A/B/O || Jinkook

By Krydolf_tha_kin

414K 29.7K 11.2K

"Maybe a miracle happens and I wake up as a beta like the others?" Jungkook finally presents as an alpha and... More

1. A bothersome feeling
2. Mr. 8 to the rescue
3. An unexpected change
4. Pure heaven
5. Adjusting
6. Nightly appointments
7. Picture from the past
8. Awkward interactions
9. Family meeting
11. Lost control
12. Family meeting nr. 2
13. Why are you here?
14. Hot
15. The solution
16. Let the training begin
17. Touchy feely
18. Planting ideas
19. Stepping up the difficulty
20. The laundry incident
21. Hate
22. Heartbroken
23. Not meant for each other
24. Unintentional stage four?
25. Give it to me
26. Strange behaviors
27. Family meeting nr. 3
28. Join me
29. Willpower of an anime protagonist
30. Heat
31. Take off my pants, bro
32. Trust
33. Mysterious package
34. A helping hand
35. Stuck
36. A painful sight to see
37. All or nothing
38. I love you
39. My boyfriend
40. This is what a real family does
41. Game Over
42. Life goes on
43. Betrayal
44. The mistake
45. The reason
46. I don't need you
47. Family meeting nr. 4
48. Again
49. Moving on
50. Getting things sorted
51. One more step
52. There's no way
53. Let me go
54. In solitude
55. Clingy
56. Give me your... attention
57. Time out
58. Back from the depths
59. Midnight adventure
60. Omega and Alpha

10. A discovery

8.7K 654 101
By Krydolf_tha_kin

Even several days later I'm still pondering over why Seokjin would be using a scent blocker. I did some research (which gave me some weird search history) and found out that it's not any kind of scent blocker either. It the strongest kind available. That's why it removed my scent almost completely from just lightly using it once. 

But it makes no sense! Seokjin is a beta and shouldn't have a scent at all! Why is he using a scent blocker? Either he's lying about being a beta, or... I don't even want to think about it... He could be seeing someone and be using the soap to get rid of their scent so that others (like me) won't notice. But that doesn't make much sense either. The scent I felt from him was definitely that of an omega and he hadn't left the house all day. He couldn't have seen someone. 

This is driving me nuts! Should I just ask him about it? No, he'll think I'm being nosy. Perhaps there's some other way to find out? Like perhaps if I got really close to him before he showers, or maybe if I... i-if I... so that the smell gets stronger... FUCK! I can't even think it! Too embarrassing. 

With no real plan in mind I make my way towards Seokjin and Yoongi's bedroom. Just sitting around doing nothing makes me anxious. I'm about to open the door when I suddenly remember the addition to rule number six: Knock before you enter. I knock gently on the door and hear Seokjin's voice from the other side telling me to come inside. 

Seokjin is lying on his bed watching something on his phone. To my relief Yoongi isn't here. He's probably out on a job again. 

"Did you want something?" Seokjin asks without looking up from his phone.

"Just wanted to hang out I guess. I'm a bit bored."

He hums and pats the spot next to him on the bed for me to come lie down. He rolls over to his side and I make myself comfortable behind him. I see now that he's watching an action movie on his phone and I scooch a little closer to better see what's going on. It's not the first time I'm chilling with him on his bed like this, and we're all pretty open with skinship, so I gently place my hand on his thigh and he doesn't seem to care. 

"What are you watching?" I ask.

"Avengers," he answers and the conversation ends there because he's too into the movie. 

The movie is alright, but I can't really focus on it. I want to find out about the smell. I'm close enough to be able to tell that he smells like the soap, but I want to know if there's something hiding underneath. 

I have a plan, but it might end up with him hating me. I need to take it slow so that I can abort the mission if needed. 

With careful movements I start gently rubbing his thigh with my hand. He doesn't tell me to stop or anything so I keep doing it for a while. Eventually I get bored doing it and move a tiny bit closer to the inside of his leg, but still making sure to keep it innocent. He shuffles a little, but doesn't complain, still keeping his eyes solely on the screen. I feel a little more adventurous and slide my hand to his lower stomach, making small circles on top of his shirt. Slower than a snail I start travelling downwards with my hand. 

It takes several minutes before I even reach the border between innocent touches and not-so-innocent touches and Seokjin either doesn't notice it at all, or he doesn't mind. He just stares at the movie playing on the screen- Hold up. His phone is lying unattended on the bed. The movie must've ended already. 

I take a moment to assess the situation and I realize that I've been so focused on what I'm doing that he could've just been lying there not saying anything basically the entire time. Is he waiting for me to stop? Does he like it? Why isn't he doing anything? I can't see his face from here so maybe he fell asleep without me noticing?

"Hyung," I whisper.


OK, he's awake for sure. There's not a hint of sleepiness in his voice. That almost startled me a bit. Did I mess everything up by speaking to him? I hope not. 

"Just wanted to see if you were awake," I say quietly and he just hums in response without moving as much as an inch. 

I don't dare to move anymore. He's clearly awake, so he must be aware of what I'm trying to do here. But if he's not telling me to stop then maybe he doesn't mind? But what if he's just scared to tell me off? No... if Seokjin disliked what I'm doing he wouldn't think twice before yelling at me or slapping me in the face. That's just how he is. Then... is it alright for me to continue? I get the feeling it's best if I ask first, but I doubt he'd say yes if I asked if I can touch his dick. Whatever. I'll take my chances of being slapped. It's now or never. 

I prepare myself for some kind of reaction as I place my hand right on top of his crotch, but there's nothing. He stays as still as before without a word. My heart is beating like crazy and I'm nervous as fuck. I have my hand on his dick. I'm actually touching Seokjin's dick! 

But I feel like I'm missing something here. It drives me crazy that he's not doing anything at all. What if he thinks I'm molesting him and is actually too scared to do something about it? I can't do this unless I get his approval. It's not right. I'm so nervous I could shit myself, but I need to form some kind of sentence.

"Um, is it OK with you if I... do this?" 

My voice is so incredibly small because of my nerves and the tension in the room, but Seokjin definitely heard me nonetheless. I hear him take in a small breath before quietly humming in approval and nodding his head. It's a very vague answer to a very vague question, but I'll take it. 

With the most gentle movements possible I start feeling him through his pants and can quickly conclude that he's not hard, although to be fair I haven't actually done anything yet. Unlike me he probably doesn't get turned on by the smallest things. 

I feel around a little and get a pretty good idea of how he's shaped down there. He tucks it to the right in his underwear. I don't know why, but that information really gets to me. In an attempt to keep quiet I press my forehead against his shoulder blade while biting my lip. I'm definitely getting more out of this than he is and I feel kind of bad. It's as if I'm using him. 

None of us make a sound as I gently keep rubbing against his crotch with my hand. I have a strong feeling he doesn't like it and just goes along with it for the time being just to please me or something. He must think I'm a desperate loser because he's not turned on at all, but me on the other hand... I can feel my member stiffening in my pants with every passing second. I make sure to keep my hips away from him in hopes of him not noticing. 

I can't believe this is actually happening though. Even if he's just doing it to be kind, Seokjin is letting me touch him. I've seen him turn down countless people who wanted to date him or spend the night with him, and yet he's letting me do this to him. Is it because we're close to each other? Because he trusts me? I've never actually heard of Seokjin being with anyone. He's a fun guy, but most of the time he keeps to himself. Clearly there are a lot of things I don't know about him.

But damn, this is frustrating. Why won't he get hard? I feel like I'm about to be fully erect and he's still soft as a noodle. I know alphas get boners more easily, but this is just laughable. Am I that bad at pleasing others? Sure, I've never done this on anyone before, but at least I've done it on myself practically every day. It shouldn't feel awful for him. Do I need to do it harder? Maybe he doesn't like it done so gently?

I try pressing a little harder, but even after about a full minute nothing has changed. Is he just waiting for me to give up at this point? It'd be so incredibly awkward if I just got up and left though. Can't he touch me instead then? Fuck, I'd love that. Even better would be if he'd let me have sex with him. A wave of pleasure runs through my body just from the thought of fucking him. Yes, I want to fuck him. I want to just press him down on the mattress and slam into him.  

Just as I get lost in thought Seokjin lets out a short breath and I feel him stiffening underneath my hand. I stop for a moment, but there's no mistaking it. He's starting to harden. It's as if he could tell what I was thinking just now. 

Actually... maybe he could in a way. Back when he got the delivery from that strange man he said I'd rubbed my smell all over him. Of course it could've just been an assumption, but I doubt that. He's been able to tell how I've been feeling several times without me saying something or even looking at him. If Seokjin is an omega he should be able to feel my scent and therefore be able to read my mood. If that's the case he knows how turned on I am right now, and if he's an omega he'll react to me whether he wants to or not. It's in their nature. I should test my theory... 

I purposefully let my mind run wild with dirty things I want to do with him, and it makes my body heat up even more. I pick up the pace with my hand a little bit too, and both things combined makes him fully erect almost immediately. I was right. He reacts to me. 

There's something bothering me though. After feeling almost the entirety of his dick I can say for sure that it's impossible for Seokjin to be an omega. A male omega wouldn't have balls since they can't reproduce that way, but I can tell that he obviously does have them. There are so many things telling me that he's an omega, but there are also things telling me he isn't. He doesn't have the typical body of an omega either. He's well built with broad shoulder and a decent amount of muscles. So what's the truth? What is he? Does it even matter? I get a strong urge to rip off his clothes and get a good look of him to try and make sure, but I manage to contain myself. 

It's tricky to grasp him through the pants when he's hard and I unconsciously move my hand in underneath the waistband of his underwear, but quickly stop myself when he tenses up. 

"...If it's alright with you of course," I say and he relaxes a little and eventually nods after giving it some thought.

I close my eyes to prepare myself, but I almost groan with lust as soon as I feel him skin to skin. I waste no time wrapping my hand around him and running my hand repeatedly up and down along his length. At this point he can't stay completely quiet anymore. He bites back a few moans and it makes me tighten my grip a little to hopefully let me hear his sounds in their full glory. He struggles to keep them back and it annoys me. I pick up the pace, but he puts his hand over his mouth to block them out completely. 

"Hyung, let me hear," I whisper in his ear and he shudders from the sound of my voice. 

He still doesn't move his hand away though, so I need to use more drastic measures. With one quite forceful movement I pull him closer to me so that out bodies are flushed together. I can tell he's focusing on my hard-on that's poking his butt because he gasps and nervously moves around a bit.

"Hyung," I whisper again. "Let me hear what I'm doing to you. I want to hear your voice."

He whines behind his hand and shakes his head.

"Why not?"

"B-because it's embarrassing," he says quickly before covering his mouth again. 

He's a lot more fidgety now that there's no space between us and he squirms around as if he wants to get away from me, but at the same time wants me to continue. He can't keep his ass still for the life of him and when he rubs against me like that I'm having a hard time controlling myself. I let go of his dick in order to press on his lower stomach so that he doesn't move. It ends up making my boner slide in between his legs and he lets out a long moan as he feels my length against his ass. His lewd sound makes me lose touch with reality for a second, but I come back when he whines and anxiously rubs his legs together. 

"Jungkook, you shouldn't do that," he says. "It's not gonna end well."

"Shouldn't do what?" I ask. 

"Put your cock against my ass like that. You're an alpha, a young one at that. It's only been about two weeks since you presented. We should stop this before-"

He suddenly shudders and curls up on the bed with what to me sounds like a pained whimper. He stays like that and I start to worry if something's wrong. To be fair there are many things wrong with this whole thing we're doing, but maybe he's hurt in some way. He only takes shallow breaths and I begin to actually panic a bit. 

"Jin-hyung, are you alright?" I ask and move my hand up to his shoulder. "What's wrong? Are you in pain? Can I help?"

He shakes his head and his breathing deepens again. He relaxes a little, but he's still very tense.

"I'm sorry, JK. I might have to knock you out," he says, way too seriously for my liking.

"K-knock me out? Why?"

He doesn't answer and instead just turns his body to look at me for the first time since I came in here. Instead of his rich brown eyes that I'm used to they now have tiny speckles of blue in them, a clear contrast to the rest. Blue, just like an omega. He looks apologetic.

Half a second later I get why. The smell of his slick hits me like a fucking truck. I actually lose my breath and when I get it back it only makes it worse when I breathe it in again. I already know I won't be able to hold back. He was right about having to knock me down, I just hope he does it before I do something we'll both regret. 

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