By isha_mhaske

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What happens when someone whom you used to call as 'bestfriend' turns out to be someone who you never thought... More

Author's Note 1
2.5 ROYAL?!
Announcement 1
Announcement 2
40.OH GOD!
48.OH MY MY!
Author's Note 2


120 11 6
By isha_mhaske

Rock bottom
~ Hailee Steinfeld

What are we fighting for ?
Seems like we do it just for fun.
In this, this stupid war.
We play hard with our plastic guns.

Breathe deep, bottle it up.
So deep until it's all we got.
Don't speak, just use your touch.
Don't speak before we say too much.

You hate me now and
I feel the same way.
You love me now and
I feel the same way.
We scream and we shout
And make up the same day, same day.

Oh, we're on the right side
of rock bottom.
And I hope that we keep falling.
We're on the good side of bad karma
'Cause we keep on coming back
for more.
We're on the right side of rock bottom
Into you, I just keep crawling
You're the best kind of bad something
'Cause we keep on coming back
for more.

You get under my skin,
More than anyone's ever been.
But when we lay in bed,
You hold me hard till I forget.


Chapter 9 : GAME ON

I need to go find Ro , especially after what Oliver said.

My phone started ringing and I picked it up. 

" Where are you ?" Lucy asked

" You guys go ahead . Caught up with something  "

" Oh okay "

It's good that this is the hometown of Lucy and Harv , so they can go home any time they want , unlike me .
I miss mine ..

After taking a deep breath ,
I dialled Ro's number hopelessly .

It started ringing and after a minuter or two , he picked it up 'surprisingly' .

"What do you want now ?!"

Wow , great start Ro !

"So you finally unblocked your ex-bestfriend " I say

"Why did you call?"

"Good question"


"Yaa that's my name "

"I'm hanging up if you didn't speak
up "

"Okay okay chill . Where are you ?"


"I wanna talk "

"We are talking duh"

Gosh , he gets on my nerves

"Face to face "

"Then video call "

"Look just tell me where the hell are you ?"

"Hostel building 3 backside "

" Wait there  , I'm coming "

"Don't come"

"Do you think I'll listen to you?"

"Look I'm okay so you need not to worry . Besides I have Fed here and
I don't need you "

"You sure know how to be rude " ,
I say and hung up .

Fine , I dont want to talk to you then !


Just as I'm about to reach my
hostel building ,
I feel that I should visit Ro instead .

Bestfriend 1 Ego 0

So I turned back and went where
he was with his so called friend, Fedrick.

You shouldn't judge !

After walking for a few mins more ,
I finally spot 4 people which includes Ro with his gf Jessica and Fedrick with Beca.

" Look who we have here "

" And the devil spoke " I say while  returning the fake smile she gave me .

She scoffed , meanwhile Fedrick was smoking, gosh I hate it !

" I need to talk to you Ro..yal" I say and that's when I see his fingers  wrapped around a cigarette ,
which is enough to make my
blood boil !

I walk towards him , snatch it from him and throw it in the dustbin nearby.

All four pairs of eyes on me while
I did the Nobel act .

Why is that when you do something good  , people stare at you as if you are an alien or something,
but when you do something bad ,

they be like ' oh you are so cool ' ,
like why don't you fudge yourself ?because that's all you can do !

" What was that ?" Beca asked

" Smoking kills , that was that "

" Oh is it ? We had no clue " she replied sarcastically and Fedrick took a puff which resulted in me
coughing right after .

"Royal Miller " I glared at Ro .

He pulled away from Jessica,
grabbed my hand for the second time today  and pulled me away from where they couldn't spot us .

Once he stopped , I jerked my hand away just the way he did a few minutes ago .

" What's going on Royal?!"

" What ?"

" Dont act dumb . You and me ,
we both know how much we hate these poopy stuffs "

"Well let's just say things change .
Like how we loved each other ,
now we almost hate each other "

" Come on Royal ,
this is not expected from you "

" If you are here to lecture me ,
I'm listening from a ear &  letting it go from the other "

" Royal what has gotten into you!
I know you are affected by
Aunt Summer's ... but "

" Shut up Isabella .
You don't know anything about me !"

" For God's sake Royal, we were best friends , what happened to that ha ?

" We are blowing our friendship , that's what's happening" , he sighed

"How long are you gonna keep it all in ? You are no longer the Ro I used to know "

" I'm fine . I'm more than fine actually .  I'm no longer the person you thought I was ! "

" You have lost it "

" Good to know "

" From what I can feel is that you are trying to act heartless or whatever it is just so you could spare yourself from another heartache  "

" Whatever makes you sleep at night "
He simply said and started walking away .

I reached out to him and
poked at his chest ,
"My royal is still in there somewhere , no matter what you say!"

And I walked away ,
leaving him standing there for God knows how long.


He does care but I don't know why he's acting this way .

After his mother's death ,
he was so vulnerable .
I had to be strong for him then , seeing him in that state hurt me way too much .

After a month , he just showed up at my doorstep  saying he wanted to go away from that place which held those precious memories and
I still wanted to be there for him ,
but he told me that he wanted to do this alone .

He's so brave , but sometimes it's okay to cry , that's what I wanted to tell him but I never got the chance .

Who was I to hold him back ?
But he promised to keep in touch and he failed to keep it and never responded back .

When I actually meet him after two long years , he's anything but himself .

If I didn't know him any better ,
I might as well think that he's a bad guy afterall , but it's just a facade .

And I'm gonna make sure that
I have my Royal back !


Next week ,

I was just going to stop by my  locker to grab something  when something struck in my brain which ended up
in me involuntarily shouting  ,

" IDEA!! "

The next think I know is I am handing out a bunch of apologizes and
getting the hell out of that hallway.

I haven't seen Royal around for the past week .
I even ended up calling him once or twice but he didn't receive my call .
I just got a text message at midnight ,
'Anything important ? '
and I responded  ,
' Oh ! Good to know you are alive! '.
He read the same and didn't bother to reply .

You wanna make it complicated ,  right ?

Get ready Royal !
'insert sly wink here '

Dear Best friend game on!

But as of now , I'll need to deal with English !


" Okay ,  students hand over your essays now  "

" Oliver and Royal stand up !
Have you completed yours ?"

" Yes " Royal replied

" What about you Oliver ?"

" I didn't "

" Why ? Let me guess, you were busy partying last night "

" I forgot to do it "

" Did you forget to eat ? No , right ? Then how can you forget to do your homework ?
Get out of the class, now ! "

Ladies and Gentlemen that's a typical teacher's dialogue right there ...

With that , Oliver stormed out of the class .

I raised my hand .

" Yes Isabella?"

" I didn't complete my homework either "

" Isabella , I have seen your previous reports and accordingly you seemed a sincere student "

" Sorry it's incomplete "

" You do know today is the last day , right ?"

" I know "

" Well no special treatment so you need to step out as well "

" Sorry " I apologized and walked out .

I could feel Royal's eyes on me .

As much as I felt bad about all this, the fact that it may bring my
best friend back was enough to make me feel okay again .

" The Nerd didn't do the homework , breaking news " Oliver commented

" Let's play a game "

" Game ? Which ?"

" We'll see who can stay quieter for the next hour ? "

" You could have said 'shut up' "

" Now where's the fun in that? " ,
I replied

" So what's going on with you and Royal?"

" I thought we were playing the game and seems like you are losing pretty badly "

" You sure know how to divert a subject "

" Whatever "

" So?"

" So I'm not interested in talking with you so why don't you shut the hell
up? "

"The Nerd speaks "

I didn't reply to that .

After about 35 mins , the bell rang and students ran out .

When Royal passed by ,
he gave me a look which I couldn't decipher but something like
'what's going on' and walked off .

I entered the class yet again .

" What do you want Isabella ? "

I took my book out from my bag and handed it over to the professor .

" My homework , you said today is the last day so technically I'm in time "

" Well at least you submitted it , you can go "

As soon as I came outside , Lucy inquired ,

" What was that ?"

" What was what ?"

" Your homework was completed , right ? Then why did you lie?"


"Umm...." and then I had to tell  her about my P-L-A-N .

" So you're telling me you are gonna kinda change yourself, 
like your style,  behaviour and other stuffs just so instead of you ,
Royal makes an effort to get you back to become the real you "

"And there in realise the importance of being true to yourself and how real you is what matters in this so called fake world  "

" Hats off " she does that bowing act and I chuckle. 

" Wow , I'm definitely in " she says

" As if you had a choice Lu " I joked

" Haha very funny . After school?"

" Sure "


" Let's go " I said after washing my face in the bathroom.
I looked in the mirror to approve my look , never mind .

"Let me just do the touch up? " Lucy suggests

" Fast..." I hesitantly agree

" Patience woman " she said while applying light make up on my face and I chuckled 

" I was thinking that I should get rid of pony tail " I spoke

" What do you mean?"

" I mean , I'll let my hair free "

" I'm sure if you do , you'll look prettier "

" You think?"

" Yeah , you should try "

After that , I changed my hairstyle too .

My hair which were always tied up , now were free , kind of messy but in a good way .

" See I told you "

" Okay , now we should go , otherwise lunch time will end and I'll starve to death " I comment

" Is there a day when you are not being your dramatic self? "

" Guess not  "

" Come on ,  let's just go "

As we settled ourselves at our usual table ,

Chris asked " Who are you?"

" Your roomie "  I responded in a duh tone

" What happened to you then ?"

" Why ? Do I look bad ?"

" Actually, you look quite good this
way "

" Thanks " I smiled but it vanished because someone out of nowhere spoke ,

" That's because when she ties her hair up, her face looks chubbier ,
so naturally it's good this way "

I turned right away and faced the hideous monster .

" What is your problem Royal? "

" I was just wondering why you didn't do your homework.
But considering your attention to your looks , you might have no time for that, now do you ?"

" Considering your attention towards all bad stuffs , I wonder how do you even have time to talk to someone like me "

" That didn't make sense "

" That's because you are senseless "

" Did you forget about that math problem which I solved ? "

" Did you forget that you used up your remaining brain cells for that ?"

He came closer and whispered,

" You've got a nice company to know how not to study "

" Says the one who has the worst company ever and you dare not speak about my friends here ,
because if anything , then they have been nice to me , unlike you " ,
I whisper-yelled back.

I pushed him away , wrong move .

All cafeteria eyes back on me and Royal .

I'm a 24/7 entertainment,  what else do you need in life , right?

" I'm letting this go " he said

" Whatever " I responded

" Let's just eat " Chris says

" I don't feel like it "

" Bella "

" Guys you continue . Anyway I have my next lecture off so I'll be in the library "
I said and walked away .


After school ended , me and Lucy went to the nearby mall .

I had to take Lucy's help for this and lemme tell you she was far more excited for this then I was .

Well , she almost thought that I was finally keeping up with the trend ,
but can someone remind her
I'mma be a classic instead .

" It suits you " , she chirped after
I wore the 6th dress she asked me to wear and as usual I wasn't much happy about this either. 

Speaking of which, it looked kinda sorta good but will I be comfortable wearing it in front of the whole school was a question to ponder over .

" It's not that revealing , what are you thinking about ? "

" But "

" No buts , if you are not buying it for yourself, then I am "

" Go on "

" Nah , you should buy it "

" You know what ? We both can buy it"

" Nah what if we match?"

" That would be co-incidence or not , who cares? "

" Seriously girl who isn't girlie much , you need high school knowledge "

" What's that supposed to mean ha ?"

" Fashion sense should be unique "

" If it's unique , how can we call it trendy?"

" That I don't know but it should be fashionable "

I didn't know it ! I mean it's like saying that love should be lovable .

" Whatever you say " I bluffed and finally gave in to buy that dress .

We shopped for the next 2 hours , then the best part of the day arrived , food time .

I was very hungry since I skipped lunch  

We decided to eat Indian cuisine and no wonder it was delicious.

"My stomach is gonna blast " , I exclaimed

" Same ! I'll wake up early tomorrow "

" To study?"

" You actually asked me that? "

" Then what ?"

" Workout . Need to burn out these calories , well well I could do those other things ... "

" Okay okay I get it " I said after realizing where she was getting at !

But Royal I haven't forgotten about my plan !

You are lucky that I love you more than I hate you ( ;
And I am blessed that you love me more than you hate me !


I hope it's interesting for you'll ♡

Posted on 29th Feb , 2020

' Two updates in one day , not bad '

" Someone's impressed? "

' You wish ! '

That's my inner voice,  Lol!

Word count - 2500

Next update:  5th March

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