Just Friends || h.s.

By alostbookworm

212K 4.2K 633

PREVIOUSLY NAMED "TENSION" ~Nothing is louder than the silence between two people who used to be so in love w... More

Just Friends
Epilogue - 1
Epilogue - 2


3.3K 74 49
By alostbookworm

**Song: Cherry by Harry Styles

• • •


It was two in the morning and I was wide awake laying flat on my bed as I stared at the ceiling, still at loss for words with what happened three hours ago.

Harry hasn't come out of the guest room and I haven't left mine. I just stayed in bed wondering if he was still awake and thinking about the kiss as much as I was.

Did he regret it? Did I regret it?

What is going to happen tomorrow when we wake up?

Oh my god. We still have a two hour drive home tomorrow. There is no way we will be able to sit in silence for two hours while the tension eats us alive. No thank you. I will not be doing that.

I turn on my left side, facing the bedroom door in hopes that maybe there will be a slight possibility that he would come back in here, but I know it isn't going to happen.

Sliding my hand under my pillow, I grab my phone, flinching when the light from the screen nearly blinds me. I don't know how I got there, but I ended up on Instagram, scrolling down to my very old posts and seeing pictures as well as videos of Harry and I when we were together. I never had the heart to take them down after things ended, so I left them alone.

Shutting my phone off, I turn over onto my stomach and groan into my pillow, trying to resist the urge to go across the hall and fix whatever just happened so I can get some damn sleep.

After another long moment of staring at my ceiling, I suddenly got the energy to rip the covers off of my body and get out of bed, almost getting whiplash from how quickly I stood up. Before I even knew what I was doing, I was opening my bedroom door and walking across the hall, stopping in my tracks when I saw Harry's door opening as well.

Both of our eyes widen as I stopped in my tracks a couple feet from the door. "What are you still doing up?" He asks me awkwardly, avoiding my eyes.

"I could ask you the same thing." I countered quietly, my voice nearly cracking.

He shifting on the heels of his feet and shrugged, looking down. "Couldn't sleep."

"Me neither." I murmured, playing with the strings of my shorts and swallowing harshly.

Neither of us spoke again. We just stood there in awkward silence, looking literally anywhere but at each other.

The polished wood looked pretty interesting.


My head snapped up at the sound of his voice, heart beating against my chest. He was somehow closer to me than before, finally able to look into my eyes, allowing me to see all of the confusion and lust behind them.

Fuck it.

I don't know who made the first move, but the tension snapped and suddenly our mouths were against each other's for the second time tonight.

Our hands rushed to find a spot on each other until my hands threaded in his hair and his arms snaked around my waist, pulling me into the guest room and blindly closing the door before pressing me up against it.

My hands slide down from his soft hair, tugging at the bottom of his shirt and sliding my hand under the thin fabric, his skin retracting at the surprisingly cold touch of my fingers. When I tugged on it again, his lips were ripped from mine and he pulled the shirt over his head in one swift movement and tilted his head down, kissing me a lot softer this time. His hands rest on the sides of my face, my small ones running up his smooth chest slowly, my legs becoming weak when he hummed into my mouth.

"Harry..." I breathlessly called against his lips, feeling like this was both right and wrong at the same time. We had to stop, but this man drives me crazy in the best fucking way.

He pulled back for the briefest second, allowing the both of us to breath. "I've been waiting so fucking long for this." He says breathlessly with a smile.

I chuckle through my heavy breathing. "Me too."

He pecked my lips once, then twice, then his mouth trailed down to my jaw, slowly leaning towards my neck and began to nip at the skin. "I need you to do something." He mumbled. I hummed in response, being too deep in a state of bliss to speak.

"Wake up."

My eyes open in confusion, feeling his tongue begin lick my neck. "What?"

He pulled his mouth away from my skin and looked me deep in the eyes. "Wake up."

"Maddie." A voice said as I closed my eyes, opening them again to see Harry was gone. I closed my eyes once again, rubbing them a little too hard before slowly blinking until my eyes adjusted to the light in front of me.

"Maddiiee." The same voice sang. When my eyes finally opened, I squinted them and groaned, feeling a wet tongue on my face.

Once my eyes were completely open, I see Harry hovering over me and a grey pitbull sitting on the bed next to me, licking me furiously. "Dude, what the hell." I grumbled at my dog, giving him a small push until his tongue went back into his mouth and he jumped off of the bed. I lift my neck and groan when it felt extremely sore.

It was just a fucking dream.

"You fell asleep on your computer, love. Are you alright?" Harry's calming and soothing voice asked. I flinched when I felt his hand on my back and he began rubbing it. I was lying on my stomach, my computer right in front of my face along with a notebook and pencil.

When did I fall asleep?

"Uh, yeah. I think." I mumbled, pushing off of the bed slowly and groaning a few curse words as I sat up painfully, rubbing more sleep from my eyes as Harry watched me intently.

"Just making sure. It looked pretty painful, the way you were asleep." He chuckled. "I hope you don't mind, I made us breakfast downstairs if you're hungry."

I tried to get the image of us kissing out of my head, but I couldn't. Every time I look at him, I feel his lips on mine and his hand around my neck as we kissed very roughly.

I need help.

"Oh. What time is it?" I asked him, covering up a yawn with my hands.

He glanced at the watch on his wrist before dropping his hand. "Exactly eleven."

Eleven? "What? Why would you let me sleep in?" I groaned, falling back onto the mattress, signing in relief when the pain in my neck and back subsided.

"You think eleven is sleeping in?" He scoffed jokingly. It took me a minute to realize he was dressed in black skinny jeans (no surprise there), and a grey hoodie. He looks so fucking good all the time it's honestly annoying.

"I'm usually always up by nine or ten." I tell him, rubbing my eyes again. Maybe if I rub hard enough, the image of us kissing will be erased from my brain.

How about all of the other images of you sleeping together from two years ago, dumbass?

"Well we did have a long night. Figured I'd let you catch up on sleep." He said, making me freeze. What?

"Uh, what?" I asked, hiding my panic. We didn't actually do anything, did we?

"The wedding? We got back pretty late."

I let out the most relieved sigh, quickly recovering it with another yawn.

"Oh. Right." I chuckled nervously. He glanced at me weirdly, noticing I was acting a little jumpy. But before he could question it, I stood up from my bed and gave him a slight push in the direction of the door. "I'll be down in a few minutes. Thank you."

He opened his mouth to speak as he started walking out in front of me, but I had already shut my bedroom door when he was out. Closing my eyes, I lightly banged my head against the wall next to the door a few times, cursing to myself.

Stop being weird. It was just a dream. It did not happen.

I repeated that to myself a few times, but my brain didn't let that sink in. Even after I did my morning routine in the bathroom and joined Harry downstairs, I couldn't seem to act normal. Especially after how cute he was acting the entire time we ate our waffles together. It was no help that he was the one who made them just the way he knows I like them - with bananas, strawberries and maple syrup.

After we ate, he told me to go get ready for the day while he cleaned up. He needs to stop being so fucking perfect or my dream will end up becoming a reality. I don't know why I am saying that like it's a problem, but it certainly felt like one.

I was currently getting dressed into a pair of light blue jeans, a white turtleneck, and topped it off with my long beige coat. My hair was still slightly damp from my shower last night so I just let it rest over my shoulders naturally. When I finished packing up my stuff, I met Harry downstairs where he stood at the bottom with his bag by his feet.

"Ready?" He asks with a smile, I almost swoon over how beautiful he is.

"Yup." I replied, adjusting the bag on my shoulder as I grabbed my lanyard from my coat pocket.

"Here, I'll take that." He offers, reaching for the strap of my bag and pulls it off of my shoulder.

"Harry, it's fine. The car is literally five feet away." I declined politely, but he tried biting my hand when I reached to grab my bag back.

I look at him in surprise. "What are you, a dog?"

"Maybe." He smirked, adding in a wink as he walked past me and towards the front door.

I shake my head in disbelief, lifting my hand and flipping off the back of his head. When he suddenly looked over his shoulder, I quickly recovered by swaying the air.

"What was that?" He asked, staring at me like I had two heads.

"Nothing. Just, thought I saw a fly." I lied, nodding towards the car. "Keep walking."

He just stared at me in suspicion before shaking his head and continued to walk out. I lock the door behind me before unlocking my car door and opening the trunk for Harry.

"Ugh. Two hours of driving. Woohoo." I fake cheered.

"Would you like me to drive?" Harry offered like the gentleman he is as I opened the car door.

"Do you want to?" I asked unsurely. I couldn't just make him drive two hours if he didn't want to.

"I don't mind. You drove here so it's only fair I drive back." He smiled, shutting the trunk after putting our bags back there.

"Well since you are offering..." I trailed off with, handing him my keys. He let out a chuckle before rushing to the other side and opening the other door for me - to which I thanked him for even though he didn't have to. Once we were in the car, he started it and allowed the cool air to heat up.

"Do you need directions?" I asked him as I connected my phone to the car.

"No, I think I know the way. I just take 401 to 407?" He questioned surely.

"Yeah." I confirmed, scrolling through my library and just hitting shuffle.

The both of us tensed up when the familiar sound of James Arthur started playing. "No thank you." I sang to myself awkwardly as I immediately hit next. We both relaxed as Jesse Rutherford's voice filled our ears as Cry Baby started playing.

I get a text from Louis saying they had just left Riley's and I respond by telling him Harry and I had just left too.

Once again, I nearly left Harry at a gas station because he paid for the gas again like the annoying little shit he is, but I thanked him anyway because I didn't have enough energy to hop into the driver's seat and drive off.

Around an hour into our drive, Harry brought up the I Spy game again, making me groan.

"Not this again. I suck." I whined, leaning my cheek against the seat as I looked at him with a pout.

"Come on. You couldn't guess it last time and I really want you to figure it out." He whined back. "Now I said, I spy something green."

I huffed and leaned back in the seat again trying to find everything I hadn't named that was green inside of the car. If it is the same thing he saw on our way here, then it can't be outside. He even said it was inside of the car, but the only things that were green were the little details on the speedometer screen, and he said it was not that.

"You know, I've never jumped out of a moving car before." I suggested in playful annoyance.

"Oh, shut up. It's really not that hard. You just have to open your eyes." He says, stifling a laugh.

My frown deepened. "You're an ass. Why are you making me hurt my brain?"

"Fine. You go." He changed quickly with a smug look.

"You're not gonna tell me what the green was?" I asked impatiently.

"No. You couldn't guess it so you don't get to know." He teased. Fuck you too, then.

"You're annoying." I chuckled, letting my annoyance fade away and just focused on our game. I'll get him back for this one. "I spy something green."

Glancing at me, he lifted a brow. "Green, huh? Using my color against me."

"I spy something green." I repeated, fighting a smirk.

He sighed before quickly scanning his surroundings. "Um, the road signs?"


"The grass under the snow?"

"Nuh-uh. It's in the car."

"The lights on the screen set up." He guessed, pointing to the speedometer.


Seeing him become frustrated only satisfied me. Now he knows how I feel.

"What the hell?" He muttered. "Nothing else is green."

"Except for one thing that I see." I sang, waiting for him to get impatient.

"Fine. You don't get to know my green and I don't get to know yours."

We didn't play I Spy again after that. Instead, he brought up something I never thought he'd say.

"So, what did you dream about last night?" He asked me, his lips wavering a bit, like he was fighting a smile.

My body froze and I'm sure I looked paler than the snow outside. "I don't know. Why?"

"Just heard you say my name when I came to wake you up this morning." He didn't even try hiding his smirk this time. "Dreamt about me, love?"

"Oh god." I mumbled, feeling like I could just drop dead right now. Jumping out of the car was still on my mind, and it sounded pretty tempting. "It's not what you think."

"Mhm. So you didn't have a dream about us together? You just moan my name in your sleep for the hell of it?" He continued to push teasingly.

I couldn't help the next words from flying out of my mouth. "At least I wasn't asleep next to you and woke up with an erection."

My hands immediately shot up to my mouth, Harry's smug look being slapped off of his face by horror. "Oh my god, you knew about that?"

"Of course I knew. I was asleep next to you and it's hard to sleep when there is a third foot poking at my ass." What is wrong with my mouth today? Holy shit.

"I'm really sorry if that freaked you out. I was wondering why you weren't there when I woke up." He sighed, shaking his head in shame.

"Well, that's not why I left. I had training, but that's not the point." I shake that away before turning my body in the seat to face him. "Look, everyone has sexual dreams, so we don't really need to explain ourselves, right?" I say in a calmer tone, seeing Harry nod along.

"Fair point. So neither of us bring up what was said in this car today every again."

"Sounds good." I agreed, still feeling a little awkward, but now that it was all out on the table, I felt relieved.

A weird through popped into my head and I had the urge to bring it up while we were alone.

"Do you think Riley and Zayn are sleeping together?"

"Oh my god, so you've noticed too?" He sounded relieved, like he was waiting to get that off his chest.

"Yes! They are always together, and they rarely ever argue now. They used to hate being around each other. And the fact that he stayed at her parents' house?" I rambled on, trying to pin point all the times Zayn and Riley were a little suspicious.

"It's very strange for sure. Sometimes when I wake up, Zayn isn't even home. And that's on the days he isn't even working." He continued.

The other half of the car ride was us listening to music and basically talking about our agreed suspicion about our friend's secretly dating. When there was around ten minutes left, we allowed the music to fill the silence and it wasn't until we were pulling into the parking lot of our building did he bring up the I Spy game again.

"Your eyes."

I looked at him in confusion for a second, not knowing what that was supposed to mean. "What?"

"The thing I spied was green, it's your eyes."

That left me even more confused. "But my eyes aren't green."

He faintly smiled as he put the car in park and looked at me. "When the sun directly hits your face, there is the smallest hint of green around the edges of your eye that fade into the hazel color."

I didn't know what to say. He must have been paying very close attention to notice something like that, and that made my face heat up at the thought of him looking into my eyes when I didn't notice.

"Probably my favourite feature of yours." He added in softly, reached up and brushing a piece of my hair out of my face.

"Okay, well how in hell am
I supposed to guess that?" I exclaimed through a nervous laugh, making it seem like I didn't catch on to the romance in his words.

He took the hint and backed away, masking his disappointment with a grin. Before he can respond, I decided to continue, this time matching the energy of his compliment.

"You know what's ironic?" I spoke in a whisper as he leaned his elbow on the space between our seats.


"Your eyes were my something green too."

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