The Mating Games

By bexstill

18.2K 596 93

The supernaturals have taken over thee world, seperated it into 4 areas,The North,South,East and West.Rene Wi... More

The Mating Games
Chapter 3
Chapter 4

Chapter 2

4.2K 167 7
By bexstill

okay sorry, i guess i cant update everyday but i will try. so heres chapter 2.


I quickly looked at Cora to see she had the same look as i did, astonishment and disbelief. After alot of arguing between this mystery man and Reese we were forced to go pack our bags, Cora had to go home to get hers while i was in my room getting mine. I didnt pack alot only some clothes, a book, tooth brush, toothpast and some shoes.You are required to bring all your belongings to the mating games in case you find a mate then they can just leave with you.Thats why i was only bringing such a little, Cora and i have devised a plan to hide out in the forest and stay there for a week or two,because the monsters would obviously think we ran home, then we were to catch a plane out of here.I opened my closet and pulled out my Shadow Tech 4-1/2 dagger and hid it deep within my bag.

I slung my bag over my shoulder and walked downstairs and saw Cora standing there with her bag in her hands,still in our running gear because the mutt wouldnt let us change.The mysterious monster took mine and Coras bags to the car, while he did that i pulled Reese into a tight hug."Im going to miss you" he wispered crying. I pulled away and wiped his tears away.

"Do you honestly think im going to leave you? Ill be back soon, La mia altra meta" The italian words i said to him meant 'my other half' When we were still aloud to go to school before the suoernaturals took over, we accidently picked the wrong class and went to italian instead of french, long story short we enjoyed that subject so much that we get our schedules moved to be in that subject.

Soon after our good byes the monster came inside and told us it was time to go, there was a black porsche now along with the red ferrari. When we asked why, he replied with "Because you each will be put in seperate rooms on orders of the alpha king himself" I seriously hate this Alpha king who ever he is. I was put in the black porsche while Core in the red ferrari.

Five hours later we arrived at a hotel close to where the mating games will be held. I was placed in a fancy room on he top floor and two doors down was Coras room. I found it strange considering all the other humans wernt aloud on this floor, it was only the two of us and 2 guards at each of ours doors. Why the hell do we need guards?? 

We have four hours until the game starts, so i might as well take a shower then get some rest. After my very relaxing shower, i changd into a pair of black tights, a white and black knit sweater, bright blue socks and tied my hair into a messy bun. I slipped into the white bed and let darkness take over.

I was awaken by banging and shouting on the door. "Luna! Luna are you alright!?" a panicked ale voice screamed through the door. What did he just call me,Was that like how they say bitch in werewolf language or something?

I quickly opened the door only to feel a great amount of pain on my left cheek,the impact of the hit had me falling on the ground." You fucking punched me?" I screamed in disbelief, i knew werewolves hated humans but i didnt think they would disobey the werewolf rules and harm us.

"I didnt mean to! I was trying to get through the door, you werent answering and-" I stood up and glared at him with all the hatred i could summon, grabed my black nikes that were by the door  and walked out, down the passage to see Cora awaiting for me, we were supposed to leave for the mating  games now. Cora gasped when she saw me and ran straight to me inspecting my cheek. "Oh god Rene what happened?" 

"One of the guards punched me, and dont worry i will get him back"  i quickly added after seeing her death glare. We walked down the stairs of the hotel together and joined the group of humans awaiting to go to the games. Some were giggling and jumping excitedly while others looked as miserable as we did. Our guards were far behind the group of humans looking around for any source of danger, the one that hit me however was staring at me with sadness, as if he was really sorry that he hurt me. Pfft please werewolves are abomanations and dont care about anyone but themselves and their mates.

We were told to all stand in a line and await the first alarm, my stomach churned. I know my mate is here and i have a feeling that Cora has a mate to and they both are going to try and get us. I was torn away from my thoughts when the first alarm went off, Cora grabbed my hand and we were off. We ran straight into the woods, dogded trees, branches and large roots, we soon found a cave, the entrance was just big enough for us to squeeze through. No doubt in my mind that our mates wouldnt be able to get in here, just then the second alarm went off and a round of howls rung through the air. One howl sent shivers down my spine, It was louder than the rest and sounded closer than the others, it was my mate and he was getting close.

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