My stepbrothers gay blog

By shoeycpv

39.6K 955 2.4K

Shane is a boy on 17 years old. His mom found new love in a new town. It's two years after they started to da... More

Part 1 My new stepbrother
Part 2 Joeys dirty seacred *
Part 3 brothers
Part 4 You dont need to, but i will **
Part 5 Truth or dare 1
Part 6 truth or dare 2
Part 7 Busted**
Part 8 lip ring
Part 9 tree house *
Part 10 a hard distion
Part 11 trying to help
Part 12 sorry Shane
Part 13 home along **

Part 14 Wedings •Ending•

1.7K 65 145
By shoeycpv

Shane pov

2 montes later

Joe: Joey! You got a leather in the mail!

Joey and I were cuddling watching an old movie that we had seen like a hundred times by now.

Joey: cant he come up here with it

Shane: I don't know, should i follow you down

Joey: yeah sure

We climbed off the bed and got down stairs.

Joey: who is it from dad?

Joe: I don't know, some company or something

Joey got the leather in his hands and opened it and read it.

Shane: what is it about?

Joey: they... offering me a job...

Shane: Thats good right? Who and what it is?

Joey: Modeling... Its from a company that make sports clothes and...

Shane: and what?

Joey: boxers

Shane: isn't that good? What did they say?

Joey: "Dear Joey Graceffa, we would love to offer you a job as one of our models. We seen your photos from your blog and we are really interested with working with you. You will be exploring the world and get dressed in our produces, we also give you the produces that your interested in to go in. We offer you free flights to our head cover and an apartment in the town in... Sweden.

It made me nerves... what if Joey said yes to this? Will he stay in Sweden then?

Joey: we would like you to give us a call, telling us what you want to do. Björn borg"

Joey looked over to me and then his dad.

Joe: Well, thats great Joey. you always wanted to become a model

Joey: but... Sweden, its so far away

Joe: But a job is good Joey, sure its a bit away but you can always visit, and we can come over sometimes. Im never wasting money to see my baby boy.

Joey smiled to his dad and hugged him tight. Joe was making Joey go. I hugged my own body... if Joey moves... what happen to us? Joey saw my un happy face. I dont want Joey to go.

Joey: Shane?

I stood there quiet, I had no idea what to say.

Joey: baby, are you okey?

Shane: can we talk?

Joey: sure

We went up to my room and sat down, right after that even before Joey had let out a word, I asked.

Shane: what about us?

Joey: Shane... I...

Shane: are we breaking up?

Joey: Shane... listen!

Shane: Just so you can date a hot, blond Swed?!

Joey: SHANE!

I was quiet, I should let him talk...

Joey: Im not breaking up with you, I love you to much to even think about ending this we have.

Shane: then why are you so positive by going?

Joey: because... this is my dream Shane.

Shane: I thought that was to become an actor

Joey: this can be a start of it, if the world see me I may have a shoot in film too

Shane: But... what are you doing with me?

Joey: Im taking you with me, they cant take me away from my boyfriend, if they don't let me... I say no

Shane: but... you said you really wanted it

Joey: Of corse, I will say yes, if they allow me to take my boyfriend with me. I don't think they want an unhappy model

Shane: What are Im going to do in Sweden? I don't know any Swedish and I don't want to be that guy that just stay home and spending all your money like one of that crazy hollywoods wife's

Joey: Im sure you can do something! You like filming stuff, you have that youtube thing going on
Shane: I haven't been using it for like a year now, and I don't get any money on it

Joey: If my blog can get some interests, you can with your youtube, I believe you can, you just need to work hard.

Shane: I guise your right...

Joey: he, cheer up, I still love you to the end of the universes and even more.

Shane: thanks Joey

I let him kiss my head and go back to talk to his dad. What ever Joey choose to do, I will accept that. I will still love him just as much that I always done, his my boyfriend and all he need is my support.

So weeks passed and mom and Joe was looking over some magazines in the kitchen. It was Joeys birthday yesterday and the house was still pretty messy after he invited some friends. I gave Joey a beautiful night with blow jobs and let him top me. It was so much fun, so we did three rounds before we feel to sleep. That kid is crazy. So I was ending it all with taking up breakfast for him.

Shane: morning mom, morning Joe

Joe: morning Shane

Mom: good morning sunshine

I looked over what they were looking in for magazines wile I waited on the hot water to the tea.

Shane: what's that?

Mom: oh honey, what do you think of this one.

She held up a picture of a wedding dress...

Shane: your getting married?!

Joe: yeah, it's time for that! We have been together for a while now and it's finely time to get together for real

Mom: by the eyes of God

Shane: omg, guys I'm so happy!! When are you thinking about it?

Joe: after the summer, it will be perfect to set it up then, when the trees are starting to turn into the blow in the wind and it will be on the day we first met

Mom: at least that makes you remember our wedding day, my ex husband always forgot

Joe: I will never forget the happiest day in my life

He said and kissed my mom in front of me.

Shane: that's something that's unfair

Joe: what?

Shane: I can't kiss Joey Inform of you, but you can

Joe: Okey, Okey... You can kiss if that's so important

Shane: thank you

I got back to make the breakfast. Mom left to get some more magazines.

Joe: how was it with Joey yesterday?

Shane: good...

Joe: good...

Shane: awkward hearing us?

Joe: a little...

Shane: sorry...

Joe: it's just your way of showing love I guise

Shane: yeah, well I have to get going, Joey will wake up any minute knowing I'm not there

With that I got up to Joeys room with two plates of sandwiches. Joey was awake when I came in, typing on his computer, guessing a blog update of last night.

Shane: good morning babe

Joey: hmm, morning tight ass *wink

Shane: happy to top for ones

Joey: I have done it before, but it was the first time with you so it was special for me at least.

Shane: thank you, it was the first time for me to bottom too so, but wait why do we talk about this?

Joey started to latch.

Joey: I don't know, but I had a great time, thank you

Shane: no problem, and I got us breakfast

Joey: yummy!

I sat down beside Joey and gave him one of the plates and we started eating. I had promise Joey to be with him all day and just cuddle and have a good time.

Joey: so, what do mom and dad do?

I have started to nodes that Joey had started to call my mom "mom" it's kind of crazy but I never say anything about it.

Shane: looking in wedding magazines

Joey: what!?

With that Joey few up of the bed and got down, I followed him.

Joey: dad! Your planing on getting re married?!

Joe: yeah, what's wrong with that? You sound mad

Joey: because am! You promise me to never get married! That's the last thing I have left from mom!! Your wedding day, if that gets replaced with a new one... Are you forgetting about mom...

Joe: Joey, clam down... Don't cry honey

Joey: you promise...

Joe: Joey, times change and I love Theresa

Joey: don't get me wrong, I'm happy Theresa and Shane are in our life's... But... Replace mom....

Joey was crying a river... I have always known that his mother meant a lot to him... But this much... Joe got up to hug his son, talking soft to his ear.

Joe: your mother will never be replaced, never! I still love Debora, enormous! But we both need to move on, look at Shane. He will never replace Corner, but he will help you feel better

Joey was crushed, he was so shocked because he think this will replace him mom. Joey looked over at me, I started to feel bad. I don't think we would ever date if Corner were still alive, he most be happy for that... right...

Joey: Sorry Dad... I had no idea what flew in me, Im happy for you two over this

Then he pulled up a smile to his dad and hugged me.

Joe: I will always love your mom Joey, don't you ever forget that

Joey: I wont, I love you dad

That was pretty much what happen that summer, Joe and mom planed there wedding, Joey and i graduated and went out with some good grades. Life was great with party's and we went on a vacation to bora bora. Joey and I visit in Sweden too to see if Joey could work there, and if he was allowed to take me with them, what they didn't had a problem with. I could easy get a job as Joeys personal assists and get paid by that! We said we move in after our parents wedding so they can have a life of their own with out us kids. So today was the wedding... I had dressed in a suit and was taking a last look in the mirror, trying to get my tie done, but it wont.

Shane: fucking tie!...

I keep on trying until two hands rolled under my arms and made the job done, a few lips on my neck.

Joey: Your so handsome baby

Shane: thank you, you too

I got a kiss on my cheek and turned around to my adorable boyfriend. In a smiler suit but with a bow tie.

Joey: Its kind of big, don't you think?

Shane: about what?

Joey: that our parents getting married? We will be stepbrothers for real

Shane: so, I guise we never dated etch other as stepbrothers?

Joey: hehe, not really... but we have etch other now

Shane: and forever

Joey blushed a little with a smile.

Shane: what so funny about it beautiful?

Joey: Oh... no I'm just happy for our parents

Shane: yeah, lets get going so your dad don't have to wait to long

Joey drove us to the church and Joey was doing some things to get his dad ready for the wedding, he was nerves but so was we. So joey and I sat down to get ready for it to begin.

I held on Joeys hand all the time trow it. My mom had a wonderful dress on what made me cry. I have never seen my mom so pretty. I held Joeys hand tight while crying of happiness, oh Im so happy I'm not a girl in this monument or my make up would be ruined. The "I do" came up from both of them and Joey were resting his head on my shoulder. It was so perfect, Joe in that black suit, mom in her dress and around was a lot of roses. So perfect!

The wedding party were starting, I was dancing with my mom and Joey and It was super fun! We had some amazing FOOD! I love food so much! But I kept away from it for a while. To the end, all the speeches was, Joe was talking about his new wife and how happy he was to have her, I know that mom thought the same. Some good friends to Joe was specking, my brother Jeered, Joeys grandma and some other random people I only seen ones or never.

Joe: Okey, last of you all is my amazing son Joey

He got some applauses when he got up the small stage. Garbing the mic.

Joey: Um yeah hi, Im not much of a speaker, out side the internet of corse, hehe. If you don't know I have blog there I like to write about gay rights. Um, dad hates it because I like to post half naked pictures but thats another story.

Now its about Theresa and dad, or more like mom and dad. When I first meet Theresa, I was happy that my father was able to move on, something that I wasn't able to do at this point... I have a long list of boyfriends that I have had by this time, so I was happy for dad to find another one to be called his one and only.

I miss my real mom, yes, but that doesn't let Theresa to be welcomed into my life as well. Im a teen, in a young adult body so I wasn't the best of taking all the things in like, getting a new women with her son moving in to my home. I have to be honest, I hated the fact of a stepbrother, but... it was the best thing that could ever happen to me. I guise dad and I have a good taste in the Yaw family, or the other side of the Graceffa family now I guise hehe.

The most of you may know that I don't treat my stepbrother like a stepbrother should, I feel in love with mine, Shane I love you. So thank you Theresa for giving him life and rase him, thanks dad for finding Theresa, because you didn't only find love to yourself, but also to me. I have one last thing to do before my dad give me some nice alcohol so I go to bed like a good boy. Shane can you come?

I was nerves getting up on the stage up to Joey, taking his hand in mine, what was happening.

Joey: Shane, Im so happy for our parents, non of us was able to not cry today. I hate make you cry over sadness, but I love to make you happy like you are now. We are going to have a great time in Sweden, and I will not drive with you too much as my left hand in the model world. Its only one thing I want to bring up and thats... I want the same thing as mom and dad got today, I want the same feeling of being with the one I love...

With that Joey got on one knee in front of me! OMG! was this real? He piked up the box from his blazer, opening it, showing up the black/silver ring.

Joey: Shane Lee Yaw/Graceffa, will you marry me?

Shane: OMG! Yes Joey! I want to marry you!!!

I got the ring on my finger and trowed myself over Joey that was still on his knee so we feel to the floor. Not giving a fuck about that our whole family were watching I kissed him long and soft.

Shane: I love you Joey

Joey: I love you too Shaney

Joey pov

Me and my fiancé Shane were starting to get settled down in our small apartment in Stockholm. It was starting to get really good, it was a tinny place to be on, the hole apartment was like the size of my old bedroom... but beside dad is still rich as hell so... But I like having it this way, I had my own place with Shane and it was no limits for us to show love, sleeping together every night, kiss when ever we feel like it, using the tv late at night, have loudly sex...

My life is perfect! My work was amazing, and I could see Shane everyday in work, we had the same lunch times and so on, so we took it as dates. It went worse for my blog thou. I had to start growing up to a man, they are unfair to gay men, women, boys and girls, but the real thing i should think about is enjoying life. But blogging is a part of my life...

"Welcome to our boyfriend blog! / Joey and Shane Dawson <3"


So that was the ending of this fan fic! It's been so fun making it! But it took a lot of my time but I hope it worth it!

So did you liked this fan fic?

Btw! I'm writhing two new books with two amazing friends! "The Seared" with GraceffaBurry17 and "you can only have one" with Sammi_02! So exited hope you want to read them!

Question of the day!

What did you think of this fan fic?!

I love you all my stitch baby's good dane bye!!


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