Flames (A Naruto Fanfic Book...

By PhoenixCaleon

1.5K 100 7

After four years, the time has come to return to Konoha. Wonder if this visit will be better than the last. ... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chater 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43

Chapter 6

39 2 0
By PhoenixCaleon

I stood relaxed as Itachi and Minato took their fighting stances. Minato smirked. "You really don't take us seriously."

I shook my head. "It's not that..." Minato charged from the front while Itachi disappeared. I sensed him attacking from the right but didn't budge. My lack of action took both off guard. When they were within range, I spun, releasing chakra as I went.

They were thrown back and recovered midair. Itachi blew fire at me and was surprised I didn't dodge. As the smoke cleared, he saw why I was surrounded by an orb barrier. This caused him to activate his Sharingan.

Minato activated his Flying Thunder God seal, trying to bypass my barrier. He was unsuccessful as he collided with it. I tilted my head. "Useless." Both stood on the edge, examining it. "Can we end this now?"

Both frowned, and Minato shook his head. "Don't plan on taking the offensive?"

I shook my head. "I don't want to hurt you."

Itachi circled the barrier. "How will you prove that you're the better sensei?"

I shrugged. "I have no desire to do so."

Naruto shouted from the side lines. "So, your training is useless!"

I smirked at him. "Ask my student."

Sasuke huffed. "Well, Hinata?"

She lowered her eyes. "Far from useless, but hard."

Naruto frowned. "Our training was hard too."

Just then, Shisui walked into the training grounds. "What's going on here?"

Naruto crossed his arms. "Chihiro said we aren't ready to be ninja and haven't been trained for the outside."

He looked at the scene thoughtfully. "She's probably right, but why are they fighting?"

Sasuke rolled his eyes. "So, she can prove it."

He laughed. "This will get you nowhere." Minato and Itachi looked at him curiously. "She doesn't fight unnecessarily. She fights to kill, rarely have I seen otherwise. Besides... you won't get past that barrier, even Ryo can't manage that."

Naruto puffed his cheeks. "Then how will we know if we're ready or not."

He shrugged. "Pass your final exams, then fight Hinata. She's already been out there."

Naruto glared at him. "So..."

He shook his head simply. "She's a full-fledged shinobi, with or without a village sigil, just like Chihiro."

Sasuke thought for a moment. "She said everyone except us has taken lives... so Hinata?"

She nodded. "Yes..."

They looked at her surprised and Shisui lowered his gaze. "It couldn't be avoided, much to our dismay."

Naruto looked at her sadly. "Why?"

She met his eyes, serious. "When it's between you, the ones you love, and the enemy... there is no choice."

His eyes widened. "But..."

I lowered my barrier. "That's what it is to be a shinobi. You have to choose which lives to spare and which lives to take."

Naruto scrunched his face in thought. "But why not fight them?"

I tilted my head. "Why do I need to?"

He shrugged. "To test how good you are."

I thought a moment, and the image of Itachi and I collapsing from exhaustion flashed through my mind. "That... is not something I can afford anymore."

Sasuke frowned. "Why not? You're safe here."

I smiled at him sadly. "This is probably the most dangerous place for me to be."

I started walking back toward the village, and Naruto fell in step with me. "What's that mean?"

I gave the trees a cursory glance and threw three shuriken into them. Three shadows flashed in and out of view. "I'm being tracked... even here. A moment of weakness could cost me a lot."

Minato and Itachi exchanged a glance as I looked at Shisui and Hinata. They nodded and headed in that direction. "Let's go. They'll take care of it."

Minato stopped. "What if they're Leaf nin?"

I kept walking. "They won't kill them or harm them. That's their specialty."

He didn't seem satisfied. "What will they do?"

I shrugged. "I don't ask questions. They make sure it's taken care of, that's all I know." He turned in that direction, but I grabbed his sleeve. "They won't hurt them, but dont interfere. It would send the wrong message."

Minato looked back in the direction they went. "They could be in trouble."

I shook my head. "They're not. Minato, you just have to trust me on this one."

He still hesitated, but Hinata and Shisui appeared beside me. Minato's eyes widen. "What did you do?"

Shisui shrugged. "It doesn't matter. They won't remember anyway."

Itachi looked at the three of us. "But you didn't go after them for no reason."

I nodded and then sighed when the village was finally in view. "You're right."

Isamu approached when he saw me. "Lady Chihiro... Lady Hinata... Lord Hyuuga-"

I held up my hand, shaking my head. "We are too old and too long separated from the village for him to think he can summon us. Tell him to choose neutral grounds to meet, or he won't be seeing us at all."

Isamu gave me one nod before walking away, Hinata watched after him. "Wasn't very persistent."

I nodded. "He's not afraid of the reaction he'll get."

She looked at me in understanding. "Does Neji know we're here?"

I shrugged. "He will soon." I looked at Shisui. "You need to go see Mikoto. She's been waiting too long."

He frowned. "Why are you so concerned about when I see my aunt?"

I jumped up to strike him on the head. "You keep her waiting much longer, and she'll see you at your funeral, now go." He pouted but turned towards the compound.

Sasuke seemed like he was lost in his thoughts and finally spoke. "Sooo... when did it happen?"

We all looked at him confused, and I had a feeling of what he meant. "It's not important, Sasuke."

He frowned at me and turned to Hinata. "When did you have to kill?"

Her eyes grew wide. "Which time?"

He raised an eyebrow. "The first time... there were others?"

She tried to avoid the first question. "Once your hands are stained, it's impossible to keep them clean unless you stop being a shinobi."

He tilted his head. "And the first time?" She looked at him for a moment before turning her silver eyes to me. Two years ago....

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