna live with each other when you're adults anyway so wouldn't it just ruin your lives if one of you fell in love?" Nick asked.

Finn and I both said "uh" simultaneously. 

He sighed, beginning to become uncomfortable with his brother's teasing, "I think we're too young to be worrying about this. Is the stream still on?"

"No it's over," Nick lied, which he later told us was an accident, "and I'm talking hypothetically."

"I honestly don't see either of us getting married in the future. Finns really bad at girls and I don't have the effort for that kind of commitment," I said, trying to find a good way to make a statement and move past the topic.

Finn agreed, "true."

"I see us both just worrying about our careers for most of our lives, having a few dogs, and never having kids or getting married because that's annoying," I continued.

"But why can't you guys have a platonic marriage?" Nick offered.

"That's not even a thing," Finn clapped back, "I don't think so at least."

Nick was having too much fun messing with the fourteen-year-olds. "Well if both of you guys are never going to ever have a romantic relationship with anybody..."

"I don't have to get married," Finn said.

"...but you want kids," the older brother smirked.

"We're not saying that I'm never gonna have a significant other and Finn's never gonna get a girlfriend, or that neither of us will have kids. I just can't imagine it happening in the foreseeable future based on the people we are now," I explained. I was a pretty well-spoken kid.

"Yeah and I don't think I need a girlfriend," Finn added. "I'm just too busy and I don't want a significant other at the moment and I really don't need one."

Nick nodded in agreement, "but like are you both just going to die virgins-"

"Shut up," I laughed.

"Oh god, I'm sorry Sky," Finn said, embarrassment basically written on his forehead.

"but like seriously, if you guys aren't gonna smash each other when you're older then what are you gonna do?" Nick continued to be immature.

"Nick, this isn't something we have to think about," I told him.

"Dude, we don't have to have any of this shit figured out," Finn agreed.


"And those are the facts," Finn nodded.

"And those are the facts," I echoed.

"So this conversation is going nowhere?" Nick says, and by the way, he was playing a video game the ENTIRE time this conversation went down.

"Basically, and if you weren't my brother then it would've been creepy," Finn told him.

"And the stream got to be in on this too," Nick said, lying. "Shit, I'm sorry I thought I turned it off."

"We're still live?" Finn asked, desperately.


I was mad, "Nick, you told us-"

"It doesn't matter-"

Then Finn flipped out, "Well I mean it kind of does. I just basically told the internet every detail about my personal life-"

Nick stayed calm, "Finn, it's okay. I think all of your fans should be in on every single detail of your undying platonic love."

"Okay shut up Nick," I snapped at my non-biological big bro.

"Yeah, I'm tired," Finn said as he got up.

"We're leaving now," I said, starting to follow him out of the room.

"Are you guys gonna cuddle on the sofa now?" Nick teased.

I glanced at Finn, who responded with, "actually, we're going to Sky's place, to go watch a movie and not touch each other on her sofa," he said aggressively before leaving.

I leaned onto the doorframe and mouther, "you're an asshole," to Nick before leaving him alone with the stream.

The older boy sighed before pausing his game to talk to his viewers, "Just so the people watching the stream know, that was just me teasing them. I'm allowed to do that because I'm Finn's brother and Sky is basically my little sister, well I should've turned off the stream but just so uhh, Finn's fans know. All the dating rumors are wrong. They are actually just best friends. I was teasing them way too much. Although they seem like an old married couple they're really not in any romantic relationship whatsoever. So I think that Finn's fans need to learn to leave them alone about their friendship. Two people of the opposite gender are allowed to be best friends, especially if they're kids. Just sayin'. We're best family friends with Sky's family, so they were born into their friendship and they just get along so well so that's why they're so close. You know, they took baths together when they were babies and shit like that, they're basically siblings. I feel like that's just something Finn's fans need to think about before they start "shipping" them."

This section of the stream was uploaded to YouTube in a five-minute video, titled "Finn Wolfhard and Sky McCloud talk about their "platonic" relationship".  The comments were filled with comments about how either nick was an asshole or how we "obviously liked each other more than we were willing to admit" or were secretly dating

Fans reuploaded it to Instagram and all shared their opinions, many of which were that we would make a cute couple and how we must be dating since we kissed each other and cuddle, but also many fans agreed with what Nick said.

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The next morning after falling asleep (not touching) on my sofa, Finn and I were super mad at Finn. We had band practice that day, and I came down to the basement while Finn was upstairs showering.

"Dude, it's so obvious he likes her as more than a friend," I heard Jack say as I stood at the top of the stairs. Unknown to him and Malcolm, I was eavesdropping on their conversation.

"Remember last month?" Malcolm said.

"He literally got a boner while we were talking about Sky and the way he acted when we teased him for it?" Jack added.

"The boy is so in love with her, it hurts me," Malcolm laughed.

That's when I walked down the stairs. "Guys, what?" I asked, staring at them blankly.

"Nothing," Jack says.

"No, I heard you guys. You actually think that?" I said, my face felt hot as well. 

It took some convincing, but my bandmates explained to me that they thought Finn was attracted to me, but I promised them that we would pretend the conversation never happened. 

So that brought Finn and I's relationship to the weirdest place it would ever be in. Both of us claimed to just be friends, while we secretly were attracted to each other. Puberty will do that to you.

That entire day was kind of awkward, which Finn and I could both sense. So after some really awkward and uncomfortable interactions between us all day, Finn asked me to go for a walk with him.

The entire time, he ranted about how annoying the shipping is and how he wants to go back to when we were younger, and we didn't have to worry about this. A time when we were only best friends, with no input from others that made him question things.

That's when I cut him off. "Finn, what do you mean by questioning things?"

"I, I dunno."

So, I interpreted that by thinking that maybe he did have feelings for me.

We come back to my home, Malcolm and Jack gone, so we decided to watch Brooklyn 99. We binge-watched for a few hours as we casually cuddled on the sofa as if the past 24 hours hadn't even happened.

As an episode ended, I shut the computer. "Are we not going to watch another episode?" Finn asked me.

"I feel like we should just talk instead," I said, seriously.

"You mean, about what we said earlier?"

"You just read my mind."

Finn smiled."It's nothing new I've been doing it for-"

"Fourteen years. yeah. So why do you think Nick was being such a dick yesterday?"

"Has this really been weighing on you that much?"

"Yes, and it has on you too, it's obvious."

He sighed, "I don't know. I almost feel like it might be jealousy since he doesn't really have any female friends. I mean I'm kind of relieved that I finally explained things to the fans, but pissed that Nick had to like tease us and turn it into a conversation that made it seem like more than it is. Like what the fuck was that whole marriage thing about?"

I agreed, "I honestly have no idea. I just kind of tried to move away from the conversation."

"Yeah, we don't really have to think about the future right now."

I sighed, "I think we grew up too fast."

"That's because we've been apart. Time goes too fast when we're not together every day," he said.

"True," I agreed, followed by silence.

Then Finn just spoke his mind, "I guess we kinda do seem like a couple though. I know lots of people think that."

"Yeah," I agreed again, "But even if we both never find somebody, do you think we'd get married?"

"Of course. If life ever goes the wrong way and we never fully get our shit together, we always have each other," Finn told me, making us both smile. We were being fully honest since we were alone.

"And that's why you're my favorite person," I told him.

"You know what the worst part about being famous is?" he asked me

"People being overly concerned with the happenings in your non-existent romantic life and then accidentally spilling all of your personal details on the stream?"

He giggled, "Nope. That too, but It's being away from you for so long. I know that we both kind of partially missed seeing each other grow up, and maybe that was okay because it took away some awkwardness, but now my life just feels kind of empty. I miss falling asleep next to you every night and waking up next to you every morning. Okay, that sounds wrong, but it just feels weird now that spending as much time with you as possible is less possible."

I sat there, speechless.

"Are you crying?" he asked me.

"A little."

He reached over and wiped away the single tear that was rolling down my cheek.

"These are tears of joy, not sadness," I added.


"Because I know you feel the same way that I do about you. And I would never trade us for anything."

"I love you," Finn said, our eyes locked on each other.



"I love you too, and I'm so lucky that you're my best friend."

"So am I," he said, both of us smiling like idiots.

⋆ ✷   ·   ✵   ˚     ✦ · ✵ . ˚      ✵       ✵ ✵   .   

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