BULLIED.√ {10 Confessions Of...

By fauxie-orahachi

7K 1.4K 165

There is an uproar, when peter. The head boy of command secondary school Kaduna, was found brutally murdered... More

Authors note
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epilogue/ Q and A.
DROWN: The other side of me.

page 5.

468 107 6
By fauxie-orahachi

Here's another chapter.

I know, I am updating this book very fast.

But as I said before, its a short thriller and all I want to do is get it out of my system.

Now, fire away.


Tamilore pulled her bag over her shoulder, she couldn't help but feel as though she was being watched.

She knew it was against the rules for her to be out by this time of the day, but kole had specifically told her to come, and that it was important.

As she walked down the bush path leading towards the boys hostel, she simply prayed that no teacher would see her.

The curfew since peters death had not being lifted so she knew there would be no seniors or teachers moving around.

She had nothing to fear, since the curfew had been placed because the authorities believed the murderer was on the loose. And she was the murderer.

The snapping of twigs had tamilore's heart coming to a stop. Her heart beat a million times faster.

Shadows loomed behind her and she immediately felt her eyes become wet.

Temilore didn't bother turning around, she dropped her bags and immediately broke into a run, she could hear their footstep getting closer and she couldn't help but break into sobs...


Aisha pulled her hijab out of her box under the bed, she couldn't believe she was going to go through with this.

Tamilore had left some minutes after light out and senior Eliza was already fast asleep.

Aisha knew she could still catch up with tamilore if she moved now.

She looked around the room cringing a bit when she nudged a spoon and it fell unto the ground.

The clanking sound it made on the floor sounded like a bomb exploding in the tense silence that filled the room.

she looked around and crept out of the room slowly. The moon was high in the sky as she closed the door behind her.

She could see temilore walking down the path and climbing over a side of the fence that was partially collapsed.

She turned around And gasped slightly when she was held back suddenly.

Her loud shrieking was cut of when a hand clamped over her lips.

"Let's go together". Aisha exhaled, relieved that it was just Suzanne.

"I need to make sure that she's okay" Aisha muttered, as they descended the stairs following temilore into the dead of the night.

"Is temilore really doing what I think she's doing, is she really going to try and sneak into the boys hostel" Suzanne whispered. And Aisha just gave an unsure nod.

The two girls halted to a stop beside an old building that seemed to be a former bursary, when masked figures came out from the bushes, they did not see the girls as their gaze was focused completely on temilore who was out in the open.

Suzanne gasped slightly when she noticed that temilore was already fleeing, the masked figures chasing her.

Suzanne shifted from their Hiding spot in hopes to call out to temilore but Aisha pulled her back abruptly shutting her up immediately.

"Do you want to get us killed. What if these are the murderers. Go get help, I'll follow them and try to make sure tamilore is fine" Aisha whispered, pushing Suzanne in the direction that they came from.

"Stay safe, I won't let you down" Suzanne mumbled turning around and breaking into a run.

Aisha crept out of her hiding place.

If there was one thing she hoped for at this moment, it was that Suzanne got help before its too late.

Longest so far.

See you soon.

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