Arms Unfolding

By Elephant_Reject

8.3K 284 403

Paul ran away after John cheated on him. They're trying to work it out. A Mix of Say No To This and Burn AU... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Authors notes and update on life
Chapter 21
Thank you! Update 2

Chapter 17

253 12 14
By Elephant_Reject

Paul's POV

I was staying at Ringo and George's house. I don't really wanna be alone at the moment. I wish George didn't live here too. I mean I hadn't seen him yet since he was out doing god knows what. Ringo was anxiously waiting for him but my mind was focused on John. Why didn't I stay with him? When am I supposed to go back? How does he not realize I didn't tell him for his own mental health‽ I would've told him if I thought he was okay, but he wasn't okay.

Is he going to be okay? Should I check up on him? I'll go back tomorrow before he goes to his appointment with the psychologist. I hope they don't find anything. If they did at least we'd know and could get him help. The front door opened and Ringo rushed to it. I watch Ringo as he helped George too his room. Ringo eventually made his way back after getting him a glass of water.

"You're a pretty good friend Ringo for dealing with George."

"It's not hard since I love him." 

"You love him?"

"Yeah, I have for a while but I know he doesn't but that's fine." I felt almost guilty even though it was my fault it was in a way.

"I'm sorry, Ringo."

"It's fine. It's not your fault George is a clueless dumbass." He let out a deep sigh before sitting next to me on the couch. "Have you told him?" Ringo looked at me confused. "Why would I've told him? I already know he doesn't like me."

"It's worth's a try. I'm gonna go to bed." I got up and walked to the guest bedroom. All I wanted was to be back with John. I opened my phone about to text him but decided against it. I plugged my phone in and grabbed a pillow.


I walked into our flat where John was sitting on the couch. We looked at each other for a minute. Was he going to tell me to leave? "Don't forget your appointment." John stood up and walked towards me, filling me up with unexplainable dread. To my surprised he hugged me pushing me into his chest. "You came back! Please don't leave me again!"

I pulled my head out of his chest since I was choking and looked up at John. "What did you do last night? Also since we're gonna be honest I stayed at Ringo and George's house. George was away for most of the night and didn't even talk to me in the morning."

"I cried and drank, and... well that's about it." I glanced at a clock and looked back at John.

"You should probably go to your appointment or you'll be late."

Thank you for reading!

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Have a good day!

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