FEAR: Sleep Paralysis

By Drift-Kagun

25 6 12

FEAR your mind... Jacob Moarn suffers from a rare disorder that causes him to experience sleep paralysis when... More

FEAR The Dark

25 6 12
By Drift-Kagun

New Jersey, the location where it all started. A thick shroud of fog covered the night sky. Jacob lie in bed, tossing and turning, struggling to get comfortable. He had two pillows stacked below his head, due to the intolerable feeling he gets with his head lying flat on the bed. In a moment's notice, his eyelids flipped open as they were just closing. He did this ten times for every five minutes he could not rest. Jacob knew that if he did this, it would stifle the hallucination's appearance temporarily. He'd begin to draw weary, falling asleep at the six-minute mark, giving his eyes free will to play around.

He had a nightmare that could not remember upon awakening. He could not move, meaning his body has entered the REM state. This, he wished not to deal with, but his state was irredeemable. Jacob feared for what awaited his attention this night, standing at the door. His eyes turned vigilantly in the direction of it to be greeted with the sight of an unsettling figure, that wore sutures across its face, arms, and legs. It stood on all fours and growled in with the sound of a shriek, and that made him sick to the stomach.

The creature moved swiftly across the room, making it to the ceiling above him. It would then lower itself atop Jacob, and move it's face close. Within the blink of an eye, it had disappeared, for Jacob's sleep paralysis has ended, but started his hallucinations. He mutters, "Why me God?" As tears form a river upon his cheeks. Yet again, he flips his eyes open, then shuts them ten times, before watching those hallucinations vanish.

He heads to bed and ends up being woken up multiple times that night, by a tapping feeling applied to his shoulder. Whenever he was awoken, he noticed that his way of dissipating the visions was working less, until it just stopped completely. Jacob, hyperventilating and panicked,  covered his eyes, letting his breathing slow, but at the same time, he could hear what sounded to be breaths being taken by another person, or thing nearby.

He stopped, pulled his head under his blanket, and looked through his now open door to see a broken doll of a little girl standing there, just staring at him. He attempted yet again to dissipate what looked to be but a hallucination, but with each time he blinked, it got closer before disappearing. A creaking noise echoed in the bathroom, and Jacob slipped under the blankets, to hear the noise again, but louder, and sounds to be in a demanding tone of some sort; like it wanted Jacob to investigate.

Jacob kept begging for it to go, as he lie in the comfort of his bed. The noise only grew louder. "Go away, please, I beg of you!" He'd cry. Then, it stopped. He lifted his head out of his blanket, and it was right there above him, drooling.

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