My Rowdy Cowboy. (3B Ranch S...

By _Becca_Lynn__

157K 8.5K 274

With the eighth anniversary of his twin brother's death during a military detail drawing near, Randy (Rowdy)... More



7.5K 377 8
By _Becca_Lynn__

**** Yancy walked into the house just as the introductions were completed. He sighed and caught Rowdy and Beau by an arm.

"Boys, I need to speak with both of you, Brett and Agent Montaque in the study. Now, if you don't mind."

Rowdy and Beau both nodded, concerned by this unexpected behavior.

"You ok?" Beau asked.

"Yeah, yeah... I'm fine, son. All this just threw me. I... I don't like thinkin' about that day." he looked at his feet and briefly at his late friend's portrait. "I don't like thinkin' about the day Brett left us. It's like losin' him all over again, but now I see things differently." He ended and looked at Beau.

"Ok, Pop." Brett and his partner joined them in the office.


"What's up, Pop?" Brett asked.

"Been thinkin' about what Agent Montaque said about differences in the way Brett was actin'. And he was actin' kinda off, almost as if he hadn't slept well, hadn't slept well at all. He said he felt fine when I spoke to him about it." The older man seemed to be watching a movie in his memory. "His eyes were sorta dull an' dark like, an' he did speak a little differently. Like he wasn't totally there, but he didn't do drugs, or alcohol, you all know that. He didn't have to in order to be at the top of his game. In fact he was an avid spokesman against both. They didn't call him, 'Major Bullseye' for nothin'. He was just that good."

"Yeah we know, Pop." Beau murmured. "I think most of what I know about bull ridin' I learned from watching tapes of him. When he got on that bull, they seemed to become one. It was almost harmony."

"Yup." Yancy agreed, "That's why we were all so surprised when the bull threw him. But, it wasn't really that the bull threw him, more like he just... slipped off," he pulled a vhs tape from his coat pocket and put it in the vcr.

"Now watch boys, see the master at work." He played all the usual rodeos from that year. "Lillie always videotaped from about an hour before right through the ride and until he got outa the arena. He'd study 'em later, see where he thought he could improve and then teach you boys. That year we hired a pro to make the video."

"Now watch this one. You'll see him an' me talkin' all the way to the chutes, right up until he nods to the gate keeper."

The five men watched the screen intently. "See?" Yancy pointed out, "There we are, walking toward the chute and he's actin' normal... but here," he pointed, "he sways a bit."

"Yyyyeah," Brett breathed. "I remember that now. Mom begged him to forfeit, and not take that ride. She told him he had a fever, but he just laughed."

Rowdy looked at Brett, then back to the screen. "There he's talkin' to the four of us. I had forgotten that Brody always carried his gloves for him." Rowdy smiled, and rolled his eyes when they saw the bull rider ruffle Rowdy's red hair.

"Ok, now watch close, boys. See how he climbs up the chute and when he leans over and goes to grab the top bar..."

"He totally missed it!" Beau exclaimed.

"He overshot the bar!" Brett announced, pointing to the screen. "Dad never missed the bar. He was always in tip top condition before every ride."

Yancy nodded, "Keep watching now. He goes ahead talkin' to everybody, laughin' an' all. I remember some of his words slurred a bit, but we thought he was foolin' around 'cause he was laughin' about it. He joked that both his girls had just given him good luck kisses, and he was drunk on too much love. I thought it odd at the time, 'cause he always went into a zone when he got on the bull, but that night..."

They continued watching as Brett Sr. mounted the bull and took hold of the rope. "Watch his hand. See how he acts almost as if that hand doesn't want to bend?"

"I remember that. He made a deal about his hand goin' to sleep... yeah, there he goes shaking it again." Beau added, amazed.

"It's interestin'," Nico mentioned, "dat lookin' at de otha men's reactions, they don't seem to sense anythin' is amiss or dey surely would have stopped de ride... wouldn't dey? I mean... I don't know anyting bout bull ridin' but..."

"You bet they would." Yancy stated emphatically. "The officials will stop a ride a second before the chute gate is opened if they think a rider isn't at the top of his game. Now... look here." They all leaned closer to the tv.

"See how he's got a handle on it and then... look at his face, look at his eyes." They watched as the gate flew open, and both bull and rider took off. "He's workin' the bull, steady in the seat, then he sorta shakes his head like, then just... blinks, and goes to sleep and bam! His hand goes limp and off he goes."

The men sat, stunned, at the enormity of what they had just seen. Brett and Beau, were watching their father's final moments. They had remembered that day their entire lives. The day that had helped to shape their own lives as they grew up into the men they were. They remembered the day as children... they saw the day now, as men.

The room was quiet, the clock in the corner cabinet that housed Brett Sr's buckles and trophies ticked loudly in the silence.

Brett sat holding his face in his hands. Beau sat breathing hard, eyes tightly closed. Rowdy sat one hand over his mouth trying hard to slow his breathing while Yancy wiped tears of pain, of pride, of anger and of the need for justice from his face.

They all watched as the rider seemed to go limp and slip off the bull. For a moment his hand remained caught in the rope, then a jerk from the bull, his hand slipped out and the man fell. The brutality with which, 'Widowmaker' attacked the unconscious cowboy was unparalleled. Bull fighters jumped in over and over again, but the bull returned again and again to his victim. He would not leave Brett Sr long enough for the other bull fighters and cowboys to get him to safety. When the bull had finally exited the arena, Brett Sr. was bloody and no longer breathing.

'My God...' Nico quietly stepped over and turned the tv off, then stood in front the screen. "I tink we can safely say dat dere is more dan enough reason to warrant exhuming Major. Blanton's body."

The four other men nodded as one. "I'll speak with Mrs. Kincaid if it would make it any easier for y'all." Nico offered, searching each face, feeling their pain and wishing he could ease it some way, any way.

The four men looked at each other, pale faced, Beau cleared his throat twice before trusting his voice. "No matter how it's done or who does it... it's gonna hurt. I... I think we need to get her alone without everyone else around though."

They all agreed. "What do you think Pop? How do you think would be the best way to tell her and ask permission to... to..." Beau asked.

Yancy felt a surge of pride and gratitude toward the three young men. "Well, yer right in that it's gonna hurt no matter who does it, but I think it might be more acceptable if Nico here does it. She still sees Brett as a son and a SEAL, not an FBI agent. I think we need to keep this totally professional."

After thinking about it, Brett, Beau and Rowdy saw the wisdom in what Yancy had said and appreciated, admired and respected him even more if possible.

Clearing his throat again, Beau stood, "Ok then, I'll go find her and just say we want to speak with her privately, and once she gets in here Nico can take over. Then the rest of us can just help if needed. Ok?"

He looked around the room at each man to ensure they were all on the same page.

"Um," Rowdy cleared his throat. "If I can make a suggestion, Um ... personally, I think she should avoid the video if we can at all and... you know... save her at least that much pain. Bobbi also, they both saw it once, they don't need to see it again."

All were in total agreement. The idea of having to watch the scene again was little more than any of them could endure.


Beau had volunteered to get his mother because it gave him the opportunity to check on Drina. He needed that moment, needed to hear her voice, feel her warmth, her love. He needed to feel their children, those precious little babies they had made. And... he needed to make sure she was all right. She had been acting much more uncomfortable throughout the day, and he was sure he had seen pain cross her beautiful face before she caught it. He had also noticed that at times it looked like she was carrying the babies lower than yesterday. And she was certainly walking and moving with more discomfort and difficulty and that worried him.

Entering the kitchen, he bent down toward his son a brief moment so his lips were against Kyle's ear. "We're gonna be a little longer than we thought, buddy. We have to talk with gramma a few minutes so I need you to keep an eye on things for me while I'm gone, ok?"

"You mean watch out for Drina? She says she's ok, but I really think she doesn't want us worrying." Kyle answered surprising Beau with his quick understanding.

"That's exactly what I mean. And I think you're right soooo, you come get me real quick if you think I need to be here, ok?" Beau said, so proud of his son.

"Roger!" The boy answered with a salute. "You... won't be too long though, will ya?"

"No, son, no longer than I have to be."

The next moment he and Lillie were sitting down in the office with the other men. Nico brought her up to date on the case and with Brett filling in a few places explaining their beliefs, why, and what was needed for proof.

Lillie closed her eyes a moment and looked at the four men she loved so much. "I am so sorry. So very sorry that I let that vermin pull the wool over my eyes for so long."

"You were grievin', ma'am." Nico said with compassion shining through his eyes. "An' he has been doin' dis for many years, he's a master manipulator. As near as we can tell he has married and buried at least four other wives. You're lucky to have escaped alive. He's an expert at what he does."

Nico spoke to her about exhuming the body then. She was naturally appalled at the idea of disturbing the man she had loved so much, and still did. She began to go over what she had learned today and in the last few years. The men recognized that she needed to come to terms with the idea in her own time.

"You're right, Nico. You're right. If the coroner can prove that Brett was drugged, if that will in any way help to take Rod - Juan and his Dogg of a son off the streets and away from other innocent women and children then, let's do it." She said with determination. "He'd want us to turn over every stone. He would have."

Nico opened his briefcase and pulled out a release from the coroner's office.


While waiting, the kids had talked the women into making cookies. What was left of the first batch was cooling on the counter, the second was in the oven and the third was waiting. Flour was on everything and an egg rolled off the island and onto the floor with a splat.

"Oh drat!" Drina grabbed a handful of paper towels and bent to clean the mess before anyone slipped in the goo. When she got down on her knees to get the slimy ick as it oozed under the table, she felt a hard, long lasting pain. It took her breath and increased sharply when she tried to get up. She felt panic rise as her water broke.

'Oh no!' She murmered. 'It's too early. It's too soon!' She tossed the towels on the floor and slowly moved up into a chair. She called Kyle. She tried not to sound frightened, but realized as soon as he looked across the room and into her eyes that she hadn't succeed.

"Are you ok, Drina? You look sick, like you just saw a ghost. Eeeeoooo, is that an egg on the floor, did you slip in it?" He said.

"Um, I'm sure everything's fine, but I need you to get Beau. Tell him that I need to talk to him." Not satisfied with her explanation he stared at her a moment, then caught Bobbi's attention and motioned toward Drina and left to get his dad. When Drina told her what was happening Bobbi called Carla and Rachel, two ranch hand's wives who were also nurses. She quietly told Genny and Kassi to take the milk, cookies and the girls into the dining room.

Kyle ignored gramma's rule of no running in the house and was at the office door within seconds. Without knocking, he rushed in and looked for Beau.

"Dad! Something's wrong and we need you to come quick... Drina doesn't look good and she looks kinda scared." Beau was halfway down the hall before Kyle even finished the sentence.

"Rowdy!" Beau called as he ran into the kitchen and saw the pain and panic on Drina's face.

"Beau! It's too soon, it's too soon." She was trying hard to hold on and not alert the kids. She managed a smile and a thanks for Kyle, as Bobbi promised milk and cookies in the dining room.

"Talk to me, Drina." Rowdy asked as he squatted beside the couple, felt for pulse and noted the pallor of her face, sweat on her forehead, and shortness of breath.

"My wa... water just... broke. I was... cleaning up that stupid... egg and this," she gasped and clutched Beau's arm as another pain hit. Rowdy was alarmed at the intensity of pains this early.

"Like that," she panted, "a pain just... erupted in... my lower abdomen," and showed him where as tears ran down her cheeks. "I... can't... get... a good... breath. I feel... like... some... one... " she stopped as a hard contraction swept through her body.

"These aren't the first contractions she's had Rowdy but, these are short, fast and hard." Bobbi explained. "I've already alerted her doctor, and Carla and Rachel are on their way but..."

"Yeah," Rowdy said. "You did good, Bobbi. Unfortunately, I don't think we have time to even get her to the copter."

Drina was leaning heavily against Beau's broad chest and said faintly, "I... can't... get...up," and grabbed a fistful of her husband's work shirt, and hung on as he gathered her in his wonderfully strong, reassuring arms.

"Where to, Rowdy? The clinic here?" He asked trying not to panic himself.

"Yeah, yesterday. Bobbi, call the girls and reroute them to the ranch clinic." He continued giving instructions as Beau carried Drina and they hurried out of the house and to the suv.

As Rowdy opened the front passenger door and pushed the seat back, "Tell them to get Dr. Cox on live video chat if they can and get the room ready for us."

Instead of setting her in the seat, Beau simply slid into the vehicle, with Drina on his lap.

Fortunately, with the help of Carla and Rachel, the clinic was set up with a delivery room and nursery - just in case. It seemed their just in case was just in time.

Rachel, who worked on the obstetrics ward at the hospital, had been monitoring the pregnancy. She had kept Rowdy and Dr. Cox informed of her concerns for an early birth. Hence, the delivery room and nursery in the clinic. Normally they just took care of broken bones, sprains, pulled and torn muscles, cuts, stitches and lacerations until the patient could be taken to their primary physician. But, thinking about how many young couples lived on or near the ranch, they felt it was time.

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