Until I Make You Mine

By LiquifiedStars

124K 3.8K 4.9K

Sequel to 'Until I Heard You Sing' Adrien knows one thing for certain, he wants to marry Marinette, and with... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 14
Chapter 15

Chapter 13

6.6K 230 302
By LiquifiedStars

Adrien leaned into Sabine as they sat with Tom waiting for news on Marinette. Sabine gently stroked Adrien's hair trying to give what comfort she could to the young blonde. As scared as she was for her daughter, she knew Adrien was beyond terrified. Adrien soaked up the love she gave him like a sponge, the feel of a mother's love that he hadn't felt in so long, a feeling he was desperate to hold on to - a last tangible grasp on reality. He had already lost so much with his own parents gone, but he never felt like an orphan. Tom and Sabine had stepped in, taking him under their wing and making him part of their family. He was no longer afraid of being alone. He couldn't even begin to imagine how he ever would have gotten through the last 12 months without them and Marinette.

The thought of facing life without Marinette by his side was almost too much for his brain to comprehend. He closed his eyes tight trying to hang on to her smell, her warmth, her smile and his heart ached. This was not an end befitting of the brave and selfless Ladybug, the loving and beautiful Marinette. They were supposed to live a lifetime together, raise a family and die old and warm surrounded by love and grandchildren. Not this, not like this. Adrien couldn't hold it in anymore as the sobs broke from his mouth. Sabine held him closer as Tom put an arm around both of them in support. He was supposed to be the one, not her. It was his job, his duty to protect her and he felt like a failure.

Minutes felt like hours before a doctor finally came out to see them. Adrien didn't quite hear everything that was said, but one thing rang out clear and true 'She's alive, she will be alright' and he felt he could breathe again. The doctor was soon followed by Officer Raincomprix. Preliminary investigations into the fire found that it was an electrical fault, however Marinette's injuries were determined to be no accident, and neither was her locked office. As it stood there was no leads, and the surveillance system had been down, supposedly for maintenance but he was continuing his investigation.

The doctor took Tom and Sabine in first to see their daughter, who was still under sedation. Adrien sat alone in the waiting room in disbelief. Who could do something so hideous, so unimaginable to one of the sweetest, kindest, most loving people he knew?

"How you holding up kid?" Plagg whispered from Adrien's shirt.

"Someone tried to kill her Plagg. Someone actually tried to take her away from me permanently and I can't believe that." Adrien buried his face in his hands. He felt like he was reliving that old nightmare he used to have, where he couldn't save Ladybug from the akuma. He hadn't had that dream for so long now, safe with Marinette in his arms. Now he felt like he was living it, only this wasn't an akuma. No Miraculous Ladybug was going to fix this.

Soon the pinging of his phone alerted him to a series of text messages he had missed from Alya and Nino. He let them know the current state of her condition with both of his friends promising to be there in the morning. There were also messages from Chloe and a few of their old high school friends. So many people loved and cared about Marinette. He was so grateful that he managed to get to her when he did, although he still felt it hadn't been good enough. That was when he was reminded of a question he needed to ask.

"Hey Plagg, how did you know Marinette was in trouble?" He waited, but the cat kwami was yet to respond. "Plagg, I know you can hear me." Slowly Plagg emerged out.

"It's not up to me to tell you kid. Tikki will lose it if I interfere." Plagg's ears drooped down as he spoke.

"That's ridiculous Plagg, why would Tikki get mad? And since when have you been able to sense what goes on with Marinette? You've been acting weird around her for weeks now."

"I told you it's not my place to say."

"And I'm telling you to spit it out."

"But Tikki said..."

"Plagg I want an answer, what is it I feel everyone is hiding from me?"

"But Marinette should..."


"Because she's having your kitten."

All of a sudden the room went dead silent. "My...kitten?" Adrien repeated lost in thought. "Oh," realisation beginning to dawn on him "So that was what she wanted to tell me." Suddenly Adrien was overtaken by a whole array of emotions. Speechless he slumped back into his chair.

"I'm sorry you had to find out like this kid, I know she would have been excited to tell you, but she only just found out herself. We kwami's can sense these things right from the start, but it's not our place to say anything. Tikki made me promise." Adrien just nodded. He didn't really know what to say. Adrien had just spent the last few hours in fear of losing the woman he loved and now he finds out that he is going to be a father. The timing might be terrible, and he would have loved to have heard it from Marinette first, but it didn't damper his happiness at the news or the warmth that bubbled up in his heart.

"Is that what Master Fu meant the last time we saw him? About destruction creating something beautiful?" Plagg nodded.

"It doesn't happen often with current miraculous holders, but for the duration of the pregnancy there is a stronger connection that forms between me and Tikki. That was how I knew Marinettte was in danger." Adrien sat in quiet contemplation about everything he had just learned, his heart filled with love and happiness, waiting until he could finally see her.

Eventually Tom and Sabine emerged from the room where Marinette was. The doctor told him he would need to wait a few minutes more before seeing her. It was agony waiting. Adrien stood up but was unexpectedly scooped up into a big hug.

"Thank you son." Tom said. "Thank you for saving my little girl."

"What do you mean?" Adrien asked confused. Sabine took his hand in hers, the hand with his miraculous. Sabine ran her thumb over the smooth silver before curling her fingers around it. Adrien could see tears, but also something else... something like pride in her eyes.

"The doctor told us that if Chat Noir had not gotten her to the hospital as quickly as he did, she would not have made it." She brought her other hand over the one that already held his, holding them close to her. "So thank you Adrien, for saving her, for loving her so much."

Adrien stood dumbfounded before Marinette's parents. They knew. "How long have you known?" He ventured to ask. Sabine let Adrien's hand go, holding onto Tom's arm as she answered.

"A little over a year ago, I happened to see Marinette transform in her room before racing out of her balcony. We debated whether to say anything to her, but decided that we should trust her and that she would tell us when she was ready." Adrien nodded as he listened to Sabine's words. Truth be told, he was always a little amazed they had not been caught out before.

"What about me?"

"Well you were easy son." Tom laughed. "I think we may have figured you out even before she did."

"Of course," Sabine interjected. "Once Alya outed that Ladybug and Chat Noir were actually a couple, well...there was no doubt about it." She then gave him a knowing smile. "Besides, how else could you explain being in Marinette's room when I knew you hadn't come in through the front door?" Adrien's face broke into a deep blush, but Sabine just smiled patting  Adrien on the cheek. "We couldn't have been prouder of you both." Adrien could feel the tears start to trickle down his face as Tom placed a firm hand on his shoulder.

"Don't you worry son." He said with confidence. "We Dupain-Cheng's are fighters and she is going to get through this. Besides, she's not going to miss her own wedding now is she." Adrien let a smile smile spread across his face. Just then the doctor returned.

"Mr. Agreste, you may see her now." Adrien hugged Tom and Sabine once more before following the doctor into Marinette's room.

Adrien had to cover his mouth with his hand to hold back the gasp that was about to escape him. Marinette's head had been bandaged and she was hooked up to a variety of monitors. She looked so helpless, so vulnerable, just like his father had. He wanted to run over and just pick her up and hold her in his arms, but at the same time he was almost too afraid to touch her.

"I didn't like to say anything in front of the parents," the doctor began. "But were you aware of the fact she was expecting?" Adrien started to feel panic coming back.

"Is she alright? Is everything okay with the baby?" The doctor's eyes softened, and a small worn smile crept in as he placed a hand on Adrien's shoulder.

"Everything is fine young lad." The doctor said. "She's almost ten weeks along and there is a strong heartbeat. The young lady should wake in the next few hours. You may stay if you wish."

Adrien thanked the doctor for everything he had done before taking up a seat next to Marinette. Just before the doctor left, he turned back towards Adrien.

"Just one more thing." He began. "It doesn't look like much under the bandage, but that was quite a blow she took to the head. I should warn you that there might be a chance of some memory loss, but we won't really know until she wakes up." Adrien just stared blinking as the doctor left the room.

"Don't worry Adrien." Came a small voice from under the covers as Tikki popped her head out. "I'm doing everything I can to make sure Marinette and the baby are okay. I'm sure she will know you when she wakes up."

"Tikki." Adrien struggled to speak as tears threatened to choke him up again. "If anything had have happened to her...if I'd lost her... I don't think I could..." Tikki tried her best to soothe his sobs as Plagg quickly joined her to comfort his chosen.

"This isn't your fault Adrien." Tikki tried to explain, but Adrien just shook his head.

"But it's my job Tikki. I'm the one who is supposed to protect her and I wasn't there." Tikki looked at Adrien kindly but firmly.

"You can't be with her 24 hours a day Adrien. No one can do that. But you were there when she needed you, and you saved her. Don't you ever forget that." Adrien took Marinette's hand in his and kissed it gently.

"I'll always be here for her, no matter what it takes." He kissed her hand once again before holding it to his cheek. Despite the bandages and the monitors, she still looked beautiful to him as she peacefully slept. "Who would do such a thing to her Tikki? How could anyone what to hurt her?"

"Marinette knows the answer Adrien." Tikki confessed. "She saw everything that happened, I'm sure she will remember."

"Can I do anything Sugarcube?" Plagg knew that being destruction he couldn't do much in the way of healing vibes, but he hated feeling useless.

"You can help keep her warm, just keep your stinky cheese out of the bed."

Plagg didn't retort, instead making his way under the covers. A soft purr soon was heard vibrating through the sheets. Tikki floated over to Adrien and gently touched his cheek before returning to Marinette.

Adrien didn't sleep much that night, never letting go of his beloved's hand. He had to believe that everything would be alright, that he would see her walk down the aisle, that they would have their own family, that the future that had talked about and pictured together would be their reality. He just had to believe.

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