Flaming Passion (Male Reader...

By Just__Crazed

60.9K 854 452

Forsaken by his own birthright. A gift he deemed a curse. Snuffed out and never to be used again, but could a... More

Starting Line
Fruits Of Our Labor
Unfortunate Power
A Message
Passion (Lemon)
Plans For War
Flames Of War


2K 37 6
By Just__Crazed

(Y/N)'s POV

Screams and howls could be heard from every direction. My senses were dulled from the collapse. Dust and debris littered the area. How the hell did this all happen?

Beacon had fallen and Grimm rampaged through the area. I got to my feet and slowly walked around. Nothing made sense. It was so peaceful only a few hours ago.

Yang: "(Y/N)!!!" Her voice echoed form behind me. I turned to see her running towards me. Her head was bleeding and it soaked into her hair. A Grimm jumped from the side and pounced her.

(Y/N): "YANG!!!!" Her blood curtailed scream echoed in the air. My feet heated up and bolted towards her. The Grimm disintegrated on impact from my kick. Her right arm was missing and bleeding. My hands heated up and I placed them on the stub.

Yang: "AHHHHHH!!!!!!" The wound cauterized and stopped bleeding. Her face was extremely pale and her breaths were shaky. If she didn't get help soon she would die.

(Y/N): "You're not gonna die on me Yang!!" I hoisted her over my shoulders and walked as fast as my body would let me. Something wrapped around my leg and tripped me.

Yang skidded a few feet in front of me before stopping. I turned to see some sort of floating orb with tendrils attached to it. The rest of its extremities attached and restrained me.

???: "So much for the legendary Sacred Flame." Dark mist poured from the orb onto the ground. It swirled upwards and took shape. A woman appeared from the mist.

Her hair and skin were completely pale. The iris in her eyes were pure red. A pitch black robe clung to her body.

(Y/N): "Who the hell are you?!" Her face still held a stoic expression. She slowly walked up to me and grasped my face with her hand.

???: "Ozpin was a fool to think a mere child could wield this power against me." Her fingers were cold to the touch. It was as if she stared into my soul. "Your death will secure my victory."

More tendrils sprouted from the orb and neared my throat. They pierced my flesh and blood filled my mouth. Her cold stare never left while the life drained from my body. Soon I felt nothing.
(Y/N): "Ahhh!!" My body shot up in a cold sweat. The breaths I took were deep in shallow. My hand lifted up and cover half of my face. Fear took control of my entire body.

Yang: "(Y/N)?" She sat up next to me with a worried look. Her right arm was still intact. I wrapped her in a loving embrace.

(Y/N): "Thank Oum you're okay." My breath returned to normal after a few minutes.

Yang: "Another nightmare?" I let go and her eyes stared into mine.

(Y/N): "Not a nightmare." The confusion in her eyes was expected.

Yang: "What do you mean?" I got out of the bed and grabbed some clothes to change into.

(Y/N): "We need to see Ozpin right now." I quickly changed and Yang did the same. It wasn't long before we were face to face with Ozpin.

Ozpin: "What seems to be the problem Mister (L/N)?" Yang sat down in the chair behind me while I explained to both of them what I saw. Ozpin's usual smile was replaced with a serious expression.

(Y/N): "You know something don't you Ozpin?" His eyes were closed and he seemed deep in thought. A small sigh escaped his lips before opening his eyes again.

Ozpin: "Please understand that I needed to keep this from you until the time was right. Your Sembelance is the key to bringing peace in this world." This revelation was almost unbearable. It was bewildering to think it had that much potential.

(Y/N): "Who was she?" He seemed like he didn't want to answer, but he knew he had to. We're already to far down the rabbit hole.

Ozpin: "Her name is Salem. She is the mother of all Grimm. An immortal being that seeks destruction." Yang got up from her chair and placed her hands on his desk. Her hair was alight and eyes were red.

Yang: "How the hell do you kill something that's immortal?!" Yang was right. How were we supposed to kill something that can't be killed?

Ozpin: "Sacred Flame." Yang backed up and stood next to me. "I lied when you asked me if I knew anything about your powers. You father didn't want you to know about this either. He wanted to shoulder the burden instead of you."

(Y/N): "Now that he's gone I have to uphold it." He nodded.

Ozpin: "Your father was told a prophecy. 'On the day of eternal dark, light shall expire and play its part. Flames of divinity shall burn bright, to vanquish the dark and revive the light.' That is all you father was told." That quote...there's no way.

(Y/N): "Dad always told me that quote. Every time I would have a bad night. Didn't know what it meant till now." A warm sensation entered my hand. Yang had placed hers in mine.

Yang: "Together remember?" A smile replaced my stoic expression. I squeezed her hand lightly.

(Y/N): "Together." Ozpin looked at us with a relieved expression.

Ozpin: "I have no clue as to when she might attack, but until then you must train. Hone your flame and refine you skills. When the time is right I shall tell the world of this event." We both nodded and left his office. We walked back to our dorm.

Ruby: "Are you guys okay? Why did you run off so fast?" She was very worried about us like always. The others were waiting for an answer as well.

(Y/N): "It's gonna take a bit of explaining so get comfortable." We all took spots and I began the tale. They were scared at first when I told them about the nightmare, but calmed them down afterwards. I told them about the encounter with Ozpin as well.

Blake: "So you Sembelance is key to defeating Salem once and for all?" I nodded.

(Y/N): "It seems to be that way." Dead silence filled the room. It was rather unpleasant.

Weiss: "We need to be ready for when it happens. We need to train." She pointed her finger and me and Yang. "You two need to train even more so."

Yang: "This is gonna be a rough road." My hand placed itself atop hers.

(Y/N): "We can do this. All of us." Everyone nodded. For the time being we need to train as much as we can.

I won't let anything happen to Yang. I'm not going to lose her.

Thank you all for reading. I hope you enjoyed and I hope to see you in the next chapter.

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