The General's Little Peasant...

By asrxp32

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This not mine.The purpose of this is for offline reading. She transmigrated into an orphan, thinking that sh... More

Chapter 1: Broken Love
Chapter 2: Starting Afresh
Chapter 3: White Mountain Village
Chapter 4: Uninvited
Chapter 5: Struggle
Chapter 7: Simple And Honest Villagers
Chapter 8: Receiving Help From A Carpenter
Chapter 9: Preparation
Chapter 10: Integrate
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70
Chapter 71
Chapter 72
Chapter 73
Chapter 74
Chapter 75
Chapter 76
Chapter 77
Chapter 78
Chapter 79
Chapter 80
Chapter 81
Chapter 82
Chapter 83
Chapter 84
Chapter 85
Chapter 86
Chapter 87
Chapter 88
Chapter 89
Chapter 90
Chapter 91: I can give you what you want
Chapter 92: Sorely provoked
Chapter 93: Of a different mind
Chapter 94: To pass a test
Chapter 95: Where is Yang Le Le?
Chapter 96: I also want to go
Chapter 97: Yang Le le Is Sold Off By Her
Chapter 98: To not hold water
Chapter 99: Rumors
Chapter 100: Unconvinced
Chapter 101: The Untameable Little White-eyed Wolf
Chapter 102: Youre not human
Chapter 103: Sales
Chapter 104: Not Taking a Single step into the city
Chapter 105: News
Chapter 106. Inquiring The News
Chapter 107: Yaoer, Im Coming
Chapter 108: Not Going Back
Chapter 109: The heiress is pregnant
Chapter 110: Assassination
Chapter 112: It Has Nothing To Do With Me
Chapter 112: It Has Nothing To Do With
Chapter 113: Fish pond seedling
Chapter 114: Into the mountain
Chapter 115: Yang Lele's accident
Chapter 116: Not a robber
The General's Little Peasant Wife Chapter 117: Guilty
The General's Little Peasant Wife Chapter 118: Yang Lele
The General's Little Peasant Wife Chapter 119: Find something to do
The General's Little Peasant Wife Chapter 120: Back to Xiao Wangfu's complaint

Chapter 6: Teach The Children To Recognize Words

12.1K 391 18
By asrxp32

As long as they did not make a fuss, Ning Meng Yao would not get angry. Even when they got noisy to a point where she couldn’t do her work, she would put down the things she was doing and watch them play in the courtyard, sometimes even joining them to play.

“That’s right. Big Sister Meng Yao even taught us how to write words. We can write our own names now.” The children stared at Yang Xiu Er unhappily and said, “We won’t allow you to slander Big Sister Meng Yao like this.”

One after another, the children who were present claimed they could recognize a few words, and some had even memorized more than three words.

The villagers, who were previously doubtful, soon shook the feeling away. Children wouldn’t tell lies. Seeing so many children voicing out similar comments and learned things that could only be taught in school when they had never gone to school could only mean that Ning Meng Yao was the one who taught them.

The views of the villagers towards Ning Meng Yao gradually changed. Some began to see that she was a good person.

Yang Xiu Er sunk into Madam Luo’s embrace after hearing such words. Knowing that no one would believe her if she continued to slander Ning Meng Yao, it made her awkward.  

Her heart carried resentment toward Yang Le Le. It was all because of that wench! If not for her, she wouldn’t have been in a situation where her face would be thrown!

“Xiu Er, don’t speak mindlessly about others next time, it’s not good.”

“That’s right.”

“It’s good if others are willing to teach you, but it isn’t unreasonable if they aren’t.”

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The crowd expressed until Yang Xiu Er’s face became unsightly purple soon after.

Looking at Yang Xiu Er’s awkward expression as she was at a loss of what to do, Yang Le Le let out a disdainful snort and turned away. The children also bounced and followed the little girl to the side of the river to play.

After the crowd dispersed, Yang Xiu Er could not continue to pretend. She raised her head from inside Madame Luo’s embrace and said menacingly, “We could’ve turned Ning Meng Yao’s reputation bad in the village, who knew that it would be foiled.”

“Slowly,” Madame Luo placed her hand on her daughter’s shoulder as she pacified her.

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That girl is only an orphan, what can she do? Where else can she go? Is she not for them to take advantage of?

When Yang Le Le went home, she thought of what the children said before discussing with her father, “Father, Yao Yao knows words. Do you think we can let her teach the children in our village to read?”

“Will she be willing to?” The fee to go to school was expensive and their village was not rich. There were many children who wanted to study, but they did not have the chance. If Ning Meng Yao could teach them, then it would be a very good thing.

“Hehe,” Yang Le Le smiled, “Yao Yao taught the children to write words and read books, I’m sure she’s a good person. She will definitely agree. I’ll go and ask her about it. If she agrees, then you should go and discuss with her, Father.”

“It cannot be done like this. I will be the one to go over to ask her. It’ll be more sincere this way,” Yang Zhu pondered and shook his head to reject Yang Le Le’s idea.

Since they were the ones who wanted to invite Ning Meng Yao to teach the village children, then he should go and visit her himself to show sincerity. After all, if the receiving person thought that they were not being sincere and refused them, what then?

He wanted to let Ning Meng Yao teach the children words, not prepare the children to join the examination. That way, they would have one additional path ahead of them, unlike villagers like them who could only rely on the heavens above for rice.

“Alright. Why don’t we go together this afternoon? I also want to play with her,” Yang Le Le said and chuckled.

She liked to play together with Ning Meng Yao as she felt very comfortable around her.

When afternoon came, Yang Zhu took some watermelons that he grew and followed Yang Le Le to Ning Meng Yao’s house together.

Seeing Yang Le Le and Yang Zhu come over, Ning Meng Yao put down the things she was doing and walked towards them, “Village Head, what brings you here?”

When she first arrived to settle down, Yang Zhu helped her a lot. As such, Ning Meng Yao respected him.

“Girl, Uncle has a request to make,” Yang Zhu looked at Ning Meng Yao, his voice trembling a little. That made Ning Meng Yao feel strange. She turned her head to Yang Le Le while the latter gave her an innocent look.

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