In A Heartbeat

By someoneyouknoww

950K 38.8K 1.5K

| Complete | ✅ They stared into each others eyes and everything seemed completely oblivious to them. Raw emo... More

Bonus - 1
Bonus - 2.1
Bonus - 2.2
Bonus - 3
Bonus - 4
A/N - II
Gratitude & Covers


18.4K 888 34
By someoneyouknoww

The office was hustling and bustling with people for party's preparation as I arrived.

People were rushing here and there like headless chickens and screaming off at each other on the top of their voices.

Aarushi waddled towards me like a penguin with her huge belly angrily. She is freaking due in month and still works like a horse. It's time to put some sense in this emotional-slash-hormonal lady.

"Hey! God I'm so exhausted. I can't believe they are making a pregnant woman work this much. " she heaved a bit.

"Oh! What did they make you do? "

" First of all, they asked me for the papers which were in the last drawer, due to which I had to bend. This caused pain in my back. Then I noticed that Aarav forgot to tie my shoe laces. How irresponsible he is. What if had fallen down. Idiot. Then I had to go to Shreejal's cubicle, so that she can tie my shoelaces. And then again I had to go back my own cabin. " she huffed saying this.

" Oh my Aarushi, sit down. Take a deep breath. "
She took in a breath and sat down on the couch and I bent down in front of her.

"Now, first of all, you should have taken the maternity leave in your fifth month. Working in this condition can be harmful and I don't want you to hurt my neice/nephew. From tomorrow onwards you aren't coming here till the time he/she is atleast a few months old. And don't go on blaming Aarav, okay. He loves you and this child very much. He isn't careless at all. If he was careless then he wouldn't want to have a baby, wouldn't drop and pick you up from the office. He would not have packed your favourite homemade food. Wouldn't fulfil any of your demands. Heck he even gets your favorite ice cream and pizza in the middle of night. I mean no idiot does that. Right Aarushi? " I told/asked her in a soft voice just like a mother explaining her child about do's and don'ts .

Tears were pooled in her eyes. It was as if she will start crying at the given moment.
Call me rude but she needed to hear this. Pregnancy had made her all moody and emotional . I have seen how Aarav handles her mood swings.

Every day, she'll ignite a small fire between her and Aarav which is all due to her hormones.
She would fight him for unnecessary and petty reasons and Aarav being the good husband he is, wouldn't argue and will take all the blame.

I know it's there personal matter but I can't see both of my favorite persons like this.

"You are right, Arya. I'm being senseless for no reason. I know you both care for me very much and would want the best for me. I also know I shouldn't accuse Aarav for everything. It's just.... I don't know okay what's happening with me. I'm...."
And she started crying like a baby.

"Shh.. Aarushi it's fine."

"Please call Aarav, I want to go home. Now. " she stood up crying and went towards her cabin to pack her stuff.

I took my phone and dialed his number. He picked up on the fourth ring.

"Hey Aarav, can you come here. Aarushi wants to go home now."

"Why? Is something wrong? "

"No you just come here. "

"Yeah, I'll be there in 10 minutes. "

And the call ends.

I went into her cabin and saw her sitting on her chair with a frown on her face.

She looked at me.

"Aarushi, I'm sorry if my words hurt you. I.. I didn't mean to make you cry. "

"No Arya, you were right. I needed to hear this. If it wasn't you , it would have been someone else. I was being very mean to everyone, especially Aarav. So it was very much needed. " she took in a deep breath and smiled at me.

I quickly went towards her and took her in a hug. When suddenly Aarav rushed in the room,took Aarushi in his arms, hugged her tight, cupped her face and asked.

"What.. What happened Aarushi? Something wrong with you? Is it... Is it time? " he said breathing heavily whie all this time Aarushi was staring at him dreamily.

I took this as my cue to leave.
I hope they sort everything.

After half an hour, they both came out of the cabin. Aarushi was blushing furiously.

" Sooooo.... "

"Thanks for whatever you told her. " Aarav said cheekily and kissed Aarushi's cheek making her blush more.

They both went home and I once again got back to work but not before informing the boss about her leave.

The day passed with making the blue prints of the upcoming projects.

I was tired as f*ck.....

All I wanted was to go home to Rey. He informed me that he'll be going home with a friend so there was no need for me to pick him up.

Just as the clock striked 7, I packed my bag, kept the laptop in the bag and dashed towards my car.

When I was about to enter the building, I came in way of my nightmare.

Dolly Khurana.

She's a woman in her late 40's who has no work other than to gossip. She has a petite figure and a face you'd call kind and sweet.

But don't go by the appearance.
She is freaking evil. She's just like Umbridge in Harry Potter.

Ever since I came in the building, she has been pestering me a lot. First about my private life and then about pregnancy. Ughhhh.

She makes me want to rip my hair offf.

"Hello, betaji (daughter). "

"Hi Dolly aunty"

"Soo, you know Mrs. Verma's daughter, who ran away with a boy is expecting now. It's just the second month of their marriage. How fast today's generation is. " She laughed at her own lame joke.

"You are also married for almost three months. So when will you give the good news. "
She asked raising her eyebrows.

I groaned

"I don't know aunty, but when I will be pregnant, you'll be the first one to know. " I said and quickly went towards the lift.

People like her irritate me so much. Like get a life man so you don't interfere in ours.

I was cursing when I reached my apartment and Rey opened the door.

"Woah, what happened.... " he tried asking but I cut him off

"Don't ask. "
I entered inside.

A few seconds later, he again asked.

" Uhh, Want a hug?"

"Yes please. "
He enveloped in his arms tightly.
And kept his chin on my head.

I burried my face in his chest and hugged him so so tightly like my life depended on it.

We stood like that for 10 minutes when he suddenly started to withdraw from me.

" Let me heat the dinner, then you can have it and go to sleep. Tomorrow will be a busy day for you as it is. " he gave me a forehead kiss and left.

I went to the bedroom to change.

We both sat on the sofa. Rey had a plate of food in his hands.

I clinged onto him like a Koala 🐨

I was too tired to do anything so I said "Feed me please. "

" Will be my pleasure. " he grinned cheekily , winked and started feeding me.

" You know I met Dolly aunty. And she not so slightly indicated me to get pregnant. " I pouted

He started laughing. His chest vibrating which was soothing as hell for me.

" Then what did you say. "

"I told her that she'll be the first one to know about it. "

"Well, you could get pregnant you know. I mean if you want. " he wiggled his eyebrows and smiled.

"Jeez, Rey. Calm your pants down. I'm so done with this conversation. " I hit him with a pillow , pushed him off on the sofa and stood up.

" Arey, I was just kidding ."
He again laughed at his lame pun, took my hands in his and tackled me on the sofa so that I layed above him.

When I started to wiggle, he turned over position and hovered over me.

"What are you doing, Rey. "

"Don't worry, I wouldn't do anything against your wish. I promise. "
He said in all honesty and pressed his lips onto mine for a small kiss.

When he was about to get up, I pulled him towards me and once again smacked his lips against mine.

Kissing this man is one of my most favourite activity of all time.

The kiss was initially slow and passionate until I decided to bite his lower lip.
It was as if a switch was turned on, he turned into a wild man.
He picked me up, made me wound my legs around his waist and positioned his hands on my lower thigh.

We were kissing each other wildly. Sucking the life out of our lips.

He hurried towards our room, threw me on the bed, hovered me and once again latched our lips together.

When we pulled apart, I saw the condition of his lips.

So swollen and so red.
Mine would be the same I guess

I started to trace my fingers on his lips while we both were staring at each other .

He started kissing my finger.

"Uh, I think we should sleep now. "
He said after a while.

"Yeah. " I replied.

He got off the bed, got our blanket, got on the bed and hugged me from behind but not before covering us with the blanket and pecking my temple.

"Good night, Rey. "

"Good night, love"

And we both went to our dreamland.

Hey guys!!!!
Hope you'll liked this chapter.
It's the longest I've written till now.
Press the star icon and comment down your thoughts
See you soon.    X )

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