Beauty and the Beast - The Be...

By dirtydeedsx

317K 9.2K 6.7K

After The Shield imploded and crumbled to bits. What's going to happen next? Ashley has to come to terms with... More

Table of contents.
|1| - I loved you, brother.
|3| - Haunted past and uncontrollable present.
|4| - You will remember me for centuries.
|5| - Family reconciliation.
|6| - Like father, like daughter.
|7| - Behind those castle walls.
|8| - Money in the Bank.
|9| - She kissed the devil.
|10| - You're gonna self destruct.
|11| - You're playing a dangerous game.
|12| - And so the war rages on.
Side note.
|13| - Playing with fire burns you.
|14| - It's dark in my imagination.
|15| - Save me if I become my demons.
|16| - Battleground.
|17| - The power is changing.
|18| - Old wounds never heal.
|19| - Two simple words.
|20| - I'm the Queen for a reason.
Just a little note...
|21| - Battle for the throne.
|22| - Summerslam.
|23| - The kingdom has fallen.
|24| - Is this where I give it all up?
|25| - Self destruction; the beginning.
A little taster...
|26| - I've found my painkiller.
|27| - The Queen's back for her kingdom.
|28| - Saved by the... hero?
|29| - Revelations and heartbreaks.
|30| - Night of Champions.
|31| - Suffocation at it's finest.
Important little note.
|32| - This is no fairy tale.
|33| - Feelings will be the death of us.
|34| - Ding dong the witch is gone.
|35| - Dangerous love affair.
Quick note.
|36| - Divided.
|37| - Hell in a Cell.
|38| - I'm back, did ya miss me?
|39| - You three, you're bulletproof.
|40| - Aw, we really are crazy.
|41| - Safety pin.
|42| - Kryptonite.
|43| - Win the war, end the battle.
|44| - Hometown boy.
|45| - Wedding bells.
|46| - Raising the ashes.
|47| - Survivor Series.
Important note!
|48| - Victorious.
|49| - Together forever, darling.
|50| - A new era.
|51| - A boss in training.
|52| Power, glory and jealously.
|53| Hated you from hello.
|54| Nothing but a social casualty.
|55| Nothing like a bit of fun.
|56| Tables, Ladders and Chairs.
Quick message; I'm lacking in writing.
|57| Phenomenally annoying.
|58| What? I'm still a gentleman.
|59| This is the beginning.
New story!
Beauty and the Beast - Third book.

|2| - Sold out? We bought in.

8.8K 188 326
By dirtydeedsx

Erica's POV

Sleeping had been the last thing on my mind last night. I had barely slept at all. Sleeping was the last thing on my mind. How could I sleep when my head felt like it was going to explode? So many thoughts were spinning around in my head. I had a little angel and devil on my shoulder telling me so many different things, I felt like I was suffocating in my own personal battle. Seth had slept soundlessly. How? Because he didn't see a problem with anything he had done. He was completely fine with what he had done to Dean and Roman. That's exactly how I wished I was.  But I wasn't. I was conflicted. So conflicted. I was also annoyed at the way Randy had acted last night. He hasn't given a damn about Ashley in such a long time, but all of a sudden he was defending her honour. You don't just treat your only daughter like utter crap to then quickly being dad of the year. It doesn't work like that. He wasn't just going to win Ashley over like that.  

'Hey, you' I felt Seth's hands on my shoulders as he started to massage them. I sat there quietly as Seth rested his chin on my shoulder. 

'You okay?

'I guess' I sighed, turning around to face him. Seth cupped my face and brushed my hair back. 

'Everything is going to be fine tonight, okay? I promise. Don't worry' Seth assured me, before planting a kiss on my forehead. I was quiet again as I made my way to the bathroom. I would have a shower, clear my head and start getting ready for the arena. I had to face what I had done. If Seth was sure everything was going to be okay, I should believe him. I hopped into the shower and let the hot water soak into my skin as I attempted to relax. My life had changed after last night and I was going to have to face it tonight. I could do it. I had Seth on my side and that's all I needed. I still cared for Ashley and I still considered her as my best friend. That was never going to change. I let myself relax in the shower, before slipping out and started to get ready. I left the bathroom to find Seth was on the phone. No doubt he was talking to Hunter. I could see him being best buddies with him now. I started to pack my bag as Seth remained on the phone. It wasn't until I had finished packing that Seth came off the phone. 

'Hunter said that you, me and Punk will be in the ring tonight. Michael Cole is going to be interviewing us' Seth rolled his eyes at this. I suddenly felt nervous. I didn't know if I could go out into the middle of the ring and be questioned. Seth must have sensed this because once again he assured me that everything was going to be fine. 

'Don't worry, I'll be at your side to jump in when he gets too annoying' Seth told me. I just nodded. Seth started to pack his bag and I sat on the end of the bed. I grabbed my phone and flicked through the texts. The last one I sent to Ashley was yesterday morning asking if she was okay. I felt my heart twinge a little. My attention was caught off guard as Seth took my phone out of my hand. 

'Stop dwelling on it' He said softly. I took my phone back and placed it in my jeans pocket as we grabbed our bags and left the room. As we made our way into the lobby I locked eyes with Paige who was standing with Dolph. Paige narrowed her eyes as at me in distaste and Dolph looked at me with absolute loathing. Seems most people loved Ashley and they weren't thrilled with that I had done. Seth ushered me out of the hotel and into our rental car. I could do this. I could definitely and 100% do this. I just needed to be confident. I had done this to make a statement to be taken seriously. I wasn't an enemy of Ashley. I was still her best friend. 

Ashley's POV 

Bags under the eyes. Looking pale. In pain. That's how both myself and Dean felt. Sleep hadn't exactly come easy to both of us. I was still hurting, but luckily most of the pain had gone now and it was just bruises. Dean had persuaded me to not go to Raw tonight. He failed. I was going. I wanted to know what Erica had to say for herself. What crap she was going to churn to me. I was tired, no I was exhausted. But, I would live. 

'Roman stayed with AJ last night' Dean informed me as he read the message Roman had sent him. I smiled at this. It was nice that Roman had finally found someone. I hoped AJ was okay, after seeing Punk return. I'm sure Roman comforted her and I'm sure she did the same for him. 

'It's nice he's spending time with AJ' I noted. Dean nodded as he glanced over at me. I took a deep breath. 

'Are you ready for tonight?' I asked him, looking slightly concerned. 

'I'm fine. I'm ready to rip that slimy sell out dick apart' Dean hissed, running his hand through his curly hair. I lay on the bed and sighed.

'Everything has changed within the blink of an eye and it sucks Dean' I muttered. 

'I know. But, we can do this. You, me and Roman' Dean assured me. I pulled myself up and nodded. We packed up our crap and headed out of the hotel. It had settled me knowing we hadn't stayed in the same hotel as Erica and Seth. I don't think Dean would have controlled himself. Neither would I. I don't think Roman would have if he hadn't have gone to AJ. We were going to go back to the old hotel, pick Roman and AJ up and head to the arena. I just wanted this night to be over and done with. I just wanted to know what I would be dealing with from now on. 

'If she wants my title, she can think again' I told Dean as I got into the car. 

'You'd beat her ass' He dismissed. I didn't say anything. Erica knew me inside and out, vice versa. It was dangerous how we could literally destroy each other, which I had a feeling could eventually happen. 


We'd picked up Roman and AJ who were smiling and chatting away in the back of the car. As soon as we reached the arena, I let Roman and Dean head inside as I stayed out in the parking lot with AJ. 

'Thanks for being there for Roman' I said softly to AJ. She smiled at me. 

'It's okay. It was nice spending time with him last night. I didn't realize how much it would shake me up seeing Phil again' She admitted, frowning slightly. 

'I can promise you Roman will not let Punk anywhere near you' I vowed to AJ. She nodded and smiled again. 

'Let's go' AJ tugged me along and into the arena. 

Roman's POV 

I felt a lot more relaxed after last night. Spending time with AJ had been perfect. It was the right thing I had needed after Payback. Just being with her had settled the growing rage that had been shocking itself around my body. She needed me and I needed her. I was going to do everything in my power now to make sure that Punk stayed away from her. I didn't want him poisoning her again. Not my little fireball. I would make sure that absolutely no-one would harm AJ. I felt like she was my responsibility now. I guess this is how Dean felt with Ashley. 

'You like her?' Dean's question broke me out of my thoughts. I looked over at him as he opened the door to a locker room. 

'What?' I asked him. 

'I said you like AJ?' Dean slung his bag down and turned to face me. I shrugged. 

'That's a yes' Dean stated. 

'She's cool man' I told him as I closed the door behind us. 

'Did you fuck her last night?' Dean asked interested. I cringed at his charming vocabulary. 

'Dean!' He rolled his eyes at me. 

'You're just as bad as Ashley' He muttered, sitting down. 

'No, we didn't do any of that' I told him. 

'We have other things to focus on' I reminded him darkly. Dean's expression changed into a dangerous one. 

'Tonight we end Rollins

 Ashley's POV 

I'd left AJ to head to the Diva's locker room. I just wanted to spend some time on my own. Just take a breather and be away from everyone. Tonight I would have to face the aftermath of last night and I wasn't sure if I was entirely ready for it. Dean and Roman were remaining calm which I was sure would not last long at all. It was absolute madness. I still couldn't believe it had happened. My life had changed in a split second and I had no idea how to cope with it. How to fix the mess that had been made. But, then again I was starting to get the feeling that this mess couldn't be fixed. It had happened and there was no going back from it. I just had to man up and deal  with it. I was walking down the hallways, debating whether to head to the canteen but my attention was grabbed by someone. 

'Ashley!' I was engulfed by hug from Nikki Bella. I winced a little as she squeezed me and then she backed off. The expression she wore was full of sympathy. 

'Are you okay?' Nikki asked rubbing my arm. 

'We were all so worried about you' Nikki told me. I took a deep breath and smiled as best as I could. 

 I'm okay. I'm just still trying to wrap my had around it all. But I'm okay. I'm going to have to deal with it soon anyway. Thank you for caring

'I can't believe she did it. Just shows you can't really  trust anyone' Nikki shook her head. 

'Not even people you trust as family' I muttered. Nikki put her arm around me and gave me another hug. 

'How's Brie?' I asked changing the subject quickly. I didn't want to have discuss Erica with anyone until tonight was over. Nikki's face changed, she was clearly missing her twin sister. 

'She's okay, she misses being her but she's looking after Daniel' Nikki told me. Her phone rang and Nikki answered the call before excusing herself. Apparently John wanted to see her, no doubt I'd be getting a sympathy talk from him later. I let Nikki go as I carried on walking down the hallway. I had a few minutes to myself before someone else shouted my name. I spun around to see Paige approaching me. She did the same as Nikki. She pulled me in for a hug and held onto me tightly, before pulling away but leaving one hand on my waist. God, if Dean and Roman were here now I would not be hearing the end of this. 

'Are you okay?' Paige asked me, eyeing me closely. 

'As okay as I'll ever be' I answered her honestly. Paige shook her head and stepped back, sliding her title up her arm and onto her shoulder. 

'I can't believe Erica would ever do this to you' Paige frowned in disgust. 

'Neither did I. But apparently, she could do something like this to me

'Are you kicking her ass tonight?' Paige asked hopefully. 

'She's going into the  ring with Seth and... Punk later on. No doubt she'll be explaining why she did what she did' I said keeping a composed face. 

'I hope you get your hands on her because she does not deserve to be walking around here after what she did to you last night. She'll get what's coming to her' Paige assured me, that dark twinkle in her eye. I gave her a smile before quickly saying goodbye and once again started my travels. I knew I had have to head back to the locker room to Dean and Roman now. If I didn't Dean would start tearing the place up looking for me. I circled back around and headed back down the hallway, but stopped instantly. Standing inches away from me was dad. He was talking to a crew member, who caught my eye and looked awkward. Dad followed his sight and his eyes rested on me. I clenched my jaw. I was in no mood to hear him gloating about how The Shield were no more. I stormed past him not even giving him the chance to say anything. I took a deep breath, composing myself as I reached our locker room. I opened the door to find both of the guys already in their Shield attire. 

'Not changing the gear then?' I asked softly as I closed the door and sat down. 

'Nope' Dean answered before taking a seat next to me. 

'We're going out there in a few minutes, are you ready?' Roman asked me, watching me. 

'I'm not coming out. You two go out there on your own and say what you need to say. I'm going to wait until Erica's out there and  then I'll say my peace' I assured them. Dean just stared at me and Roman answered for him. 

'Okay, just as long as you're sure' I nodded and Roman handed me the locker room key. 

'Lock this once we've gone out. I don't want that weasel Punk finding his way here to you' Roman sneered. I took the key from his large hand and squeezed it into the palm of mine. Dean bent down and kissed me lightly on the lips, before he and Roman left me alone. I got up and locked the door before letting out a huge sigh. This night just needed to hurry up and be over with. 

Dean's POV 

Finally. Finally after a week of thinking it over and coming to terms with what had happened, both me and Roman were in the ring. We were getting ready to address that little fucking sell out. My blood boiled at the thought of Seth and I began to tremble. Myself and Roman had just destroyed 3MB and were now going to address him. Roman handed me a microphone and I clutched onto it for dear life. I took a deep breath and glared into the camera, as the crowd were cheering for me and Roman. 

'The Shield was untouchable. And we will go down in the history books as one of the greatest groups in sports entertainment ever!' I assured everyone as Roman nodded in agreement. 

'We dominated everyone, even Evolution' I smirked at this, before tapping my finger on the mic. My smirk wiped off my face as a dark expression replaced it. 

'But we weren't healthy. We had a cancer inside of, little did we know that cancers name-' I stopped, Seth's name was like poison on my tongue. 

'That cancers name was Seth Rollins' I growled out as I felt Roman pacing behind me.  

'History is full of people like you Seth, everybody in this building knows somebody like you Seth. The kind of guy that would stabbed his brother in the back. Suck up, sell out to The Authority' I was trembling once again, the rage shivering throughout me as I toyed with the mic in my hands. 

'Now when I get the opportunity to rearrange your face, which I will-' A sick grin widened on my lips as the crowd cheered. 

'Your nose isn't going to be here anymore-' I pointed to my nose and then to my ear. 

'It's going to be over here, by your ear. I say ear because you're only going to have one left. I'm gonna rip your dirty stinking hair out by it's roots and I'm gonna  stuff it in your mouth, there'll be plenty of room where your teeth used to be' I promised him dangerously, my eyes dark as I continued to glare into the camera and sway on the spot. 

'Seth Rollins... My brother. You are scum. And we are looking forward to what that scum has to say tonight. We want you to stand out here in this ring in front of the whole world and lie through your teeth. We want you to stand out here in this ring in front of the whole world and we want to hear Triple H's words coming out of your mouth. We are going to listen to every word of it. Then we are going to beat the hell out of you!' I snapped, throwing the mic down and rubbing my chest. Roman glanced down at mic, before I bent down and picked it up for him causing him to laugh. Roman took the mic as I paced around the ring, mumbling to myself and rubbing my chest. 

'Seth you committed the most unforgivable sin' Roman barked into the microphone, trying to control his anger which clearly wasn't working. I loved when Roman got worked up. 

'You're the scum of the earth. There is things you don't do in life. You don't tug on superman's cape, you don't piss in the wind and you don't ever stab your brothers in the back!' Roman roared. I grinned excitedly at his rage. 

'But you are only part of the problem, the other parts are Randy Orton and Triple H. Randy Orton he runs around here and he thinks everybody owes him something. He thinks he's the face of the company. When I get my hands on you Randy, you're gonna be the ass of this company' Roman vowed, sneering. I grinned at this, still rubbing my chest as Roman's name was chanted. 

'And when I'm done with you Triple H. The king of kings, ooh. We're gonna have our own game of thrones. Believe that' Roman roared before throwing the mic down. Our music blasted out through the arena and I leaned on the ropes, muttering as much stuff as I could to myself. Seth Rollins was done. 


Erica's POV 

I took a deep breath as I stared at my reflection in the mirror. I smoothed my hands over my black dress. It wasn't exactly a dress you would have seen me wear at Raw. But, now I was a different person. The dress was sleek and tight and Seth sure loved it. I ran a hand through my hair before taking another deep breath. I looked in the reflection and I saw Seth leaning against the door frame, a grin on his face. He was wearing a simple black suit and he looked so damn good. I turned around and gave him a shy smile. 

'Hey handsome' I greeted as Seth walked over to me and wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me into him gently. 

'Hey beautiful' He spoke, before planting a light kiss on my lips. I kissed him back before pulling my head away slightly so I could look at him. 

'Are you ready for this?' I asked. He nodded, the grin still on his face before he rubbed my arms. 

'You're gonna be fine, come on' He took my hand and led me out of the locker room.  We walked down the hallway, and waited outside of The Authority's office as Punk came out of there. It was weird being near him. After everything that happened between him and Ashley, I still despised him. He had been a complete dick to Ashley and I felt like those actions were going to continue. Punk and Seth made small talk as we made our way to the gorilla position. I could do this. I knew exactly what I wanted to say. All I had wanted to do was make a statement and I had. Ashley was still my best friend, although I knew she wouldn't see it like that, not yet at least. But she would. I held onto Seth's hand tightly as we heard Michael Cole introducing us. 

'Ladies and Gentleman please welcome my guests at this time, they have been center of controversy all week. One is a returning WWE superstar, a former Diva's champion and a former member of The Shield. CM Punk, Erica Carter and Seth Rollins' Here we go. Seth's new entrance music played and he tugged me along with him. The boo's could be heard over the music. We walked onto the stage and I composed myself. Seth on my right and Punk on my left. Seth was looking happy with himself as we walked down to the ring. He helped me into the ring, Punk trailing behind after me. Michael shook Seth's hand and Punk's before letting us sit down. The music cut off and the boo's were so loud. 

'Welcome all of you. Before I get to you, Seth and Erica. I'd like to talk to you first Punk. The question on everyone's mind is why are you back? The last we heard of you was that you had retired for good' Michael asked Phil, staring into his eyes. Punk lifted up a microphone. 

'There is only one person who knows why I'm back and that's all I have to say' Phil put the microphone down indicating he wasn't say anymore. It didn't take a genius to work out who that person was. Michael nodded before looking at me and Seth. I assumed he was going to start talking to Seth first. 

'There's been a lot of talk lately this past week about what-' Michael didn't get chance to finish his sentence before Seth cut in. 

'Michael, let me stop you here before you get started because I don't-' This time Seth was cut off by the thunderous boo's as he began to speak. He glared at the crowd before carrying on.

'Look I don't get it. I don't understand what all the controversy you were taking about, it all about' How could he pretend he had no clue what was going on?  

'I mean are we talking about what I did last week? Is  that the whole deal? Because to me that wasn't a big deal. I was just doing what was best for business, what was best for my business' Seth informed Cole. 

'The Shield, Michael. The greatest faction in the history of WWE, created by me. You don't think I have the right to destroy my own creation? It takes an architect, a mastermind to put together a faction like The Shield. You think Dean Ambrose is in any way responsible for that? Dean Ambrose is a lunatic, given a week to his own devices he's face down in a ditch-' Ouch. I was sure Dean wouldn't appreciate that. I mean it was true. 

'And Roman Reigns? The golden boy. You'll never see anger or fury in a man like you've seen in Roman Reigns-' Seth let out a sly chuckle before licking his lips. 

'But without someone to harness that, to control it, he's nothing. He's worthless. Dean Ambrose and Roman Reigns are nothing without me. They owe me every ounce of success they have ever achieved' Seth declared. I hadn't realized just how fired up he was about this. He had been bottling up these feelings for so long, I was amazed he hadn't snapped sooner. Michael took this pause in Seth's speech to speak. 

'Seth, many people will argue that The Shield was about three individuals who came together to form an awesome team. Not just about one man' Michael stated. 

'You know I guess we'll find out later tonight, when the uh-' Seth chuckled. 

'The pathetic reminisces of The Shield have their last hurrah out here against The Wyatt family' Seth shook his head before leaning over me and looking at Michael. Punk was sitting on Seth's other side looking extremely bored.  

'Let me ask you a question Michael. Why is this such a surprise? I took The Shield to the very top, as high as we could go, we beat everybody. Alright? We conquered the world, Michael. At Payback, we beat Evolution in a clean sweep. And from every experience in life you should learn something, and you know what I learned from Evolution? I learned that to be a success in this business-' Seth stood up and walked forward. 

'You have to evolve. You have to adapt' Seth smirked as he spoke. But a deafening 'you sold out' chant broke through the arena. Seth shook his head and laughed.

'No, no no no,  I bought it. I bought in to the evolution of Seth Rollins. And another thing that you won't admit-' Seth pointed to Michael before pointing to the crowd. 

'And that none of you will all admit. It took a lot of guts to do what I did last week. And everybody is fixated on the fact that I stabbed my brothers in the back. That I betrayed my brothers. And maybe  to Roman Reigns and Dean Ambrose we were brothers. But to me, they were just business partners' Wow. I wasn't expecting him to say that. The crowd booed at Seth's words. 

'And I severed a business relationship. You know, for  two years, every night, I came out here and put my fist out and I said believe in The Shield. Every night what I meant is what I'm going to tell you now, is you and everybody else better start believing in Seth Rollins!' Seth roared before he smirking and sat back down. 

'So, yeah that's it Michael. That's all you wanted to hear right?' Seth asked Michael,  who just nodded clearly not wanting to ask Seth anything else. His gaze shifted to me and I knew it was time for hot seat question time. 

'Erica, may I ask you some questions?'

'Fire away Michael' I told him. 

'What happened last week? Why did you come down here and attack your former best friend, the Women's champion, Ashley Orton?' Cole wasn't hanging around was he?  I smiled and lifted my microphone up, but I didn't speak yet as a chant of Ashley's name broke out. 

'Don't worry guys, I'm sure she will be out here soon' I smiled reassuring them. I spoke again. 

'I just want to set the record straight. I'm young, so sometimes I let my emotions get the best of me. That is what happened last week. You see, the last few weeks I've been having trouble trying to decimate that British crumpet, Paige. Sometimes enough is enough and you have to make a statement to people. That's what I did last week. But, I still think of Ashley as my best friend in the whole wide world' I told everyone smiling. The crowd booed and I heard Seth telling me to ignore them.

'But what I did last week was completely deplorable. Because in that moment I didn't think of Ashley as my best friend. I thought of her as someone who I needed to use to make a statement, to show people that I'm not just a stepping stone. I am not a rookie or I am not here to be overshadowed-' I spoke slowly, making sure that everyone heard and understood every world I was saying. 

'I promise to Ashley though, that I will never ever act that way ever again' I vowed, still smiling. I didn't get chance to say anything else. 

Sierra. Hotel. India. Echo. Lima. Delta. Shield... 

Ashley's POV 

I walked out onto the stage, The Shield's music playing. It pained to hear it, but I couldn't dwell on that now.  I was still wearing my 'Shield' attire. No title with me though. I'd be too tempted to smack Erica with it. I clutched the microphone in my hand as I made my way down to the ring. Luckily, I wasn't in pain anymore. The pain had faded since last night, but there was still some pain that would shoot around my body. There were so many emotions that were pumping through my body at this moment in time and I couldn't decide on which one to go with. Seeing Erica for the first time since her attack... Rage. Rage and betrayal were the most strongest emotions I could feel  right now. I made my way into the ring, staring straight at her my hand clutched around the mic. The music died out and my name was being chanted out loudly. I let them carry on, before I finally raised the microphone to my lips. Thankfully, my voice was calm and I looked calm. Although, I was the furthest thing from calm. My eyes didn't shift from Erica. I didn't even care  that Punk was inches away  from me. Which I was sure was driving Dean insane. 

'I'm quite amazed that you think anyone is buying what you are saying. I mean, do you really think that these people believe-' I started off, trying to control my trembling. I don't know how I hadn't pounced on her already. But, just as I had started talking Erica cut me off. Which, of course pissed me off even more. 

'Ash, I swear, I swear. I did not-' 

'I wasn't finished talking' I snapped back at Erica, glaring. She was on really think ice and right now was not the time to fucking push me over the edge. Erica just smiled and put her hands up in an surrendering fashion.   

'I get it, Erica. As much as it pains me to admit it, I get why you did what you did last week-' I let out a dark chuckle. 

'For everyone that didn't know, a couple of months ago myself and the new addition to the Authority's family Erica, had a dispute. You see, Erica believes that I was just handed my fame here. That because my last name is Orton I get anything and everything I want. She believed that I was overshadowing her here, that I was the reason for her failures, blah blah blah. Last week was, what was it again? A statement? Yeah that was it. A statement to prove she will no longer be in the shadow of the pride ridden, egoistical, selfish Ashley Orton anymore... Am I close?' I titled my head as I shot my words at Erica, sarcasm and acid oozing from my mouth.  

'Well I'm not going to tell you that you're wrong, but Ashley it could have been anyone. You were just the one there, the one I needed to make a statement off. That was all it was. Business' Erica told me. 

'I don't buy that crap for a second. If it was business, and only business you would have forewarned me. We could have had fun with it all. But, no. You chose to listen to the Authority. Boo hoo Erica. You lost to Paige and you couldn't get your title back. Doesn't  give you the right to attack me and claim I'm the one overshadowing you' I could feel it. I could feel my anger. 

'But I get the feeling this was all premeditated, so tell me when you decided to stab me in the back?' I asked her, leaning against the ropes trying to so hard to keep my composure. 

'Payback. After my match with Paige, I was offered an opportunity and I took it' What? Payback? It felt like I had just been punched in the stomach several times. I lost it. I lost all my bravado and composure as I just stared at her. 

'What? Payback? The night you told me you were proud of me-' I pushed myself off the ropes and glared at her dangerously. 

'The night you told me you were lucky to have me as your best friend. It was a lie. It was all lie. You wanted to make sure I didn't catch onto what you were doing it' I shook my head. I was raging. 

'No no, I meant what I said. You are my best friend and I am proud of you. You are such an amazing competitor. You're so talented-

'Don't do that. Don't pretend you care about me, don't pretend you give a damn about me. I'm not going to believe a single word that comes out of your sell out mouth' I hissed, shaking my head. 

'Ashley, it's okay. I understand that you don't see it that way-' I cut her off again. 

'Don't patronize me either. Stop acting like this. You're making out you don't have a problem with me, but you clearly do. You smiled to my face but bitched about me behind my back. That's where we are different. I don't smile to someone's face and then whisper behind their back. If I have a problem with you, if I don't like you, if I wanna talk crap about you. It's going to be to your face, like a real woman' I assured her, my eyes narrowing.  

'You talk about how I've overshadowed you, that you needed to make a statement. I have made plenty of statements without stabbing you in the back. I have proved that I am worthy to be in this company, not as a Diva. As a superstar. As a champion, as the champion. I didn't need to stab you in the back to show that I can excel  to my greatest strengths. I have broken down walls. I have shattered glass ceilings. I have changed the way women wrestle and did I need to join a corrupt, manipulating, mind controlling corporation to do it? No. But, you did. You took the cowards way out and you love it. You don't like being overshadowed? Then step out of the shadow but don't use me as your ladder to the top' The crowd cheered at my words and I could feel myself fired up. I wasn't done yet. 

'It's funny. You told me you have worked your entire life to get here, and yet you take the cowards way out. You couldn't get out of my shadow, so you thought you'd get help. You know, you've said I get everything that I want because of my last name. Because I came from a great wrestling family. That's bull crap and you know it. I have been handed nothing. It took seven years for them to give me a damn diva's title match. Don't tell me that I am given everything because of who I am. I work my ass off every damn day for my title' I let out a breath, the crowd still cheering. I turned to Punk. 

'Pipe bomb' I shot him a sarcastic look, before looking back at Erica. 

'That's good Ashley, use all that rage and anger and mould it into your speeches. You know how to harness all of that, that's what makes you so good on the mic' Erica praised me. Had she not just listened to anything I had said? 

'Stop acting like you're still my best friend because you're not' I clenched my jaw. Erica took a step closer to me and shook her head. 

'Ashley, Ashley. I am your best friend. I always will be. And if you don't believe me, then I guess you're crazy' I froze. Every muscle in my body tensed at the word that had just formed in her mouth. The crowd 'ooh'ed loudly and Erica's facial expression changed. I felt my expression darken as I slowly looked up at her from under my eyelashes, glaring. My body was trembling. 

'What did you just call me?' The words held something menacing. Erica shook her head rapidly. 

'Okay, I'm sorry. I did not mean to call you... that. But seriously, I would never make fun of your mental health Ashley' Erica told me, shaking her head still looking at me innocently. My head was screaming at me to rip the bitch apart. She knew... She knew the issues I had. And she still chose to call me that. I stepped closer me, my jaw clenched as I continued to glare at her. Before I smiled. 

'No, it's fine. I get it. It was a mistake. It happens to the best of us. You spoke without thinking. It happens to all of us, even those of us who are a little bit... unstable' Erica nodded at my words smiling. Then I launched at her. She squealed and jumped back as I was stopped and held back by Punk. I pushed him off me as I glared at Erica, my breathing was erratic.  She smoothed her hair down and took a deep breath. 

'You need to calm down' Punk hissed at me. 

'You need to stay away from me. I'll get to you when I'm done with her' I snapped at him, before returning my gaze to Erica. 

'It's okay Punk, it's okay. Look Ash I know you don't see it now, but we are still best friends. And, to prove  that  to you, tonight granted by the Authority there will be a tag team match. AJ Lee and... Paige vs myself and you!' Erica grinned at me excitedly. She was joking right? Tell me she was fucking joking. But before I could even retaliate, I was flanked on either side by Dean and Roman. Looks like  they couldn't wait any longer to get their hands on Seth and Punk. A brawl broke out in the ring, but Seth scampered away, Erica clinging to his arm. Punk rolled out of the ring, avoiding Dean who was going insane. This night was far from over. 


I couldn't calm down. I couldn't relax. I was pacing around the locker room like a caged animal. A tag match? A fucking tag match with her? I was going to tear her apart. No way. No way was I going to be able to compete with her. Dean and Roman hadn't spoke to me, they just sat in the locker room, clearly not wanting to get bitten by me. Breathe Ashley. I knew what she was doing. She was clearly trying to get into my head. She'd called me... the C word. She was telling me we were still best friends. She was trying to get into my head. I wasn't going to let that happen. No. no. I was the one who played mind games. I was the one who got into people's heads. I let out a frustrated groan as I kicked one of the chairs over. 

'She is trying to get into my head' I hissed to myself. 

'You're letting her' Dean piped up. I closed my eyes and tried to calm myself down. 

'Ashley, you are  the one who plays mind games. So play them back' Roman told me. I couldn't even think of any mind games to play. My head was reeling. My head a mess and I didn't know what to do. I felt a pair of arms wrap around me and spin me around. Dean cupped my face and pierced his stupidly blue eyes into mine. 

'You do what you have to do. She wants to  get into your head, then play along. Act like you trust her. Then pounce' Dean advised me. 

'You're the queen at this kind of stuff. She does know how your mind works, but you can think outside of the box. Because you have me' Dean gave me a sly smirk. I nodded. 

'And if Punk fucking touches you again I'll break his neck' Dean snarled. I hadn't really got chance to express my hatred towards Punk tonight, but I was sure I would soon. I wanted to. I wanted him to know how much of a smug dick he was. 

'I'll help' Roman chirped up. Dean kissed my lips lightly, before handing me my title. 

'You've gotta go' He told me. I took my title, before once again leaving the locker room. AJ and Paige. Two of my closest friends and I was having to go up against them, thanks to Erica. I put my title around my waist and made my way to the gorilla position. I could hear AJ's music fading out and I assumed Paige was already out there.  The Shield music hit and I realized this could be the last time I'll ever walk out to this music again. I ignored the shoot of pain in my heart. I took a deep breath and opened the curtain as I made my way down the ramp and  slid into the ring. AJ shot me a look which comforted me. She clearly didn't mind this match. The look Paige gave me was a sly one and she winked at me. Did Erica really think AJ and Paige were going to actually wrestle me? I raised my title high before hopping down and leaned the ropes.  The crowd were chanting my name again, as loud as possible. But, then the boo's erupted as Erica's music hit and she came out onto the ramp. She was grinning at me at she made her way into the ring. I took my jacket off and placed it on the ring apron, glancing down at my Shield t-shirt. The  ref took my title and handed it to a crew member. AJ was starting the match off. 

'I'll start' Erica told me, patting my shoulder. I pushed her hand off me and slid onto the ring apron. I don't know how I was managing to be so calm. I just wanted to attack her with a chair just like she did. Throw her into the barricade and over the announcers table. But, no. I was taking Dean's advice. Play the game. I was going to play it cool and play my mind games. AJ and Erica locked up forearms. AJ pushed Erica away, kicking her in the stomach before pushing her back into their corner. She tagged Paige in, who gladly started hammering away at Erica. I leaned against the turn buckle as I watched Paige beat down Erica and just wished it was me doing it. They went at it, Paige dominating before Erica tossed Paige into the steel post and scrambled over to me. Erica slapped me on the arm, tagging me in. I stared at her, before getting into the ring. Paige pulled herself up and rubbed her shoulder, she turned around clearly thinking it was still Erica in the ring. She struck me with a boot to the face, knocking me down completely. It was a brutal shot to the face and I lay flat out on the mat. 

'Ashley!' I heard Paige's voice as she called me name. I stared up at the ceiling as I lay there a little dazed. Paige pulled me up, but I saw Erica push her backwards as she pulled me into her. What the hell? 

'She's my best friend!' Erica shouted at Paige, who was staring at Erica. I winced at the throbbing in my face, hey another bruise to add to the chart. Erica was.. cuddling me. Stroking my hair. I pushed her off me. 

'Get off me!' I stumbled, grabbing the  ropes and rubbing my face. I have no idea what game she was trying to play but I was taking part. I slid out of the ring, ripped my title away from the crew member and left the match. I wasn't competing in her stupid fucking games. 

|Later on that night| 

Erica's POV 

I felt good. For some strange reason, I felt good. Tonight had gone so much better than I had expected. Okay, so I was still Ashley's friend. I was still her best friend. But, I was playing mind games with her. Ash plays mind games with everyone. But, no-one can match up to her. I could do. I wanted to have some fun with this. I lay in bed waiting for Seth to get out of the bathroom. It was fun. I mean Ashley had spoken her mind, she had been fired up. That was the Ashley I wanted. I liked that Ashley. She was so much more fun to fight and argue with. She made it interesting. Seth appeared out of the bathroom and joined me in bed. 

'You were so good tonight' I complimented him. Seth grinned at me and brushed my hair out of my face. 

'You weren't so bad either. You've learned from Ashley well' Seth noted. I returned his grin. I kissed him hard. Seth hovered over top of me, kissing my neck. 

'I like playing mind games with her. Although, Paige kicking her boiled my blood' I frowned. Seth carried on kissing my neck before he looked up at me. 

'Ashley's reaction when you picked her up was priceless' Seth chuckled. He kissed me hard, before running his hands up my sides. 

'I didn't realize being the bad guys would be  this thrilling' I admitted to Seth. 

'It's fun isn't it?

'Definitely' I agreed. I pulled him down onto me.  I didn't think I would enjoy this. I was worried about it all. But, now I was enjoying it. I admit though calling Ashley crazy wasn't planned. It just slipped out. I got a reaction out of her. The reaction I wanted. It's fun beating an enemy. But, it's so much more fun beating your best friend. 

'I love you' Seth murmured against my lips. 

'I love you too' I locked my arms around his neck. This was going to be fun. 

Ashley's POV 

I just wanted to sleep. I think that's all Dean wanted to do. Tonight had been his and Roman's last match as The Shield. That was it. The Shield was done. Over and done with. They wouldn't compete as The Shield ever again. They had gone up against The Wyatt's and won. With help from a third member. John. Dean was pacing around the hotel room, clearly too wound up to sleep. Aside from all of this betrayal stuff and what had happened tonight. Something else had been nagging at the back of my mind. The conversation me and Dean had last night, the one about the guys I'd been with. I had told him that John was my first. The first guy I had slept with. But, I had realized that wasn't true. It had been bugging me since I had told Dean about. Then it hit me. John wasn't the first guy I had slept with. It was back when I was 'Princess Ashley' It was back when I wasn't a wrestler and it was when me and Erica were inseparable. She had taken me to an indie show at ROH. I was completely out of place. I had no idea what I was doing. Long story short, I lost my innocence to a indie wrestler. I felt so ashamed of it, that I told no-one. It was only now bringing this subject to Dean I had remembered. I thought this was a conversation that would bring Dean out of his agitated state.  

'Hey, come sit down' I patted the end of the bed. Dean stopped pacing and looked at me. His expression softened as he sat down. 

'I've been thinking about the conversation last night, about you know... my sexual experiences. I've kinda remembered that John wasn't my first' I told him sheepishly. This took Dean's attention.  

'So who was your first?' He asked interested. 

'It was back at an indie show Erica took me to. Ring of Honor. She was learning some more wrestling moves and she dragged me along with her. I was out of my comfort zone. She wandered off to talk to some guys. I was left to just walk around, having no clue what I was doing. That's when I bumped into this guy. He was a wrestler there. I guess he could tell I didn't belong there. We got talking and the next thing I knew I ended up back at his hotel. I left Erica know I had gone home and had a car waiting for her. I slept with the guy and I felt so ashamed afterwards, I refused to let anyone know. Princess Ashley lost her virginity to guy she had just me. I felt so dirty and ashamed of myself. So, I didn't let Erica know. God, if dad would have ever had found out he would have killed me. He would have hunted the guy down and killed him' I chuckled slightly. Dean was staring at me, completely taken back by what I had said. 

'Princess Ashley wasn't that much of a princess then' He noted. I shrugged. 

'Who was this guy?' He asked. I thought for a second. 

'Uh, something Black I think. Oh, that was it! Tyler Black' I told Dean. His expression darkened, his whole body went tense. The look he was giving me kind of terrified me. 

'Dean? What... what's wrong?' I squeaked out. He got off the bed and started pacing the room. 


'That guy you fucked for the first time? Tyler Black? That was Seth back in his indie days

(IT'S FINALLY UP. It's took me such a long time to write this chapter, but it's finally up! I enjoyed writing it so much. This Ashley and Erica feud is going to be so much fun to write. But, what about Ashley and Seth? I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter! Feedback is appreciated, so please leave a comment :-)) 

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