rwby wilted red rose

By kawaki2019

121K 680 382

Life is not fair Ryan rose lernarnd this far early than he should leaving his family or his life behind to st... More

Rwby bio mars update
rwby chapter 1 escapes from hell
rwby chapter 2 mars vs raven
rwby chapter 3 entering academy rewrite
rwby oc boi Alice
rwby oc boi rain
rwby oc boi samion
rwby chapter 4 the test
rwby chapter 5 getting used to becone and team understanding
rwby chapter 6 forever falls
rwby chapter 7 family day
author note
rwby chapter 10 reunion of hell
rwby chapter 8 the first date
rwby oc kai update
author note
rwby chapter 9 the first date part 2
rwby chapter's 11 bloody battle
author note
author note
rwby chapter 10 reunion of hell
rwby chapter 11 bloody battle
rwby final battle mars vs kai
rwby chapter 12 mars and rain
rwby chapter 13 kai interdiction rewrite
rwby chapter 14 his name is kai
rwby chapter 15 no more secrets
rwby chapter 16 kai vs yang
rwby side special part 1
side special part 3

rwby side special part 2

823 7 0
By kawaki2019

REACP: the job mars was given by ozpin requires him to travel back to
The kingdom of mistral.

Mars and leonardo are in his office discussing the details of his mission

Leo : I am sure ozpin already gave you the name your target daki she was last
Seen in the red light district of mistral

Mars : what's the red light district if you mind me asking professor leo

Leo : the red light district is in the yoshiwara part of mistral it's were
Love and lust exist prostitutes exist

Mars : prostitutes really

Leo: yes many prostitutes are born into poverty or sold due debts but if
They raise through the ranks they can be bought by wealthy household their they get resource things like food and clothes and education

Mars : who's the highest ranking of member

Leo : the oiran they have beuty and eduction differencent league of their

Mars : I see so daki was spotted in the red light district area correct.

Leo : you are correct on that she was seen there

Mars : thank you for the information leo by the way you need to get over your fear I can smell it.

Leo : thank you may I ask how you would approach this mission what's
The plan.

Mars : that's for me to know not you leo. Mars walks out of Leo office and couldn't shake the feeling that leo will not be a trusted ally.

Meanwhile with daki she's is a oiran an elite her fake name is uma during the day her beuty made man lust for her and women envy of it currently brushing her hair when one of the girls came into her room

Girl : uma sama there's man here to see you.

Daki : tell him to go away and who says you can into my room like that.
Daki glared at the menacingly with killer intent.

Girl atfard: he said his name is Leo lionheart prossfer of heaven acdamy

Daki paused for a moment before saying bring him in and out came
Leo himself.

Daki : if you think I am going to sleep with you have another thing coming make this quick lionheart

Leo : well ozpin has sent a first year to kill you his name is Mars aroccding to ozpin he is very skilled individual it's best to say he more powerful than a pro hunstmen.

Daki :so I have killed hunstmen and huntress in the past this won't make any difference

Leo : you should take this seriously daki . But he soon regret this as daki lifted him off the ground by his throat
Chocking him.

Daki : listen here leo you are in no position to question or tell me what
To do the only reason you're alive is because you are useful but even
That's hanging on thread you have yet to prove any worth .

Daki dropped him on the ground leo gasp for air daki went back to what she was doing

Daki: leave me alone now lioherat

meanwhile with Mars he hates what he's currently doing but it's for the sake of his mission he dyed his hair
Back to its original color took out his
Eye contact puts some makeup on and
Dressed in a nice kamono offutt once he is finished he takes a look in the mirror.

Mars : not half bad but I hate looking like them but it's for the mission not
For myself daki I am coming for you

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