Book 1: New Revelations

By CherryNoddles

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"Mom? Dad? Y-You're..." Hearing their daughter's voice, Marinette and Adrien's heads snapped up in shock, una... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Happy Birthday!!!
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Merry Christmas!!!
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32

Chapter 14

299 5 1
By CherryNoddles

Hey guys, Cheryl here. Welcome to Chapter 14 of Book 1: New Revelations! Chat Blanc is out!!! It is AWESOME you guys!!! You have gotta watch it! Though some of you might be disappointed. Ik I was, a little. No spoilers though!😉 Go watch it yourselves!  Now, without further ado, enjoy.


Alan's POV

Next Sunday night

Tonight was the night that Ladybug and Chat Noir were going to reveal themselves to the world. Tonight was the night that I would reveal myself to the world as the new Chat Noir. The savior of Paris.

I paced around my room. Alyssa had already gone with Mom and Dad to the Louvre. I came up with some lame excuse about wanting to watch it from home. Mom was a little suspicious of me, but let it slide. I wasn't exactly the best liar. 

I had a feeling that Chat Noir, aka Adrien Agreste, would want to talk to me before I head over to the Louvre. He must have some sort of instructions for me. I mean, if I just walk there, Mom, Dad and Alyssa are going to see me for sure. Then, they would have a thousand and one questions for me and the entire reveal will be a mess.

And I was right. 

A few moments later, a knock came from my bedroom window. I rushed to open it and in came Chat Noir. Chat Noir grinned at me and asked, "How are you Alan? Ready for the big announcement?" I shrugged. I wasn't really. But I couldn't tell Chat Noir that. He smiled at me and put his hand on my shoulder. He looked at me with kind eyes, understanding flashing in them. Chat Noir reassured me, "Hey. It's ok not to be ready. Being Chat Noir is a huge thing. The important thing is to face it. Not run away." 

I nodded and smiled at Chat Noir. Oddly enough, he was a really calming influence. Chat Noir winked at me and sat on my desk chair, then said, "Alright then. Time to get down to business. Ladybug and I have decided to reveal ourselves at twelve midnight sharp. After that, Tikki, that's Ladybug's kwami by the way, and Plagg will fly to you and the new Ladybug with the miraculouses. After you transform, come back out and we'll introduce you to the world. Got it?" I nodded again.

Chat Noir smiled and stood up. "Great! By the way, to transform all you need to say is  'Plagg, claws out.'. It's that simple. Now, ready to go?" I looked at Chat Noir, confused. "Go where?" I asked. He chuckled and replied, "Your parents and sister is heading to the Louvre right now right?" I nodded. "Then let's get you to the Louvre." 

Before I could respond, Chat Noir wrapped his arm around me and extended his baton. We leaped out into the open night sky, me trying not to scream and clinging onto Chat Noir for dear life, Chat Noir laughing and whooping as we jumped from roof to roof.

After a while of screaming and whooping, we landed on the top of the Louvre. Chat Noir slid down the slanted wall and stopped at a window. He opened it up and dropped me inside, then came in after me. Looking around, I realised we were in the Ancient Egypt section of the Louvre. Chat Noir closed the window and hopped down, landing beside me.

He smiled at me and said, "The new Ladybug will be in the Ancient Greece section, along with the old Ladybug. You have your phone with you?" I took it out of my back pocket and showed it to Chat Noir. He nodded, satisfied, and continued, "Good. Turn on the notifications for news. You're going to need that in the future. Use that to watch the live footage of the Louvre. When Ladybug and I detransform, Tikki and Plagg should appear maybe ten seconds later. Wear the miraculous, say the transformation words and come right back out. Plagg will explain everything to you."

I nodded and quickly did everything that Chat Noir told me to. He smiled once more and said, "You're going to do great tonight Alan. I just know it." I smiled weakly. I was super nervous now, for some reason. But I pushed it down and watched as Chat Noir extended his baton, pushing open the window. He looked back at me and said with a wink, "Oh, and feel free to use my nicknames." With that, he bounded away, leaving me by myself. 

Emma's POV

Tonight was the night that Mom and Dad were going to reveal themselves to the world. Tonight was the night that I would reveal myself to the world as the new Ladybug. The new savior of Paris. 

"Emma! Are you ready?" Mom called up the stairs. "Coming Mom!" I hollered down the stairs. I brushed my hair one last time and checked myself out in the mirror. I decided I looked pretty ok and quickly tied my hair into its usual low ponytail, then rushed down the stairs into the living room, where Mom, Dad, Tikki, Plagg, Hugo and Louis were waiting for me. "I'm ready!" I exclaimed, running over to Mom and Dad and skidding to a stop just in front of them.

Mom smiled at me and said, "Tikki, spots on." while Dad said, "Plagg, claws out." A red and green light engulfed the room, forcing Hugo, Louis and me to shield our eyes. Ladybug and Chat Noir appeared in Mom and Dad's places. But there was something different about their costumes. Ladybug and Chat Noir still had their masks on, but their full body suit was gone.

Ladybug was wearing a bright red tight-fitting dress that flowed all the way down to her ankles with black spots all over it, like a Ladybug. Chat Noir was wearing a black suit with a green tie. I raised my eyebrows at them and asked, "Why are you wearing that? And how did you get into that?" Ladybug smiled and said, "The miraculous comes with its very own formal costume that is related to that particular miraculous. You know, for public appearances and stuff. This also allows the miraculous holder to be transformed longer."

Chat Noir turned to Hugo and Louis and instructed, "Hugo, Louis, stay here and watch us on television, ok? We'll be back soon." They nodded and got seated on the couch, making themselves as comfortable as possible. Ladybug smiled at me and asked, "Are you ready Emma?" I nodded. I wasn't really. But I couldn't tell Ladybug that. She smiled at me and put her hand on my shoulder. She looked at me with kind eyes, understanding flashing in them. Ladybug reassured me, "Hey. It's ok not to be ready. Being Ladybug is a huge thing. The important thing is to face it. Not run away."

I nodded and smiled at Ladybug. Chat Noir turned to me and said, "Alright then. Time to get down to business. Ladybug and I have decided to reveal ourselves at twelve midnight sharp. After that, Tikki and Plagg will fly to you and the new Chat Noir with the miraculouses. After you transform, come back out and we'll introduce you to the world. Got it?" I nodded again.

Ladybug wrapped her arm around me and we lifted off into the sky. I whooped with joy as Ladybug ran in the direction of the Louvre, Chat Noir right behind her. I loved the feeling of the wind in my hair, the adrenaline pumping through my veins, the lights of the city flashing right beneath me. I had a feeling choosing to be Ladybug is going to be the best decision I will ever make. Ladybug landed on the top of the Louvre, Chat Noir beside her. 

Ladybug turned to Chat Noir and asked, "You already talked to the new Chat Noir, right?" He nodded and replied, "Yup. I'll see you in the lobby, ok M'lady?" Ladybug nodded and Chat Noir slid down the back of the Louvre, walking in through a back door and disappearing out of sight. Ladybug slid down the slanted wall and stopped at a window. She opened it up and dropped me inside, then came in after me. Looking around, I realised we were in the Ancient Greece section of the Louvre. Ladybug closed the window and hopped down, landing beside me.

She smiled at me and said, "The new Chat Noir will be in the Ancient Egypt section. You have your phone with you?" I took it out of my back pocket and showed it to Ladybug. She nodded, satisfied, and continued, "Good. Turn on the notifications for news. You're going to need that in the future. Use that to watch the live footage of the Louvre. When Chat Noir and I detransform, Tikki and Plagg should appear maybe ten seconds later. Wear the miraculous, say the transformation words and come right back out. Tikki will explain everything to you."

I nodded and quickly did everything that Ladybug told me to. She smiled once more and said, "You're going to do great tonight Emma. I just know it." I nodded and sat down on the floor, looking at my phone. I had to admit, I was a bit nervous. But I was more excited. I could feel the adrenaline rushing through my veins. I couldn't wait to get this show on the road. Ladybug swung her yo-yo and swung away, leaving me by myself.

Marinette's POV

I joined Chat Noir in the lobby, who was casually sliding down the stair handle. I crossed my arms and rolled my eyes, then asked, "What are you doing?" Chat Noir flipped off the end of the handle and landed in front of me. He smiled and replied with a wink, "We're going to give up our miraculous soon, M'lady. I want to make use of all the awesome powers that I have while it lasts." I smiled and said, "I'm sure Alan will have a good enough time with them for the both of you. Now come on."

We walked out of the Louvre's doors, only to be greeted by a lot of flashing lights and microphones pushed in our faces. Chat Noir and I smiled at them and we walked to the podium that the tv news crew had set up for us. The flashing soon stopped and I could clearly see all the people that had come. Right in the front row was Alya and Nino. I smiled to myself. I knew that they would definitely want to be here tonight. Beside them was Alyssa, Emma's best friend. Emma would like that.

I tapped the microphone and the talking died down. Everyone was eager to hear what we had to say. I cleared my throat and said, "Dear people of Paris, Chat Noir and I have been protecting you for more than two decades. You have placed your trust in us time and time again to save you, even though you have no clue who we are. I thank you for that."

I paused for a while. I could see Alya gripping Nino's arm tightly in anticipation with one hand, the other hand holding her phone to record everything. Nino trying to remove his wife's hand from her arm, grimacing in pain from time to time. Alyssa looking at Chat Noir and I with an open mouth. Manon talking to the camera, glancing back at Chat Noir and me from time to time. The rest of the people gathered here on the edges of their seats, leaning forward in anticipation. 

The Conciergerie clock struck twelve and I took a deep breath. The moment of truth had finally come. I said into the microphone, "Tikki, spots off." Chat Noir followed my lead and said, "Plagg, claws in." I could feel everyone's eyes on us as a bright red and green light enveloped us. When the light finally faded, I was transformed back into Marinette. Beside me, in Chat Noir's place was Adrien. A moment of shocked silence settled over the Louvre. Alya and Nino were staring at Adrien and me with wide eyes and open mouths. 

Alya seemed to recover from her shock first. Her phone dropped out of her hand and Nino rushed down to catch it and continue filming for his wife. Alya stood up and took a few shaky steps towards me. She asked, her voice wavering, "Marinette? Is that really you? You're Ladybug?" I nodded and smiled at her warmly. 

Alya's shocked face slowly turned to happiness. She threw her arms around me and exclaimed, "Marinette! You're Ladybug! This is crazy girl!" I laughed with joy and hugged Alya back. It felt so good to finally let my best friend know my deepest secret. Nino sprang out of his seat and went over to Adrien, patting him on the back. Everyone else were crowded around the podium, trying to ask Adrien and me questions. Manon was in the background, reporting everything for the rest of Paris to watch. 

I spotted Tikki and Plagg out of the corner of my eye. Tikki holding my earrings, Plagg holding Adrien's ring. I gave them a slight nod and watched as they sped off in the direction of the Louvre. I glanced at Adrien and saw that he, too, had seen Tikki and Plagg fly off. Our eyes met and he smiled and nodded.

Time to show the world the new Ladybug and Chat Noir.

Emma's POV

"This is unbelievable, people of Paris! Ladybug and Chat Noir have just revealed themselves and they turned out to be Marinette and Adrien Agreste, famous fashion idols!" Manon reported, a shocked expression on her face. I couldn't blame them. I could hardly believe it when I first found out. 

I was watching the everything that had happened on my phone. I could see Mrs Lahiffe in the background, hugging Mom. Mr Lahiffe was patting Adrien on the back, exchanging a few words and smiles while his unoccupied hand was holding Mrs Lahiffe's phone, trying to film everything that was happening. The audience's reaction, Mrs Lahiffe hugging Mom, Mom and Dad standing there.

Soon, Mrs Lahiffe pulled away from Mom and took her phone back from Mr Lahiffe and started talking to her phone. Probably a commentary for the Ladyblog. Mrs Lahiffe walked over to stand beside Mom, holding her phone in front of her to film Mom too. Mr Lahiffe stood by Adrien, giving is best friend a sideways hug. 

Mom tapped the microphone once more and everyone fell silent. She cleared her throat and began, "People of Paris, I know this is a lot to take in. But it is true. I, Marinette Agreste, is Ladybug. And Adrien Agreste is Chat Noir." There was a slight murmur among the crowd of people. Dad smiled at them and continued, "Now there is a slight problem. As you all know, Hawkmoth hasn't been defeated yet, and Marinette and I apologise for that. But since everyone knows our identities, including Hawkmoth, he can use that to try to get our miraculouses." More murmuring could be heard.

"Adrien and I have come up with a plan to keep the secret identities of Ladybug and Chat Noir secret once again." Mom replied with a mysterious smile. Just as she said this, Tikki popped up in front of me, Mom's earrings in hand. I smiled at the kwami, anticipation and excitement filling up inside of me. 

Time to show the world the new Ladybug and Chat Noir.

"Tikki, spots on!"

Alan's POV

"This is unbelievable, people of Paris! Ladybug and Chat Noir have just revealed themselves and they turned out to be Marinette and Adrien Agreste, famous fashion idols!" Manon reported, a shocked expression on her face. My mouth was hanging open. So Emma's parents are Ladybug and Chat Noir?! That's crazy!

I was watching the everything that had happened on my phone. I could see Mom in the background, hugging Mrs Agreste. Dad was patting Mr Agreste on the back, exchanging a few words and smiles while his unoccupied hand was holding Mom's phone, trying to film everything that was happening. The audience's reaction, Mom hugging Mrs Agreste, Mr and Mrs Agreste standing there.

Soon, Mom pulled away from Mrs Agreste and took her phone back from Dad then started talking to her phone. Probably a commentary for the Ladyblog. Mom walked over to stand beside Mrs Agreste, holding her phone in front of her to film Aunty Marinette too. Dad stood by Mr Agreste, giving his best friend a sideways hug.

Mrs Agreste tapped the microphone once more and everyone fell silent. She cleared her throat and began, "People of Paris, I know this is a lot to take in. But it is true. I, Marinette Agreste, is Ladybug. And Adrien Agreste is Chat Noir." There was a slight murmur among the crowd of people. Mr Agreste smiled at them and continued, "Now there is a slight problem. As you all know, Hawkmoth hasn't been defeated yet, and Marinette and I apologise for that. But since everyone knows our identities, including Hawkmoth, he can use that to try to get our miraculouses." More murmuring could be heard.

"Adrien and I have come up with a plan to keep the secret identities of Ladybug and Chat Noir secret once again." Mrs Agreste replied with a mysterious smile. Just as she said this, Plagg popped up in front of me, Uncle Adrien's ring in hand. I smiled at the kwami, anticipation and excitement filling up inside of me.

Time to show the world the new Ladybug and Chat Noir.

"Plagg, claws out!"

Marinette's POV

I risked a glance behind me and saw a faint red and green glow. It faded soon after, fast enough so that no one but me had seen it. I looked at Adrien and nodded. Adrien smiled and faced everyone. 

"Introducing the new Ladybug and Chat Noir!"

Emma's POV

A bright light engulfed me and a red latex leather full body suit covered me. When the light faded, I looked at my arms and legs, admiring my new look. Wow. This is crazy! I look exactly like Ladybug! Well, except for my hair.

I grasped my yo-yo in my hand and opened it up, slowly scrolling through the yo-yo's functions. I clicked on a button and found that it was an emergency user's guide. I would have to look at that later. I continued to watch the live feed from outside. The camera was focused on Mom and Dad. Mom nodded at Dad, and he smiled at the audience.

"Introducing the new Ladybug and Chat Noir!"

It's show time!

Alan's POV

A bright light engulfed me and a black latex leather full body suit covered me. When the light faded, I looked at my arms and legs, admiring my new look. Wow. This is crazy! I look exactly like Chat Noir! Well, except for my hair and skin colour and everything.

I grasped my baton in my hand and opened it up, slowly scrolling through the baton's functions. I clicked on a button and found that it was an emergency user's guide. I would have to look at that later. I continued to watch the live feed from outside. The camera was focused on Mr and Mrs Agreste. Mrs Agreste nodded at Mr Agreste, and he smiled at the audience.

"Introducing the new Ladybug and Chat Noir!"

It's show time!

Emma's POV

I swung my yo-yo, like I've seen Ladybug do many times before, and swung out of the Louvre, landing in front of the podium with a soft thud. I straightened slowly and looked to my left. The new Chat Noir was standing beside me, casually leaning on his baton. He retracted it and straightened, swinging his baton around before putting it back on his belt. 

Everything was silent as everyone gawked at the new Chat Noir and I. We weren't any better ourselves. I was studying him and I could tell that he was studying me. Chat Noir looked a little different than Dad. Correction: he looked a lot different than Dad. The new Chat Noir had wavy brown locks and brownish-orange eyes that shined with amusement and curiosity. For some reason, that made me instantly wary of him. He gave of an I-don't-care vibe and I didn't like it. I tried to keep an open mind though. Dad chose him for a reason. 

I stretched out my hand to him and said, "Hey there. I'm Ladybug. Nice to meet you." Chat Noir smiled and shook my hand while saying with a wink, "Chat Noir. Nice to meet you too." Mrs Lahiffe rushed forward and skidded to a stop in front of us. She asked while filming, "You mean you've never met until now?!" I nodded and replied, "Marinette chose me to be the new Ladybug. And I assume Adrien chose him." Chat Noir nodded too.

Mrs Lahiffe's eyes lit up with excitement and she breathed, "So cool! A new Ladybug and Chat Noir to protect Paris from Hawkmoth. This is going to be awesome!" Alyssa stood up and went over to Aunty Alya. She was staring at Chat Noir and me in awe. I smiled. The look on Alyssa's face was priceless. 

Suddenly, cameras started flashing in front of my face and thousands of questions were thrown my way. I shielded my eyes from the bright light and took a step back. I saw Chat Noir do the same. Mom and Dad were screaming into the microphone and waving their hands around, trying to calm everyone.

When everyone finally did, Mom explained, "This is Ladybug and Chat Noir. Adrien and I chose them to replace us. From now on, they will be the ones protecting Paris. I hope you'll place your trust in them, just as you've placed your trust in us all these years." Manon asked, "Ladybug, Chat Noir, why haven't you been able to catch Hawkmoth yet?" Another round of murmurs was heard. A cloud passed over Mom and Dad's faces. I glanced at them worriedly out of the corner of my eye. I had to help them somehow.

"The previous Ladybug and Chat Noir have done their best to keep Paris safe. And I'm sure you can all agree that they've done a fantastic job. But now it's up to us, the new Ladybug and Chat Noir, to finish what they've started. I assure you, we'll do everything we can, and we won't stop until we do stop Hawkmoth and end his evil reign." I said confidently. I could feel Mom's gaze on me, and when I glanced back at her, pride and gratefulness was evident in her eyes. I smiled and turned back to face the audience. It was the least I could do for her.

Chat Noir cleared his throat and said, "Ok everyone. This concludes tonight's reveal. Thank you all for coming tonight! Goodbye and goodnight!" Everyone packed up their stuff and began to leave, still chatting about everything that had went down tonight. Manon was concluding everything that had happened, still talking to the camera. When she finished, the cameraman said, "And... cut! That's it everybody. Good work tonight." 

The tv news crew left, taking the podium along with them. Before she left, Manon shook Mom and Dad's hand, probably thanking them for letting her cover this. Soon, it was just the four of us. Mom, Dad, Chat Noir and me. Mom and Dad went over to us. Mom smiled at me and said, "Ladybug, Chat Noir, Adrien and I are going to go home now. I'm sure you two have a lot to talk about. How about you go on a patrol together? Just to familiarize yourselves with each other. You'll have to do regular patrols every now and then. Until next time then."

With a small wave, Mom and Dad walked off in the direction of the Agreste Mansion. We watched them walk away until they were out of sight. Leaving me and Chat Noir alone. I turned to face my partner.

And then there were two.

Chat Noir smiled at me and said, "So LB, ready to start patrol?" I raised my eyebrows at him and asked, "Oh? Already using nicknames, I see?" Chat Noir shrugged and extended his baton, then replied, "It's shorter than Ladybug, so why not?" He bounded away and I swung after him. Chat Noir landed on the Eiffel Tower and stopped there. I walked over to stand beside him and asked, "What is it?" 

Chat Noir shook his head and looked out over the city. I've never realized this before, but Paris looks beautiful at night, especially from this high up. The city lights shined in the darkness of night. Tiny figures could be seen walking along the streets. He smiled at me and said, "I think we should make this our rendezvous spot. You know, whenever we have patrol, we'll meet up here." What do you think?" "Sure thing." I replied. The Eiffel Tower is one of the tallest structures in Paris. It would be easier to spot danger from all the way up here. 

Chat Noir sighed and sat down. I looked down at him and asked, "What are you doing? We need to start patrol." Chat Noir smiled at me and replied, "Come on LB. Chill. It's been a long night. We can do our patrol another time." I sighed and sat down next to him, dangling my legs over the edge. Admiring the beautiful view together, Chat Noir and I sat in comfortable silence. 

For a while, we just sat there, saying nothing, doing nothing. Then, I remembered who and where I was and stood up. I told Chat Noir, "Hey Chat. We better get going soon. It's getting really late. How about we do this tomorrow? At 5?" Chat Noir nodded and stood up too. Extending his baton, he said with a wink, "See you soon, M'lady."

I watched as Chat Noir bounded off into the night, his suit camouflaging him against the night sky. With a small smile, I swung my yo-yo and started to head home.

Tomorrow is another day.

And I'm going to need all the energy I can get.

Alan's POV

"Plagg, claws in."

I detransformed and laid back onto my bed. I smiled to myself, Plagg floating over my head. He asked, "You ok kid?" I nodded and slipped under the covers. "Just a little tired. A lot happened today. Goodnight Plagg." Plagg floated over and laid down on the pillow next to me. 

I could hear Mom, Dad and Alyssa come back into the house, then Mom opening my door to see if I was asleep. I closed my eyes and tried to drift off to sleep, but I couldn't. My mind was occupied thinking about Ladybug. She looked a lot like the old Ladybug. But I'm sure that's just a coincidence. There are tons of girls out there with blue hair and blue eyes. 

Long blue hair that was tied up in a low ponytail, bright blue eyes, pale skin, freckles, bright smile, confident aura...

She's perfect. 

With that last thought in mind, I slipped into subconsciousness, a smile on my face. 

Plagg's POV

The kid practically collapsed on the bed the moment we got back to his house. He didn't even feed me any Camembert first! Ugh. I'll just have to tell the kid tomorrow. I laid down on the pillow next to him. After a while, Alya came in to check on Alan. She really didn't change that much, neither did Nino, for that matter. Or anyone in Marinette and Adrien's class. 


The sudden talking shocked me. I looked to my right and saw that Alan was still asleep. He must've been talking in his sleep. But that means he's thinking about Ladybug... Why else would he say her name? But why is he thinking about Ladybug? Unless...

It suddenly hit me and I groaned inwardly. Oh no! This kid is just like Adrien! He was a crush on Ladybug! Emma has a crush on someone. I'm pretty sure it's Alan. They are in the same class. Ugh! That's just great! 

They've formed another love square!

Gabriel's POV

"Curses! Ladybug and Chat Noir have chosen a new Ladybug and Chat Noir! I don't know their secret identities! The chances of me getting Ladybug and Chat Noir's miraculouses have decreased tremendously! I'm back to square one! Again!" I roared, clutching the tablet in my tight grip. 

Mayura stepped out of the shadows and put a hand on my shoulder. "Don't worry Hawkmoth. We will get the miraculouses. One day." "But we're getting old Mayura. We won't be able to do this forever. And with a new Ladybug and Chat Noir... they're sure to be stronger than the old Ladybug and Chat Noir." I retorted. 

Mayura smiled at me and replied, "I promised you that I would always help you in your fight against Ladybug and Chat Noir, Hawkmoth. I'm not going to break that promise. Not now, not ever. You can always count on me." I smiled at Mayura. She has been my loyal follower for all these years. No matter how many ups or downs there were, she had never abandoned me. Not once.

I nodded and said, "Yes. You're absolutely right Mayura. The new Ladybug and Chat Noir have absolutely no experience. Some people will definitely be suspicious of their ability to protect Paris. Their negative emotions are bound to be strong enough for me to akumatize them. The downfall of Ladybug and Chat Noir is drawing near. I can almost taste it!" 

(Cue Hawkmoth and Mayura laughing evilly.)

(Cue Hawkmoth choking on a butterfly. :p)


There you have it people! The reveal finally happened!

Hey guys, hope you guys enjoyed Chapter 14 of New Revelations. Sorry this one was a little late guys. 😅 At least it was long though! 😀 I didn't have a lot of inspiration these few days. \( ̄︶ ̄*\)) Good news: school's finally out! I will publish more frequently since I have more time to write. Btw I'm watching this new anime. It's called Assassination Classroom and it's really good. Go watch it. 

The other chapter of this book should be coming out soon, so be on the lookout for them!

Remember to comment, vote and follow me on Wattpad, and I'll see you guys again soon!



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