Don't Let Me Be Gone

By lunaeclispe22

505K 23.4K 60.9K

Virgil, once a Dark Side is now a Light Side. But the past often doesn't leave good enough alone. When the... More

Twenty One
Twenty Two
Twenty Three
Twenty Four
Twenty Five
Twenty Six
Twenty Seven
Twenty Eight
Twenty Nine
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Thirty Seven
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One Hundred & Sixty Seven
One Hundred & Sixty Eight
One Hundred and Sixty Nine
One Hundred & Seventy
Authors Note

One Hundred & Forty Five

1.6K 87 193
By lunaeclispe22

I drew a rough layout for Quinn's house. So here ya go ig
I plan on getting to Evan's house eventually
And sorry for the shitty picture quality my camera is shit

TRIGGER WARNING : fluff I can't handle angst tonight so just 2000+ words of Quiet fluff

Deceit POV
I sat Quinn down on our bed, gently brushing his hair out of his face. He was slowly coming to, his body just shutting down from the intensity of the episode he had.

I wanted to just lay down and hold him. Protect him from everyone and everything.

Quinn's eyes flickered open a bit before shutting again. A single tear rolled down his cheek.

"It'll be okay," I promised him, my voice barely more then a whisper. "I'm not going to let you get hurt anymore."

I moved to the terrarium where Noodle and Kaa sat. Kaa glanced lazily up at me, hissing in a greeting manner.

Noodle moved down from the rock he was sunning on. I picked Kaa up, letting him wound around my arm. I picked Noodle up and moved back to Quinn, letting Noodle wound himself around his hand.

I picked up Quinn again, holding him bridal style. I'll summon the rest of our things when I get there. But it's never gone to well when I summoned Noodle or Kaa. Makes them sick, which I don't want.

I glanced at our room, but a small whimper from Quinn stirred me into action. I pressed a kiss to his forehead and turned to leave.


I opened the door to Quinn's old house with my shoulder. The house was cold and coated with dust.

One chair sat in the middle of the living room, the kitchen devoid of food. I debated where to set Quinn, not wanting to lay him on the dusty, dirty floor but also knowing the wooden chair wouldn't be comfortable.

Quinn was still out cold. I wasn't too worried considering this isn't the first time he's passed out from an episode.

Making up my mind, I sat him gently on the chair. I moved my arm, letting Kaa move to Quinn. He wound his way around Quinn's chest.

Kaa had a look in his eyes that said; 'I may not be Quinn's biggest fan because I'm jealous, but I know you love him, therefore I will protect him'.

I headed into the hallway to the closet. I made a mental note to take the lock off the door, maybe even the entire door if need be. I made a list in my mind of anything in this house that could trigger Quinn and how to get rid of it.

I grabbed the broom and headed back to the living room. I grabbed my phone and started some soft music. Green Day, so it wasn't death quiet in here.

Sweeping all the dust away took a while, but it will be worth it. We'll be safer here. I'm done letting Quinn get hurt. Wether it be by someone's ignorance or by Corruption. We're done with that. We aren't going back to the mind palace and we're done helping in the war against Corruption.

I know that sounds selfish. But choosing between fighting this damn war and protecting Quinn, it's a easy choice.  I know that we can't win the war against Corrutpion.  It's been almost a year now and we haven't been able to do anything to stop him.  It's a lost cause.  And what Remus said when we were in the Imagination really stuck with me.

I'd rather spend whatever is left of Thomas's life happy and relatively safe with Quinn instead of continuing to fight Corruption.

In no time, I finished sweeping. I dumped all the dust and dirt into the old trashcan. I closed my eyes and worked on summoning everything.

Things appeared in the living room first, the couch and tv. Followed by more of our things. Then food in the kitchen, things I knew were Quinn's favorite. Like his tea and occasional hot chocolate. Oreos and m&ms. Ben and Jerry's half baked ice cream. And he's addicted to blueberries like Logan is to crofters.

I smiled, watching as this place became ours again. It felt good to have our life not confined to a bedroom and having to live with all the others. 

I moved down the hallway to the bedroom. I stood in the middle of the room and summoned the rest of our things.

The bed, our pillows. Everything important to us. I smiled the most, watching the string of fairy lights with pictures, polaroids, and letters appear on the wall.

The pictures and polaroids were pictures of us together or by ourselves. A few of Noodle and Kaa. Then the letters I used to send Quinn back in the beginning when he really doubted my feelings for him. A few of Quinn's drawings along with them, the ones he was more proud of.

I walked back to the living room and moved the the big window at the back on the house.  Quinn's favorite place in the house.  It wasn't so much a bay window but a large window with a big cushion in front of his. 

I dusted the cushion off before moving back to Quinn.  He was awake, silent and watching me with clear eyes.

"Hey baby,"  I mumbled, kissing him.  He smiled into the kiss. 

"What are we doing back here?"  Quinn asked once we pulled apart.

"We're staying here now," I told him. "Unless you want to go back, we can always go back. But I promised to protect you and if we just distance ourselves from everything with him...things might be a little bit better."

Quinn sat in silence, shock in his eyes. But then tears filled them, happy tears, and a grin broke across his face.

"Thank you," He mumbled, pulling me back in for a kiss. "I don't want to go back. I want to stay here and be happy with you. I want to be done with all of."

"And we will be," I promised. "You're safe here."


I sighed, just catching the spaghetti before it boiled over. It's the next day, Quinn's completely calmed down. Now I'm cooking dinner for us.

No one from the mind palace has shown up, begging for us to come back. I don't know wether to be happy or sad about that.

Happy because Quinn and I can truly move in from this. But sad because maybe they just don't care that we're gone. Probably the latter.

Quinn really only had Evan and Virgil friend wise. He was awkward, shy, and quiet. Everyone were always wary around him. And then I was the bad guy in this for a long time. I tend to be aggressive and violent. They're probably glad to see us gone.

But things between Quinn and I were getting better.  Just everything in general.  He's doing better, I've calmed down.  I'm even wearing a yellow sweater he got me and my usual pants.  No cape or hat or gloves. 

"It's snowing," Came Quinn's voice from the living room. I moved away from the food and to the living room.

Quinn was sitting in his window seat, a cup of tea and all his charcoals and pencils on the ledge. A sketchbook in his lap.

For a brief moment I was struck with pure love. Quinn looked beautiful in this position. Snow fell quickly from the sky, visible through the window. It was a good backdrop for his dark sweater and jeans. He had his legs drawn up on the cushion, the sketchbook resting on them. His hands were stained with the charcoal, along with a streak across his forehead and cheek. His hair was messy, curly because he didn't bother to straighten it today.

I moved over to him, resting my hands on the window ledge next to him. I pressed a kiss to his forehead, trying to brush some of the charcoal away.

"Hey! Watch it!" Quinn said, shoving my arm that was in front of his chest. I moved my arm, barely missing his drawing.

"Sorry," I mumbled, pressing my cheek against his chest. I looked at the pretty drawing.

It was a bird, probably a blue jay, sitting on a pine branch. Detailed snowflakes falling around it.

"That's very pretty," I told him, kissing the top of his head.

"Thanks but it's not," Quinn argued with a sigh.

"Baby, I know I tend to lie a lot but this is beautiful art," I argued back. "You're really good at this."

"No," He murmured. I turned his head to give him a full on kiss.

"And I know you're Doubt, but don't doubt how amazing you are at this," I told him.

Quinn just shrugged, turning his head to look at the snow. He knew better to argue with me when he starts getting self deprecating. I followed his look, watching as the snow increased.

"I hope Thomas is okay," I couldn't help but voice. Thomas's mood controls the weather in the mindscape and snow isn't good.

Sun means he's in a good mood, he's happy. Rain means he's sad. Thunderstorms usually mean he's having a panic attack or he's in some sort of emotional turmoil, usually anger. Thunderstorms at night means he's having a nightmare.  The sun depends on if he's asleep or awake.  Eclipses tend to happen if he's awake during night time in the real world. The temperature usually depends on things like embarrassment level or his mood. But snow means he's numb or even worse, feeling depressed.

"I hope he's okay,"  Quinn mumbled. 

"Remember what day it is?"  I mumbled into his ear, desperate to not talk about Thomas or the others. 

"Yeah,"  Quinn mumbled with a shiver.  "Our four year anniversary."

"You know what that means,"  I smirked, pressing a kiss to his neck.

"You give me lots of cuddles and kisses.  Get me a present...make me a nice dinner.  Watch The Conjuring, and cuddle and stay up late."  Quinn said with a smile.  "And then you fuck me nice and good before bedtime."

"Well I'm afraid I don't have a present for you, I'm definitely going to give you extra kisses and cuddles.  And it wouldn't be our anniversary without our favorite movie,"  I said with a laugh.  "I'm working on dinner now."

"Spaghetti and meatballs with garlic bread and salad?"  Quinn asked with hopeful eyes.

"Of course,"  I mumbled, kissing him again. 

"And...?"  He laughed in a teasing manner. 

"Then I get all dominant and fuck you nice and good,"  I purred into his ear, making him shiver again.  "Mark you up even more, make you numb from the waist down."

I moved his sketch book from his lap and swept him up into my arms.  I carried him into the kitchen and sat him at the kitchen table. 

"I do have some flowers,"  I laughed awkwardly, motioning to the vase on the table.

Quinn laughed and sighed at me, a loving look in his eyes.  I walked into the kitchen, grabbing the garlic bread and salad.  I set them on the table, turning back to dish up spaghetti for both of us.

I sat a plate in front of him, sitting down across from him.  I smiled at him before starting to eat

"Love you Dee,"  Quinn said with a soft smile.

"Love you more," 


Quinn jumped in my arms again as a jumpscare appeared.  I snickered a bit, making Quinn glare at me.

Despite how much we watch this movie, he always got extremely scared.  I wasn't complaining though.  I always love a good excuse to hold him tightly. 

"Fuck this.  Fuck fuck fuck fuck shit.  Abort.  Why are we watching this again?"  Quinn mumbled, burying his face in my chest during the Annabelle scene.

"It's our favorite movie,"  I teased.

"In hindsight!"  He complained.  "It's always much scarier then I remember." 

"I got you baby,"  I mumbled, kissing the top of his head.  Quinn just huffed, shoving a handful of popcorn into his mouth.

We fell back into silence, just watching the movie.  Quinn jumped a few more times, clinging to me by the end of the movie. 

Quinn stayed on the couch while I got up to clear the bowls away.  Ice cream and popcorn.  I dumped the bowls in the sink and shoved the ice cream back into the freezer. 

I walked back to the living room.  Quinn had turned off the tv and was beckoning me to him.  I walked over to him, already knowing what he wanted. 

Without even having to say words, we started kissing.  I placed my hands on the cushion behind him, trapping him.  Quinn wrapped his arms around my neck, his legs around my waist. 

"How do you want it and how many rounds?"  I mumbled, moving to kiss his neck so he could talk.

"You already know how much and what I can take,"  Quinn answered with a little gasp.

I picked him up and carried him to our bedroom.  I laid him down on the bed, crawling over him.

"I love you so much Quinn."  I told him between kisses. 

"Love you too Dee,"  He told me.

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