The City // Matty Healy // M.H

By BeeboUrieIsNotOnFire

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Isabella Locke is a 17 year old who got mixed up with the wrong guy. He was 20 and addicted to heroin. After... More

The City
An Encounter


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By BeeboUrieIsNotOnFire

When I woke up my head was pounding from crying last night. I grabbed my phone from the nightstand and turned it on. It was nearly one in the afternoon and I had about a dozen missed calls from Kyle.

I decided to ignore them for the time being and just go find Lexie. I found her in the kitchen talking to someone on her phone. As soon as she saw me walk out she said she'd call them back later and hung up.

She stood up from the stool and hugged me. "How are you feeling?" She asked me.

"Well not great." I laughed and walked to her medicine cabinet to grab some pain killers.

"It will get better." She said and walked back over to her stool.

"So who were you talking to?" I asked.

"Oh it was this guy I've been talking to. We had plans to do something today but I called to tell him that today wouldn't work." She said.

I shook my head. "No Lex, call him back and tell him that you were mistaken and you can do whatever you were planning to do. I've got to go talk to Kyle anyways. I dont want to end up having him overdose." I cringe at the word.

"Are you sure?" She asked. I nodded.

"I was planning on going back today anyways to talk to him." I said.

"Okay, well I guess I should go get ready then." She said. "Theres coffee in the coffee pot if you want some, and some eggs in the fridge. Just heat them up." She said standing up and walking back to her room.

I grabbed a mug and poured myself some coffee. I would've eaten if I hadn't been so sick to my stomach.

After I finished my coffee, I walked back to her room. "Hey Lex, I'm gonna go. Thanks for letting me crash here."

She laughed, "you're welcome here anytime Iz."

I walked out to my car and decided to call Kyle before I went to the apartment. He answered on the first ring.

"Izzy?" He said frantically.

"Yea it's me." I said softly.

"Izzy I'm sorry. I'm so so sorry. I didn't mean to." He said, I could tell he began to cry.

"It's ok Kyle." I paused. "I'm on my way back okay?"

"Okay." He said.

I hung up the phone and began to drive back, hoping he'd be sober by the time I got there.

When I got back I sat in the parking lot for a couple of minutes, playing through the scenarios in my head.

When I finally built up the courage I got out of the car and made my way up to the apartment. I nocked on the door and was pulled into a tight hug.

"I'm so sorry Iz." He said and cried into my shirt. I hugged him back.

We eventually pulled apart and the things I rehearsed in my head dissapeared. "You need to go to rehab." I said as we sat down on the couch.

"Okay." He said.

"Wait really?" I asked.

He nodded. "I don't want to lose you Izzy." He said.

"Okay." I said. "First step, where is your drugs, do you have any here?" I asked him.

"I'll go get them." He said and aftee about 30 minutes he came back with a couple bags full of drugs.

"Holy shit." I muttered. "Is this all of it then?" I asked.

"Yeah." He said looking down at the bags.

"Ok, I'm just going to have to trust that you're telling the truth." I said and looked up at him. "We have to get rid of all of it." I said. "So I don't know if you want to just burn all of it or sell it but you have to get rid of it."

"I'll sell it. My friends would love to have it." He said. I nodded and grabbed my keys.

"What are you doing?" He asked.

"Well we're going to go get rid of the drugs." I said, grabbing my keys.

"No, it's dangerous. You're not going." He said.

"No I'm going, I want to make sure you get rid of the drugs." I said.

"Fine, but you're staying in the car. Let me just text them." He pulled out his phone and I'm gonna assume that he texted them. Then he walked back to our room and came back with a loaded gun. "Like I said, this is dangerous Iz." He said and put the gun into the waistband of his Jeans.

I gulped and nodded, looking down at the ground. "Okay, let's go." I said opening the door.

I followed him out to the car and got into the passenger side. Kyle began to drive and he stopped at a run down gas station with bars on the windows. He parked the car and walked around back. A few minutes later I heard three gunshots and I saw Kyle running to the car, clutching his side. He no longer had the drugs, but he did have a little duffle bag.

I quickly switched sides so that I was on the drivers side and kyle got into the passenger side.

"Oh my god kyle, what the fuck just happened!" I exclaimed and put the car into drive.

"Drive Iz, DRIVE." he yelled.

I sped away and drove straight back to the apartment. I got out and ran over to Kyle, helping him get out of the car and up the stairs to the apartment.

"Lay down, I'm gonna grab some stuff to fix this. Keep pressure on it." I heard him fall down onto the couch and I ran to the bathroom to find some alcohol, a needle and some thread. Then I went and found a fist aid kid which had some tape and gauze in it. I then grabbed some towels and a belt.

I ran back to the living room, carrying all the supplies. I handed him the belt and told him to bite down on it. He did as I told him and I lifted up his shirt to see a deep gouge from the bullet grazing his skin. I poured the alcohol onto the wound and he let out a strained scream. Took the lighter from his pocket and put the needle up to it to sterilize it and after it had cooled off I put thread through the eye and began to stitch him up. After that was done, I put a gauze over the wound and taped it to him.

He was asleep, but he was still breathing, and that's all I could focus on. I sat by him until eventually he woke up. As soon as he did, I gave him some of the strongest painkillers we had in the apartment.

"What happened Kyle." I asked him. "Are they.. are they dead?" I whispered.

He just slowly nodded and his face went white, apparently remembering what he had done. "I didn't mean to, they threatened to hurt you and not give me the money if I decided to stop buying drugs from them." He paused. "They pulled out their guns first."

I pulled my bleached blonde hair out of my face up into a ponytail and looked over at him. "You have to turn yourself In Kyle." I said. "I mean for fucks sake, you just killed two people."

He stared blankly ahead. "Yeah, I guess I did."

All of a sudden there was a knock at the door. I looked over at Kyle and got up to answer it. On the other side of the door was police men.

"Hello. We're looking for Kyle Ford." Then they looked down and saw the blood on my hand and shirt. I back away, making room for them to enter the apartment.

"He's right there." I whispered and pointed to where he was sitting on the couch.

The police entered the apartment and said, "Kyle Ford, you're under arrest for the murder of Sam Keaton and Rudy Green. Anything you say can and will be used against you in the court of law. You have the right to an attorney. If you cannot afford an attorney, one will be provided for you. Do you understand the rights I have just read to you? With these rights in mind, do you wish to speak to me?”

"I did it." He said and looked over at me.  "I'm sorry. I'm so so sorry."

I watched as the police dragged Kyle out of the apartment and into the back of a police car. I shut the door and fell to the floor.

This was all because of a stupid drug addiction. And now two people were dead.

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