The Kingsley's 🎭☄

By mystical98

34 1 0

Episode 10: History. Ending Of Season 1🍂 Daemon's been a busy bad boy from the pass. Now I understand when t... More

The Kingsley's 🎭💫

34 1 0
By mystical98

Episode 10: History.

( Year 2011, Seattle. )
(It was spring break. This huge get together party was planned every year on the beach by seniors that was too alcoholic and had good food and dance moves like the ones in the club like there was no tomorrow. We stayed out there partying since six that evening till this very hour, 12 pm and already some folks were trying to get naughty anywhere in the night but as for me Kaneva Simmons, tried not to be as interested to these hungry outrageous dudes who kept tryna holla at a bad one for a quicky fuck.
T- boo you wish!.
I was fast back then and could get any high schooler that I wanted I mean look at me honestly. My girl Aaliyah practically we were like sisters, was always together and more aggressive than I was. So there to show her hood side were a bit messer too. This guy that we knew but was more older his name was Erin Matthews he was gental, tall and dark skin handsome with pretty grey eyes tries to pass off as his real eye color. Boy staaop! You know you ain't fooling nobody.
He approached us being funny about not letting loose a bit and hands me his Takela drink cup of what was left of it any damn way.
I've never drunken before and this shit was strong as hell. He smiled and so did Aaliyah laughing at my face I made.
Better? He ask.
I nodded my head.)

The flashback was catching up to Kaneva as she walked back into her home that she had to kill a local man for. Aaliyah was in the kitchen over the counter fixing up a bottle of Gen for herself and eva.

Where you been all day ma'am?. She ask handing eva her drink. Sigh, been thinkin.
Daemon's been on my mind all day but imma have to admit he was someone you know who was kinda different besides his demonic self.
After all these years, his feelings were all too real but decided to forget about me by my own selfish reasons so shame on me huh. She took her quick glass shot up to her mouth.

So now that we're here what does that twisted little mind of yours planning to do? Aaliyah ask sneaky by the eyes.
Well I know they live somewhere around hea but I don't actually know the exact location but I did pick up what school they go to. I say...Joseph High.
Home of the Jaguars, she smirked.
It wouldn't be so bad if we attended there for a while would it?
Girl I ain't finna deal with no mo teachers with their cranky ass attitudes nor them bipolar hormonal kids. That's why we're freely creatures who can do what ever the hell they want!. Aaliyah replied serious unsure.
She took a deep breath.
Fine. But shiid if we're thinking about doing this shit imma need about four or seven mo shots bitch.

Weather report mention we was gonna get some shower storms for the next two days starting today at twelve which isn't so great for Daemon's mood swings.
Paul and Big Joe made it back last night and both were too tired to sleep in separate beds,so they collapsed into the bed together in Paul's spare room that Triton was understood to bump up in the game room with Mane and Cody. Every Sunday morning I Christopher, goes to Tatiana's house to see her as I was usually doing the teenage thing by sneaking through her room window on aside of the roof. And all I'll do is comfort her laying against her body, watching as she's safe and fast back to sleep to keep the Nightmares away. Then for some reason it was hard trying not to think about Kaneva randomly showing up in town and the last thing I didn't want her to do was manipulate shit.
She's a manipulative person who will do anything just to make herself look good.
I'm right where I wanna be. I'm blessed to have Tatiana Davis as my one and only and nothing will change that for now.

My lips touched her forehead softly with a kiss. None of it was real..I have a weird feeling she's gonna start something foolish and bad knowing her being around her partner and crime all this time. Tae awakens towards me and smiled a good morning.
Hey, slept okay?. I say.
Pretty good because your so warm. Did my brother come in the house? She ask turning her body to me and her hand felt my chest. You mean did he leave out the house after he took whatever he needed yeah.
So he was here then left back out? She sat up in the bed then asked did I know what he took.
I believe it was a gun. I answer.
She was disappointed all over her side face from my view shaking her head then drop her body back to the bed.
He'll never learn. I'm sorry to say.
You and your mother tried all you can do. You can't help a person if they don't want it sometimes you'll have to let them learn on their on..
And from my looks into his future..I'm not happy about it..its death.
She looked at me all calm and mysterious about having someone with visonal supernatural powers tells her that someone in your family was on thin ice to their destination. I don't want that to happen...
After all the shit he put us through...I wouldn't wish that on anybody's strange because that's been bothering me for a minute.
It doesn't have to come to existence Tae. She took a deep breath and looked towards me and kissed my fourhead out of honor to have faith.

(Kingsley Resident).
Everyone eating breakfast and neither Chris nor Daemon was found until Mane said baby boy was at his girl's house and Morgan saying how much Daemon wanted to be left alone so he left just a few minutes ago.
You alright? Vel wondering.
Yeah I'm fine. It bothers me to see Daemon looking like he want to tear down the White House every second I try to speak to him so I just let him go. Well that's Daemon ass all the time you'll get use to it. It might be the weather, he hates the rain. Said Johnathan. I got a hold of Ari about meeting up with that guy Dreko so we can solve this problem of him being this so called vampire hunter. Hey aum are you busy?
I'm about to go check up on Dreko. Why?? Ari ask driving towards Dreko house. Good hold on, come and get me I'll explain on our way over okay. Alright girl, I'm on my way boo (click")
The shower began kicking in softly than heavier. Sitting on the tallest building was Daemon thinking about Kaneva which didn't last once Morgan suddenly appears above him, asking what was he doing up here then jumped down beside him. I'm relaxing what else would I be doing.
Hey, don't play smart with me something's up and I don't like to be left out if something's bothering you Daemon!. And if it's the rain then why ya ass out here? They smiled together. Don't take this shit personal's a twisted relation I had with someone years ago. Oh...I see. Morgan said.
She's in town and I don't know if she's planning on getting rid of me or manipulate shit to either hurt you or anybody else we know. All I gotta say is she's a predator that only cares for herself. She will kill to save her on skin because that is who the fuck she is...
Well she better watch her back. Daemon looked over at Morgan.

Dreko's mother opened the front door greeting us nicely as we wanted to see her son. We was nicely to join inside her loving home and it smelt like that Japanese cherry perfume❣
She shouts his name from upstairs for his company. His voice spoken to let us go ahead up to his room.

Girl I hope his room not junky, I whispered to Ari on the down low and she could do but shake her head. Hmm. Not bad I thought once we walked in and damn he has a studio in the bitch. Dreko was picking up his laundry by the bathroom as he saw us standing.
Wassup, his pretty smile. Sup. Ari says back with their connection going on. Ugh,okay let's get the obvious point while we're here shall we- yeah a lot of explaining you guys have to tell me including Morgan being alive and why the hell there was vampire bitches after me at the school??
So whatever kinda..secret war of supernatural going on I get it, your secrets safe with me I promise.
The reason why these brides were after you is because of your family ancestors were involved on killing every vampire in their village...vampire hunters and you're the last decent. Your a vampire hunter Dreko. Ari say.
This is crazy to believe it. He said serious going towards his closet reaching above it and grabs out a black small hand box of some kinda black crystal necklace. His great- great grandfather gave this to him after he passed last year. He said it meant to continue the tradition, say Dreko after handing the box to me and Ari's view.

Did he say what it was for or do? I asked.
The only thing he said was it blocks out their venom meaning I guess if any blood sucking demon of any kind tries to bite me will easily be sucked dry to death.
Does your mom know about this secret? Ask Ari. I doubt it but I think she might know someem her and pops. Pretty necklace but deadly. I held it dangling up to my face then placed it back inside the box. You should keep it on considering if anymore of them mudafuckas get a hold to you.
No cap. Dreko said grabbing Ari's hand and she kissed his face when I left telling him she'll call you lattea before her ass began following out behind me blushing. Keaneva admired the fact who I was but loved Christopher because he was the opposite from who she wished i was.
Morg and Dee were now walking down the sidewalk walking past all the side door stores.
Wait, Christopher was in love with her too? Not really in love with her more likely he became her comfort shoulder and honestly I didn't feel sorry for her at all as being who I was and because that day she had got me upset. I was just angry.
But she hurt me the most when I found out she was playing with my emotions the night she revealed her true colors.
That night she made me spend one fucking night in jail by falsely accusing that I slept with some dudes girlfriend and took all her money out of her purse at the party.
Just childish teenage bullshit. Eventually the girl obviously denied it- so why the hell would she make up some shit like that?
She set you up..hmp.. But anyway, I hate her and I want her good as dead. Even Katherine and her have quite a little history together and she disgraces Kaneva to the core.
Oh really? Morgan was surprised.
Teh, try the same person but big sis expectations were waaaaay too different from Kaneva's.
Our relationship only lasted a year well..I wouldn't even say that it was a real damn relationship. Daemon replies with a stop in his tracks for Morgan to look back at him knowing that she doesn't have to worry.
It wasn't Daemon and if she's back..then the attitude she's gonna bring is trouble to this town and between us..
( Flashback) The first week of summer Daemon and Kaneva made contact with each other on a family trip to Seattle.
Very beautiful to all three of the doppelgangers because they've never set foot outside since that accident with their other mother so, he was thirteen had his first piece of ass in a public bathroom and did more with three more white teens. Chris had his first kiss with a boy by experience and Katherine was sweetly introduced to a cute Asian hottie teen boy and a brunette curly head chick. Let's just say she was giving attention to every one❣🔥 cause she was stunning. It was an ultra Festival weekend shit was mad crazy fun I mean booming.
So Daemon was dancing with a group of bad hotties in bikinis. Kathy and Christopher were booming with a group of outrageous older teens and some they age having a good ass time when suddenly this coco butter brownie chick with this lushes smile and bright eyes bumped from behind Daemon ,causing her to spill her drink. They started talking, she fell in love with his bad boy image and red spiky hair that was coming in so cutely too a personality that was gonna get him in some trouble and so she took him back to her hotel room and she took her shot, taking Daemon's virginity for the rest of the night up to 2 am that morning.

That early morning, thirteen year old Daemon woke up with the chick who was also the same age by the way with Lipstick markings, broken condoms too panties on the floor and her bra above the head bar. That was the best mistake of his life.
Eyes were as red as hell fire once they popped open from noticing what the fuck just happen and so did his body, sitting up from the bed after kindly removing Eva's sleeping body off his chest.
Her hand stroked down his back as he looked back at her morning beauty asking how did he slept.
You was amazing so I'll say like a real man, replied Daemon leaning towards her lips twice with kisses. Is your family gonna be upset that their boy didn't come back last night? She bit her lip smiling and he got out the bed beginning to put on his black tank top and shorts facing Kaneva. My pops might have a few yelling words about it but they'll be cool about it. The room door opened up and it was Kae's close girlfriend Aaliyah in a bikini top with thigh shorts on knowing some shit like this was gonna happen and she wasn't lying. By the looks of Daemon she saw him as cute as fuck too not saying as much but watched him leave out the room pass her eye fucking him.

Aaliyah walks in shutting the door back and Pacificily told her that she wasn't gonna go through this shit with a laugh. Kaneva sat up from the bed covering her breast with the sheet and takes a relief sigh. Your right. But I can't stop what I like including a dangerous bad's in my nature.
Well I can't argue with that but chile slow down a little bit with these dudes okay. I hate to see you beat the shit outta some bitches ass because of her man seem to be eyeing you across the damn room, Aaliyah joked with a smile.
Isn't that the idea. Kaneva smirked a giggle.

Dreko's mother calls him downstairs by the railing for dinner as he kept trying to debate if he should wait to try to put it on for the hell of it or put it back up until tomorrow while he starred it down in his palms. Ight!! His eyes stood up from it and tossed it on the bed before he got up out of it. The necklace flashed up a purple light for a second then went back dull.
Aye ma! Dreko coming down the staircase heading in the kitchen where she was fixing up his plate.
Hers were already fixed on the side steamed hot.
Yeah. What is it? She turned to his full attention. Do you know anything about what granddad was dealing with? Like a secret supernatural thing.?
Mrs.s Anderson stared at him like he lost his mind at first but knew a little something was true.
She knew there wasn't gonna be any lying.
Your grandpa was strange but I swear Dreko whatever he was dealing with was something serious. I kinda didn't pay attention to it that much when I was your age i was kinda the partying type, staying all night, drinking and smoking. And yeah I use to smoke weed all of that.
Dreko's expression was highly surprised. Anyway when I went into his room on his bed was like this funny looking bowing arrow with wooden stakes that was sharp to the touch.
It was pretty cool tho but I really wish I never stepped foot in to that room after seeing that. My first crazy thought was what the hell my dad was doing with this shit?. But the real fucked part about that still scared me was him killing a vampire right in front of me on a night it was standing over me tryna kill me in my bed..
A Vampire? Seriously.😕
She handed him his plate. Dreko had the crystal necklace in mind to ask her about but just kept it in as the plate was passed to him nibbling one green bean. Your dad doesn't know any of this so keep it quiet for now you hear me? She said seriously.
He nods his head Understanding. Everything that we were taught or even told as a kid I would never even think that it'll be real as daylight. Magic, fairytales and strange and frightening. Dreko took a deep breath and said. will be amazed how anything is possible.
(Evening timing)
Auuuugh,this rain is getting heavier every second. When it rains the family get together in the family room with no Television on but food and drinks we gathered up and we talk about all the good memories and about our future. Especially with the new she or he coming into this world hehe🤩🥰❣. We'll know tomorrow at aunt Velma reveal party she keep saying that she always wanted a boy but uncle Locus been ruling for a princess. Hell they might end up with veternal twins and call it even.

Daemon paces back and forth in his room from Kaneva text to meet him at the park so he grab his black jacket and headed clean out the window. She stood with in the trees across the other side of the park sideline in black shades, with her hands stuffed inside the trench coat.
Flew down in the center of the field he seen her but she disappeared showing up behind him.
Why so jumpy? She removes her shades showing does pretty green eyes.
What the fuck you got goin on? Why you here?. Daemon got straight to the point.
Damn. Not even an invitational hug, maybe I missed you have you ever thought of that.? She got closer up to his lips inching to test to see if he was gonna do it but she doubted it and stepped right back. You don't miss me. Fuck that fake love shit you can save it cause none of it was real!. Oh, so what happen to me wasn't real also!??. She showed her anger onto his chest twice. Huh!? She shoved him one more time.
Aye, don't push me!!
Or what? WHAT DAEMON!! You gon get yo little bitch on me?? Teh, pathetic lost cause.
Daemon grip her throat that second and what next shocked his entire outlook on her revealed secret. She put his arm behind his back and shove him with quick speed on top of him on the ground and gripped his damn throat.
You might have all the death threats but I'm more capable of taking you on Daemon. I'm just getting started.
Her eyes lit blue then hopped right off him. I called you hea so you can get a little glimpse of what I'm preparing to do.
Daemon lifted himself up from the ground dusting off his jacket. Aye, whatever you think you doing get it a fucking rest cause me and the kingsley gang don't have time for none of your bullshit or I will right here right now, woukd break ya neck and rip ya fucking heart out!!.
Oooou, how dashing bad Daemon isn't that like your national anthem. As I was saying before I got rudely interrupted as you know my girl Aaliyah is throwing a welcoming home party for me being new in town and it will be delighted for you and the gang to come.
It's gonna be Monday night and yes on a fucking weekday.
So that we can discuss then and maybe catch upon some good memories and new incoming. Eva got closer again and winked at him grabbing onto his jacket for a kiss and he will move his head away.
No games. No rules right?. Be there at eight and I'm not gonna repeat myself. Kaneva walks off after that as Daemon watched and mumbled under his breath about how this bitch is crazy when he flashed up into the sky.
Jada called me early sunday morning about 2am over at Tae house talking about she needed me because Tatiana's brother over there putting his hands on both of them and going off. So I kindly said I'll be there in a few.

I pulled my hair back in a ponytail, put on my sneakers, jacket over my sports bra and took Daemon ass car on a high speed run.
I got there the front door was open and neighbors were being nosey as fuck so I'm like what the fuck!!
I'm hearing Tae's voice and her brothers as approaching the portch. Jada came to me and was happy because this shit was making her scared and couldn't take it. I see her momma on the floor in the living room that made me run over to her and helpfully she wasn't dead but she had a loud bloody mark on her four head.
When I looked up from her I saw Tae's body being shoved towards the TV putting a damage to it, her fist caught his face twice and he just went on at her till my angry ass got up charging right at him.

My forcefull hands pulled his shirt caller and with all my strength I didn't mean to do it - I threw him across the room to the wall, causing to buss his head wide open.

Jada hovered her mouth like oh my god😶😱.
I felt a little frightened but I had to tuffin the shit out looking back at Tae busted scared tearing face.
I walked over to him to check to see if he was still breathing and he was cold to the touch of everything.
W-what should we do?? Tae starts to panic and cry in shock. Jay and I came over to tame her down and I told jay to quickly go and shut the front door. Listen to me none of this is your fault!. This was his all doing and I'm completely sorry, I hugged her tightly. What about the body, your mom!?
Jada went on how they were gonna explain this shit. just leave all the answers to me. I killed an innocent I'll deal with his body and I'll let Morgan deal with your mom.
How? What are you talking about she's not dead.
Tae asked confused.
I know, I know one of Morgan's abilities can either fix her memories where she can make sense of why her son isn't here or she could automatically erase them.

But I prefer she can say he's off for a better life even though he's traveling around the world, he wanted you guys to know he loves you with all of his heart.
I couldn't hold back my tears as seeing Jay and Tae pouring out there's it was too much... matter what happens at least you'll know I finally did the right thing by getting myself together like the young man you'll always have. She walked over to his body and just stared in silence then looked at me and said. Do what you have to do..even enough for me it's gonna take some time.
Okay aum..Triton can fix your TV. Jada consider she was staying over tonight with Tae and her mom. When she wakes up please call me and I'll bring Morgan to fix this.
Jada was cleaning the bust wound from her mother's head and the next step Katherine picked her up bridal position carrying her over to the couch. I sense nobody was no where to found outside so it was cleared.
This shit hit me hard like a bullet. I've never wanted anything to happen to any one but when your different with supernatural powers you always gotta remember with great power leads to great responsibilities.
And to say how much I den cleaned up behind every obstacle really doesn't make me feel like I've did it out of love. Yeah I'm a strong survivor bad bitch but the truth behind it all is I still got feelings like any other chick around here. I push them aside because I don't wanna break after losing a few close ones's still okay to break though. Her mother injury wasn't seriously death threatening so about a few more hours, she'll be okay before we bring Morg to do what she needed to do. I got back at four slugging a little by walk back into my room.
Morgan was up getting out the bathroom and seen me when I came back in with this strange look on my face. You look exhausted she says. I took a deep breath.
I accidentally killed an innocent and I need your help.
Her eyes buked and ask who was it. Tatiana's brother. We'll get into it when I take you on our way over there. Morgan was quiet and understood while they went back into their beds.
You know how you can either take away memories or fix them by you know adding little flavor to it in my case..
Yeah, why?
Cuz me and Tae suggested that you would make her mom.. forget the accident. I just don't want her mom to deal with that pain even though that sounds unnaturally fucked up. I say unwrapping the wrapper from my hair and letting it down and put it on my wrist.
Is she surely positive about doing that? Morgan made clear.
I nod my head and said yeah. Okay I got it.
She laid back over on her right side facing Katherine. What did you do that was so bad- I'm curious?.
I slunged'em to the wall and it busted his head after he was beating the dog shit outta Tae and his mother I answer.

Well it was self defense basically and beside that, he was fucked from the start I'm just saying.
Anger with supernatural powers don't match when you have non supernatural beings...
I felt so much guilt Morgan ,ion even know how Chris is gonna react to this..maybe I'm not as under contolling as I thought. Yes you are..its just shocking guilt Katherine. In that moment the only thing u could do was stop danger and it just..ended up with a bad ending. I'm not tryna make up an excuse for what happen but.. your were trigger in the heat of the moment to save Tae and her mother from getting hurt.

What she wanna do about the body?
I was gonna take him to the lake of life. Where his body can find great peace and it can decade into creating another..better whole life.
Like recornation but he want remember us or them. It'll be like...they never existed to him..
Morgan stared of thoughts and with a hurt expression on her face like wow.

(9:00am) I told every one except the older adults about what happen earlier this morning of course I should've controlled my anger and secondly his ass shouldn't have been beating his hands on no woman PERIOD!. So, that shit pissed me the fuck off the most. I guess this can go down in my history book.
Chris and Triton went with me and Morgan while aunt Vel, Ma and her brother were getting food done for the family reveal small party.

Big Joe and Paul were team Princess period!.
Triton got in on the story and agreed that the dude deserved it for putting his hands on a female and he was devastated more that her and the mother had to carry their lost burden. All four of us went over and Jada let us in.
Alright here we go. Morgan said under her breath. Tae and her mom was in the third guess room to the left down the hall and we saw her momma laying on her back on the couch.
She was goin on about wanting to talk to her son as just in time for Morgan to go in and take her part from there.
Hi,Mrs. Davis aum how are you? I'm confused about what happened last night I'm little dizzy sweetie. Tae and Morg looked at each other for a second. Our accident last night was a silly mistake.

Damn she's out of it. Triton referred to her as a crazy box. He beat her senseless..
Tae had to leave out the room holding back her tears. Suddenly Morgan eyes locked to her mom's and began hypnotising her to remember every drop of word that was said outta her lips, till it was over with a blink of an eye.
Mrs. Davis was looking drugged up with a blank face then felt back to sleep. Tae was in Christopher's arms in the hall comforting her and noticing when Morgan walks out it was done.
How's she? She worried.
She'll be perfect after she wakes up from her sleep. Don't worry babe. She hug Tae and told her she loved her enough to don't hesitate to talk to any of them.
Better yet, we'll give you the memo once we reveals Velma's baby gender. Say Triton.
Yeah, sorry we couldn't come but hell yeah I'm hoping she having a girl.
You know what, everyone saying that it's gonna be a girl and she's been dying to have a little boy for years. Chris laughed.

Alright, take care love. I'll bring you some liquor and cake back hahahaha🤣🤣. Katherine left out through the front door. Okay then, right try to lighten up the moment though. Say Jada.
Twelve afternoon stomach's are full and games were played like one of them became Triton's favorite called the hot seat. Even if getting a bit wet can be fun in the back yard with nerf water guns was very enjoyable so now, we're just waiting on this gender. We went out in the front of the house to pop this black balloon I suppose it had the color inside for the boy and the girl or whatever. Hyper every one was made the situation inpatient and eager to want to get on with it like damn it isn't your baby damn!.
All our friends were here even Bae Dom and Joshua had to come and show love once the word was out by Triton obnoxious loud mouth and all. Papa/Ungle Locus had his fingers crossed waiting as Momma laughed holding a tray of cupcakes and daddy right beside her, so he could bash one right in her face if it was a girl.
Nah- Uh!. Not in my slayed hairdo and makeup I bet you want!!. She says chuckling.
Locus had thee honor to pop out and sure shit stank the balloon went POP!
Everybody went crazy off guard and was impressed on how they pulled it off. It was both blue and pink sparkling mixed together so that meant they was having veternal twins.
Uncle Locus fell out on the ground being dramatically overwhelmed happy and decided to feed aunt Vel the cupcake just for that wonder surprise.
Karen and Locus hugged up Vel and he kissed her afterwards. John rub his hands over her stomach and was talking to the babies😁❣💕.
Twins? Vel couldn't believe it.

I had to leave for a few mintues to take care something after bae Dominick grabbed me close to him and kissed my neck and told me to hurry back, while it was a good start for everyone going back inside without noticing. Daemon looked back at Kathy conquering up a portal to the infinity dimension then she was gone. I hid his body under neath the light earth beneath me for safe viewing from harm. I lean down swirling my hand over the spot causing the earth to form his human body figure slowly rising out in front of me...
He was nicely dressed like every dead body I guess.

With one visibility touch I lifted his body towards the white lake of life and slowly placed him into it and watched the most beautiful part of the lake lightens even more brighter and stronger for the blessings too recornation down with his decomposing.
Ight, Ight. Hold up! The chick that you was fucking with turned into a freaking vampire?
God! What the fuck!! Triton sinked his body in a bean bag with the half bottle of henny gathered with all the dudes in the game room for that meeting. So what suppose we do? You gon go to this party? Mane asked. Joshua over heard the word party while him and Dominick was so into a game.
Ion know. I know one thing this bitch plays too many games and if she's up to something considering she has the home girl causing damages together then it wouldn't be a surprise if they showed up at the school. Man I wasn't counting on saving alot of innocence at this party if she tries to start some shit. Daemon said. And she knows about Morgan oh shit. Just another one of those madness cat fight huh ha HAAAAA!!!. Triton it's not the time, Chris got annoyed.
Nigga ya bettea make the time cause woman nowadays go crazy over a damn simple dude which is ridiculous but hell I can't talk eithea. I can already see this situation hea isn't gonna go well bruh.
Jace sigh his breath. She's not going so that's one thing I'm not worrying about. We gon go but be prepared if these bitches leads us into a death trap where the party folks are full of blood suckers.

Aye, what party tho!! Joshua you can come I'll pick you up, damn!. Jace finally got him to shut up as Chris Chuckles. So now most likely these two chicks gonna be attending at the school house.
Well...what can ya say your gonna be expecting a lot of bullshit from these two. Daemon walked off. We haven't heard from Bryson all day yesterday.
We gon leave him out of this one, say Triton.
Better to leave him out from more trouble..
Triton assisted on driving us to school and pulled in the drive way hella crazy which almost killed three people after he'd blown the horn. Ha-Haaaaa. He laughed as well all got out the car. Nigga how the hell did you get your license or do you even have one?. Daemon says towards picking on Triton amaturity personality with a teenage figure 🤣. You don't need a license when you're not from this world, Triton eyes glowed green.
Morgan handed him her toat bag and the attention went on Morgan from others givin strange looks, supposely she's dead or did she fake her death like a sick bitch and just kept going with their mumbling.
She kiss Daemon and from her left you can see the two twins walking by giving them stank looks and was surprised to have thought the bitch was alive.
Damn, y'all so sad! Yes Morgan is okay dayum MOVE ON PEOPLE DAYUM!!
Katherine's voice shouted mad annoyed
Nothing here to see we're normal just like you, carry on now!! Triton says.

Triton you might as well register yourself into the system if you think you can handle it, Chris mention.
Man I can handle this shit I've played the high school roll for years what's newer than stubborn mudafuckas, fucking in gyms and pain in the ass fucking teachers including some good ass weed.
Daemon smirked. You wildin.

March parade I see. Chris always spotting upcoming events and shit that's why he's my favorite baby brother❣. It was on saint Patrick's day said Morgan. Well you know what time it is Mrs. Dale's gon have all our asses packed down for new dancing routines watch and see. Katherine refers to Morgan slowly down as they made it in the cafeteria room. Two chicks came up to us at Morgan.

Isn't it a surprise or a failed miracle to see you all of a sudden pop up. It was too black long hair pretty sassy chick who were softmores I believed acting like two long dumb dicks were jammed up their asses- ugh now is not the time to drag a bad bitch down.

I Katherine got annoyed fast and told them to fucking get the hell outta here. Then one of the girls left starring at me like she was gon pop off- bitch I wish she would've I promise you I want mind showing a complete fool outta you bitches. Daemon grab my hand and like a true boyfriend he excused myself from that senseless bull shit by walking away. Katherine didn't hesitate to shove her shoulder passing by the one who was staring, as Christopher and Triton went towards the breakfast line.
Daaamn. These youngsters don't know what their gonna get themselves into. Triton laughed about it. I just don't understand I mean already we're being watched out by the head leader of the school and both my brother and sister hasn't fully have their anger on control.
Chris reach for a tray after seeing Triton go in piling his plate of oatmeal and strawberries once a student beside him, started to usually notice another look alike.
Not only that look who's in town- tehhe that girlfriend of his gonna be ten times more worster. Mrs. Dale wanted to talk to Morgan about what had to mysterious unbelievable of her surviving the injuries and was deeply sorry about her family.

It was touching to know she cared I mean why wouldn't she- she basically would say she raised Morgan to become a great dancer like herself❣. Daemon stood by the door frame when students began to come in through him. Dale pushed Morgan up to being the head dancing coach with this other dancer named Darren Phillip's and thought after all that she's been through Morg deserves the opportunity to get that chance. Daemon smirked with a hmp" till suddenly his attention caught Kaneva standing in the middle hallway dressed in black, looking all murderously in the face with a smile as motion of human bodies passes by then she vanished.
He looked back at Morgan for a good moment to go after her when it was a good time seeing Morgan and Mrs. Dale walk inside her small office room.
He found her in the empty gymnasium in center floor.
You know poppin up everywhere is gonna get yourself fucked up. Replies Daemon. I wouldn't be surprised.
I'm just doing the part to fit in I don't think that's a crime?.
No but doing sneaky shit is.
She zoomed up against him wrapping her arms around his waist but he quickly moved them off of him.
I don't buy it. What honestly did you come for huh? He grip her throat as his eyes changed red. She laughs.
You don't get it do you, she struggle a bit as the pressure got tighter. Get what? Like always everything has to be a game to you! He threw her towards the floor. Just be there at my house like I said and we'll talk..I explain all that you need to know and nobody has to die instantly.
She got back up.

I still have feelings for you Daemon Kingsley even if you still hide behind the fact of who I was it doesn't matter because it's not like you any different either..
The party will be located over in spring valley you'll know when you find it on the google map or use that briany little brother of yours for help and see you then. She walked out the gym. Okay I'm still stuck on the idea you having the house all to yourself like...that's a big responsibility Bryson.
Moe I can handle it-it's fine my cousin and gramps did it for a good reason to have a fresh start on my own. Yeah while your still in high school but I understand.
Zachary met up shouting across the highway in front of Ryan's restaurant, waving his arm dramatically caused me and Moe to laugh at his goofiness. We ate about an hour and kinda felt bad that I didn't even eat as much like I said I needed to but still me and my friends, two best friends have the best times together giggling and bringing up memories.

It was getting a bit dark and my phone automatically vibrated a call from Christopher Kingsley.
Is everything good? Asked Zac.
Yeah whatsup? I answer.

Sorry to call. Chris stashed wooden sharp small stakes in the side of his boots,Katherine gathered vervain bombs in her little purse pouch and Triton was over by Christopher's room window.
It's fine Chris actually I'm glad you did. Do you know any thing about a wild party that's about to happen?
All three of them look at each other like damn he's good of knowing.
That's what we're calling you about.
Look, this Kaneva girl is really up to no good. I had a vision that every person there were body guards as in 52 vampires that's been here for over generations.

The house is like a blood bar that belonged to Kade over centuries so you guys please be careful and try to keep every student there alive. Good thing you called. Triton mumbles. Yeah, we're not taking any chances so more vervain bombs included. Triton smirked and Daemon walked into the room with his cell phone, handing it out like some one was on speaker and so it was Joshua. Joshua wondering if him Dom was still goin to that party. Katherine instantly said no for the sake of their lives and safety.

Maaan are you serious??
(Joshua's voice over the speaker)
Yes I'm serious boy!
Stay ya tall asses home!. Christopher laughed a little by the way kat said it.
Daemon hunged up the phone pressing the end button.
Where's Morgan? She asked putting her poutch over her shoulder and Triton will grab the vervain grenade bag off the bed going out towards the room. She's sleepin in my room tonight, she gon stay hea. She ain't goin I'm not risking Kiearra trying to start some slick shit with her.

At least that part we want have to worry about tonight. A forty-five minute drive to Spring Valley- I CALL SHOT GUN!! Man alot of folks were crowded like almost close enough becoming a Ultra Festival and what huge fucking huge mansion this was...damn!.
Chris sensed more vamps than they thought as we walked through everyone partying,drinking and naked like a naked orgy all the way up to the house where Keiarra was above the padio. She called herself having two seem to be bodyguards standing on each side as looking down seeing her special guests arrived and walked off with the bodyguard following her every move.

Okay. Remind me not to break Character, said Triton softly to Katherine. Oh trust me you and me both honey boo boo child. How lovely to see every last one of you including a handsome blonde hottie to the group...nice.
Starting with Daemon you wanted to know the reasons why more to the story I came back so follow me in a much quieter setting, while the rest of you either can enjoy the party or try not to get killed. This shouldn't take long.
As much as I wanna show my ass right now I'm not sure about where this is going. Triton guess following up behind Daemon was gonna be easy till he got stopped by the guards from taking another step.

Hey, get ya hand off me dude- Triton just walk it off less problem the better. Said Jace and Chris. They took the conversation to the living room with liquor refreshments on center tables and a great motive for Daemon to say she looked great in her black dress in the lighting of the room.
Where's that bitch Aaliyah? He asked before fixing a shot of crown. That bitch Aaliyah is out of town and want be back till later tomorrow night.
She's visiting her family unlike me. Anyway, I'm here for these two special reasons from an unspeakable person and the job has to be done and order for me to get my freedom.
What freedom are you talking about- I wanna hear this one! Daemon fixed another glass then fixed her one after taking his shot.
I don't have any other way to put this to you but..I have a daughter whose in foster care as up today.
Wait stop!. what, you was pregnant? Who's the father?
Oh that's right you don't know. Okay you stop with the smart ass mouth Daemon how about its you.
I sorta agree on that statement because that night I didn't give a fuck babe I shot a full load of nut in ya damn ass so I know, so unless you've been fucking more niggas than you can keep up which is damn obvious.
Now that's bullshit right thea I want allow and you know how the fuck I play the role being pissed off right?
She rolled her eyes at him.
Hmmm...a daughter huh? Daemon couldn't get over it like was this really true...
So we'll get back to that part later now what damn job you tryna pull off to win her back? He was half drunk in the voice when he start asking. Kaneva placed her glass down on the table calmly.

This isn't gonna hurt me as much as this is gonna hurt all of you and this is the truth.
Oh pleeeease Kaneva all you is-is a big book of manipulation.

Oh so that's my new meaning Daemon? Bitch ya been that when you used me like shit on a fucking tissue.
And for that I'm sorry.

Apology not accepted".
I know Bryson Monroe should've died when Kade killed'em which is an odd coincidence the Doppelganger happens to be hoping around town alive..
With a cleaver spell like that no wonder why the man's gifted to send away Kade is so extraordinary. What are you talking about dude we killed that bastard the night I was so happy to see his ass get drag back to hell, with the extra gasoline shouting in guilt. Daemon hogged the last few drops from the bottle.

The spell didn't kill Kade. Actually he's alive and where is he? He's back in the infinity dimension raising his on hell ain't that some shocking shit". I don't believe you.
Go ahead don't. But I suggest you at least try to stay alive for the sake of your daughter. I know that means a lot. Yeah well not by the strength of you trying to betray me against my family-fuck that I will stop you and everyone else you bitches bring to the party

You want a show? I'll bring a full season finale. Try me you bad enough Kaneva.
And you want even hold the ass whooping where Katherine comes in.
Christopher sonar's hearing was eavesdropping every last word was said while Katherine and Jace stood behind talking and Triton was on his six fruit punch drink on his way over to them.
Sooner Daemon Bryson has to die to stop the cycle of the Keontries doppelgangers. And if you three Kingsley's wanna take the hard way out then there's no other option.
This nigga wanna end the Keontries Doppelganger trait just because he wanna be the only one with the power to rule?
NIGGA, THE WORLD DOESNT REVOLVE AROUND YOU!! Daemon shouts more angry than his face turned red.
And you know your lost cause.. I kill you right now and we blow up this entire shit hole you call a palace before you give me the address to my so call daughter's home and we'll just laugh about it.
Hmp. She shakes her head with a smirk.
The glass cup that Kaneva had she threw it at Daemon but he ended up catching it before she then tries swinging her leg towards his head, Which she missed it and he shoved her over the soffa on top gripping her throat. PIPE DOWN!! Before I snap ya ass.
Daemon's body went flying in the air to the floor by Evas kicking from the back. Quickly in speed she stood up from the other side of the couch while Daemon as well. Like I said you all are doomed. I'll be the judge of that.
He took a flower vase beside him zooming at Kanvea head as it shattered towards the floor along with her and he got the hell outta there.
The two bodyguards got fired by his fire balls and all of them hit the road.
Yo what the hell happen?? Triton kept asking as he got in on the passenger seat. Jace was like damn what a rush that was and Chris took a deep breath and told everything he heard. Kade was alive too Daemon having a unspoken child that was in a foster home that gave every one in the car the huh????

And the confused what??? She out to kill every last one of us because of this muda fucka Kade. This is about to get real messy FUCK!!
Bryson isn't safe anywhere but with us..
Katherine drove the car and kept quite by thinking and looking back at Daemon on this child thing and the main topic about Kade probably was a lie.
We got this okay.
If this is true, were gonna have to fight hard to save this world because he's gonna conquer up as many demons as he can..
No fucking way..
No fucking way.(smh)
Kade raising hell back home and we gotta own it back..own it back.

The Kingsley's 🎭💫 Ending Of Season 1.
Season: 2 Coming Soon🎭

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