Androgynous Royal [Ninjago x...

By ynnasenpai

5.9K 186 75

His beauty is unparalleled, his charisma has no limits, his voice can hypnosis you to the great heavens above... More

Character Info.
Chapter 2: A Chaotic Meeting

Chapter 1: The Beginning

1.3K 54 16
By ynnasenpai

(F/N)'s POV

"I'm starving..." This is the worst feeling any human can have. Ugh, I can feel it, my internal organs are slowly being eaten by my stomach.

Much worst, I don't even know how to use this card called ATM card. A friend gave it to me after I left their residence. If ever I am short on money just use this card. But as you can see, I am too ignorant to even understand how to use these modern stuffs.

Who am I you ask? Well to start off short, I am (B/N) (L/N), a traveler who's on a special mission. My dear, I'll explain later. I just need to see how this card works for now. They say it can give you money but how? I guess someone like me has been left out because this is technology guys, TECH.NO.LO.GY. And someone as old fashion as my ancestors, will never understand it.

"How does this work again?" I ask myself. Before I left my friend's house, she showed me how to use this card thingy but that was six months ago and it's only the first time that I desperately need it. I am standing on this big box thing. A while ago I was watching how trying to peek at people on how they do it but all they did was covered the box thing with their hands to prevent me from watching. I have no clue why they do that?

Anyways I left that box thing since the people on the line were starting to get furious. They were so scary. TT_TT

It's a good thing there are still left of what had became the stuffs of ancient times. I can easily recognize the tools and machinery. But then again, some had been improve to the point it looks creepy to me or is that I am just too ignorant.


Ahhh~ that sounds of an angry stomach. I can't help it. I'm starving! I could be eating at a fancy restuarant by now but no! I will die of hunger first before I finish my mission. TT_TT

I check my pocket only find some bronze and silver coins, not exactly enough for a decent meal. "I guess I'll have the cheapest bread for lunch.

.... and dinner."

I was pacing in my mind, thinking of ways to survive this cruel world while searching for some pastry shop. My train of thoughts were broken when some force suddenly bump into shoulder causing me to stumble on my own two feet. "Watch where you're going pip-squeak!" The one who dump me growls with killing intent. I suddenly back away since I don't want to cause trouble even though he was clearly at fault.

I scorch my forehead. Did I just smell alcohol?... this man leaks! I covered my nose. Gosh! what a strong smell. The man glares one more time and left. I can even see a clear view of his katana on his sheath.

"A military officer? If so shouldn't he be patrolling this village?" He was wearing a Japanese kimono and has a badge of his squad behind it. "This guy will be in serious trouble once his captain finds out." I could care less. I'm starving people and sooner or later I will be one of the beggars of this street.

I continue to wonder aimlessly at this village. If there were some patients to treat I can probably earn some silver. I am a young registered physician if you're pondering about my occupation. I am clinically skilled in the field of medicine. I have vast knowledge in herbs and pharmacy. In my hometown, I am one of the best.... atleast that's what my grandfather keeps telling me. But... I am not really... fully... formally... official as of yet... because...

Wait a minute... why do I feel like my bag suddenly became lighter? I turn to check my belongings and shoot! It's way worst than a lighter bag. Not only my belongings but my whole bag's gone! I turn my attention to where I possible drop it, but to my shock, I saw a bunch of dirty ragged kids run away holding my stuffs.

Shoot! All the stuffs I need for survival are there! My herbs, my tools, the all those weird stuffs my friend gave me after I left.

Quickly, I ran after those kids. There were a lot of people around me so I can't keep up with them. I'm clearly losing them.

"Watch it punk!"

"Apologies sir!" I said after I dump into a couple, accidentally separating them. Whether he can sense my sincerity is up to him, I am in a hurry here.

Third Person's POV

"Kids these days... " the guy click his tongue in annoyance as he stared at the back of the running man who dumps him and his pregnant wife earlier.

"Are you okay honey?" He ask in a worried manner if ever the guy accidentally dumps his wife's stomach that might cause discomfort on both the mother and baby. But his worried look turns to a look of displeasure after hearing what his wife suddenly blurted out.

"So handsome... "


Meanwhile, (F/N) was still busy chasing for the some thieves.

"Hey! Wait! That's my stuffs!" She shouts at one of them who has her bag. She reach ouf for his clothes but the young lad knew what was coming for him so he quickly throw the bag into the air and lands on his companion's grasp. (F/N) successfully caught the culprit, but her bag was on the other kid now.

"Nice catch Elios!" The boy who got the bag gave out a thumps up while running away from the two.

"That's because I have a good catcher Nick!"

'These kids...' She grasp for air. She let go of the boy and ran after the other one.

"Don't let him catch you Elios!"

"Don't worry brother!"

If there weren't so many people on the road, (F/N) might've catch the young culprit by now. Judging by their actions, (F/N) calculated that the two kids were skilled in this field of thievery. It also looks like that the two weren't alone in doing illegal mischief in this town.

"Where's that drunk officer whenever people badly needs him the most?!"

She saw the boy suddenly took a turn to the left. Following suit, she stumble upon a few people first before taking a left but was quickly met with an empty alley.

Without a second thought, she jump up in the air and maneuver herself on top of ome of the rooftop, almost tumbling after she lands. "My qingqong* isn't perfect yet tsk." After balancing myself at this rickety old roof, I then focus on my main objective.

From up here I can hear the laughter and rushing footsteps of who I presume are those pesky brats who took my stuffs. I kept moving and jumping from one roof to another, until I have concluded that most of them are heading towards one direction, they're going west!

As I move closer to their spot, I almost slip and stumble upon these old platforms. Those kids will be further from my sight if I tried to run here. It's not safe on this rooftop anyway so I tried to carefully maneuver myself down using the walls of these houses.

Fortunately I saw the culprit, running with his fellow thieves but unfortunately I think my knees are about to give up from that running. Tell you what, I don't have that much endurance and especially speed to keep this up.

"H-hey!" I yelled while panting for dear air. This had caught the attention of the child holding my bag, and do you know what he did next? That damn brat decided to make stupid faces and blow raspberries at me.

"Grrr! 💢 If I get my hands on you brats... " I said, who cares about my knees, I need to teach that brat a lesson first. The children flinch and then one of them said "This old man is scary! RUNNNN!!!" And just like that they run off, leaving me coughing because of the dust they cause after running so fast.



"Haaa... haaa... haaa... come back!" At the end of day, I still didn't get my bag.

I sat besides a tree and lean my body on it. The afternoon sun light gaze quite painfully on my direction. But it doesn't matter... my bags gone. TT_TT

All of my equipments and clothes are there! And that weird card my friend gave me. I hug my folded knees and lean my head on top of it. What am I gonna do? Can I survive the night?

Questions keep circling in my head and I'm starting to get worried since night will soon fall after the sun will leave.

I suddenly felt something pointy on my chest area. I grad it and saw my only possession that thankfully, wasn't taken away from me, our family dagger.

It's a majestic gold dagger with a magenta pink diamond on it's holder, just above the blade. It was given to me by my mother. And the color of the diamond reminds me of my birthmark that I inherited from my father. Thinking about them makes me wanna go back but...

"Should I go back?" I ask myself. But how though? It's not like I have a horse or carriage to bring me there. It's impossible since all those 2 months, I've been going to any of my desired places by foot. I am hungry, I don't know where to stay and... oh gosh what am I gonna do now?

My train of thoughts were suddenly interrupt when I heard something shattering just behind this tree I am resting on. I turn towards the direction and saw something that angers me the most.


"P-please let me go honey!" A woman said while trying her best not to cry as her husband keeps pulling her hair rather roughly.

The people who saw the commotion, were getting worried about the woman. But unfortunately, they can't do anything since the man had a katana on his hands.

This is already nothing new to them as they have seem the man growling and beating his wife and kids to a pulp every time the man arrives home from work.

"You stupid whore!" The man said as he push his wife down on the dirty ground. "I told you to give me money and all you gave was a piece of silver?!" He growl in a threatening manner as he unleashed his katana from it's sheath.

"I-I'm sorry honey but-but the kids! They are starving an--"

"Do you think I give a fuck about those worthless kids?!" He pointed his sharp weapon at her throat. "I already told you to make use of those stupid brats! And yet all I get is a penny?!"

"B-but I gave you your share yester--"

"That was yesterday! Not to day!" He shouted. He grab a handful of the poor woman's hair and smash her harder on the ground. The woman cries her pain and she buried herself in self pity and humiliation.

(F/N), who was watching the scene, can't help but to grit her teeth in annoyance at the familiar man in front of the scene. It was the same drunkard man she dumped to hours ago. She was about to pull her dagger with her when suddenly;

"Stop!" The loud voices of the children she was cashing earlier appeared in front of the man, making the man let go of his wife's hair and glare daggers at the young ones. There were six of them in total, the two older ones were blocking the man from the woman and the others left were helping the woman while crying.

Just by observing, (F/N) can guess that the kids were blood related from the two. She had guess that this is a family matter that has been circling around for ages. Especially since at this era, money matters most than family nowadays.

"Father please stop hurting mother!" Elios said as he grip his mother's hand.

This had made the drunk man irked even more. "I am not your father! Dammit!"

"Stupid brats! Get away from here you bottom feeders! Worthless piece of trash!" He said and swing his katana. The two older boys flinch and crawled behind their mother's back. "If you don't have something else for me today then you'll be sleeping on the streets with your mother."

"Please honey, we can settle this out j-just... put down your sword." The wife tried to reason as she began to walk towards her husband, trying every possible way to calm him but it's difficult considering the fact that he is still drunk to talk with. With a single touch of her hand on his hand, the drunk man became more annoyed and attempted to struck his sword at her. "Hands off you filthy woman!"

"Ahhhhhhh!" The woman was horrified that she could only close her eyes and shield her face with her arms as she await for the advancing blade to cut off her arm.

"MOTHER! NOOOO!!!!" Her kids yelled in fright as they could only helplessly watch their mother who will soon be tortured by the blade. The spectators could only gasp in horror at the seen, too scared to even interfere.

Fortunately, the blade never touch her skin.

With a blink of an eye, the katana went straight flying in the air and struck itself on the ground near them. All of the became wide eyed as the young ones were sobbing in joy to see their mother safe and sound.

It only took a few seconds before the man regain his thoughts and glares at the person who hit his hand with a dagger "You... "

"Sorry, my hand slip." (F/N) emerge from the crowd with an indifferent look on her face as he stares at the man glaring at him.

"That's not how you treat a lady." She said. Her cool demeanor swoon

"You again! I just had to run into you tsk."

"It's nice to see you too." She smiled. Quite sarcastically too. She immediately went beside the woman and hoist her up. "Are you alright madam?" She ask. With teare still streaming from her eyes, she replied. "Y-yes... thank you..." she was still in a bit of a shock after that sword attempt.

The young ones immediate recognize the young man as one of the said.

"Mister please help us!"

"Our father has been abusing our mother day and night!" Another one begged.

"Yeah he makes my mama cry everyday. Please help us." The youngest of them all said. She was a young girl holding a ragged doll as she took a hold of (F/N)'s kimono in hope's to convince the you man her pure intention.

At this moment, she couldn't even get angry at the children for stealing her stuff. It saddens her to see their situation like this. They didn't do those evil stuffs for themselves, they were doing it because they had no choice.

They were cheering for her which annoys the drunk man. "You picking this puny punk over me?! Pathetic." He growl which made the kids shutter their mouths in fright and hide behind their mother who was being protected by (F/N).

"And YOU!" He pointed his katana at (F/N)'s throat.

"Has anyone ever told you to keep your nose out of other people's business?"

Unfazed by the weapon, she replied, "Has anyone ever told you that your mouth stinks?" She said and covers her nose. "I've been holding my breath for ages." This made the spectators to laugh. It wasn't really her intention though. She was literally holding her breath because the smell of alcohol was so strong, it turns her stomach down.

"That's it..." With a battle cry, he launched an attack and struck his sword at (F/N). The woman began panicking and back away with her children from the dangerous scene that was about to unfold.

"Look out!" The tip of the sword was only an inch from (F/N)'s nose. All of the people around her was begging her to dodge it but what happen next surprise them.

All of the sudden, the man halt his movement. The blade almost touch her nose. They all gasp in surprise and were wide eyed. But what really shock them the most is that the man, suddenly drop his sword, fell on his knees and grab a fistful of his hair. (F/N) smirk, 'Finally, the drug has finally taken effect.'

"What's wrong? A little dizzy perhaps?" She ask. The man bit a moan in frustration, he felt his body weakening, a pounding headache and his vision is starting to have problems too. He was angry and confuse at the same time. "What the... hell did you do?!" He's breathing patterns started to weaken, it's like something is blocking him from sucking oxygen.

"Gelsemium." (F/N) replied with a close eye smile. "It's a type of modern herbal plant that has insufficient evidence of it's uses and effectiveness however... "

She pause first before opening her eyes, a shadow casting over her (E/C) eyes. "It's also a plant known for it's deadly poison. Everything about it is extremely poisonous. A small amount is already deadly enough. Fortunately I had stored one in case I ran into trouble." She took a small bottle from her kimono only to reveal it's content which is a tiny branch of the said plant and a small extract from it's flower.

"B-but how...."

"Good question. I knew if I hadn't interfere soon, this woman over here.... " She points at the said mother, "will end up no good. So with my dagger, I put a small portion of Gelsemium on the hilt and throw it." She smiled once again.

"Y-you bastard... " He said and began couching.

"I suggest you get it treated soon. The effects usually begin in half an hour, but sometimes almost immediately. Death will soon occurred at periods varying from 1 to 7 1/2 hours so you better hurry and get an antidote soon~" The man suddenly paled in fright.

The girl walk closer to his paralyze form, kneel and whisper; "Unfortunately, there's no antidote for you." The man could only stared at her smiling face in fear. If what he said is true then he'll be a goner in seconds!

"There! There he is!" Someone yelled and suddenly, officials from the Japanese protecting forces came and arrested the man. "We'll take it from here." One of them said. (F/N) could only nod in agreement and watch them as they drag his paralyze body away.

After the officials were away, the crowd cheers loudly for (F/N). Especially women.

"Such a brave young man!"

"And very handsome too~"

"I wish I wasn't married this earlier~"

"Honey, how could you?!"

'I was kinda scared when his weapon was suppose to cut my face. I am so lucky the drug had kick in and paralyzed him. If not... I could've been killed in an instant.' (F/N) ignore the cheers and went towards her dagger to pick it with it's blade. The hilt has still some of it's Gelsemium extract so it's best to wipe it first before touching it. 'If only I was as good as my brother in martial arts.' She turn around and was met with the woman who was crying but at the same time smiling at her.

"T-thank you young man." She just smiled and said, "It's the right thing to do."

"Are you alright? Does your husband always treats you like this?"

She avoids eye contact and nod her head. "We tried to leave him but we end up returning to this hell. H-he tried to kill my children." (F/N) could only pity her. From the likes of it, she was fed up by her husband but didn't know exactly how to escape him without him harming their children. A mother's love is always unconditional.

"I'm glad that everything is alright now. He won't be able to touch us for now." She smiled while crying years of joy. Finally, the pain will temporary end.

"Is there anyway I can thank you?" She thought about it for a second before smiling. "Actually, there is one thing... " she tilted her head to the side to make eye contact with the boy named Elios. "I believe you have something I own."

Elios bows his head in shame as he walk closer to the two adults and hand (F/N) her precious bag."Thank you very much."

"I-I'm sorry Mister..."

"It's okay but please don't resolve to stealing anymore. You never know how important these stuffs are to other people. And... " she made eye contact to his younger siblings. "It's certainly not a very good thing to teach to your younger siblings." She smiled.

"Yeah I guess he's kinda right. I thought we were getting money but all we saw was a piece of tras--" Elios immediately shut his brother's mouth by covering it with his hand and nod his head. "Yes sir, we will stop stealing from other people from now on uh hehe... "

Elios can sense that (F/N) will soon snap at his brother for calling her things 'trash' if he didn't stop him from rambling too much. It wasn't really a good way of saying 'thank you' too.

She could only roll her eyes and focus her attention on the mother. "Actually... Mister about my husband..." (F/N) raise a brow at her.

"The thing is.... will he be alright?" Women sure are born with kind hearts even though this woman had gone through worst, she still had the kindness for her husband.

"Frankly no." She replied with coldness under her tone. She her the woman flinch and smiled sadly at her reply. "O-oh... I s-see."

'I guess she still loves her husband even though he's a monster.'

"I'm not done yet. Why so sad?" She tries lighten up her mood with a smile. "Frankly no, IF he didn't recieve any medical treatment however the medicine needed for this type of poison hasn't been invented yet."


"Let me finish first" She said since she started to notice that the mother will soon cry if she doesn't explain to her about this medication.

'Woman's heart sure are fragile.'

She fish her hands on her bag and grab a small bottle of medicine. "This is an antidote that can help any person infected with Gelsemium to prevent the poison from spreading further inside their bodies. Let him drink it two times a day, after one month he will soon recover to his normal self.... "

"But let me warn you, this isn't exactly a good medicine as for yet. It might cause some slight dysfunction on a person's body and other effects like low bowel movements and mild headaches." She hand her the bottle.

"Thank you so much! B-but I thought they isn't any medical treatment for Gelse... "

"Gelsemium. And yes, the cure hasn't been invented yet. This antidote is merely a substitute for the real thing. Time and patience will tell if he can survive this type of medication. If he can, his body will soon recover to his normal self after 5 months."

The woman looked at the bottle one more time and gave a sincere smile of appreciation to the young lad. "Thank you..."

(F/N) only smiled in return and bows her head. "Anytime."

"Tell me, what's the name of our savior?" She ask.

With a huge grin, she replied, "It's (B/N)."

(F/N)'s POV

I stretch my limbs as I wave goodbye to that nice woman and her children. "It was nice of them giving me some bread to eat while I travel." I wish I can meet more of these people. Even though she got so little and have so many to feed, she's still willing to give something to someone like me. From a closer look, no one would think that I am poor because of my kimono. Well technically, at this moment I am poor, no doubt. So it's nice to receive something too since I badly needed to eat hihi~

But of course I tried to refuse it too you know.

"Oh no! I can not accept this. You and more children need more of this than I do." I said as I hand her back the bread she's giving me.

"B-but if I can't give you someth--"

"Don't worry ma'am. I'm not asking for any favors in re--"


'Why of all moments do you have to grumble so loudly like this?' I thought, unamuse at my own stomach. I know your hungry but please bear with me!

I heard the woman chuckle and I blush so badly. Geez that was embarassing. "Seems to be that your stomach doesn't agree with you."

She grab my hand and hand me her bread. "Your welcome. It's the least I can do." She smiled one more time and gave me a pat on the head. Her smile... her touch and her caring nature... it reminds me of my mother...

I quickly snap out of my train of thoughts after I realize I suddenly bumped into someone. My whole world collapsed after I drop my bread which lands on the dirty road. 'NOOOO!!!! The 5 seconds rule won't do justice!'And it was the only food I have.' TT^TT

I shift my attention at the person, now my head in defeat and quickly apologize, still not forgetting about the bread in my heart. But then again, it was my fault for pacing too much. TT_TT

"It's oka-- wait... It's you." I looked up and saw a familiar figure I've never seen from the last 10 years.

"Master Wu?"

Disclaimer: I don't know anything about Gelsemium at all. I only search it while I was writing this since (F/N) or (Boy/N) is good with pharmacy and I don't have any basic idea what the heck it is. I just search 'Plant that can paralyze' and Gelsemium appeared. The information there are legit expect for the antidote one because there's no medical treatment provided by professionals as of yet so you'll be a goner if you happen to be infected by one.

Also, was it confusing when I switch to (F/N) to (B/N) or from (B/N) to (F/N). Well to clarify it;

(F/N) means (First/Name) which is her real, by birth name. (B/N) means either (Boy/Name) or (Brother/Name) because in this series, she is using her brother's identity. Also (F/N) is often use to refer to her self or in her POVs but people call her (B/N) because that will be her identity from now on. Also don't get confused when I switch from 'she' to 'he' or 'her' to 'his' okay?

I hope it wasn't confusing because sometimes some readers don't understand the sudden change of events so often times the author will need to clarify it.

Did you like the beginning? Click that star button and leave a comment down below. The more attention this story gets, the more I will update, see you soon.

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