By fleekduchess

143 40 20

Megan is OK with her boyfriend, Alan, That's until she meets Dmitri. Dmitri will do anything for her. More

about authour
chapter one
chapter two
making a book cover
chapter four
chapter three
chapter five
chapter six
chapter seven
chapter nine
chapter ten
chapter eleven

chapter eight

7 2 2
By fleekduchess

Becca POV

David Taylor swore as he put down the phone.

Their plan was to plant me in Dmitri life, let him fall in love with me, then pretend to kidnap me threatening him so he could give up his title and hand it over to them.

It was a perfect plan, until he decided to break up with me a few days ago.

"what happened Dave? " I asked.

"that Bastard said we could keep you, that he cared less". Dave said hitting a table.
I chocked on my food, "what? ".
"bitch don't be stupid, you cause all this by being sneaky, Dmitri is a paranoid freak you know that".

I sighed, I thought we had accomplished it.

"now we are back to square one ". Israel Taylor piped in.

The Taylor brothers always wanted someone else's fortunes.
They take it at the slightest opportunity.
But were unable to get to Dmitri.
At least that's what they told me. But I have a feeling that Dmitri's case was different.

"we'll think of something later on just get out of my sight ". Cruz said. He was the eldest of the Taylor brothers.

Megan POV

I still see your shadows in my room........ I have this lucid dreams where I can't move or think.

I sang this lyrics in my head as I walked to lunch. The sun was bright above my head, burning my skin. I really needed to get sun block cream to avoid sunburn. My skin wasn't that white, sometimes I think my origin isn't America.
I had this dark skin that made me look Indian.

"hey Meg, ", I heard Cherish calling out, I turned to her direction smiling while using my right hand to shade my eyes from the sun.
She had shades on with a ripped black Jean and a red top. Her hair was wrapped perfectly on her head.
she walked towards me giving me a hug.
"so today we have to eat the food here". She said her hand over my shoulders as she dragged me to the canteen.

I struggled to keep up with her. Her strides were long for a woman.

Dmitri was already there, sitting at the right far corner of the hall.
She steered me towards him.
He looked up with a smile, he had a black shirt on with the two top button undone.
"hi", he said to me smiling weirdly, I became shy and waved at him smiling, I pulled a chair across of him settling my butts on it.
Cherish was already sitted down on the chair by his left which was by my right.
All the while Dmitri kept staring at me which made me uncomfortable.
I twitched on my chair, clearing my throat I said "let's order ".

"oh yes" he replied as if caught like a deer in the headlights.

Cherish had rice with chicken nuggets, Dmitri had chicken chips and vegetables.
I decided to go with the same food as Cherish .

My phone rang out the caller ID showing it was my MOM.
I tapped the green button pressing the phone to my ear.
"my baby girl how are you,....".
"we miss you", Stella called out.
"um mom I'll call you later right now I'm eating and I really don't want to chock on my food".

"alright darling call you later ".

The line went dead as I put the phone on the table.

Just as I lifted my heads Mr Martin walked in cautiously through the door of the cafeteria settling at the other corner of the hall all the while his vision was trained on us.

I averted my gaze too late, cause he held my gaze for about two seconds.
My heart thumped in my chest, I felt like it was about to come out of my mouth.
"are you OK? ", Dmitri asked looking at me with concern.
"that man over there keep staring at us", I said this with my lips tight against each other, this is to avoid him reading my lips. He totally looked the type that could read lips from a distance.
Dmitri's back was to him which prevented him from taking a look immediately.
Cherish looked at Mr Martin, pulling out her phone, she pretended to take a picture of Dmitri adding Mr Martin to the picture.
She handed the phone to Dmitri.

Dmitri stared at it for sometime before setting the phone down.
"Let's get out of here".
Oh so the school environment isn't safe either.
"why?, he's my lecturer" I haven't even started eating my food and I didn't want to leave just yet.
"he's a lecturer? " Dmitri asked.
"yeah" I nodded.
Anger flashed on his face. Cherish seemed angry too.
"eat your food we'll soon have to leave".
"why do we have to leave ?". I asked sticking the chicken into my mouth .
"just eat". Dmitri replied his voice tight.

We ate in silence with me stealing glances at Dmitri. Getting caught most of the time, he always smiled at me.

I caught sight of my roommate, I waved at her, I didn't know why I was happy to see her.
She stood for a minute before walking towards me with a wide smile playing in her lips.
Whoa Linda was actually smiling.

She placed her tray on the table.
"hi Dmitri ". She cheerfully greeted taking the sit by Dmitri's left. Cherish rolled her eyes.
Dmitri just nodded, his eyes still on me.
She snarled at me. I flinched.
"know your place Linda ", Cherish said placing her fork on her empty plate, grabbing a tissue she whipped out any stain on her lips.
"anyway we were about to leave".
I drank water after the last spoon of rice I chewed.
Dmitri just stood up, ushering out of the door.

Cherish stayed back speaking to Linda who had an unpleasant face expression when Dmitri and I walked out of the cafeteria.

"Dmitri you seem edgy ". I said to him as we made our way to the classroom block.
"it's nothing darling ".
Darling??????????????? . My mini self asked me. Obviously I don't have an answer as to why he called me that. But I think I liked it.
"I'll walk you to class and Meg, just be careful ".
I nodded.
I noticed slot of people stared at him for longer time than necessary. Mostly girls.
They were actually drooling.

Yah he was definitely handsome and what every girl wants for herself.
I won't mind having him as Christmas gift. I chuckled at that thought.
We stopped at the class I was to be taking the next lecture.
I braced myself for a goodbye.
But he followed me in.
I concluded that maybe he was taking this class too.
But he motioned for me to go take a sit.
Students hurried in while he took the desk at the front, settling on the edge of it.

I frowned sitting on the first row of the class.
"leave the Lecturers table". I whispered to him with confusion written on my face.
I was slightly hurt at the way he ignored me picking up a maker, he wrote on the board. This guy play too much.

"today we'll be having a different topic, very different from last week's own, but I'll be very simple ".
I was in shock.
He was a lecturer too.
I wonder what else he would soon reveal.

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