It All Started With A DM....

By Paulablazing

129K 17.3K 2.9K

Dancing to the tunes of trendy life, the only daughter of multi millionaire: Benita Modupe, tries to create t... More

Chapter 1 πŸ’œ
Chapter 2πŸ’—
Chapter 3πŸ’š
Chapter 4 πŸ’œ
Chapter 5πŸ’•
Chapter 6πŸ’˜
Chapter 7 πŸ’ž
Chapter 8 πŸ’š
Chapter 9 πŸ’œ
Chapter 10 πŸ’š
Chapter 11 πŸ’ž
Chapter 12 πŸ’‹
Chapter 13 πŸ’™
Chapter 14 πŸ’Ÿ
Chapter 15 πŸ’™
Chapter 16 πŸ‘„
Chapter 17 πŸ’˜
Chapter 18 πŸ’“
Chapter 19πŸ’œ
Chapter 20 πŸ’“
Chapter 21 πŸ’š
Chapter 22 πŸ’–
Chapter 23 😘
Chapter 24 ☺
Chapter 25 πŸ’…
Chapter 26 πŸ’Ÿ
Chapter 27 ❀
Chapter 28πŸ’•πŸ’•
Chapter 29πŸ’œ
Chapter 30πŸ’–
Chapter 31 😜
Chapter 32πŸ’–
Chapter 33πŸ˜‡
Chapter 34 πŸ‘Ύ
Chapter 35 πŸ‘’πŸ‘’
Chapter 36 πŸ‘—πŸŽˆ
Chapter 38❄
Chapter 39 πŸ˜‰
Chapter 40 πŸ’™
Chapter 41 πŸ‘…
Chapter 42 πŸ’…
Chapter 43 😊
Chapter 44 πŸ”¨
Chapter 45 😊
Chapter 46 πŸ’™
Chapter 47 πŸ˜‡
Chapter 48πŸƒ
Chapter 49πŸ˜‡
Chapter 50 πŸ™Ž
Chapter 51 😽
Chapter 52 πŸ’š
Chapter 53 πŸ’ƒ
Chapter 54 πŸ‘ 
Chapter 55πŸ”«πŸšΆπŸ’£
Chapter 56 🚬
Chapter 57 πŸ”‰
Chapter 58 πŸ’–
Chapter 59 πŸ’™
Chapter 60 πŸ’―
Chapter 61 πŸ’ƒ
Chapter 62 β›²
Chapter 63πŸ’›
Chapter 64 😌
Chapter 65 πŸŽ‰
Chapter 66πŸ†πŸ†
Chapter 67 πŸ’”
Chapter 68 😒
Chapter 69 😐
Chapter 70 πŸ’™
Chapter 71πŸŽ‰
Extra 😌

Chapter 37πŸŒ—β„

1.6K 223 4
By Paulablazing

Victor as Dotun 🐶🐶
What do you think? 💜🎈🎂


My elder brother Dotun would be home soon. Finally somebody else to hang out with.

Fisayo called me again and begged me to come and spend some time with him or he'll come over to my place. I was so not ready to see him or spend time with him even after I told myself I had forgiven him.
He left me with no choice!
The first time he tried strangling me, the other time threw a stapler at me.

My dad got back home some hours ago, it felt like years I had last seen him.

"baby mi, look how changed you are " my dad said as he opened his arm for an hug.
I let myself sink in my dad's grey tailored suit.
I loved his Cologne, it was different from the regular ones.

" do you like your car? " he asked as I helped him with his suitcase, my mom wasn't back yet. I was just with Mercy who got herself busy in the kitchen.

" I love it dad, thank you sir.. Ese sir " I said happily.


" Mi casa Lu casa " Dotun yelled as he walked in with a bag.

I was helping Mercy clean the table. I had decided to start helping Mercy do the chores, I would prove to everybody that I wasn't a
Spoilt Little brat.

" heyyy biggyy " I squealed as I went over to hug him.

" and besides, it's mi casa, su casa... Su not Lu " I corrected as I gave him a light punch on chest.
He held my arm and brought me to his chest.

" stop it na, I'm your sister not your side chick"
I said laughing before I finally hugged him.
He pushed me off gently "I'm also your elder brother not your boyfriend, don't hug me"

I missed him bad.
I followed him to his room eager to spend the whole day with him.
My dad had gone to see a friend, mom wasn't around Tife was in school and Mercy had gone to the market.

I spent all afternoon with my brother, in the evening, I decided to go take a shower and when I was done, I realised Tife was back as I could hear him talking excitedly with Dotun.

I hurriedly slipped on Fisayo's big shirt and a short and walked over to meet my brothers.

"Hey sis" Tife greeted.

"baby "

He frowned and I laughed.
My elder brother paid no attention to me as he was watching something on his phone.
I walked towards the bed and made to see his phone, I wanted to know what he was watching but he turned his phone to the other side.

" if I had known you'll be around, I would have just jejely gone to Ikorodu with Ben instead of coming home " he cried

I slapped his arm playfully as he smiled and put his phone away.
I sat down beside him studying his hair.
" I don't think mom would like your dread" I said.

"mumcy complains about everything so I won't be surprised " he said slapping my hand off his hair.

" What's that on your face? " he asked.

" what? "

" There's a mark on your jaw... See na "

" oh, it's nothing" I said dryly. He did not see it earlier on because I was on my make up but after taking a shower my face became natural and the mark was obvious there.

My brother held my chin trying to study my face. I tried pushing him off but he wouldn't let me go.
He playfully bent my hand down so I wouldn't drag with him and I was glad we were playing now and he wasn't bothering to know how I got the mark there.

"I'll give you another mark I swear, you don't have respect " he teased tightening his grip on me.

" one mark from Fisayo another from big bro " Tife said innocently. Immediately he said that he quickly covered his mouth to take back what he said.

" I don't understand " Dotun said letting go of my chin.

" Nothing " Tife mumbled.

" hey, go and take off your uniform na " I said harshly.
He stood up to leave but Dotun stopped him.

" come here, what do you mean one from Fisayo " my elder brother asked with a serious face.
Tife looked up at me fright all over his face.

" talk now or I'll slap you" Dotun threatened.

"big Dotun , just let him go, it's nothing " I begged.

" Boluwatife" Dotun growled.

"okay fine fine, it was Fisayo, I don't really know what happened but I overheard her friends talking about the time he threw something at her " Tife finally revealed.

I sighed in annoyance and wanted to walk away.

" come back jhor, where are you going to? " he asked laughing.
That was strange! He wasn't angry....


Three days later, Fisayo called me.
He probably wanted me to come see him as usual and I was going to tell him what I have been telling him..." Fisayo, I'm quite busy "!

It was around 12pm he called me and I told him what I had planned on telling him.

He called again around 2 and told me if I wasn't going to come to his place or if I wouldn't agree to go out on a date with him he'll come to my house and I didn't want that at all.

3pm, he called.
I'd have to block his number, he was frustrating me.

Jubril the gateman came to tell me there was someone looking for me.

I wasn't expecting anyone and I was so sure it was Fisayo.

I went out and it wasn't Fisayo... It was his sister. She was with his car.

"wow, sister Toyin good afternoon ... I really wasn't expecting you " I said trying to smile.
She smiled back "good afternoon dear, actually Fisayo asked me to come pick you"

I expected this.
I should have known, I should have just told Jubril to tell her I was busy or something.

"you can't say no sweetheart, it'll break his heart, he needs to see you " she said half pleading.
Well, this was it. I couldn't keep on running from him forever.

" okay um, you'll have to come in. I'll need to change to something else " I answered.

" no, no, you're fine this way"

I knew I couldn't go out like this, Sister Toyin or not.
I begged her again and she finally agreed to let me change but said she'll wait in the car.
I hurriedly ran into the house, changed to something better, grabbed my phone and told Mercy to cover for me.

I got in the car and watching sister Toyin drive reminded me so much of Fisayo. The resemblance was clear.
She dropped me off at a friend of Fisayo and I thanked the older lady.

I knocked on the door and Richard, Fisayo's friend welcomed me in.

"wow angel, it's been a while... I can't even remember the last time I saw you " he said with a smile.

I smiled back at him" Yeah, it's quite a while, good afternoon though ".

Fisayo came out from a room and Richard smartly excused himself.
He looked miserable, he looked like he had not had a good rest for the past weeks.
His face was bruised and he had an exact mark on his jaw like the one I had.

" Fisayo, what happened to you " I asked feeling so bad to have left him. This was probably what his sister meant by he needs me.
He let out a small smile " I miss you "

" Yeah baby, I missed you too, but tell me what 's wrong? "

" I just couldn't bear the fact that you were avoiding me, I really wanted to see you and I knew you wouldn't want to see me that was why I begged my sister to help in talking to you "

He looked so lost and pathetic, I started feeling bad already.
I came closer to him and held his muscular frame close, I used my thumb to gently brush through his face.

" did you get into an accident or what? " I asked softly.

He shook his head.

" what happened? " I asked softly trying to make him talk to me. I shouldn't have left him this way.

" I deserved it "

" Sorry?"

"yess, I deserve worse.. I shouldn't have done that to you " he said raising his voice which made me shift back.
What if he hit me again?

He grabbed my shoulder and I considered yelling for help but the pain in his eyes made me change my mind.

" your brother did this to me, he did this yesterday.. I'm not angry, I wasn't angry and I didn't fight back, I shouldn't have thrown anything at you and I'm happy your brother gave me this mark here as my punishment "

Dotun did this.... Dotun gave him a mark on the face at the exact part I had mine just that his was bigger.

He shouldn't have done that. His over protectiveness was just absurd.

" I'm sorry, Fisayo, I'm sorry okay... I'll talk to my brother about it " I begged.
His eyes were blood shot and it was terrifying.

" don't.. Please, I deserve, I promise I'll never hit you again but please don't talk to your brother about this " he said.

I wasn't going to let him talk me out of it. I'll so confront my brother.
" it's not like I'm going to fight him or something, I just want to...

"shut up, you're not going to talk to him about it " he yelled.

I flinched back in fear.
Something was definitely wrong with him, he had to see a doctor .
He noticed my fear and immediately his eyes softened as he moved forward to hold me but I refused.

I didn't want to be scared of my boyfriend in that way, it just didn't make sense.
I loved him but I still didn't want to get hurt, he tried hurting me twice and I didn't want there to be a third time. I couldn't risk it.

"I'll see you soon... Take care, I.. I um love you " I mumbled so unsure of myself. With that I quickly ran outside, I heard him calling after me. Looking back he was even coming after me but I was fast and was able to stop a bike to take me home.

Getting home, I angrily marched to my brother's room.

" bro, what was that all about " he was with his phone and he looked up at me.

" what was what all about? "

" you beat up Fisayo " I yelled.

" no I didn't" he answered.
"guy I go call you back, abeg"

After he dropped his phone, he added
"I wouldn't bring myself so low to do that " he said in annoyance.

" you didn't? " I asked

" why would I? "

" your boyfriend accused me of beating him? Na wa oh, I don suffer " he said laughing.

I felt guilty as I sat on his bed.

" I'm sorry for accusing you, I just thought.. I mean he said you beat him... I'm sorry " I begged looking up at him.
He smiled then came closer to squeeze my shoulder.

" I didn't beat him up, I wouldn't do such na, I'm bigger than that, I just paid my hommies to go and teach him a lesson for hurting my baby sister " he said with pride.

I pulled myself away from him.

" what are you saying? It's still the same thing, why would you do such " I yelled.

" till you stop dating guys with problem.. I would do it again to any guy that touches you again " he yelled back.
I was glad my parents weren't home.

"you can't keep doing that... you're are a tout" I yelled harshly.
He smiled at me.

"I'm a thug.. Thugger life babe ". He said making signs with his fingers

He was just so disgusting but I couldn't stay mad at him for long. He was my elder brother after all.

I went to my room to think over it, it made my heart melt that my brother was trying to protect me but at the same time I didn't want this to happen again.
My brother was just a stubborn person and I remembered my mom had threatened to disown him about a hundred times, he wasn't as almost perfect as our eldest brother Williams.
I even suspected he was a cultist but I couldn't be sure.

Back to Fisayo, he yelled at me.
He was becoming terrifying day by day and I didn't like it.
He called several times after I left the house, I switched off my phone because he just wouldn't stop calling.

I didn't know why I was feeling confused but I was just feeling confused and I really didn't like it.
I buried my head in my pillow expecting to cry but I didn't.


Our driver called that he couldn't find Tife in school after searching for him for close to 40 minutes, my mom almost ran mad.

"why would the school security let Tife out of the school? " my mom asked for the hundredth time.
I was panicking but I couldn't let it show because that would only freak my mom out.

Dotun already left to go and check the school himself saying
" Tife might probably be chilling in one of the classes with his niggas, he's not a small boy"

But that didn't make the matter better one bit.

Dad had gone back so he wasn't home.
Dotun made mom promise to stay home and not freak out assuring us that Tife might come back home on his own.

I was with my mom listening to her sob saying Tife is just a baby, Tife is just this. Tife is just that....

Two hours passed there was no sign of Tife.
My mom couldn't hold it, she drove to the school and made me stay home.
Calls were made by my mom to different people, the police said nothing could be done till after 24 hours when he would be declared missing.

My dad from wherever he was made just a simple call to the police, money got involved and they were already involved in the search for Tife.

I called my friends and 'enemies' and asked if by chance they had seen my brother but everyone said no.
My mom came back home with Dotun, she was crying bad now, her face was swollen and I noticed my brother's eyes were red.
He kept on rubbing my mom's palm assuring her that Tife would be fine.

It was 9pm when my mom received a phone call.
I knew it was good news when her face lit up in joy but when she said "hospital" her face twisted in fright.
The word hospital reminded me of 'bloody Fisayo' and I quickly pushed it away.

"I'll be there soon, thank you, thank you " my mom cried as she dropped her phone and practically jumped up looking for her car keys.
Dotun found it for her and held onto it, it was a nice idea, he'd drive her there, I couldn't imagine her driving in her messed up state.

"can I come along?" I asked.
My brother nodded and I quickly ran with them to the car.

On getting to the hospital, the nurses showed us to a ward where Tife was placed.
My mom cries filled the room as she held him in her arms, he was awake and I was glad.
I could hear Dotun telling my dad on phone that we had found him.

My mom tried asking my baby brother questions but all that came out were cries and cries. She thought she had lost him.

"Tife, are you okay? " Dotun asked gently touching his bandaged head.
Tife smiled and nodded.

" what happened? " I asked.
He wanted to talk but he looked weak so I waved him off. " you'll tell me tomorrow "

My mom was still crying all over, Dotun was getting upset already.
" mom, you're causing a scene already " he grumbled.

We wanted to pay for Tife's treatment but the beautiful nurse informed us that somebody already paid for it.

" who? " Dotun asked.

" the same person who brought him here paid the bills. He claimed your brother was involved in an accident. He happened to be a witness and decided to bring him here to the hospital " the nurse explained.

" ohh, okay thank you and I must say, you're very beautiful " my brother said making an attempt to flirt.

" thank you "the nurse blushed as she surprisingly stretched out her hand to shake my brother.

My mom was unaware of what was going on but I stood there watching the unprofessional nurse who was falling for my brother's trap.

We got Tife to his feet as he stubbornly refused Dotun from carrying him. I picked his school bag for him.

" are you sure you're okay? " my mom asked again.

" Yes, I am " he replied forcing a smile, he knew he had a lot of explanation to do so the best thing to do for now is to smile since he has the chance.

" chee! Bad boy " Dotun said tapping Tife's head gently before remembering he shouldn't have done that.

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