When love strikes...

Por anaitarai17

208K 9.8K 1.6K

hi guyzzz.....this is my first story in wattpad so plz plz plz bear wid me.....so this is a treat for sidneet... Más



2.9K 197 38
Por anaitarai17

"Rads wake up it's already 7:30..... Wake up no .." I said
"Avu..... 10 mins more no...." She said...
"Rads we have to get ready also please get up no..."
"Avu the party is at evening it's 7:30 in the morning...." She said...
"I am not talking about the party you idiot Bhabhi wants us.... In her room that's why..." I said..
"Ok ok.... fine I will get up...." she said and got up....
"Good... Now go get ready.... We are already late because of you..." I said..
"Ummmm...." She said yawning.... Rads got ready quite quickly and we left for Bhabhi's room...
"Good morning girls..." Bhabhi said...
"Good morning Bhabhi.... So what did you need us for " I asked...
"Guys I know this is a little last moment but I don't have a dress for the cocktail party..." She said...
"WHAT!!!!" both me and Rads said simultaneously....
"But how?? we went shopping that day why didn't you bring one that day itself....we already knew the theme is gonna be black... " I asked...
"Ya... I remember even reminding you but you said....." Rads said and then suddenly stopped... I looked at both of them Bhabhi was suddenly upset....
"What... What did she say??" I asked Rads...
"That.... That.... Sid and Sam were gonna get her the dress..." Rads said... Now I knew why Bhabhi was upset....
"So you don't wanna wear the dress they gave you..." I asked...
"No... It's not like that we never went to buy it..." She said...
"Matlab..." Rads asked...
"You know they had told me that they wanted to choose a dress for me for one of the function all others were gonna be Indian and designers too so we three decided on the cocktail party dress but then everything happened so it slipped out of my mind... and now I don't wanna go shopping with them " Bhabhi said she looked genuinely upset..
"But what do we do now we are not going to get a designer one in such a last moment how were both of them going to get you one anyways..." Rads asked to Di...
"They have many designer friends specially girls..." She said.... And looked really upset about this.... I felt really guilty right now Sam him and Bhabhi were the best siblings I had ever seen in my life and now Bhabhi doesn't have both of her brothers near her on such a special phase of her life just because..... I know his love for me may have been a facade but he really loves his Di I just wish three of them to come together before this wedding I don't want Bhabhi to say good bye to her family like this.... She doesn't deserve to be unhappy right now...
"Bhabhi you are right now going through the most special days of your life you are gonna always cherish these days for your entire life I can't even imagine what you are going through I mean I go through a chill whenever I think about leaving mom and dad to start a new life..... I know it would be hard for you too so please don't make it more hard for yourself by being angry on the two people who love you more than your life.... Please forgive them.... I will be guilty for my whole life....please" I requested...
She came near me kept her hands on my shoulders and said...
"Avu never ever be guilty about what is happening right now.... If anyone it's Sidharth who should be guilty about all this.... And talking about forgiving them can I ask you a question..." She said...
I nodded...
"If Jai was is Sid's place and me in yours what would have been your reaction....would have you supported him or would have tried to make him realise his mistake..." She asked...
"I..... Would... Have made Bhai realise his mistake..." I said...
"Exactly Sid is never gonna realise what he did to you is wrong if nobody corrects him..... Like Sam didn't do it if even I keep quite what is the difference then.... Believe me Avu if everything would have been in my hand I would have been the first to tell bee about all this.... But we girls are never so strong like we think we are.... whenever we have to choose between being a girl or being a daughter... We choose the latter I can't leave my family scattered like it will be when they come to know about what Sam and Sid did.... But the least I can do is make them realise there mistake... If I don't do this I will never be able to forgive myself so please let me do it..." She said...
I could see the tears in her eyes..... I didn't want her to again go through the pain so I just nodded.... But in my heart I felt really bad for all three of them and still guilty
"So what are we gonna do about the dress..." Rads asked.
"We can drive to a nearby boutique..." Bhabhi said
"Ya but we are in the outskirts even the nearest boutique will take an hour to reach and I don't think they will have much choices to offer as the order is last minute and even the colour is fixed..." Rads said...
Bhabhi nodded to this...

"Okay we can do one thing.... You wear my gown we will need some alterations we have enough time for it I know it's not exactly designer nor the "to be bride" type but it's better than what we will get in the stores nearby..." I said...
"But what are you gonna wear then..." Bhabhi asked me...
"Doesn't matter Bhabhi you are the star I will wear anything it's fine..." I said
"But Avneet..." Bhabhi said...
"Come on Yaar Bhabhi don't show your sacrificing attitude now.... We all know I am talking logical right now..." I said...
"Okay fine but first we will go get a new gown for you from the nearby boutique only if we get a okay okay gown for you I will wear yours...." Bhabhi said...
"But Bhabhi time...."
"No no I am not listening go get ready we are going to the nearest boutique and I am guessing it's gonna be a little far from here so buckle up and get ready " Bhabhi said
"Ok ok fine..." I said I looked at Rads and we both came out of her room and were in our way to our room I was thinking about what happened....
"What are you thinking now??" Rads asked...
"Nothing just about Bhabhi's dress..." I said...
"I thought we got the solution " she said...
"No Rads that was not the solution.... I just thought my dress would be better than whatever we will get right now in the stores.... But come on yaar she is the bride it's the first function she needs to look the best not just better I am so damn sure Samaira Soumya and Anjali are gonna have better dresses than her and they are going to be so many other elite women too...." I said...
"Come on Avneet you are the one who always say that our clothes don't make us our personality does..." She said...
"Ya I know but that's my theory that is why I am simple and got a gown like that too.... But it's Bhabhi's day today and besides your first wedding function is not the place to practice that theory...." I said..
"Avu I would have said she can take my dress but mine is not the best too.... Nothing is in our hand we did our best..we can do nothing about this...." Rads said... Just then an idea clicked inside my head...
"Actually we can do something..." I said...
"What ??" she asked...
"See... Bhabhi told that..... him and Sam know designers over hear I am sure they can arrange a perfect dress for her that is the reason they must have delayed buying it in the first place.... we just need to make them remember about it..." I said Rads looked at me...
"Avu you can't even take his name right now how are you gonna talk to him " she asked concerned...
"I... Know.... But I was thinking about we can talk to Sam...." I said and Rads became upset within a moment..... she still misses him I know that
"Avu I know you are worried about Bhabhi and believe me even I want to give her a perfect dress but I don't think I can talk to...." Before she could complete the sentence I interrupted...
"No no Rads.... I don't expect you to talk to him I know what you are going through may be I can talk to Sam...." I said...
"Are you sure " she asked...
"Ya... I mean obviously I can't talk to.... Him.... neither can you talk to Sam or him so it logical for me to talk to Sam.."I said...
"But are you really sure.... I mean...even Sam... Did wrong to you..." She said she had guilt in her eyes like she was the one who betrayed me I don't know why all this seem like a nightmare everything bad that could have happened have actually happened hearts being broken.... Trust shattered... Love misinterpreted.. if only there would have been a rewind button... I looked at Rads and said...
"Rads.... I don't blame anyone for what happened except him and myself... him for the betrayal and myself for being stupid.... No one else....even you being with Sam would have never affected me infact I would be happy if you guys comeback together.... " I was continuing but she stopped me this time...
"Avneet I know you didn't want it but I can't do it.... Please don't talk about him" she said and I nodded... I didn't want to come between them but deep inside my heart I was just hoping for the rewind button...
"Okay.... So you go to our room I will meet you afterwards...." I said she nodded and went towards our room and I towards Sam's... I reached and knocked at his door...and he opened it
" Avneet...." Sam said I looked at Sam behind him he was standing.... Our eyes were locked for a while but then I broke it....
"Do you want to talk to Sidharth..." Sam asked me
"N...No actually I wanted to t...t..talk to you" I said
"Oh.... Come in..." He said.... Shit how am I gonna speak infront of him I should have thought this.... But I can't go right now... There is already less time and even Sam would need to call the designer and then the delivery will also take time... Shit how do I do now...
"Sam.... I w...wanted to talk to y..y..you alone..." I said shuttering... I wasn't even looking at him still this is my condition I don't want to be this vulnerable Infront of both of them...
"Sam I will meet you later..... We will discuss the later on phone... " He said and walked past me to go to the door and in the process his fingers brushed with mine it felt like current passed through my spine I turned back to look and him and I could see a small smirk on his face while he was going.... But then why would he smirk I must be imagining.....
"Avneet... Come sit " Sam said...I went and sat in the couch...
"Do you want anything to drink " he asked awkwardly I smiled at him....
"Sam you don't need to be so formal.... I know things have changed but I am still the girl who is partner with you for almost every project and as well as all competitions... I don't think we can afford this formalities for St Teresa's sake..." I said and he laughed....
"Ya I know.... But still I thought you will be mad with me too like....... Radhika " he said her name after a long pause...
"I was at first but then to be honest I can't believe the fact that you never tried to stop him.... I know you are supporting him right now because you feel this is your responsibility as a brother..... And again one thing that my father have always told me too remember is the fact that never blame on others for your mishaps..... I did some stupid decision and I got the punishment for it..." I said...
"Listen.... Avneet I knows even if you say that you are not but I know I did wrong to you.... That's why..... Please forgive me...I am really sorry " he said...
"Sam I really don't wanna talk about all that.... I really need your help for something..." I said...
"Okay.... What help do you need..."he asked.....
"Do you remember that you guys promised Bhabhi to get her a dress for the party this evening..." I said and he nodded...
"So she doesn't have one for tonight I was thinking if you could arrange for a designer one.... She told me you had friends " I said...
Sam just smiled at me then went near his cupboard and took out a shopping bag and came and gave it to me...
"Here it is..." He said I peeked into it... it looked like a black gown.... I looked at Sam ..
"You guys remembered..." I said...
"Yes.... We can't even dare to forget we already brought it when we were in the town it's from her favourite designer " he said...
"Then why didn't you guys give her..." I asked but then felt stupid for asking....
"Same reason she thought that we will forget it.... " He said I smiled at him and was about to leave.... When he said...
"Avu wait a sec..." He came and took the bag and took out a note from inside it
"What is that..." I asked...
"Nothing..." He said I took it from him and read it...

"Why don't you want to give it to her..." I asked...
"For starters I don't think she would like to be called as our mentor and I don't think she will accept this if she knows that we got it... It would be better if you say that you somehow managed it..." He said...
"I don't think she will be fooled by that Sam and as far as I know she never bothered to get a dress for herself even if she had three days she told that it slipped off her mind but I don't think it's such a trivial matter to forget I am sure she will keep it..." I said...Sam smiled at me ..
"You really read the people you love thorough..." He said I looked at him...
"I don't think that's an appropriate comment for me looking at my current situation but still thank you I should leave now.... " I said...and was about to go... he stopped me again...
"Avu..." He called .. I turned towards him and said...
"Is.... Is..... She..... Okay..." He asked I knew who is the she was his eyes had so much of love for her I could see it....
"You tell me how are you...?? I think the answer will be same..." I said... He nodded at me finally I left and came back to my room... Rads opened the door and as soon as I entered...
"What happened...??" She asked I showed her the bag..
"So quick..." She asked confused...
"They had already bought it....." I said...
"Oh..... So.... How did it go??" She asked...
"Nice.... He asked me how you were ??" I said she turned her face and said...
"And.... What did you answer...??" She asked...
"That you are in the similar state as he is..." I said...
"You should have said I am fine he doesn't need to know I am miserable..." She said...
"So you accept you are miserable without him.... Thank god I thought that would take a million years to come from your mouth..." I said...she gave me a sarcastic look...
"Of course I am miserable..... I thought him to be..... The love of my life...." She said...
"He is the love of your life.... Believe me Rads... just because things didn't work out for me you don't need to spoil your happy ending..." I said...
"I already told you it's not for you.... And I don't wanna talk about it let's just go and give Bhabhi this dress.... She would be anyway waiting for us..." Rads said avoiding the topic...but she was correct so we both left for Bhabhi's room and knocked at her door she opened it...
"You guys aren't ready.... " She asked...
"we don't need to get ready we don't need to buy a new one Bhabhi " Rads said...
"Come on Rads.... Avneet needs one to wear tonight.." she said...
"I don't Bhabhi because I am wearing my dress.. and you are wearing this..." I said taking the bag out... Bhabhi took it from me and took out the gown it was really beautiful and perfect for the to be bride.... Exquisite royal and elegant totally Shanaya Nigam standards... Mermaid with black studs in the net neckline...

"Wow guys it's beautiful.... and it's from my favourite designer how did you guys manage this..." She asked excitedly we both looked at each other and then I passed her the note.... She looked at it and read it.... And the kept the gown on the bed...
"You guys shouldn't have taken the trouble..." She said looking out of the window...
"Bhabhi there was no trouble I just got it from Sam I know you are angry on them and I promise I will not ask you to forgive them but please accept this.... It's there love for you please don't do it to them they already are miserable..." I said...
"Yes Bhabhi even I am angry on both of them but however boyfriends they might have been but they are wonderful brothers..... Please don't take that away from them..." Rads said...
"Guys I really don't wanna take this.... I told you why and I don't think my decision is going to change..." She said firmly... I looked at Rads there was only one thing to do now... EMOTIONAL BLACKMAIL....
"Okay Bhabhi if you don't wanna wear it it's fine you wear my gown and I will wear whatever ugly thing I get..." I said making a sad face...
"You don't need to you gimme yours and you take this..." She said...
"Bhabhi have you gone mad how can I wear something that your brothers got for you... " I said...
"Avneet I know you are doing all this drama so that I take this dress but sorry to say I am not falling into your trap..." Bhabhi said I went near her and held her hands...
"Bhabhi do you really want to remove my guilt from my heart about separating you from your brother's..." I asked her...
"Obviously I do..." She said...
"Then please wear this in the evening don't give up on your small small happy moments you have already gave up on lot of your big moments that too for me.... Please wear this.... For me.." I said... She smiled at me...
"Fine I will.... You are really persuasive..." She said...
"Even your brother says the same thing....." I said and then stopped.
"I mean used to..... Let it be.... Thank you so much " I said and hugged her...
"No thank you for coming in Jai's life and then mine...." She said...
I smiled at her and then finally we left her room to go into ours....
Soon evening arrived and we both started getting ready Rads really looked beautiful in her evening gown....

"How do I look...??" She asked...
"Sexy as hell.... " I said winking at her..... She smiled at me...
"Avu wear your gown It's already time Jai Bhai had already called twice and Bhabhi.... I lost the count.... " She said...
"Ya ya I am done with my make up I will just wear it you do one thing you leave and tell them I will there in 10 minutes..." I said...
"Are you sure...??" She asked...
"Ya Rads I am sure.... I will not get lost even if I do I have phone you go..." I said and she obeyed me ansd went I got ready and I looked okay... I took my phone and was walking towards the lobby the trail of my gown was really long it was becoming difficult to manage I was adjusting it when I stepped on it and was about to fall when my head slammed into something hard I thought I will fall right now but somehow got twirled and was in someones arms I had closed my eyes during this but I didn't need them to know who the person was I was hopelessly familiar with the touch but what followed next was something I didn't expect from him I knew I was in his arms.... I heard him say...
"Did you hear from Tanya..." Sam asked me...
"No I texted her but she hasn't replied yet....is everything else ready..." I asked...
"Yes.... Only Tanya is required.... Are you sure Rey is not gonna flip..." Sam asked...
"He knows what I will do if he flips now...." I said...
"Ya... Then I think we should go and check in her room once..." Sam said...
"Okay I will go and check but you stay here everyone is coming to the party it will be odd if both of us are not here.... " I said and Sam nodded.... I started going towards the room when I saw her coming towards the lobby she was trying to handle her trail she looked gorgeous probably a goddess.... I couldn't even move from the place I was after I saw her......

But soon I noticed her stepping on her trail and she was about to fall I ran to hold her and was successful in doing so but in the process of holding her I fell for her beauty she had closed her eyes as always and looked sexy as hell I couldn't stop looking at her.... Only one word came out of my mouth....
She jolted her eyes open as soon as I finished and I was lost in those brown orbs again for a moment I forgot everything that was going to happen today and wanted to be in this moment forever but then again her expression made me realise what I had said
"What???" She said....
.... I came out of my Avneet dream land.... And tried to retrieve myself...
"Aow.... Aow..." I said trying to cover...
She got up completely and said...
"I was about to fall why are you shouting aow aow...." She asked...
"What to I do.... You are too heavy to hold..." I said...
"What.... How dare you call me heavy...."
"What is the dare in this.... I said the truth only..." I said teasing her this is the only way this goddess is gonna talk to me otherwise she will run again...
"You... You.... Leave it I don't have time for this shit..." She said fuming at me and was leaving from there I thought of teasing her a little bit...
"Listen.... Ms heavy Kaur...." I said she turned towards me and was fuming like hell....
"I was saying sambhal ke chalna phirse giri to bachane wala koi nahin hoga..." I said she gave me a sarcastic smile.... And said. .
"Don't worry.... Now that I am single... lakhon aajayenge...." she said and went from there I couldn't stop smiling after that waise she is right the way she looks tonight all the boys are gonna come if she slips today I need to be careful..... Ek pshycho lover ki wajah se itne problems aa rahi hai lakhon aagaye to meri toh band baj jayegi..... I thought to myself and left for Tanya's room to call her
"What does he think of himself me and heavy.... Bullshit.... " I said...
"Who are you talking to...??" Rads asked I turned towards her...
"Nothing I was just thinking about something else..." I said avoiding the topic...
"Why did you take so long...??" She asked...
"Woh.. Woh..." I tried thinking of an answer but then Bhai came to us he really looked Handsome in his three piece suit...

"Wow bhai someone is looking too damn handsome.... " I said to him...
"Thank you... And both of my sisters look damn good too..." He said....
"Where is Bhabhi...??" I asked...
"Oh she just came down she is with some of her friends over there..." Bhai replied... Just then Vivek uncle called Bhai
"Sorry guys will take the leave and he went from there..." I and Rads were engaged in a little chit chat when Rey entered he came towards us and gave a dumbstruck expression...
"Wow.... You look.... You look.... Breathtaking...." He said looking at me I know I should have been obliged but somehow it was weird now that I somehow knew he had officially proposed me so I just answered back with a nod.... Then he turned towards Rads and said...
"You look beautiful too Rads..." He said...
"Thank you Rey for being a gentlemen but I must leave now I think Bhabhi there needs me to rescue her from those aunties..." Rads said and went from there...
As soon as Rads went from there Rey came near me... And suddenly I heard the voice of the girl I hate the most in this world...
"Hey Rey.."
"Hi Samaira.... " Rey said...
"Have you seen Sid... I have been searching for him for a while..." She asked to Rey and ignored me like I was ignoring her I had seen Sid going but I didn't care to tell her...
"No Samaira I don't have any Idea..." Rey said just then her phone ringed....
She picked it up and said...
"Yes baby..."
"Ok you both come I will be waiting for you " she said...
"Got him... He was with Tanya... Bye Rey I will talk to you later..." Samaira said to Rey and went from there...
"So looks like you and Tanya are gelling well with them.." I said...
"No Avu not me.... But yes Tanya ofcourse.... And that's what I am tensed about...."he said...
"Matlab" I asked...
"Nothing I just heard Sid and Tanya bitching about Jai Bhai..... I just hope Tanya takes my warning seriously..."he said...
Him bitching about Bhai.... No no that can't be true...
"Rey I don't know about Tanya but I can assure you that he is not that kind of a person and not with Bhai atleast I mean he is engaged to his sister..."
"Really Avu you are saying this after what he did with you..." Rey said..
"Yes I am... Whatever he did with me changes my view of him as a boyfriend but not as a brother.... So don't worry..." I said to him...
"Okay... I hope so..." Rey said...
"Okay... I will be going now I haven't met everyone else " I said and went from there was really rey right can Sid plan against Bhai....
"So did it work..." Samaira asked me...
"No... Not like I thought but I am sure it's gonna ring some bells when the actual drama takes place..." I said and this was exactly what I was expecting even after doing so much Avneet still trusts that bastard so much but I am not gonna loose hope.... She may trust him now but once Sid himself starts the drama of accusing Jai Avu's heart will be broken again... I don't need to worry about that...
"I think I should leave now Sid shouldn't see me with you..." Samaira said...
"Yes... " I nodded and she went from there god I can't wait for the drama to start..... Everything is gonna be ending for you Sidharth Nigam so soon...
After an hour or so.... Vivek uncle clinked his glasses....
"Thank you everyone who joined us in this occasion.... I am really obliged.... So as we start the cocktail it's mandatory for me to give a toast.... So here it is.... To the beautiful bride... And the handsome guy who is gonna take my daughter away from me...." Uncle said and everyone laughed Sid was standing just behind Vivek uncle.......when is this Sid going to start the drama.... I thought to myself...
"I know what you are thinking..." Tanya said from my back...
"Good then do you know the answer..." I asked...
"Ofcourse I do...... Be a little patient my little bro... Just a few more toasts then everything is over with a bam..." She said...
"Is he gonna say everything in his...."
"Toast.... Yes.... Such a nice brother he is.... Isn't he??" Tanya asked me with sarcasm and I smiled... Yes your doom is near Sidharth Nigam... And it will start with your own toast...
Then Arora uncle even gave his toast Sidharth's mum came next and finally my Avu clinked her glass..
"To the most beautiful couple I have seen ever in my life.... You are a great brother Bhai and I am so damn sure you are gonna be a great husband too..." She said and everyone cheered and finally the glass I wanted to clink... clinked at last... Everyone looked towards Sidharth....
"So here goes my toast for the greatest sister I would have ever got in my life and.... To the biggest jerk I know " Sidharth said looking at Jai... Bingo... Go on Nigam.... Design your path to a life without your sister and your love....

Chapter 44 out.... Lots and lots of drama ahead.... I hope you liked the chapter if you did please please vote guys... I really need them... It just takes one sec so please do it...
Hasta la vista...

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