Until I Make You Mine

By LiquifiedStars

124K 3.8K 4.9K

Sequel to 'Until I Heard You Sing' Adrien knows one thing for certain, he wants to marry Marinette, and with... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15

Chapter 11

7.1K 232 218
By LiquifiedStars

Over Christmas and New Year, wedding plans took a back seat to the fun of the festive season. The winter was particularly cold this year and although their super costumes had excellent insulation and defence against the cold, Ladybug and Chat Noir decided to split patrols up with Rena Rouge and Carapace. With the threat of Hawk Moth now permanently gone, patrols were more about interactions with the public and keeping petty crimes under control. Nevertheless, crowds would still gather around the Eiffel Tower and the Trocadero to get a glimpse of their heroes and the Miraculous team would oblige with photos. Of course, Chat Noir was always extremely popular with the ladies, despite the fact that his relationship with Ladybug was common knowledge. It never ceased to amaze Ladybug how open these girls were with trying to steal kisses from their favourite cat hero, but Chat always took it in his stride, quick to make his way back to his lady and delighting the crowd with a kiss before heading back to the warmth of the bakery.

Adrien felt bad leaving Nathalie alone in the mansion, but he couldn't stand being there longer than necessary of a day. It was only 6 weeks now until the wedding and he wanted the house sold before hand. He was thankful to have Nathalie there to handle everything. He wondered what he would have done without her and was so grateful she agreed to stay.  There wasn't a lot he was keeping from the house and he let Nathalie have her pick of anything she wanted to keep. Adrien had made arrangements for Nathalie and his bodyguard to have their own apartments in a place close by to the new home he had bought. He couldn't wait to show it to Marinette, but he was keeping it was a surprise for now. Adrien had taken Sabine to check it over and get her approval for the sewing room he had outfitted as a special gift wedding gift for his bride to be. Now she would have everything she needed right at home. Home. Their home, and he couldn't wait.

Adrien and Marinette sat curled up on her chaise wrapped up in a pile of blankets as they watched cheesy Christmas movies. Tom and Sabine had long gone to sleep with the lead up to Christmas being one of the busiest times of the year for them they were exhausted. Marinette and Adrien had been trying to help out where they could as the Gabriel production team had gone on hiatus for the holidays. Tikki curled up on Marinette's shoulder like she usually would, but the last few days, Plagg had started acting like a huge sook. Almost as soon as Adrien would come over, Plagg would abandon him instantly to cling around Marinette. Adrien knew Plagg wasn't much of a fan of the cold and would like to snuggle where it was warm, and Marinette was always very warm. Heck, there was no where else Adrien would rather snuggle. This was more possessive though to the point where Plagg almost hissed if anyone tried to move him. Even Tikki was paying him more attention, eventually moving to curl up next to him on Marinette's lap. Marinette gently petted Plagg between the ears with the cat kwami letting out a soft purr as he slept. "I think you might have a magic touch m'lady." Adrien laughed. "I don't think I've ever seen Plagg act so possessive, or purr as much."

"Just because I'm purring, doesn't mean I can't hear you." Plagg interjected, popping one eye open to look at his chosen. "It's not my problem that your jealous."

"I'm not jealous." Adrien shot back a little too defensively. Marinette raise an eyebrow at him, a playful smile on her face. "Well, maybe a little bit." Marinette laughed, cupping his face in her hand and planting a soft kiss on his lips.

"Don't worry Chaton, your still my favourite kitten to snuggle up too." Plagg started grumbling about getting squashed before Tikki dragged him off to another part of the room, distracting him with cheese.

"Can I ask your expert opinion on something Bugaboo?" There was a playfulness in Adrien's tone, but there was also a seriousness there too.

"Of course Kitty, what's up?"

"Well, I was thinking about the fashion company and what we want for it in the future." Marinette nodded thoughtfully before he continued. "I talked to Aunty Audrey about it and I want to change the name. Rebrand it and make it our own." Marinette knew Adrien had been getting advice from Audrey Bourgeois as well as Nathalie in regards to the company. Initially, Marinette wondered if he would just sell it off. It was no secret that Adrien wasn't a huge fan of modeling and he was more than grateful when his father finally relented and allowed him to step off the catwalk so to speak. What she hadn't expected was how much he actually enjoyed the business side. Finding his element, he was happy to keep the company, handing the creative reigns over to Marinette. Initially, Marinette had a complete freak out feeling that Adrien's blind trust in her was totally misplaced and could only lead to disaster. To her surprise, not only did Audrey Bourgeois take Marinette under her wing, but encouraged her to step up and take charge, injecting her own ideas. Tikki was a huge help in getting her courage up, reminding her that being Ladybug was more than just superhero duties when suited up, but that Marinette was Ladybug everyday as herself.

"You know I would agree with anything you want to do Chaton, but it was your father's company and his legacy. What did you have in mind?" Marinette was mindful that Gabriel had wanted the company to stay within the same vision that he himself had, but both Nathalie and Audrey had encouraged Marinette to develop her own style and ideas, capitalising on the success of the winter collection in Shanghai.

"Nothing dramatic. I kind of always felt it was a little egotistic that my father put his name on the company considering it was supposed to be both his and mother's vision and be passed on to me in some capacity." He wrapped his arms around his fiancé pulling her up onto his lap. "I want this company to not just represent us, but us as a family." Marinette smiled at the small dusting of pink on Adrien's cheeks when he talked about family. She knew it was important to him, and it had been something they had talked about. "So how would you feel about being the head designer of Agreste Designs?" Marinette smiled with that excited twinkle in her bluebell eyes, and it made Adrien's heart melt.

"I think I have an idea for a new logo." She was about to get up and grab her sketchbook when Adrien pulled her back down onto his lap.

"Later." He whispered in her ear as he placed soft kisses on her neck as he ran his fingers in her hair. He could hear Tikki shushing his grumbling kwami as he pulled the blanket up over their heads.

"What do you mean you've never been to a midnight countdown before?" Alya sputtered out in shock at the blonde's surprised expression. Nino shook his head at his girlfriend's less than subtle approach as Marinette wrapped a protective arm around Adrien.

"Well you know what my father was like all those years. The closest I got to a New Years party of any kind was at the Bourgeois hotel one year for an official function. I don't think kissing Chloe on the cheek at midnight counts for very much." Adrien started rubbing the back of his neck, feeling embarrassed that once again he was being reminded of how sheltered his life had been.

"Okay Sunshine, this is something we are fixing tonight. Marinette, you get rugged up in something warm, we don't want a sick bride, and we are heading to the Champs-Élysées."

It was a little after 10pm when the quartet arrived. There was a carnival atmosphere as the street party was in full swing. Despite the cold, people were still out in force ready to ring in the New Year. Adrien had donned a black hoodie that Marinette had made for him, inspired by his Chat Noir side. He pulled it over his head so he wouldn't get recognised in the crowd. Finding their way into a cafe, the couples ordered some hot chocolates before scouting out a place to sit near the Eiffel Tower.

On the way, they saw Nadja Chamack who was doing an interview with Lila. The friends kept their distance, but pulled up the live coverage on Alya's phone.

"So tell us Miss Rossi about your New Year plan to combat global warming?"

"Well, Paris's heroes might be good at fighting akuma's, but what are they doing about the real issues that affect everyday people? Now that Hawk Moth has been defeated, they really are nothing more than window dressing on the Paris skyline."

"There she goes with the usual rubbish." Alya said despairingly. Nino shook his head.

"She might have a point though." The other three glared at him before he put his hands up in surrender. "Don't kill me yet, but what are we doing now besides catching out a few petty thieves and having our photos taken."

Adrien saw something spark in Marinette's eyes. It was that same look she would get when she figured out her Lucky Charm, or came up with a new design concept. "What if we use our celebrity for charity works? We know Lila is just full of talk, but we could do something real and tangible." The others looked on with enthusiasm.

"We could sponsor it through the Agreste Foundation." Adrien suggested and ideas started bouncing around the group as they found a place to sit. "We could make a focus on homeless youth. Making sure everyone has a chance and a place where they can be loved." Marinette couldn't help but hold her Kitty tighter. She knew more than anyone how important family and belonging meant to Adrien.

"Awesome New Years resolution dudes." The four of them connecting fists in a 'pound it'. This was something that would be a number one priority after the wedding.

Marinette and Alya had brought some blankets to sit on and wrap around, thier kwamis sneaking a peak out at the gathering crowds.

"You know, I could set up a few pre fireworks if you get bored with waiting?" Trixx pondered out loud.

"Trixx you will do no such thing." Wayzz scolded. "Mirage is not to be used for your own amusement."

"Your such a stick in the mud Wayzz." Trixx whined as Plagg laughed from Marinette's lap.

"Don't worry Trixx, Sugarcube is a killjoy too." Tikki poked her tongue out at her counterpart next to her as Trixx shook her head.

"It's not the same thing Plagg, you and Tikki are meant to be together. Two halves of one whole. Mirage and Shelter are a team, but not partners." Alya and Nino shared a worried look before Wayzz stepped in.

"She means her and I, not you two. Tikki and Plagg have a different relationship. As creation and destruction they are yin and yang. They are also the oldest of the kwami, born from the same two sides. Trixx is much younger than I and our functions are different, but we will always work together. You two have a very special bond that could never be broken and we will always be here to support you." Alya and Nino snuggled up to each other with a smile.

"Little dude, this is all too deep for a New Year's party, wouldn't you say?" At that both chosen and kwamis all shared in a laugh.

As they waited for the countdown, Adrien pulled the blanket around them holding Marinette tighter. "You warm enough m'lady?" Marinette hummed and nodded, resting her head on his shoulder as Tikki and Plagg snuggled in her lap under the covers.

"Are you going to make a New Year's resolution Kitty?" Adrien thought for a moment and shrugged.

"I've never really made one before? So much of my life was controlled for me, it kind of seemed pointless. What would you suggest?" Marinette placed a finger on her chin.

"Well, usually it's something that you really want?"

"Oh that's easy then, you." The blonde laughed, burying his nose into the side of his fiancé's face. Marinette giggled.

"That's not how it works Chaton. You are supposed to decide on a goal you really want to achieve and what you need to do to make that happen. Like our charity idea." Adrien looked at her with an amused smirk.

"Yeah." He said holding his fingers up to count. "Marry the love of my life, move her into our new home, make sure she is happy and has everything she needs...am I missing anything?" Marinette shook her head.

"But a New Year's resolution is meant to be about you, not me." Adrien wasn't having it.

"Can't separate the two Bug. Your happiness is my happiness and you being my wife is my only goal for this New Year."

Marinette and Adrien were only vaguely aware of the crowd around them counting down the start of a New Year. Lost in each other's eyes, the fireworks reflected in them as they began to cascade in brilliant colour from the Eiffel Tower, lighting up the icy sky.

"Happy New Year m'lady." Adrien smiled, the warmth in his eyes enough to melt away the bitter cold.

"Happy New Year my Kitty." She whispered back. Adrien cupped her face in his hands lighting up her heart with the warmth of his lips on hers. Marinette run her hand up under the hoodie, burying her fingers into his soft hair as they ignored Alya and Nino in the background whooping and laughing.

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