Never End

By starkmatriarch

398 29 8

A retelling of everybody's favorite fairy tale, Peter pan and Wendy. More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 4

Chapter 3

60 3 1
By starkmatriarch

Wendy was kneeling in front of the window crying. Looking at the stars shining brightly in the night sky. Her daughter was gone and someone was holding her prisoner that was not pan. She just knew it was not Peter. John and Michael had turn on the lights, they both sat next to their older sister. 

"We will get her back" John said to Wendy trying to lighten her mood.

Wendy only smiled sadly "No... I need to go get her" John tilted his head in confusion and Wendy continued "I do not want anything bad to happen to you or Michael" Wendy placed her hands on John and Michael's cheek. "Because if something happen to the both of you. It would destroy my soul. I cannot anyone else."

John and Michael nodded looking down.

"What will you do to get Izzy back?" Michael asked.

"I will go to Neverland" Wendy's eyes were blue fire.

"But only the young can enter..." John said.

"I will find a way" Wendy said as she walked out of the room and to her bedroom.


"Who are you?" Izzy's voice trembled with fear as she stared at a man on the throne.

"I am Fabian and I know your father, Isabelle" The man... Fabian said.

"But I don't know my father" Izzy said.

"Oh I think you do and when he finds out I have his daughter in my keep... he will come" Fabian gave a malicious smirk as he stepped of his throne. 

Isabelle took a step back but she couldn't because the shadow held her by the wrist.

"I want to go back to my mom" Izzy cried.

"Do not worry young Pan, you will soon be able to go home" Fabian laughed.

He waved his hand and the shadow took Isabelle. The shadow flew once more with Isabelle to a brick high tower. He threw into the room, Isabelle collapsed on the stone floor. The room was cold and dark, but with a head nod the candles lit up, and he flew away leaving her in the tower.


Wendy looked in the mirror she was dressed in black trousers with black boots, a button down white shirt, her light brown hair pulled back into a ponytail. The clothes fit a little too tight for her adult body but that won't be much of her problem soon.

She held a vial of fairy dust, closing her eyes she wished for Tinker Bell to come. Wendy blew softly on the powder on her hand. 

Wendy only had to wait a few seconds before her a golden glitter surrounded her. Tiny woman appeared in front of Wendy. The tiny woman grew until she was at Wendy's height.

The women, Tinker Bell, was as Wendy remembered her not if a little different. Her blonde her was piled up into a bun and her clothes, instead of green dress, she wore tight black pants and a green cami. Her face had a few wrinkles from exhaustion and her green eyes were dimmer.

"Tink what happened?" Wendy asked.

"Neverland is not doing well" Tinker Bell sighed. "But why did you call me?" 

"I need to get to Neverland" Wendy said.


"Someone took my daughter" Wendy voice was filled with sadness, fear and anger that made Tinker Bell flinched.

"You have a daughter?" 

Wendy nodded "I found out after Peter left" 

Tinker Bell nodded "Alright... I will take you there" She waved her hand and green light came out of it enveloping Wendy. When Tinker Bell stopped, Wendy was eighteen years old again and Tinker bell grabbed her, the windows snapped open and she flew Wendy to Neverland.

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