How Miranda got Her Groove Ba...

By funnyfannyfran

22.2K 416 89

benley fanfic!😊 More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15

Chapter 8

1.2K 27 0
By funnyfannyfran

The day had come. It was finally Saturday and to be honest I was a little nervous. Was it to soon for Ben to meet my family? How is my family going to re act? Will they tell embarrassing stories about me? Will they like him?

Well all those questions didn't matter now because Ben and Connor were on their way. It was a three hour drive and I honestly didn't feel like driving, so I was overjoyed when Ben offered. I checked that I had my phone, charger, keys, wallet, and that everything was turned off and neat. I checked my hair and dress once more in my full length mirror in my bathroom. It was a formal dinner, but afterwards everyone would head back to the house, change out of their good clothes, and hang out. I was actually quite looking forward to seeing some of my family. I hadn't seen them in forever.

I was making sure that I had a pair of jeans, t shirt, and tennis shoes to change into when there was a knock on my door. I quickly grabbed my things and went to answer the door.

" Hello."

'Hey. You look amazing."

"Well thank you. You look great too."

"Thank you."

"Where's Connor?"

"He's in the car playing on his Nintendo."

"Oh. I see he came prepared for the ride."

We laughed and I locked my door as we made our way to his car. He looked really handsome in his three peice black suit. And he smelled really good. When we got to the car he politely opened the door for me and he went around to his side. Before he got in he took off his suit jacket and lay it in the backseat.

"Hey Connor."

"Hey Ms. Miranda. You look pretty."

"Thank you. You look handsome yourself young man."

"Thanks. But this tie is really not comfortable."

I smiled at him over my shoulder as we started our little journey. The party started at 6pm and lasted until about 7:30. It was currently two o'clock.
I looked over at Ben as he drove. He was such a nice man. Taking time out of his Saturday and going with me to my mother's. He was meeting my family only after we had been dating for about four months. Four months, time goes by fast but also slow. I really appreciated what he was doing.

"What you thinking about?"

"Nothing. Just about how I haven't seen my family in a while."

"Oh. When was the last time you saw them?"

"Last year at Christmas. So almost a year ago."

"Well that is quite a long time. But I'm sure they understand. And I'm certain they're going to be ecstatic to see you today."

"Yeah me too."

"So any tips you want to give me before I meet the Bailey's?"

I smiled, "Well just a few."

"Okay I'm ready."

"So my mom is a really sweet lady but she can hold her own. She is old fashioned, but you don't really have to worry about her. My dad... I guess he's the average protective father. He loves baseball and he is old fashioned as well. But he's the biggest ball of mush once you get to know him."

"Okay that's good. I'm positive I can win them over."

"You'll do great," I smiled.

"Any crazy cousins, aunts, or uncles I should know about?"

"Just a few you should beware of," I laughed thinking of my cousins and aunts.


"There's my cousin Ray. When he gets drunk he will talk you to death. I'm not exaggerating at all. But he's really calm and laid back when he's sober. Then there's Linda. She has three kids and they are the sweetest most well behaved children ever. They're very smart and mature. They also like to talk. You'll know them before I even introduce them to you. Linda works as a receptionist at the local dentist's office and she's a really nice woman. Then there is Uncle Johnny who is a nice man, if you don't make him mad. Whatever you do, let him pick the topic of conversation because he has a very short fuse and a lot of things tick him off. My Aunt May is a nice southern church woman who loves kids. She also loves squeezing people's cheeks and calling people honey and sugar. She talks a lot too. Then... there's my Aunt Rita. She's loud, always drunk, and she knows how to get under my mother's skin which is her favorite thing in the world to do. She smokes like a chimney, has absolutely no filter and she loves young men. So beware. The rest of my family is pretty average."

"Well they sound like great people."

I looked over at him and laughed, if only he knew what was about to unfold at this little family get together.

"Are there going to be any kids my age there?" Connor asked.

"Yes. My cousin Linda has three kids, two boys and a girl, who are around your age. And I'm positive there will be other kids there too. Plus there's a trampoline and skateboards and lots of other fun things there too."


I smiled at his short response. I'm positive he is going to enjoy himself, because if there is anything those kids know how to do, it's have fun. I looked over at Ben as he quickly glances at me. He holds out his hand, palm up, and I happily oblige to hold his hand. He smiles at me and I blush and return the smile. My heart picks up at the warmth and comfort I feel from holding his hand. I lay my head back and look out the window at the passing scenery.

Well we finally made it. Ben's car pulls into the driveway of my childhood home and I am immediately hit with nostalgia. It feels absolutely great to be home and I make up in my mind that I'll try my hardest to get here more often. We exit the car and stretch simultaneously. I walk around the car and I smile at Ben and Connor as we make our way up the five brick steps of the house. I knock on the door and stand back as Ben grabs my hand and Connor stands at my side. I hear heavy footsteps approach the door and my heart leaps at seeing my father. He opens the door and the smile he gives makes me want to cry.

"Well ain't God good. Miranda! We missed you around here," he said as he pulled me in for a tight embrace.

I was filled with joy at hugging my father after so long. I really should visit more often. I pulled back from the hug and smiled up at my father and he smiled down at me. His eyes soon darted to behind me where Ben and Connor stood watching the exchange.

"Dad, this is Benjamin Warren, my boyfriend, and Connor his nephew. I asked them to come with me," I smiled at Ben and Connor as they both looked a little nervous.

"Hello sir, it's nice to meet you," Ben said as he shook my father's hand.

"This is Conner."

Connor gave a timid hello and a slight wave of his hand.

"Its great to meet y'all. I'm James Bailey. Come on in. We're glad you could make it."

So far so good. We walked in and were immediately met with the smell of cake. My mother had to be in somewhere in the kitchen.

"Your mother's in the kitchen. She insisted on making the dessert herself."

"I wouldn't have expected it to go any other way," I laughed as my father shook his head with a slight smile on his face.

We made our way to the kitchen that was straight down from the front door.

"Hey James I'm almost done and I promise I'll get ready," my mother said as she was applying the last touches to a cake.

"Well you better hurry because you don't have much time," I said.

She froze and turned around. When she saw me, she put down the utensil she was using on the cake and wiped her hands on the flower print apron that she wore. I smiled at her as she slowly walked towards me with tears brimming in her eyes.

"Mandy, baby you made it," she said as she removed the apron.

"I wouldn't miss it for anything in the world mama."

She pulled me into a hug and squeezed me, I squeezed her back as hard as I could. I had missed my parents terribly over these last months but I never really knew how much I'd missed them. Especially this woman that was hugging me with everything she had in her small body. She pulled away and wiped at the tear that had fell on her cheek. I smiled down at her as she was a little shorter than me because I had on heels. She glanced behind me and saw Ben and Connor.

"Now who are these two handsome young men?"

"Mom this is Benjamin Warren, my boyfriend, and Connor his nephew," I smiled.

Ben and Connor smiled at my mother.

"Hello Mrs. Bailey it's a pleasure to meet you," Ben said as he reached his hand out to shake hers but she quickly pulled him into a hug. She pulled away and held him out in front of her by his arms for a moment as she smiled up at him.

"And hello Connor. I'm Eleanor but you can call me Mrs. El, Mrs. Bailey, Mrs. E, grandma, whatever floats your boat."

Connor laughed a little as she pulled him in for a hug as well. He hugged her back and smiled at her. Looked like he was warming up to her. But then again no one could resist her loving and kind spirit.

"Well you two are just so handsome. Miranda you got yourself a real nice looking man here. Better keep your eye on him."

I rolled my eyes as Ben laughed and winked at me.

"Well I didn't know we would be having guest. As you can see I was baking. So I'll just head on up and get ready before James over there throws a fit."

"Mom why didn't you just get someone else to bake the desserts. You're going to be late to the party."

"Now Miranda you have known me all your life. When have you ever known me to pass the opportunity to bake. Besides I couldn't think of passing off such an important part of the meal to someone else. If you want it done right you have to do it yourself. Remember that Connor."

She winked at Connor and walked out of the kitchen, as she passed my father she placed a light kiss to his lips and he smiled up at her from the wooden chair he sat in at the kitchen table. I smiled at the love they still had for each other after all this time. I wanted that. I looked towards Ben and saw that he was smiling at me. I blushed.

"Mandy come help me."

"Coming mama."

I looked back at Ben and Connor and gave a quick smile as I walked up the stairs to help my mother. I heard my father right as got to the top of the stairs and smiled down at the most important men in my life.

"Follow me gentlemen."

"So how long have you two been together Mandy?"

"About four months now," I said as I pulled my mom's dress and heels from her closet.

"Oh really. How did you all meet?"

"He's a surgeon at the hospital."

"He's quite the catch with the women there huh. With that dashing smile and those chocolatey eyes."

I laughed, "Yeah, he is."

"And his nephew is quite handsome too. He looks like a sweet young boy."

"He is. Very well behaved and smart too."

"That's really good honey. I'm so happy for you Miranda. You look really happy, and the way you two look at each is how your father and I look at each other. He seems like a great man."

"Thank you mama."

"You're welcome baby. Can you zip this up for me?" She asked as she came out of the bathroom connected to the bedroom.

I zipped the dress and looked at my mother. She smiled, "You look beautiful mama."

Eleanor was a brown skinned woman in her mid sixties. But she looks great for her age, and if not for her salt and pepper (a little more salt now a days) hair that she wore in curls that fell softly just above her shoulders, you wouldn't have thought she was a day over 45. She kept herself in shape and took good care of her looks. She had warm, round, brown eyes that held so much love, she had full lips, and she had a little chubby stomach with ample breast and curvy hips. The red dress she adorned made all her features pop. She looked like an Egytian goddess, and this was before the makeup.

"Thank you baby. You look beautiful too. I love what you did with your hair."


"Want to do my makeup while you tell me more about this Benjamin Warren?"

"Of course."

"Great. What time is it?"


"Well I can be fashionably late right?"

"Sure mom," I laughed.

Ben's POV

While Miranda went upstairs with her mother, James took Connor and me to the living room where we sat on the couch and James sat in his recliner. I'll admit, I was a nervous wreck when we stood outside that door not too long ago, but her parents were very loving people and that eased my nerves tremendously. As we sat here waiting for Miranda and Mrs. Eleanor to come down, we watched a baseball game that was on the yelevision. I didn't much pay it any attention though as I looked around at the living room. The room was seperated from the kitchen by an open partition. The walls were an off white, a wooden patterned fan hung from the ceiling, and there was a flat screen tv mounted on the wall above the brick mantle. The furniture was tan, there was a love seat, a couch, and James's recliner all aligned in a curve on the wooden floor. There was a small wooden coffee table sitting on an oval shaped decorated white rug in the middle of the room. Off to the side there was a black book shelf backed against the wall filled to the brim with pictures.

As I observed the nicely put together room I was brought out of my thoughts by James.

"So Ben, how did you meet my daughter?"

I gave a smile at the thought of Miranda and my's first encounter. "We work at the same hospital."

"Oh. So you're a surgeon too?"

"Yes sir. Pediatric surgeon."

"That's really good."

"Yes sir. So you're a retired brain surgeon?"

"I am. I was a brain surgeon for 35 years. I absolutely loved it. But my wife not so much as it kept me away from home quite a good bit."

"Wow that's a long time. I know what you mean it is a very demanding career. My father was an electrician and I thought I would be one too."

"Well what changed your mind?"


I slowly trailed off as I saw James wasn't listening anymore. When I turned to look in the same direction as James, I immediately smiled. Now I  knew why he wasn't listening. Mrs. Eleanor looked absolutely beautiful. James stood and met her at the end of the steps. He smiled and he looked at Mrs. Eleanor as if she were the most beautiful thing in the world. He took her hand and slowly spun her around. She giggled. He pulled her into him and whispered something in her ear that made her blush and giggle as she swatted at his chest. They kissed and I smiled. I could already tell they were truly in love. And that's exactly what I wanted with Miranda, for us to grow old together and be madly in love. Connor and I walked over to where they were standing, whispering to each other, and Mrs. Eleanor giggling.

"Well it seems we're a little late, but it's okay."

"Where's Miranda?" James asked as I wondered the same thing.

"She was just behind me-"

"Here I am."

I looked up as Miranda came down the stairs. If at all possibly she had grown more beautiful than the last time I saw her 25 minutes ago. I smiled at her as she got to the last step, she saw me and blushed.

"Well then, let's go party folks!"

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