A Poem for Slender Man

By CrAzYpErSoN321

993 21 8

this is a poem for slender man hope u lik More

Limerick Version

A Poem for Slender Man

875 17 7
By CrAzYpErSoN321

He stalks you;

you turn around and dont see him;

 he follows you;

you still dont see him; 

he dissapears; 

you never saw him in the first place;

he comes back;

you see his facless figure;

he chases you with his long legs;

you scream;

he makes a weird sound that no one can pronounce;

you run faster;

it isnt making a difference;

you scream louder;

he runs faster;

you run into your house and lock the door;

you look out the window;

he isnt there;

you open the door a crack;

he isnt there;

you open the door all the way;

he isnt there;

you step outside;

he isnt there;

you go inside;

turn off the lights; 

and go to sleep;

the next morning you wake up;

you go outside;

you walk to your car;

he is right behind you;

you die.

hey ppl i was just bored so if u enjoyed it evn a little bit please vote comment or fan pleez i might come up with one that rymes. c ya l8r!

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