Fates Intertwined (Karmagisa)

By Crystal_Nymph

69.2K 2.5K 2.4K

"W-well, my name's Shiota Nagisa but you can call me by my first name as well." "That was bad of you, Karma-k... More

I'm tagged, I guess?
Birthday oneshot


1.1K 51 30
By Crystal_Nymph

"Summer vacation! The Kunugigaoka Junior High Special Summer Course; three days and two night at Okinawa resort island!" Koro-sensei excitedly announced.

Like always, he'd dumped a heavy book- even heavier than the Kyoto one- and Nagisa was tempted to write it down in an itinerary like Kanzaki had once done. Though, the idea of going somewhere outside Kunugigaoka in these heights of summer didn't exactly sound like a bad plan.

"Let me be honest; you've become formidable students indeed." Nagisa felt a burst of pride at that, glancing at Kayano who smiled at him, "I've given you report cards to show your parents. These are my report cards to you!"

A bunch of sheets of paper rained down on them and Nagisa grabbed one of the papers that had been slowly fluttering down. A red target sign stood out from the blank white sheet of paper, and Koro-sensei spun his pen from his position, grinning almost proudly.

"This summer vacation, it's time for plenty of fun, plenty of study and plenty of killing."


The start of their summer vacation, and Sugino had already texted him to meet up at the base of the mountain for some unknown reason. Not that Nagisa had any problem with that; they were due to arrive at the field by the time they would have finished hanging out.

Or so Nagisa had thought before he was promptly made to carry an insect box for Sugino. He didn't think that Sugino was interested in bugs, that was a new information. And since he wasn't much busy himself, he followed Sugino's lead as they went deeper in the forest.

(And Nagisa might or might not have been avoiding Karma after that incident.)

At least, the short exploration turned out interesting in the most bizarre way possible. By the time they'd found another one of them perched on a tree, the conversation had long left the topic of beetle and money, and instead set to a higher subject like more money and... well, porn magazines.

Okajima was definitely the sleaziest boy in their class, if not, one of the most straightforward and honest too. In spite of his perverseness, he was rather sincere about his assassination and that was something admirable in him. Honestly speaking, everyone in his class probably had tons of admirable qualities except for Nagisa himself.

"Pornography can save the world," Okajima said, his expression way too noble for whatever words came out of his mouth.

The result of the attempt was blaringly obvious as they trekked up to the field, Koro-sensei still whining about the rare albino beetle.

Nagisa changed into his standard PE uniform, noting Karma's absence in the locker room to himself. Not that Karma wasn't already strong enough, but their grand assassination plan was just a week away! They barely had any time to practice, so they were making the most of the first few days of their summer vacation.

The training for today was shooting targets which Nagisa was pretty decent at, but then again, it was exponentially harder when the actual target was an octopus with Mach 20 speed.

"Oh, you adorable brats," Bitch-sensei seemed least bit worried about the assassination trip, reclining on a chair, "go ahead, spend your summer vacation working up a sweat. I'll be relaxing, thank you very much,"

Mimura huffed, "You say that, but among all, you're the one who needs to up their level the most,"

She still didn't seem concerned, "Grown-ups are sneaky," she smirked, throwing her head back, confidence radiating from her, "I'll hitch a ride on your strategy and only take away the best parts,"

"That's my Irina,"

Lovro had been dropping off a couple of times since he'd came here, supervising their training and providing with valuable insight. For him to come in such a time was not a big deal, but Bitch-sensei straightened up from her chair immediately, and stood stiff with a loud and surprised, "Lovro-sensei!"

"He's here as special instructor for summer," Karasuma-sensei informed, "he'll be giving us tips from a pro's perspective,"

Lovro's stare bore at Bitch-sensei almost in disdain, "Rest one day and your fingers and arms forget all about killing. If you don't want to flunk out, hurry and get changed!"

"Yes sir! Absolutely!" She hurried along.

Lovro scanned them all before making a gesture, "Thank you for your cooperation. Please carry on with your training,"

The man looked very strict by his appearance. With the way Bitch-sensei had scurried away, Lovro was definitely scary enough. It was somewhat uneasy, feeling someone else's eyes on his back and scrutinizing every movement, but the discomfort quickly melted as he shot at the targets, getting a few hits near the bullseye.

Putting his gun down, he looked towards the teachers who were deep in conversation, and Nagisa felt the curious itch rise right from his core, questions bubbling up within him.

"Lovro-san?" He asked once Karasuma-sensei went away.

"Yes?" Nagisa bit his lip.

"What's the very best assassin like?" Lovro looked at him with the same unreadable expression, but something akin to amusement tinged his face.

"So you're interested in the world of assassins, eh?" There was something in his voice that made Nagisa blanch a bit.

He tried taking it back, "Oh, uh, t-that's not.. why, I,"

Lovro looked at a distance as if remembering something as he narrated, "Well, there's only one person on this planet deserving of the title of the very best assassin. As is often in this line of work, no one knows his real name. They call him by one nickname, and that is; The Reaper. Elusive, incomparably coldblooded, and with a pile of bodies in his wake, he is known by the name of Death itself." Then he looked at Nagisa in the eye as if he knew how the words would affect him, "If you keep having trouble killing your target, the Reaper will show up sooner or later,"

No way.. Nagisa clenched at his gun, someone like that could easily get to Koro-sensei! It wasn't that they didn't want Koro-sensei to be killed, it was their job! It didn't sit him well that someone would come out of nowhere and steal their target away.

Lovro looked at him, more like he was observing him before saying, "Alright, young man. I shall teach you a sure fire technique,"

"Sure fire?"

"Yes," he nodded, "an instant kill move from this pro assassin to you. Show me your best move,"

It was certainly hard, trying to go against a pro- a former pro, but a pro nonetheless- when he had just recently learned how to correctly position his knives and guns. Even then, Nagisa tried everything he knew, swinging and blocking, but one loud- literally loud- strike from Lovro and he was down for the count.

"Was that the sure fire technique?" Nagisa asked amazed.

Lovro helped him up, "Yes, it helped me as an assassin when I was in a tight spot. But it has three conditions to be met. First, you must have two weapons. Second, you need to be up against a pro and third, your foe muddy know the terror of being killed,"

"It doesn't necessarily kill instantly. Given the ideal conditions, of course, any assassin can do the deed. But reality is rarely that agreeable, especially when your target is a pro with airtight defence. But this technique creates an ideal killing situation in a pinch. It sets the stage for the kill,"

"Sets the stage, huh," Nagisa thought out loud.

Lovro gave him a small smile, though his face remained as strict as ever, if not a bit loose, as he said, "It's not always that young omegas like yourself ask me questions intriguing as these,"

Some sort of inherent shame zipped through him.

"But you know, you have potential, kid. Your second blade- your ability to conceal your bloodlust is certainly a talent that means a lot in the world of assassins. I'll admit that I have never seen any omegas as interested in assassination as you, but you might be able to prove my views wrong, Shiota Nagisa,"


The day of their trip was here, and Nagisa was somehow brimming with some sort of ceaseless energy while on the boat. Though he wasn't surprised, the day had been pretty good for him and his mom hadn't bothered him much the morning he left to board the boat.

With Sugino gone off to trail after Kanzaki, and Kayano somewhere with Hara the last time he saw, he was pretty much alone near the edge of the boat. Of course, alone until something dropped on his head, covering his eyes along with it. It was something like a hat, he felt for the brim, and the following laughter, flash and click told him all about who it could be.

"Karma-kun," he complained, removing the hat, only to see that it was a fedora with a floral pattern, "Seriously?"

It was as if he had forgotten about avoiding Karma, now that the alpha had came to him himself, looking as nonchalant as ever as he chortled out a laugh, "Keep it on, it suits you,"

He huffed, unable to reach Karma's head to get back at him. In the end, he just ended up fixing his pigtails, looking at Karma who was probably working on backing the photo up, in case it got deleted. Always so prepared to embarrass him... "Whose hat is that anyway?"

"Mine, of course" Karma replied, pocketing his phone, "I bought it yesterday because it reminded me of you~"

Nagisa couldn't get why Karma was spending money on unnecessary stuff, but it was Karma's money, so he could do whatever he pleased. Nagisa just stood by the railing silently, the silence not at all awkward between them. If anything, it was as if that incident had never ensued and that was probably for the best, Nagisa decided.

"So, Nagisa kun-"

There was a sudden commotion in the boat, and Nagisa's head snapped up from the sparkling sea to the see the island that they were approaching. Koro-sensei was barely conscious though, in the corner, his life almost sucked out because of his motion sickness. He could surely have reached the island way before them without getting himself all weak and groggy, but it was probably for the best that he was wearing himself down.

"What was it, Karma-kun?" He tilted his head to the side curiously.

Karma pursed his lips, obviously leaving whatever he was about to say out, "Nah, it was nothing,"

The boat soon stopped, and they got off, entering the hotel that they were supposed to be staying and a well-dressed man welcomed them immediately, offering complimentary drinks for everyone of them, and while Nagisa took the glass out of  courtesy, he could barely feel an appetite after having travelled by boat for so long.

Karma seemed to have a similar thought, sitting right across him, playing with his straw absentmindedly, and that sight was somewhat.. cute. No, he shook his head, cursing his own mind for a while, he had described Karma with so many words by now, but cute was a word he'd rather not associate Karma with.

"The juice here is seriously great!" Hara exclaimed, and Kayano kindly offered her own untouched glass which the girl finished in a single sitting.

"I'm surprised you haven't drank your juice, Nagisa-kun," Rio asked from the table near him, "you don't like the tropical taste?"

He shook his head, "No, I just don't feel like drinking," he noticed the empty glass by her own table, and he offered her his own, "do you want mine?"

Rio snickered, taking the glass, "Couple goals, am I right?" and Kayano promptly choked.

Karma had been unnaturally silent for the whole time, almost like he was in his own world before Isogai and Kataoka called for a group meeting, assigning a role to each of us, dividing us into groups, so that Koro-sensei wouldn't get suspicious. He was assigned with the 'snorkeling' group who were actually sent underwater to scout for an assassination spot. Nagisa could say that he had seen some places from where they could probably try assassinating him.

"Group one is doing a good job, distracting him like that," Sugino commented, watching the other students glide.

"They sure are- and with a little assassination in the mix. They're trying not to get too much attention to themselves," Karma said.

Nagisa handed him his goggles, "Yeah.."

"We're up next!" Kayano was ready herself with all the equipments set, "Let's do what we have to do and get changed ASAP!"

"Got it,"

Sucking in a deep breath despite using the equipment, he entered the water, feeling it cool his body down just as the other joined him, diving down deeper and heading to the location. They had already scouted a small chapel surrounded by the water to carry their grand mission, and the only problem was finding a way to weaken Koro-sensei further..

"We could lower the chapel a bit by cutting some part of the wood," Karma suggested, examining the area.

"And the water can reach Koro-sensei who'd be weak enough already," Nagisa realized.

Sugino broke a sweat, "This will probably be tough,"

"Well then," Kayano cheerfully got out, "let's get to work!"

The work was tough as Sugino had commented, but they were all fired up by the prospect of killing their teacher soon, their determination burning like fire among them all. The sun had sunk down the horizon by the time they finished, and it was going well for the other groups by how worn-out Koro-sensei seemed.

"We'll start with a movie," Okajima said.

Koro-sensei seemed proud, "Your intelligence, inventiveness and your earnest efforts- that's what I look forward to. I expect a no-holds barred assassination!" His grin turned smug, and the color of his face did too, "Now then.. what on earth are you going to do, hmm?"

As the others directed Koro-sensei in front of the large white sheet, the permitted group readied their guns. Mimura fiddled with the projector, his face nervous like everyone- nervous but hopeful. This assassination might even kill Koro-sensei, Nagisa thought in a state of anticipatory excitement, his head fuzzy with the idea.

"I'll have to pat you down first, Koro-sensei," He stood in front of Koro-sensei, before the movie started, "We may be surrounded by water but if you smuggled in that swimsuit, you'd still be able to get away,"

He grinned as self-assured as he could be, "You're being so careful! But I would never pull such a dirty trick,"

The way Koro-sensei seemed made it felt like he could strike any moment and the guy would be dead, but if only it was that easy with him. Remembering the plan, he turned to the others and nodded, signalling of no hidden weapon or escape tool of any sort.

"Here we go, Koro-sensei," Okajima loudly proclaimed, and the movie started.

This was it.

The moment to take off for their plan, no one could afford to miss out any important detail or forget the steps as they moved along like clockwork set to motion. The shooters remained inside the chapel, waiting for the movie to drain Koro-sensei of all his mental fortitude, and the rest took on their positions.

"Commence operation, five seconds elapsed," Ritsu notified, and the students outside took the signal.

Kayano along with a few other revved up their jet skis, moving further from the chapel, and pulling on the support pillars which had been cut down earlier. There was no time to waste now. All they needed now was full concentration and wait for the other signal.

"Thirty five seconds elapsed!" Ritsu exclaimed.

Without a second to spare, Nagisa moved along the rest of the students and activated the flyboards, surrounding Koro-sensei with his greatest weakness discovered- water- as everyone formed a cage, trapping him from all sides.

"Yeah that's right!" His adrenaline amplified his voice, making it seem as if it was louder than it actually was, "We know a change of environment throws you off guard!"

Sugino added in from the side, "First you're in a chapel now you're in a cage!"

It was a good strategy- to confuse him further by shouting from the ring of people. Koro-sensei was shamed, flustered, surprised and confused, it was working almost conveniently for their attempt. An attack worth remembering, they'd worked too hard not to!

"Fifty three seconds, commencing," Ritsu readied her firearms, "3, 2, 1, Fire!"

Isogai called from the side, "Careful guys, shoot around him to keep him in!"

Through the loud firing, Kataoka's voice rang, "Everybody aim to left or right by about a metre, block his escape with a hail of bullets!"

"Wait for it.." Rio aimed her gun at the trapped teacher.

Their distraction tactic had worked successfully, and Rinka and Chiba emerged out of the water, the barrel of their snipers locking him on and even Koro-sensei seemed surprised by the change of events. Rinka smirked, her finger on the trigger as she shot.

An explosion sounded, blowing him away from his initial position and threw him directly down in the water with a big 'splash'.

Qotc: You see a shooting star in the sky. Write down the first thing that would pop on your mind as a wish.

I wish that I'll be able to fulfill every one of my mom's wishes :) (Long story why, but let's just say she... hasn't had the greatest of life till now. I want to change that- cheesy I know)

So. .. long time no see. (^_^;) I know, I know, I've been gone for way too long

BUT, but, winter vacation's is coming up so maybe a quicker update for you?

(Or not-)

Bye~! (^-^)/

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