Lost In The Woods

De acryofpain123

181 11 6


Lost In The Woods

181 11 6
De acryofpain123

John was out hiking in the woods trying to get away from all the stress in the city. Breathing in the fresh air he decided he would hike off the trail that day and go where ever nature took him. While walking through the forest and listening to the birds sing he realized he didn't remember which way he came from. Thinking he couldn't have gone far in an hour he decided to try and find his way back.

Two hours later with no sign of a trail or road and it getting dark he decided to climb into a tree and make camp for the night hoping tomorrow would be better. Waking up to bright sunlight he stretched from his position in the tree when he heard snap. All of his muscles froze in that instant. Slowly shifting his position he looked down from above and noticed a stream he hadn't noticed the night before. In the stream was two of the biggest wolves he had ever seen. They were so big they made the stream look like a puddle that they were playing in. Deciding to quietly try and climb out of the tree then get away he stepped down on the bottom branch when it snapped sending him tumbling to the ground.

Rubbing his head and propping himself up on his elbows he looked over to the stream to see the most terrifying and yet astonishing thing he had ever seen. The once giant wolves were slowly making there way to him but that wasn't the weird thing. The weird thing was that they were slowly shifting into two well built men probably in their twenties. Now John wasn't gay but any man would be questioning his sexuality with these two men walking toward him as naked as the day they were born.

Shaking his head and snapping back into reality he slightly blushed when he realized he was checking out the two men that could be about to end his life. As he looked closer though he realized they could pass as brothers. When they were close enough the youngest looking one held out his hand to help him up. John looked at him as he grew three heads. The older looking one grabbed onto John by his shoulder and lifted him onto his feet as if he weighed nothing.

Still in shock John just looked at the two in fear and curiosity. " What are you doing here", the oldest said looking at John as if he was a threat.

"Um..I was uh lost and slept in the tree", John replied nervous. "So um what did you say your names were?" John asked to know the names of these mystery men.

"We didn't", the oldest replied in a serious tone. The younger brother it seemed, hit his brother in the chest before replying "That is my grump of a brother Kyle and I am Nick."

"What happened back there i saw you guys turn from wolves to what you are now," John boldly asked blushing when he remember the two brother were naked. And apparently weren't uncomfortable either.

The oldest brother was the first to answer "You must of hit your head when you fell, you said you were lost right? We'll lead you to a road, you can hitch hike from there," he said quickly changing the subject.

"But-, "John tried to argue but the youngest brother cut in. "You hit your head when you fell, you probably got knocked out"

John deciding to just not argue fallowed the two brothers for what seemed like three hours till they came to a road. "Here, you can catch a ride from someone from here," the older brother said already walking back into the woods.

"Wait" John said to the youngest, Nick, as he started turning around to fallow his brother. "What are you guys?" John asked still curious to what he saw.

Nick turned around with a smile on his face and a playful glint in his eyes as he relied "You hit your head remember?" he said.

John turned around to check for a car before turning back to see Nick and Kyle were gone. "I must of hit my head" John said while smiling to himself and getting into the first car to pull up.

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