Love Is Flower Like

By NotDeadYet16

565K 15.4K 2.8K

Meadow Black is quiet, blunt, and protective of those closest to her. Nonsense isn't in her vocabulary. All h... More

Before you begin. . .
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39

Chapter 12

15.9K 466 69
By NotDeadYet16

Edited 05/30/21

Meadow sat in Paul's car with her knees facing the passenger side door and her head against the window. She ignored the moments when her head banged against the window with a low thud due to the bumpiness of the road. The car was silent as Paul drove them somewhere to grab a bite to eat. Meadow had been against getting food because she just ate a bowl of soup, but even she couldn't hide the incessant rumbling of her stomach. She was still hungry. She glanced at Paul when the car stopped and caught his eye. He smiled and gestured for her to follow him out of the car.

She looked at the building in front of them and noticed that it was The Lodge, a restaurant she had been dragged to on more than one occasion to celebrate with her dad and Charlie. Paul opened the door to the restaurant for her, so she stepped through the door first. They were seated across from each other, meaning it would be hard for Meadow to avoid eye contact with him. When they ordered their food and the waiter left them to talk, Paul grabbed her hands in his, causing her to look at him.

"Tell me about yourself," he said.

"What?" Meadow asked.

"Tell me about yourself: what are your likes, your dislikes, your hobbies. Those sorts of things," he elaborated.

"Um...I don't.....I mean....."

"How about I go first, then?"

Meadow nodded her head and listened to him list his favorite and least-liked things. She used his example as a template for her own response.

"I like the forest and going to bonfires. I hate cold things and taking orders, but you gotta do what you gotta do. For hobbies, well, I usually just hang out with Sam and Jared," Paul listed. He looked at her expectedly and motioned for her to answer.

"I like reading and....sweet things."

"Like candy?" Paul interrupted. He gave her a sheepish smile when he realized what he did.

"Chocolate and ice cream," Meadow corrected him.

"And your dislikes?"

"Being lied to, people who mess with my brother and his friends."

"You're really defensive when it comes to Jacob," Paul observed cautiously. Meadow shrugged her shoulders and looked away from Paul as the waiter placed their drinks on the table and informed them their food would be right out. She took a sip of Sprite before she said anything else.

"For hobbies, I like to, well, read and go to the beach," she finished.

"I see you at the beach all the time," he said absentmindedly. Meadow rose an eyebrow and watched as he started to backtrack when he noticed the things his words insinuated. She stopped him when he continued to ramble.

"I forgot to mention that I also don't like rambling," she said. He let out a nervous chuckle and frowned afterwards. He sighed and scrubbed the back of his head, mussing up the hair at the back of his head.

"I guess I didn't leave the best impression at Sue's diner, then," he said.

"Not really," Meadow said bluntly. His frown deepened. She felt like she should say something after that but hesitated. Picking at her nails, she said nervously, "But you weren't that bad."

He perked up after that. With his confidence back, he joked, "You sure about that? You came at me, Sam, and Jared the day after that."

Meadow scowled but smiled at the memory. She giggled at the memory of the startled looks they had had on their faces when she had stormed up to them.

"I'm not sure, but I think it was a misunderstanding," Meadow said.

"You think?" Paul said, using playful incredulity.

"I haven't figured it out yet, but I'm still missing something," she said with her brows scrunched together. She relaxed when she felt his hand on top of hers. She looked into his deep brown eyes and let his words wash over her, cleansing her of her frustration.

"Hey, you'll figure it out soon."

Meadow pulled her hand out from under his when the waiter showed up with their food. Swiftly, she started eating her fries, only to burn her tongue. She made a face and continued to eat the fry. When she swallowed it, she took a swig of her pop. The waiter apologized and warned them about the warmth the food held before he left. She pouted as she realized their date would take longer than she wanted it to.

"I'm sure the food will cool down soon," Paul said to reassure her.

"I'm just worried about Jake...." she trailed off, thinking about the condition her little brother was in the last time she saw him.

"Billy and Sam are taking care of him," Paul said.

"That's what I'm worried about," she said. She chewed on her bottom lip as she debated with herself on whether she should mention what she heard earlier or not. He was Sam's close friend, which meant that he was more likely to tell Sam than to keep it a secret. But he was her only friend, and she didn't know who to go to. For once, she wanted to confide in someone.

"What's wrong?" Paul asked as he sensed her hesitancy. When she didn't answer him, he grasped her hand in his and said, "Please tell me."

She sighed. She stared at their conjoined hands before she squeezed his and said, "I.....overheard some things my dad said while he was on the phone."

Paul tensed and said, "Like what?"


"You can tell me, Meadow," Paul said while looking sincerely in her eyes. Seeing nothing but truth in his eyes, she told him.

"Well, he said Jake was sick and that he was next to...shift?" she said uncertainty. She still couldn't make out what her dad had meant, but it didn't sound good. She worried for Jake. Opposite her, Paul was quiet. She noticed it and wondered what he could know. She was about to question him when he said, "If it was anything bad, I'd let you know, Meadow."

Satisfied with his response, she started eating her food before it got cold. They ate in silence for a bit, which made Meadow happy. She hated eating and talking at the same time because she felt pressured to eat quickly.

"I've been wondering for some time now..." Paul said out of nowhere, shocking Meadow out of her mind. She looked at him questioningly and urged him to continue.

" big your crush on me was," he concluded with a cheeky smile. Meadow blushed but scowled to hide it. She did not want to keep the conversation going if that was what he wondered about. She wasn't ready to tell him about her weirdly persistent crush, especially since she had yet to figure out what was going on with her brother and her dad.

"Next inquiry," she said with haste. He laughed at her expense and leaned forward, setting his arms on the table and pushing his face closer to hers. She leaned back in her chair, though she couldn't get far because her chair was pushed in as far as it could go, and the table was so small. She gulped as his face drew closer to hers until they were a breath away.

"If you answer yes to this next question, can I kiss you?"

She barely heard his voice over her beating heart. Her breathing came out rugged and short, causing her to feel light-headed. In a trance, Meadow nodded her head. Paul tsked and said, "I need a verbal answer, Meadow."

"Yes," she said. She always wondered what it would be like to kiss someone, to feel someone else's lips on hers. She would take the chance. If his next question required a 'no', then she could sigh in relief and would survive another day of Paul's shenanigans. If his next question required a 'yes', then she would finally get to kiss someone. She waited for him to ask her the next question, but all she got was a smirk. And then he leaned in.

Her eyes widened and her mouth refused to move in shock. He was kissing her. Meadow felt the softness of lips caress hers in a sweet kiss that made her head spin. His mouth probed her to move, to reciprocate the kiss, but she was paralyzed. Paul placed one last, chaste kiss on her lips before he pulled away with a shit-eating grin. He watched as emotions flit across her eyes.

Gaining her voice, Meadow asked, "What happened to the question?"

She sounded breathy and surprised. She practically yelled the question.

"I already asked the question," he said. Meadow thought back and realized that he did, in fact, ask her a question. He had tricked her.

"You," she said before she closed her mouth, opened it, and closed it again. Paul continued eating, never losing the wide smile on his face. Meadow sat leaning against the back of her chair. A blush was covering her cheeks and she refused to look at Paul. She couldn't get the feel of his lips out of her mind. It was an intoxicating feeling. And she wanted to experience it again. Paul tried to make light conversation, but Meadow was still dazed from the kiss earlier. Paul sighed and wondered if she would behave that way every time they kissed. He briefly wondered what she would do if he asked her to be his girlfriend. About five minutes after the event, Meadow snapped out of her daydreaming and started eating again. When Paul suggested they go to the movies afterwards, she declined. She didn't think she could handle being near him for much longer. So, he drove her back home.

Meadow's hand stilled on the door handle as a loud howl rang throughout the air. It was so close and so powerful it shook the car. She was scared, but she was also concerned. The howl sounded full of pain and sorrow. She almost felt for the wild creature. Worriedly, she glanced at Paul to see what he would do, but he continued to sit in the car. So, she decided for herself that she was going to get out of the car and go into the house where it would be safer. The car door opened, and her foot touched the pavement, but she was stopped from getting out.

"Get off of me," Meadow said in a quiet voice laced with malice and warning. He didn't listen to her and kept his hand secured around her wrist. He pulled her back in the car and slammed the door shut.

"Don't," he warned seriously. She snatched her wrist from him and opened the car door again. She stepped out before he could repeat his previous actions and said, "Here's another dislike: I hate when people play tug of war with me without my permission."

She slammed the door and ran into the house. The noise of the front door slamming shut alerted her dad, who was looking out the living room window. He turned abruptly and narrowed his eyes imperceptibly.

"What are doing home so soon, Meadow?" he asked.

"I decided I didn't want to go to the movies," she said shortly. "What are you looking at?"

"Nothing," he said as he closed the curtain and barricaded it with his body. Meadow placed a hand on her hip and popped her hip out. She raised an eyebrow and stared him down.

"I respect you because of who you are, but you of all people know I hate liars," she said.

"I'm aware."

"Then, why do you keep lying to me?" she asked him hotly.

"We've had this conversation before, Meadow. There are things you don't need to know, yet."

"You keep saying that, but all I hear is bullshit coming out of your mouth!" she yelled.

"Enough, Meadow!" Billy yelled back sternly. "I will not have you disrespect like some child. Now, go to your room."

"You won't have me disrespect you like some child, but you'll treat me like one. Makes total sense," she bit back.

"I said, 'Go to your room'!"

Meadow swiveled on her heels and stalked to her room. She placed a hand on her doorknob before she changed her mind and pivoted so she faced Jacob's room. She opened it, expecting to see her younger brother asleep, but the sight that met her alarmed her. The covers were thrown across the room and the bed was empty. She rushed to the living room and yelled out, "Where is Jake?"

Startled, her dad turned in his chair and said, "I had Sam take him to Sue's."

"Was it that bad?" she asked worriedly. Just then, the door slammed open, and Jake walked in with Sam and Paul in tow. All three of them were in a pair of jean shorts. She dashed to his side and enveloped him in a hug. She pulled back with a frown.

"You're still running a fever," she observed. "Maybe you should put some warmer clothes on."

"I'm fine, MeMe," Jake said easily. But Meadow could detect the hard edge in his voice.

"I think you should go and lay down," she said softly. He brushed her off and headed to the kitchen, causing her shoulders to sag and her head to lower. She muttered under her breath and took off towards her room. A hand on her shoulder stopped her.

"What?" she raised her voice.

She thought it was Paul, who was notorious for stopping her actions, but it wasn't. It was Sam.

"We need to know what you know," he said.

"What are you talking about?" she asked with narrowed eyes. She moved her eyes to sweep over Paul and noticed how rigid he was. He avoided eye contact, looking anywhere but at her. Her mouth popped open, and her eyes accused him as she realized he told Sam. Her mouth set into a hard line, and she refrained from shouting at him.

"You told," she accused him.

"I had no choice," he said sorrowfully. "I would never betray you like that Meadow."

"You're lying," she said as tears welled in her eyes. "You're a liar."


"I should have known," she spat out. "You've continuously lied to me since the diner."

"Meadow, please. Let me explain," he strained out. He reached a hand out towards her, trying to grab her and pull her into his arms, but she stepped back out of his reach.

"You're not my friend anymore, Paul," she said menacingly. "And if you ever try to kiss me again, you'll regret it."

She hid herself away in her room. Distantly, she heard the men arguing in the living room before she closed herself off from the world. She knew she wasn't ready. She couldn't trust anyone, it seemed, except for herself. And now Jake was shrugging her off like she meant nothing. It hurt. This is what I get for showing myself, for caring, she thought.


Ouch. Can we all agree to beat Sam up? There are a few things i always disagreed with when it came to Sam's decisions. You'll probably figure them out as the story progresses.

I won't be able to update for the next week or so because I have a lot going on right now with school. I have three exams coming up, many things to schedule (which means I'll be on the phone for forever 😒 ), and my Thanksgiving Break is next week (And I'll be working the entire time 😔 ). But! I will be updating as soon as I get back from break (December 1st). After that, I won't be updating until after my finals (so like the week of December 16th).

Thanks for sticking with me and for understanding! Stay Awesome!

Don't forget to the chapter and comment what you think.

♡ Stay Awesome ^u^ ♡

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