True Soulmates:Meant To Be To...

By Habibasathi

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#Truesoulmates series(book-2) ●●●●●●●●●●●● If two hearts are meant to be together,no matter how long it takes... More

Short Summary
Chapter- 1:New Beginning
Chapter -2 :Nightmares
Chapter- 4:New bond
Chapter- 5:Time flies
Chapter-6: Valentine's Day
Chapter-7:First sight
Chapter-8:-A melodious voice
Chapter 9:- Weren't friends?
Chapter 10:-Sports day
Chapter 11:-His friendly gesture
Chapter 12:-Back to old form
A good news to share
Chapter 13: Coincidence or destiny?
Chapter-14:Aabir's family intro
Chapter-15: Anger management
Chapter-16:Under the same umbrella
Chapter -17:The man of my dream
Chapter-18:Dream's after affect!
Chapter-19:A sudden visit !
Chapter:20: Family men
Chapter-21:A little chit-chat
Chapter-22:A great day
Chapter-23 :Brother's Engagement- I
Chapter-24 :Brother's engagement-II
Chapter 25:Heading to Mumbai
Chapter-26:The Ahmed Mension
Chapter-27:Pocket billards
Chapter-28: Exploring Mumbai
Chapter29:Walk in the Beach
Chapter-30:Lost child
Chapter-31: Ferries wheel
Chapter-32: Complicated relationships
Chapter-33:Falling !?
Chapter-35:A shoulder to cry on

Chapter- 3:Back to DMCH

489 40 33
By Habibasathi

I woke up early morning hearing the sound of Azan(prayer call for Muslim).My head was heavy as I couldn't sleep well last night.I offered the salah and read Quran around 1 hour that helped me to calm my mind to some extent.

After getting ready ,we came downstairs and had a quick breakfast.We couldn't be late at first day for college.Everyone wished us good luck and then we drove to the college.

Within 45/50 mins ,we reached .Both college was ,like most other thing,off the highway.

Well,I forgot to mention something.Misha and I wasn't at the same college.I was going to finish MBBS from 'DMCH ' whereas she was about to start her MBA course in management from 'DIM ' .And the good thing was that both college were at the same place like next door neighbors.

Driver parked the car in a parking lot.It was alotted for both college.

I was feeling like it was my first day of college;I was being nervous, hesitant and excited.

"I can do this." I said to myself feebly , then exhaled sharply and stepped out of the car.Khusbu and Misha had already got out of the car.

As soon as we came out of the car,one girl and two boys rushed to us .It seemed they were waiting for us.

The girl was tiny- several inches shorter than me ,chubby face ,her black hair gently waving to the middle of her back.Of the two boys,both were taller ,leaner but still muscular.I could recognize them who they were.Simi,Kabeer and Umang;my old friends.

The girl pulled Misha and me into a warm hug.We hugged her back then broke apart.

"Welcome back !"they said simultaneously. Their happiness were reflecting in their eyes and voices .

Their whole aura was so welcoming and warm.

"Happy to see you two after such a long time."one of the boy said to us.

I smiled in response.

"Look at you, Zara.You have become more beautiful than you were."the girl gave a compliment to me.

"Thanks for the compliment,Simi."I said with a smile though I wasn't agree with her.

"How do you know my name ?"Simi asked , shocked."Did you recall everything?"she added.

"Well, I'm not lucky enough for that.Misha told me everything about all of you and showed your pictures as well, that's how I got to recognize you."I explained.

"Oh,I see."she seemed to understand.

"Wait!"she looked at Misha and asked "You told her everything?"

"I told her whatever she needs to know."Misha replied that sounded cryptic to me.

Khusbu's expression distracted me ,she was gazing meaningfully at the boys -Umang and Kabeer ,with an intense expression. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw them nod once.

"What's going on here?"I glared at them.

"Nothing."Umang passed a smile.

I wasn't satisfied with his answer.They could sense it seeing my frowned expression.

"Actually You said that Misha told you everything.So we're just wondering ,did she tell you ,how you both had become friends?"Kabeer  explained .

"You're talking about that slap, aren't you?"I asked and Kabeer nodded.

"Well,She told me about that too."I laughed .So even they but something was missing in their laugh,humor?

"You slapped me so hard on that day."Misha complained.

"You did it first."I defend myself.

"That's true."She chuckled.

I couldn't believe when she'd told me about our first meeting in college.She told me that- at my first day in college she'd slapped me to complete a dare task that was given to her by the seniors .And  I'd given her a tight slap in response of her act .Later on our misunderstanding got cleared and we'd become friends somehow.It was something notable.I wish I could remember that time.

We continued our talks while walking towards the entry gate of our colleges.Kabeer , Simi and Umang had a lot of things to share with us.But we'd to parted away as we reached in front of the gate of our respective colleges.

In our group ,Khusbu and I was medical student and the rest of them was the students of finance or business management.They told Khusbu and me to wait for them in cafeteria during lunch time and then left.

Before entering through the entrance gate,I looked up and read the name of my college "Doon Medical College and Hospital "

A smile of joy lit up on my face.

"Let's go in."Khusbu said smilingly,placing her hand on my shoulder.

There were two gates to enter or exit the campus and everything was interconnected inside.

I nodded,took a deep breath and then entered through the first gate .

While walking onto the campus ,Khusbu gave a short description of the whole campus .I listened to her attentively while admiring the place.

The campus was huge; literally huge.And beautiful as well.On entering through the gate ,we'd come across OPD and IPD building first.Both of them was six storey building.Those buildings were crowded by patients,their relatives,nurses and doctors.

We moved further and walked past Administration building , central library and canteen .

After that we took few turns and  came across academic buildings.Each of them was three or two storied, surrounded by a picturesque lush green environment.Each building was given number.

We walked into building number 5( psychiatry department )where I was going to attend my first lecture today .Sadly Khusbu had no lecture with me today.

"Well, good luck."Khusbu said as I touched the handle of the door.

"I'm quite nervous.I wish I could have the first lecture with you."I said glumly.

"There's nothing to be nervous,just relax,okay?And don't be upset.Maybe we'll have some lectures together later." She said, sounded hopeful.

"Hope so."I smiled faintly.

"Okay,then.I'll get going .Take care .Bye "She said .

"Bye."I said and she turned to left.

"I'll see you at the lunch in cafeteria."she said over her shoulder and walked away hurriedly.

When she vanished from my sight,I took a deep breath and opened the door of the lecture room.The room was big enough with seats arranged in a straight row and a small central stage.

A tall, bald man in black formal cloths was standing on the stage already and I could guess that he was the lecturer of my first class.Seeing me standing by the door,He came to me and asked about my identify and I handed him the letter given by the dean .

After reading that letter he let me in and told me to introduce myself, standing on the stage.

I stood on the central stage and took the mike in my hand and started speaking , gulping down my nervousness.

"Assalamu Alaikum, everyone .I am Zara Khan,one of your old batchmate.Does anyone recognize me?I guess No.I was not a famous person or an intelligent student that you guys would remember me after years."I chuckled nervously.

Some of them laughed at my lame joke.And some of them were staring at me curiously that made me uncomfortable .Somehow I prevented it from showing on my face.I hide my discomfort and continued further.

"Well,I'd completed my first year from this college.Then due to some personal reasons I'd to transferred from here to another college in Kolkata.Now, after 2 years I'm back to complete my final year with you all .I hope I'll be able to make a good bond with all of you in this  short span of time.Thank you."I finished my speech with a nervous smile.

Then the lecturer asked me to take a seat and I choose  an empty desk at the last row.I sat there alone.

The professor started the lecture and unfortunately the lecture was on something I'd already studied. I took notes carefully anyway, always looking down.

When the bell rang and the lecturer left, a girl came in front of my desk .

"Hi,I am Jazleen Kaur.But you can call me Jazz.I prefer that."she said with a  friendly smile .

"I am Zara."I smiled back.

"Yeah,I heard that in your introduction.Well,Can I sit with you?"She asked,politely.

"Yeah,sure ."I smiled and shifted to make a space for her.

She gladly sat next to me .

"If I'm not wrong, You're Misha's cousin, aren't you?"she asked then.

Woah!I had to appreciate she had a good memory.

"Yes."I admitted.

"Now,I can recognize you"She smiled, flashing her teeth.

"I wish I could say the same"I sighed.

"Is she back in her college too?"

"Yes,she is ."

"Well, that's great."

"Yeah,that is.But how do you know her?I mean Misha isn't a medical student ."I asked  , curiously.

"Well,Misha and I was classmates in high school.During first year, she had introduced you to me .Though I and you were batchmate but we weren't so close back then and that's why I couldn't recognize you first.But when you said your name during your introduction, it striked in my mind and I got to remember you."She explained.

"I'm glad that there's someone who still remember me."I murmured  where she chuckled.

"By the way,Why did you left the college before?"she asked then.I was kinda expecting her to ask me this question sooner or later.

"You can tell me if you have no problem to share."she added.

I had no problem to share.So I explained her everything in short .

"You did right by coming here."she said after hearing everything.

"Hope so"I sighed.

"If you needs any notes or help in study,you can tell me.I would be glad to help you"she sounded helpful.

"It's so kind of you.Thank you"I smiled.She smiled back.

Another Professor entered into the class then.We stopped talking and focused on our lecture.

The rest of the morning passed in about the same fashion. After two classes, I started to memorize  the faces of my classmates.

During the lunch break ,I went to the cafeteria.It was outside of my college;at the opposite side of the road.

Jazz took me there.Otherwise I would've keep looking for it and would've got lost or ended up in our college canteen.

From her I got to know that the cafetaria was ruled by the student union and only alloted for the students of 'DMCH' and 'DIM';no outsiders allowed.

She even told me that the left side tables was allotted for 'DIM' students and the right side tables allotted for 'DMCH' students.

I was confused about where to sit as I was supposed to sit at right side and my friends were at the left side.

Jazz offered me to sit with her and her friends but I politely declined as I was supposed to sit with my friends.

Anyways,after thinking a lot,I chose a empty table which was placed apparently in the middle of the cafetaria.After taking a seat there I waited for my friends.

"Hi.." a male voice spoke and I looked up to see a cute, baby-faced boy.He was tall,his black blond hair carefully gelled into orderly spikes, smiling at me in a friendly way.

"Hi" I said.

"If you don't mind ,can I sit here?"he asked, politely.

I gazed around the cafeteria.The cafeteria wasn't crowded.Most of the tables were empty .He could sit anywhere.

"Actually , I'm waiting for my friends .I would like to sit with them.And I don't even know you."I said hesitatingly, trying to not hurt his feeling.

"That's not a problem.We can know each other now."he said as he pulled a chair out and sat.

I stared at him , surprised.

"Please..don't shout or yell at me.It'll be embarrassing .I promise I won't irritate you .And I will leave as soon as your friends arrive."he said in one breath.

I smiled slightly. I couldn't understand why I didn't react.He seemed nice and friendly ,maybe that's why.

"Your smile is so beautiful."he said where I tightened my lips.

"You said you won't irritate me."I grouched.

"Oh,yeah.I am Sorry."he said and bit his lips to hide his smile.

I looked away ,not interested to entertain him.

"By the way,We don't know eachother's name yet."He said after a moment.I looked at him again.

"I'm Arhaan Qureshi.And you?"he said.

"I'm Zara Khan."

"So,you're a medical student."He mumbled, staring at the book which was on the table in front of me.

"First year?" He looked up at me and questioned.

"No,final year."I corrected.

"Final year?How come I never see you here?"He mused .

"Actually ,I've completed my second and third year in another medical college.That's why you didn't see me before."I explained before he scratched his brain more.

"Oh,I see.But why did you say second and third year?What about first year?"He asked,sounded confused by my answer.

I huffed "You won't understand.It's a long story."

"I think I can keep up.I've plenty of free time."he said.

I thought for a moment ,then decided to tell him.I gave a short description of my tragedic life ;second time at the same day .

"With these missing pieces, I'm just trying to get my life back on track. That's my story. "my voice was glum by the time I finished.

"That's not fair "he sound sympathetic.

"Life is never fair "I said and looked away.

"That must be difficult time for you to tackle "he mused

"You have no idea"I muttered darkly.

"Why didn't you come back here?Why did you choose to go Kolkata instead of Dehradun?...I mean this place could be right for you to adjust easily."

"Its not that easy,though it looks so.Think of yourself in my place.You know this place,your friends and family but still you don't know them.Unknown people stops you in the street and seems to know you.They could very well have not existed until you re-met them.How would you feel at that time?"I asked.

"I d-don't know"he shrugged.

"But I know how it feels.Things, people,places everything arounds you seems weird and out of place at that time.Thats when the panic attack comes in and the shaking, the headache and you can't even breath."my voice was glum.

He was looking at me intently.I couldn't fathom his interest, but he continued to stare at me with curious eyes, as if my dull life's story was somehow interesting.

"At that time I wasn't strong mentally and physically enough to handle all this.So I decided to go Kolkata instead of coming here.I think finally I am ready to handle all this.Thats why I'm here now "I finished with a tight lipped smile.

I was in disbelief that I'd just explained my dreary life to this unknown boy. He'd seemed engrossed in our conversation.

"Do you feel sad when you think of your memory lose?"he asked after a long pause.

"Not really.I didn't lose anything except some pieces of my life.I am glad that I only lose memories not my close ones .All my friends,family ,their love and support are still with me."I answered.

Despite having everything ,there was a feeling of missing in my life.There was always that lingering feeling that there was more out there.

What was it?I didn't know.

"Right.That's matter the most."He said  nodded with a smile and I was snapped out of my thoughts.

"I am thinking..."he trailed off by a sudden touch on his shoulder.

He turned to see the person.I also looked up to see a girl.

The girl was tall, slim figure ,her eyes were dark brown,her long curly hair cascaded down the side of her face.

"Bhai, I'm calling you since long.Why aren't you picking up my call?"The girl complained.

Arhaan slipped his hand into his pocket and pulled out his mobile.

"Sorry! It was in silent mood"He said with a apologetic  smile.

"How many time do I have to tell you not to keep your phone in sile..."she trailed off when she realized my presence.

Her eyes flickered to mine ,then to his.

"Who is she?"she asked him.

"She is Zara,my friend."He said

I narrowed my eyes.

When did we become friends?

"She is my little sister ,Roshni."He introduced her to me.

"Hi ,Zara." she greeted me with a smile.

"Hi !"I said , smiling.

"By the way what were you calling me for?"He asked , looking up at her where she flashed her teeth.

"Actually,I am going out with my friends.And I need your car for that."she said tentatively.


"Bhai, Please.. Please.last time,I promise.I won't ask again."she pleaded ,making a puppy eyes.

"Okay..but last time"he agreed and handed the car keys over to Roshni.

"Thank you ,Bhai.You're the best."she thanked him.

"Bye,bhai.Bye,Zara"she bid goodbye ,then left the spot.

He shook his head with a smile"Everytime is her last time"he mumbled.

He looked at me,then.

"I guess, We're friends now, aren't we?"he asked ,sounded hopefully. He waited for my answer .

"Umm..Maybe "I wasn't sure.

"That means yes. "he jumped to the conclusion on his own again.

"So.. Friends?"he extended his hand for a handshake.
When I didn't approach ,he dropped his hand.

"Never mind."he said with a weak smile.

At that exact time,some boys called him out to join them in lunch .I could guess they were his friends .

"My friends are calling me to join them.I think I will take your leave now."he said dryly,while rising from his chair.

"Okay"I said.

I felt he was expecting something more from me .

"I hope you will talk to me again, won't you?"he said with a crooked smile.

"Maybe"I shrugged.

He grinned and waved his hand"Bye,then."

"Bye"I half smiled.

He walked away where I sighed in a relief.He was friendly and clearly admiring.But it wasn't enough to ease my irritation.

Within a few minutes , my friends also arrived and took their seats .For the rest of the lunch hour ,we talked or could say they were talking only.I was listening to them.It would take time to feel comfortable with them.

The rest of the day passed slowly.Some of my old classmates recognized me, which was surprising to me .Anyways,By the end of the day,I was feeling a little bit comfortable in college.

When the college hour finally done,I walked swiftly out to the parking lot with my friends. It was crowded now with fleeing students.

I looked around and noticed the boy,Arhaan.He was leaning against a red Jeep, few feets away from me, staring in my direction.He waved at me with a smile, I swiftly looked away .

It looked like I was going to have to do something about Arhaan, and it wouldn't be easy. I had no practice dealing with overly friendly boys.

I acted as if I didn't notice him and get into our car.Then we headed back to home.


"How did your first day go?Did you like the college?Have you made any friends?"Ankita bombarded me with questions over phone .

"Well, College is good.I meet with my old friends.They are happy to see me.I have a few classes with a girl named Jazz.She's friendly and helpful.And there's this boy,Arhaan, who's over friendly.Overall,everybody seems pretty nice."

"It's good that you're enjoying"she said.

"Hmm.."thats what I could respond.

"By the way,Who is Arhaan?"

"I met him in cafeteria during lunch time.He was a chatterer - he supplied most of the conversation, which made it easy for me.He was the nicest guy I'd met today."

"Ooh,I see...By the way,Was he handsome?"she asked, sounded excited.I could guess where she was trying to turn the conversation.

"I'm very tired,Ankita.I'm going to sleep.I'll talk to you later.Bye..."I said,not interested to encourage her .

"No, no,no.. Don't hung up.Tell me , did you find him handsome?"

"Good night, Ankita"I said and cut the call.

I placed my phone on side table , then laid down on the bed and soon I fell asleep , exhausted.


New Characters:

( Arhaan Qureshi)

(Roshni Qureshi)


Here is the third chapter.How is it?

Do votes and comments if you want me to update next chapter soon.☺️

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