Bts SickFic's

By LowKeyNerdx

39.7K 551 202

Just a whole bunch of fluff of of bts getting sick and being cared for by their hyungs/dongsaengs this will b... More

Jungkook ~ Just Gotta Persevere
Jimin ~ Stomach Flu
Taehyung ~ Well this isn't my day
Yoongi ~ Thank you
All ~ The Domino Effect
Hoseok ~ Meddling Maknaes
Authors Note
Taehyung ~ Should have never doubted me

Jungkook ~ Dont think twice

3.7K 55 3
By LowKeyNerdx

Jungkook often didn't think twice about what he was doing; but not in a negative way.
Often he'd throw himself into training with the pure intention of simply wanting to give 110% for ARMY at their shows, other times he'd forget to eat simply because he wanted to spend five minutes more on the sofa with his Hyungs and then it was time for bed.

The only times Jungkook would think twice is when he really truly had too.

Comeback was looming over their heads, this meant the dorm had a tension you could cut with a knife.
It wasn't a negative atmosphere by far, it was more an atmosphere of tiredness, stress levels where high and their expectations of themselves had been lifted by ten times.
You could often find a member stirring their noodles at the table for minutes before finally starting to eat, the silence would stretch on for hours but none of the members minded from their loud busy mornings.

That morning it all started off like every other day at the BTS dorm.
Breakfast was a rushed and quiet affair as the group piled into their respective cars to make their way to the company.
Jungkook, still yawning, had managed to squish himself in between Yoongi and Jin in the back seats.
His fingers were tapping restlessly on his knee to a beat that he he knew but couldn't quite place what it was; he could also see Yoongi shooting him glances out the corner of his eye every few seconds.
Jungkook knew he was annoying his hyungs by his tapping yet for some reason he couldn't stop.
He felt like there was a buzz of electric underneath his skin, he hadn't slept properly that night, he had skipped breakfast in favour of waking up later something he knew he'd regret later but right now he didn't think twice about it.

It was half way through their dance practice that Jungkook knew something was wrong.

Half way through the same run through of the same song, Jungkook yet again tripped over his own foot catching himself very quickly but it didn't go un noticed by his hyungs and their dance manager.
He saw the manager heave a sigh before gesturing for the group to take a water break.
Jungkook bowed slightly to the manager in apology before turning to get his water bottle from the floor avoiding the eye contact of his hyung as best he could.
He ripped the cap off and downed the bottle in one gulp.
His head felt like it was going to explode, his limbs ached from the dance practice, and his eyes, oh his eyes, they itched; he wanted to rub his eyes give them some relief of the darkness but he knew he had hours left of the blinding lights of the studios.
Heaving a sigh, Jungkook leaned his forehead against the mirror its surface cool against his unusually warm forehead; perhaps he really was getting sick?

"Are you okay?"
Jungkook jumped when a hand appeared on his shoulder spinning around to see what the invasion was.
It was only Jin.
"Yes Hyung." Jungkook said quickly throwing him a small smile, "sorry for all the bother."
"Are you sure?" Jin asked raising an eyebrow at him not convinced by his words. Jungkook nodded.
"Just didn't sleep too good last night." He said brushing him off quickly, "I just want to work hard."
Jin nodded a little before offering his own water to the boy in front of him, which after a second Jungkook eventually took downing the bottle again in a few minutes.

Jungkook hit the floor not once, but three times in the next practice.
The manager tapped his fingers against his leg looking increasingly concerned.
Jungkook heaved a sigh as he got himself back to his knees, he felt un naturally warm not like he was sweaty for a dance practice or concert warm; it wasn't natural.
All he wanted to do was lie back down on the cold floor and go to sleep; his head was pounding, the music was too loud, the lights too bright, maybe Jin was right he wasn't really alright.

"Come on Jungkook" A hand was helping him up, he thought the voice belonged to Taehyung but he wasn't sure.
Someone else was talking to him now, but he couldnt place the voice in the space around him.
Was they talking to him? Didn't they know he wanted to sleep?
He moved his feet as the arms were tugging him to his feet, but his legs felt like jelly and the floor felt like he was on a ship in the middle of a storm at sea.
He swayed from side to side turning his head from side to side to see who was talking to him, but his vision was betraying him, he couldn't see anything.

"Look at me-" one voice caught his attention and he managed to catch a glimpse of Namjoon snapping fingers in front of his eyes, concern bleeding into his eyes.
Jungkook gave him a small smile.
He didn't think twice.
He wanted to sleep; and that's what he did.

When Jungkook finally came too he knew he was somewhere familiar.
There was a familiar scent in the air, around him he could hear slow breathing and under his finger tips was soft fabric; he wanted to sink into it and never leave it.
He managed to turn his head blearily to look at whoever was talking to him, it was Yoongi.
"Jungkook you with me?" He nodded. "How are you feeling?"
"Like I got hit by a car." Jungkook grumbled sitting up slowly. Yoongi put a hand on the small of his back to help him watching him carefully.
"What happened?" Jimin asked quietly, Jungkook turned slowly to spot Jimin sat on the end of his bed watching him with worried eyes.
"Didn't feel so good that's all." Jungkook mumbled. "Tired..."
"When was the last time you ate?" Jin asked appearing seemingly out nowhere to Jungkook. He only received a shrug in return.

Jin gave a tut at him before offering him a bowl of rice and chopsticks.
Jungkook took them quickly almost shoving them into his mouth if it wasn't for Yoongi slowing him down.
"Eat slowly."

Jungkook explained to his worried hyungs how the morning started off fine yet throughout the day he ended up feeling more and more run down.
Jin had tutted every now and then in slight affection more than annoyance.
"Next time tell us." Namjoon said quietly, to five nodding heads. "We want to help you, even though this is down to your actions this time." Jungkook nodded a little. "We're busy, I get that, but please Jungkook you need to remember to eat and take care of yourself... You worry us because we care about you."
Jungkook nodded pulling the sheets up to his chin giving a small sigh; he hated making his Hyungs worry yet here they were.
"We love you."

All of the band members admitted they often didn't think twice.
Namjoon would often sit for hours in the dorm writing lyrics when everyone went to bed.
Jin would spend his evening practicing his dancing in the mirror not thinking of whatever time it was, until his room mate would come back home to force him into bed.
Yoongi watched the clock tick past one in the morning and turned his attention back to his song.
Hobi often danced his way across the room not thinking of injuries, time, or whoever was around, sometimes he'd push his dancing too far trying to constantly make the best moves possible he could; injuries or not, he'd make those dances unforgettable.
Jimin would often think twice about eating, be too hard on himself over his dance practices when something went wrong; he'd skip out on lunch to spend time in front of the mirror with Hobi going over the same move he couldn't nail down.
Taehyung, along with the others who would dance until his feet hurt, he'd spend his nights playing games with Jungkook until the pair would spot the sunlight or hear Jin getting up, swear, and dive into bed for an hours sleep.
He'd lie awake listening to playlists late into the night watching the night sky change colours in front of him.

And then there was Jungkook.
He often started to think twice now.
He'd pull Yoongi out his studio, take Namjoon's song book off him and dance with a movie in front of him, He'd praise Jimin and Hobi's dancing until he was blue in the face offering them noodles and rice in their practices for a 'picnic lunch' which always persuaded them to stop their movement.
Jungkook would seek out Taehyung late at night when the boy was listening to his playlists, when sleep was evading him, he'd lie next to him breathing slowly with him until sleep pulled them both into the darkness.
They each had their moments where they didn't think twice.
They did it all out of love for their fans, their passion for what they did.

"Ready to go another round?" Hobi asked Jungkook who was leaning against the mirror drinking water.
"Not just yet Hyung..." Jungkook panted, "give me five minutes."

~ Sorry this is one of the shorter chapters, please leave suggestions down below I'd really appreciate it ^^

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