Forget Me Not (Kylo Ren Story)

By agloss96

4.2K 65 12

The Resistance has barely escaped the death sentence from the First Order, but they now prepare for the inevi... More

No Identity
There's No "I" in Escape
Somewhere Safe
A Tragedy
A Faded Tombstone
Another Life
Never Was There a Story...
... Of More Woe
Across the Stars

Everything We Need

595 4 0
By agloss96

The remaining members of the Resistance huddled in the Mine on the salt planet, Crait, dejected. The battering ram cannon had already burnt through the large door and no one was coming to their aid, the Resistance would perish today. General Leia Organa slumped down onto the stack of boxes, "We fought till the end . But the galaxy has lost all its hope. The spark is out." She dug her cane into the gritty ground below, defeat evident in her disheartened voice. The few Resistance members that surrounded her, looked around at each other and the others awaiting the ill-fated incoming attack from the First Order's Stormtroopers, this was it. Leia's eyes suddenly fluttered up, sensing something or someone. She turned her head to her left, seeing a shadowy hooded figure emerging from one of the many brightly lit tunnels. The figure continued forward, silently, until he stopped before Leia. The man slowly removed his hood, revealing his aged face and short gray beard, "Luke", Leia breathed out in astonishment and relief. Her twin brother sat down in front of her, mouth opening to deliver his deepest apologies, but the General cut him off. "I know what you're gonna say. I changed my hair." The Jedi rolled his eyes at his sister's ill-timed antics. "It's nice that way." He paused for a moment, inhaling sharply, "Leia, I'm sorry." Leia nodded softly, "I know. I know you are. I'm just glad you're here... in the end." Luke turned serious, his green eyes hardening, "I came to face him, Leia. And I can't save him." A grim expression fell onto Leia's face, the man terrorizing them was the "Jedi Killer", Kylo Ren. "I held out hope for so long, but I know my son is gone." A small frown formed on her lips, but Luke simply gave her a look. "No one's ever really gone." A small laugh escaped the General's frown, "Yeah thanks for telling me by the way." Her head nodded to her right, out the broken command center windows, towards the group gathered by the melted door. Luke stood confused, eyes casting a search out into the small crowd of Resistance fighters, hiding behind boxes of supplies and old transports. A young brunette woman crouched besides an olive toned man with black hair, caught the former Jedi's eyes. Her hair was secured up in a bun of braided hair, small droplets of salt woven into it. A large faded pink scar covered a decent portion of the right side of her neck. That was the only thing Luke needed to see before he turned back to Leia exasperated. "How-?" was all he could muster, green eyes wide. Leia only smirked at her unexpecting brother, "She'll always find her way back home, Luke. Regardless of..." The General trailed off, discreetly tapping her temple. Luke shook his head in disbelief, after all he had done to prevent this very thing and yet she still found her way back and with disturbingly close proximity to the enemy. "You know if we sent her out, he'd probably stop all of this." Leia added. Luke shook his head immediately, this was not the endgame of Chess, they could not sacrifice "The Queen" in hopes to win. Not when he was so consumed by rage and would only endanger the young woman. Luke placed his hand over Leia's, dropping the gold dice from the Millenium Falcon, from Han, into her open palm. A flash of realization washes over her facial features, as Leia looked to her brother in surprise. Luke remained silent only moving to cup Leia's face as he bent down to kiss her forehead, before he turned to face his fate.

Resistance fighters throughout the Mine rose from their crouched down positions, eyes following the figure walking towards the hole, the First Order battered into the shield door. Poe stood in disbelief, gaping at the legendary Pilot before him. Luke paused at the door, which was still surrounded by flickering red flames, and turned to look at something besides Poe. He pivoted slightly to see his longtime friend, Athena, staring straight back at Luke. The former Jedi Master nodded once to her, before heading out to face the First Order. Poe looked back at his friend, when Skywalker was out of sight, her face contorting as she mentally tried to solve a puzzle with too many pieces missing. "I think I knew him."

Kylo Ren emerged from the ship, clad in all black, making the man look like only the silhouette of a monster. The newly self-appointed Supreme Leader was shaking to his core, pure and raw fury filled his being as he stalked out of the command shuttle. From inside the safety of the bunker, Poe watched the scene unfold behind a pair of binoculars. "It's Kylo Ren, Luke's facing him alone." Finn quickly chirped up from beside him, "Well, we should help him. Let's go." The former Stormtrooper moved to walk in between Athena and Poe, but a white sleeved arm shot out to halt his advancements. "No, wait. Wait" Athena reiterated, Poe and her sharing a skeptical look, before returning their eyes to observe the scene about to unfold before them. "Did you come back to say you forgive me? To save my soul?" The words dripped out sarcastically and menacingly from the Supreme Leader. His uncle lifted his eyebrows, "No". Kylo Ren shrugged off his cloak and ignited his crackling red lightsaber. Luke ignited his blue lightsaber in return and the two readied themselves for the inevitable fight. "He's doing this for a reason" Poe muttered lowly, his finger gently gesturing to the spectacle outside. Athena, who still was loosely holding back Finn, raised her eyebrows a realization popping in her mind. "He's stalling so we can escape" She exclaimed, perhaps that is why he nodded at her. "Skywalker's doing this so we can survive. There's gotta be a way out of this mine. Hell, how did he get in here?" The small group of survivors begin to follow a remaining Crystal Critter, in hopes of leading them all to an alternative exit. Athena stalled behind the group, glancing out to the fighting force users, something oddly familiar about them both. Flashes of flames and quick movements of blue and purple light danced behind her eyes. "Athena let's go!" Poe shouted back at her, reluctantly she turned and raced after the group, Leia monitoring the perplexed expression on the girl as her beaken on her wrist began to illuminate. Rey was close... Kylo continued to strike at Luke, who easily dodged his advances. "How do you think she would feel about all of this Ben?" The man in black, growled at his words quickly swiping at his uncle. "Doesn't matter, she's dead because of you!" His words were harsh and accusatory, but his brown eyes were brimming with sadness and vulnerability, Luke had touched a nerve. Luke shook his head slightly, "No, that was all you. But I did fail you, Ben. I'm sorry." The two now stood in front of each other, at a distance. "I'm sure you are! The Resistance is dead. The war is over. And when I kill you, I will have killed the last Jedi" Kylo spit out, anger overflowing. The Resistance members came to the end of the tunnel, the Crystal Critter escaping through a tiny hole amongst a massive pile of rocks. "No! NO!" Poe shouted scrambling up the rocks, they were trapped. "Amazing. Every word of what you just said was wrong. The Rebellion is reborn today. The war is just beginning. And I will not be the last Jedi." The rocks began to move, bright white light streaming into the tunnel. Athena, Poe, and Finn stammered out of the cave first, seeing Rey with her hand outstretched the rocks floating in midair. Finn runs up to Rey, the rocks dropping down to the sides, creating a clear path to the Falcon. The two engulf each other into a tight embrace, glad to know the other was safe. "Hey love birds, let's get out of here first, then we can do that!" Athena laughed approaching with Poe. The two broke apart and Rey laughed slightly turning to look at the girl, her laugh catching her throat at the sight. The girl had bright blue eyes, freckled cheeks, and large pink scar tissue on her neck, Rey had seen this girl before. Leia caught the look on the young Jedi's face, flustered at the sight of Athena.

Kylo Ren led a swarm of Stormtroopers into the now empty Mine. He turned and entered the main command center, bending down carefully to retrieve the gold dice lying on the ground. His head snapped up suddenly, feeling the force connect him once again to Rey. The remaining Resistance fighters boarded the Falcon, Rey ushering them all in as she stood at the entrance ramp. She looked down to see Kylo kneeling below, her eyes hardened as they silently stared at each other. Kylo saw a flash of familiar blue eyes in Rey's mind before she slammed the button, closing the ramp and their connection. The Millenium Falcon took off into space as the group rejoiced in their escape and reuniting with friends. Rey bent down to greet BB-8, while Poe and Athena watched her from the side. The two walked up to greet their savior, "Hi." "Hi" Rey smiled standing back up straight. "I'm Poe" "Rey" the two shook hands briefly before her eyes fell back on Athena. "Athena" the girl with the scar smiled, outstretching her hand as well. Rey graciously took it, but still looked at the girl confused. How was this possible? From what she had seen it was not.

Rey sat down on a crate, holding Luke's split lightsaber. She could feel he was gone, but she felt he had not left with pain, but with peace and purpose. Leia placed her hand gently on Rey's shoulder as she sat down beside her. "How do we build a Rebellion from this?" She looked down to the destroyed lightsaber, that resembled how she felt, split in two. Leia's hand softly was placed over hers, "We have everything we need." Leia discreetly looked to Athena, standing and laughing with Poe and other members. Rey followed her gaze behind her, to the girl who so very much puzzled her. "I've seen her before in-" Rey's confession was cut short by the General whispering, "In his mind." Rey nodded, surprised she knew her next words. "Yeah I would imagine you would." Leia sighed, looking to the unassuming Athena. "He thinks she's..." Rey trailed off envisioning the large flames she had seen through the force, listening to Leia's heavy sigh. "They both can never know the truth, Rey. Not while this war rages on."

Two Months Later

Athena was squatted down, cautiously maneuvering around in the tall blades of grass. Her blaster was cradled tightly in between her hands, index finger hovering above the trigger. She silently moved around, the grass barely moving, as her face was hardened in determination. An image of black fabric, brushing against blades of grass up ahead, burst into her mind. Athena smirked to herself, tiptoeing forward. A black jacket and black hair wordlessly backed into frame, Athena quickly pouncing forward and wrapping her hand around their mouth, dragging them back down into her. The person shocked sounds were muffled against her palm as the tiniest sound of grass rubbing together had her whipping around, person still pinned against her chest. Athena pointed her blaster at the wide eyed person who attempted to sneak up behind her, "Gotcha" she grinned. The person quickly held up his hands in resignation. She removed her hand and arm from her prisoner, the man groaning loudly. "How do you catch us every time?" Poe demanded turning to face the girl, Finn laughing in the background. Athena only shrugged holstering her blaster back onto her hip. "It's like you can see the future or something!" Athena shoved Poe laughing as the three turned back, exiting the tall grass and onto the landing strip of the new Resistance base. New recruits jogged past them, sweat making their uniforms discolored. "I'm serious Athena, how can you find us every time?" Poe interrogated. "I don't know, maybe you're just too predictable." Poe gasped mockingly hurt at Athena's teasing words. The setting sun illuminated a golden C-3PO who shuffled over to the motley crew, "Mr. Dameron and Miss Stryker, the General is looking for you." Poe and Athena turned to each other questioningly, wondering what they both were needed for. Departing from Finn, the two entered the main building, jogging down the steps and into the Command Center. The General was going over information on a data pad with Lieutenant Connix. "General, you wanted to see us?" Poe questioned leaning against a surrounding table. Leia looked up at the two, some of the best Resistance Fighters in her opinion, and quickly dismissed the Lieutenant and turned her full attention to them. Athena smiled at the woman, who had become like another mother to her since she had recruited her over 9 years ago.

Athena was 19 and bustling with desire to join the Resistance as the First Order rose from the ashes of the Empire to threaten more of the galaxy in the last year. The General had come to Hosnian Prime to discuss urgent matters with members of the Republic, that had included Athena's parents. Athena had been carelessly wandering around the palace, waiting for the end of the conference, when she had accidentally bumped into the General. "I'm so very sorry ma'am!" Athena had rushed out steadying the woman before her. "Oh it's alright dea-" The General had looked up at the taller girl, her words dying in her mouth. The General was quiet as she took in the girl before her. She wore dark terracotta colored pants, a white blouse with a long trail, a purple crystal necklace hanging from her neck, and white boots. Her brown waves were loosely spilling over her shoulders, attempting to hide a pink scar on her neck, blue eyes bright and young. "Oh Leia, it seems you've met our daughter, Athena." Senator Stryker spoke up, coming from behind the two. Leia snapped out of her shock and turned to face the Senator. "Your daughter?" Leia was dumbfounded, it was not possible. "Yes, well adoptive" Mrs. Stryker spoke up, arm intertwined with her husbands. Leia turned back to Athena, smiling awkwardly. "It's a pleasure to meet you."

Ever since that day, Athena had never left the General's side, working closely with her and the Resistance, even when the First Order destroyed Hosnian Prime, her adoptive parents with it. The event had devastated the young girl, but she still had, had a mission to attend to, the destruction of StarKiller Base. Athena had become close to Poe too, the two meeting back in the early days of their training, and becoming good friends and getting into their own little spurts of trouble. "Yes you two are heading back out on a sensitive mission." The General informed, both of them relieved to be going back into action and finally getting off of desk duty. "What's the mission?" "You two are being sent to a small planet on the outer rim of the galaxy, it's known heavily for its allegiance to the First Order so-" Poe cut the General off with a snide remark, "Let me guess we're going to have to act like a bunch of First Order sympathizers." Leia only rolled her eyes and ignored him returning to her plan. "There you two will need to try and go undetected and locate an old Rebellion fighter, who claims to have information on the First Order's new plans." Athena and Poe nodded stiffly, this mission could either go two ways. "You two will leave at the first sign of daylight." The General dismissed the two and they walked slowly down the far right corridor to their rooms. "So do you think it will be dangerous and daring?" Poe quipped. "You'll be there so we're bound to find some trouble" Athena smirked, her hand mindlessly going up to trace her faded scar, a constant reminder of her missing life. "You think you're real funny don't ya?" Poe taunted as the two reached their rooms, directly across from each other. "Goodnight Poe." Athena simply answered before stepping into her small dimly lit room. The door slid down behind her as Athena examined the sparse concrete room consisting of: a small dresser stocked with clothes, a small table with a few belongings, and a small bunk. Most members of the Resistance were bunked up with other people, but under certain circumstances Athena was allowed to always be alone. The young woman quickly changed out of her attire and into a faded ivory nightgown and clambered into the small bed, pulling the blue fleece blanket over her. Athena leaned over to turn off the small table lamp and shuffled down into the bed, a restless sleep falling quickly over the girl.

Athena awakened to the smell of smoke and shot up in her small cot. She glanced to the door, hearing the sound of crumbling wood. Quickly she jumped up and rushed outside, her lungs filling with smoke instantly. The temple ahead was engulfed in red and orange flames, screams coming from inside. A dark figure stood in the field, surrounded by bodies lying limp in the grass, "What are you doing? We need to help them!" She screamed at the person, running to aid the burning people. Athena was suddenly yanked back by a pair of long arms, "No Athena, I can't lose you too!" A male voice shouted from behind her. She cannot see who he was, but she begs and pleads for him to help the dying souls. She eventually shimmied out of his tight grip and ran inside the temple, the smoke and bright flames overwhelming. She heard the unknown man shout her name from outside, before suddenly a large creaking was heard. Athena looked up to the noise as the roof came tumbling down onto her.

"Ath wake up! Wake up!" Someone shook her body roughly when Athena suddenly woke, jolting upwards in bed. She examined her small room, eyes wide with tears, eventually landing on a concerned looking Poe, eyes still heavy with sleep. "You were screaming again." He frowned quietly. Athena sat quietly for a moment, trembling as she fought back her tears. Her heart was racing and her head pounded, why did she keep having this dream?"I'm okay just the nightmare again" Athena whispered hoarsely, eyes looking down at her death grip on the sheets, embarrassment flooding through her. "It's okay, just breathe" Poe comforted, smoothing down her wild hair. "I'm sorry Poe, go back to bed." She finally looked up to her friend again, trying to smile convincingly. She was not positive if he truly bought it or if sleep was calling him back to his own room, but Poe stumbled back towards the door, it shooting upwards to reveal the quiet hallway. He moved to leave, but hesitated, turning back to face the shaking girl. "Do you ever remember anything?" The question floated thickly in the quiet night air, a tear escaping down Athena's face. "No, I only know what the man told me." Poe nodded solemnly before leaving, the door closing in his absence. A gutted sound left Athena's parted lips as she fell back onto her pillow, hot tears rolling down her face. The first memory Athena had was when she was 18, covered in black tar and reeking of smoke, and waking up on a cold steel bench.

She was on the outskirts of a gleaming city, the early morning sunrise casting a golden hue along the towering buildings. Before her, squatting down to her eye level was an older man with his sandy colored hair, gray strands peppering through that and his short beard. Green eyes were intensely watching hers. Panic had began to rise in her, her mind empty, not a single memory or sense of identity within. She could not even remember her name. Thick tears began to roll down her ash covered cheeks, "Who am I?" She choked out to the man. He let out a small sigh, almost in relief of something, "Your name is Athena. You will be safe here I promise." The man stood to leave, a ship waiting just behind him. "No," She reached forward and caught his cloak with her blackened fingers, "Please don't leave me". He refused to turn and face her, simply yanking the cloak from her hands, "This is the only way" he whispered and stalked away. Athena was left on the bench sobbing for hours, trying to bury herself in her white cloak and hood. The sun was at the high point of mid morning, when an olive skinned woman dressed in a rosy dress, detailed in rich gold colored vines, approached the distraught girl. She had bent down before her, gently wiping away the wet black tears from her face, "What's your name sweetie?" "Athena." The woman smiled softly, "Do you have anywhere to go?" Athena shook her head more tears spilling out, "I don't remember." The woman's eyebrows raised in surprise at that before gesturing for the girl to stand with her. "Come with me darling, everything will be okay. My name is Yuiera. Yueira Stryker."

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