Avenging Him

By bat91988

50 10 8

Five years ago, half the world's population disappeared into dust. Bucky Barnes was one of them. Decisions ar... More

Five Years Later
It's a Long Shot

Moments Later

27 4 3
By bat91988

Violetta got the Quinjet ready to leave when she saw figures coming down the road. The first figure came into view. It was Bruce Banner. Then she saw Okoye and Natasha Romanoff. Following by Thor and Rocket. Violetta was praying to see Bucky with the next line of people. She opened the ramp door to let them inside the jet. Bruce, Thor, Rocket and Natasha came on board the jet. Violetta hugged Natasha tightly around her arms. Natasha hugged her back. They were like sisters to each other for last decade. Finally, Violetta saw James Rhodes and Steve Rogers. Her heart dropped when she didn't see Bucky at Steve's side. Natasha let Violetta go from her hug. As Steve and Rhodey boarded the jet, they walked passed Violetta. She began to sob in her hand. Her Bucky was gone too. Nigel saw all of these superheroes on the jet. He was starstruck as a five year old boy could be. Natasha went over to a sleeping Rebecca in her bassinet. She picked the sleeping baby up and held her arms.

"W- where's Bucky, Steve?" Violetta asked Steve as she turned towards him.

"It's a long story, Vi. We were fighting Thanos in the forest. We were trying to protect Vision and it failed." Steve explained to her.

Thor walked over by Steve. "I should have gone with the head. Thanos wouldn't have snapped his fingers." He told Violetta as he looked down at her.

"Snapped his fingers?" Violetta said. She looked up at the tall blonde man.

"I turned around and Bucky said my name. He turned into dust." Steve told her. He hugged Violetta as tight as he could.

"And Wanda, Sam, Groot and T'Challa." Natasha replied.

"Shuri too." Violetta added.

"I hope Tony gets home from space." Bruce told everyone. "He's up there with Doctor Strange and Peter Parker."

"Quill, Gamora, Drax and Nebula too." Rocket announced. The racoon sat on of the seats.

"My husband is gone." Violetta said as tears began to drift down her face.

Steve landed the quinjet down on the surface besides Avengers Compound. He turned off the jet and opened the door. Everyone started to file out of the jet. Violetta had Rebecca in her arms. Steve had Nigel on his side. They were the last to leave the jet. Once inside the compound, Steve took Violetta into a room. He laid Nigel on the bed. Steve covered Nigel up in a blanket. It was a mournful tone in the compound. Violetta set up a makeshift crib for Rebecca to sleep in for the night. During the night, Violetta heard the others talk about the snap until it was quiet in the compound. She fell asleep next to her son in the bed.

A few weeks later, Violetta was rocking Rebecca in her arms. She saw a jet of light from the corner of her eye. Violetta put Rebecca into the makeshift crib. As she walked out of the room, everyone was gone in the compound. Moments later, Pepper was holding a sickly Tony up in her arms. Bruce was rushing to the hospital quarters of the compound.

"Violetta, I need you to help me with Tony." Bruce ordered her.

Tony saw Violetta standing there with her hand on her mouth. "Hello there, Gaines. It's been a long time since we last saw each other." Tony told her. He smiled at the redhead.

"It's Barnes now. Bucky and I got married last year." She replied. Violetta followed Bruce to the hospital quarters.

Pepper and Tony follow them into the quarters. Bruce helped Pepper to put Tony in the hospital bed. Violetta began to search for a vein on Tony's arm for the IV needle. She tapped around with her fingers to find a suitable vein. Pepper watched as Bruce and Violetta work on Tony. Tony was severely dehydrated from being in space without food and water. After they were finished with Tony, Violetta stayed in the room to make Tony comfortable. Bruce left the room.

"You married Barnes. You know he killed my parents, Vi." Tony said. He laid in the bed.

She sighed. "It wasn't really him. You know Bucky would not kill Howard and Maria. He was controlled by HYDRA." Violetta said as she filled up a water pitcher.

"Rogers said the same damn thing in Siberia two years ago." Tony grumbled.

"Bucky is gone, Tony. He was snapped out of everyone's life including his children's lives." Violetta informed Tony of what happened in Wakanda.

"Same thing in space. Peter is gone too." Tony told her about the conflict in space.

"I'm sorry, Tony. He was like a son to you." Violetta said as she placed the pitcher of water on the tray.

"I know, Vi. He didn't want go." Tony sighed.

"He probably felt it happening." She commented on Peter's spider senses.

"He did." Tony answered. "Barnes and you have kids." He said with smile on his face.

"Yes, we do. We adopted a Wakandan boy at the same time I found out was pregnant with Rebecca." She chuckled.

"Rebecca is a beautiful name for her." Tony smirked.

"Nigel had his name since he was born." Violetta replied. 

Tony smiled as he fell asleep. Violetta walked out of the room. She headed back to her room. Her children needed her too. Once she got into the bedroom, Violetta grabbed her cellphone. She dialed her father's number in her phone. Violetta listened to the phone ring. She smiled when her father picked up on the other end.

"Oh God, Vi" Peter said on the phone.

"I'm fine. The kids are fine. Bucky is gone." Violetta replied on the phone.

"Same thing is happened here in D.C." Peter told her as he looked around in his office.

"Thanos did this, dad. He snapped his fingers." Violetta explained to her father.

"Cami and your stepmother are gone too." Peter informed her. "Bella and I are safe in Washington. I tried to get a hold of Nick and Maria. I got nothing. You need to check on your mother." He said. Peter sat down on the chair with his phone to his ear.

"I will." Violetta answered. She sat on the bed. "Dad, I'm pregnant again." She said.

"Did Bucky know?" He asked her.

"No." She replied. "I was going to tell him after the battle in Wakanda." Violetta informed Peter.

"When this one happened?" Peter asked her another question.

"At T'Challa's lake house too." She sighed.

"Do the kids know about the baby?" Peter questioned his daughter.

"No and they don't even know Bucky." Violetta announced. She looked at Nigel and Rebecca sleeping in their beds.

"I need to go. It's late." Peter told her.

"I know. I need to rest before I check on Tony again." Violetta said.

"Is Tony okay?" Peter asked about Tony.

"Yes, he's okay. Bruce and I are taking care of him. He was in space for a few days without food and water." Violetta explained to her father.

"Pepper was probably worried about him." Peter said.

"She was worried. I'm going to call mom." Violetta told him.

After she got off the phone with her father, Violetta called her mother on her phone. It was late in Florida too. Of course, she knew D.C and Orlando are in the same time zone. Violetta heard someone pick up the phone on the other hand end. She took a breath of relief from her lungs.

"Hello." Marsha said on the phone. She was laying in bed with the cover over her.

"Mom." Violetta replied. "I'm glad you're still here. It's a long story." She told her mother. Violetta began to sob on the phone.

"What is going on?" Marsha asked Violetta.

"Bucky is gone, mom. He was snapped out of existence." Violetta mentioned Bucky to her mother.

"Was it from the alien attack in New York City earlier in the week?" Marsha told her daughter.

"Some of it, yes. It was from Thanos." Violetta said. "Mom, I'm pregnant again." She told her mother about the pregnancy.

"Does he --" She was cut off by Violetta.

"No --" Violetta paused. She heard people talking in the living room. "Mom, I have to go. I will talk to you later." Violetta said as she hung up on her mother. She placed her cell on the stand. She laid down on the bed.

The next morning, Violetta woke up to voices. Nigel was looking around the room. Rebecca was fussing in the crib. They were waiting for breakfast. Steve came into the room. Nigel hugged Steve around his leg. Rebecca crawled out of bed. It has been three weeks since the snap. She was a little wearily since the event. Natasha entered into the room. She had some clothes for Violetta to wear. Also, Natasha was planning to take Violetta and the kids to shop for clothes. Violetta watched Natasha put the clothes on the bed.

"I don't think the jeans will fit me now." Violetta told Natasha as she glanced at her.

"Why?" Natasha asked her. "Do you need some pads or tampons?" She looked to be puzzled.

"I won't need those for another seven months." Violetta began to explain.

Steve smiled and chuckled a little bit. "Once again, you're pregnant." He said.

"You mean --" Natasha said as she looked at Steve.

"Bucky and Violetta had sex on their trip in Wakanda almost two months ago. Vi is pregnant." Steve told Natasha.

"How many weeks are you?" Natasha asked Violetta.

"I'm nine weeks and one day." Violetta answered. "I didn't get a chance to tell Bucky. I did tell my parents last night." She said.

Natasha hugged Violetta. "I'm going to be an aunt again for sixth time." She replied.

"I forgot you were an aunt to Clint's kids too." Violetta said to Natasha.

"About Clint. I don't think he disappeared. Thanos kept the original Avengers intact." Natasha said. She knew in her heart, Clint was out there.

"I know you went to your phone when we got back and called him. You said there was no answer at his house." Violetta stated.

Steve listened to their conversation. "He should be off of house arrest by now." He told the girls.

"It's been three weeks since the snap. I hope nothing happened to his family." Natasha commented. She glanced over at Steve. "We should get ready for our first mission in space, Steve." Natasha reminded Steve.

"Suit up, Nat." He replied to Natasha. Then Steve looked at Violetta. "I promise Bucky will be back to you by noon." He smiled at her.

Violetta nodded as she watched Steve and Natasha walk away from her. She went to the courtyard window with Nigel and Rebecca. Nigel waved to the quinjet leaving the Compound with Captain Marvel, half of the Guardians of the Galaxy and the Avengers. She hoped Steve will keep his promise to bring back Bucky to Violetta and the kids. Then she left the courtyard window to check on Tony. Pepper was sleeping in the chair. Tony was awake a little bit. As Violetta checked and woke down his vitals in his chart, she got bedside potty ready for him. Pepper woke up in the chair. She got Tony ready for the potty chair. Between Violetta and Pepper, they got Tony on the chair. Tony grumbled a little bit at them. Pepper grumbled back at him. After they put Tony back in bed, Violetta and Pepper made him comfortable in bed.

"I am going to make breakfast for all of us." Pepper announced. She clapped her hands together.

"Can you cook?" Tony asked Pepper.

"No, I can try." Pepper answered. She walked out of the room. Pepper saw Nigel holding Rebecca. She kissed each of their heads.

Violetta sighed. "Tony, I --" She paused.

"We're in this together, kid. I can't deny the fact you're hiding your lost of Barnes." Tony replied.

"I feel like a failure." Violetta spoke as she sat on the chair.

"You're not a failure. Violetta, you are strong woman. You have to beautiful children out there. They look up to you like you looked up to your parents and me." Tony stated.

"Thank you, Tony." She said smiling.

"You're welcome, kiddo." Tony grinned.

Violetta walked out of the room. She picked Rebecca up from Nigel's lap. Nigel got up and went into Tony's room. Violetta beamed while Nigel climbed up onto the bed with Tony. Tony hugged the little boy. Nigel hugged Tony back. Violetta left the hospital part of the Compound. She had to feed Rebecca her bottle. It was nearly time for Rebecca's morning nap. Rebecca fussed in Violetta's arms as she was getting hungry and cranky.

By the afternoon, everyone was back from Space. It was a different tone around the Compound. Steve was rubbing his temples when Violetta came inside of his room. She knew she was never getting Bucky back. They had failed their mission. Thor beheaded Thanos with Stormbreaker. Thanos used the stones to destroy the stones. Violetta hugged Steve. She laid her head on his back. He held her hands with her hands.

"I failed you, Vi. I failed Bucky." Steve said.

"You tried your best, Steve. You win some. You lose some." Violetta replied.

"Where are Nigel and Rebecca?" He asked her.

"Nigel is hanging out with Uncle Tony. Rebecca is napping." She answered.

"He got rid of the stones." Steve said. He was almost in tears.

"Steve, it's okay to be emotional. I've been tearing up now and again." Violetta informed him.

Steve swings his body towards her. "I haven't been like this since --" He paused.

"Since Peggy's funeral." She told him.

He nodded. "I know it was two years ago." Steve replied.

"It's okay to mourn her. She was the love of your life." Violetta reassured him.

"Fuck! I miss her. I miss Bucky and Sam." Steve said with a smile on his face.

"Oh Steve." Violetta chuckled.

Steve locked his eyes on Violetta's eyes. "Will it be okay?" He asked her.

"We're together in this. Bucky is watching over us." Violetta said.

"I guess you're right." Steve told her.

Violetta nodded. "Pepper should have dinner done. I made lunch for everyone earlier." She informed him.

Steve and Violetta left Steve's room for the kitchen. Half of the Avengers left already, others stayed for the night. Natasha found old records from the 40's in a storage box. It was probably Howard's records. Tony was strong enough to walk around in the living room. He pulled Pepper close to him and danced with her. Natasha looked at Nigel.

"Hey little man, I am going to teach you to dance." She told Nigel. Natasha walked to Nigel. She took his little hand with her hand began to dance with him.

"Okay Aunt Natasha!" He exclaimed. Nigel started to dance with Natasha.

Steve took Violetta out to the floor. "I will be there for you until the end of the line, Vi. It's a promise to keep for Bucky." He said.

Violetta put her hand on Steve's shoulder. "Your promise to be there for Bucky." She replied.

Everyone danced around in the living room for hours. It was almost time for Nigel and Rebecca go to bed. Rhodey had Rebecca in his arms. He cooed and loved her. Violetta stopped dancing with Steve. As she took the kids to bed, Violetta gave everyone a smile before she walked to her bedroom. Violetta told Nigel about Bucky and his new younger sibling before Nigel went to bed. Rebecca was still too young to be told about the snap. Violetta would have to tell Rebecca about the snap when she is older. The months passed, Violetta's stomach grew. Bruce watched over the pregnancy. The baby was growing normally inside of Violetta. She was worried about the baby's DNA being affected by the Super Soldier serum. On January 29th 2019, Grant Peter Barnes was born. He weighed a healthy 7 pounds and 1 ounces. Steve was Violetta's labor coach. Violetta bonded immediately to her son. Soon, she had to figure out what's next in her life. She laid in the hospital bed with her son in her arm. He was beautiful and he looked like Bucky. Violetta realized Grant would never know his father.

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