Frozen Past

By FantasyAmy

7.9K 96 26

From where are Elsa's powers? Who is Iduna? Why isn't she talking much in the movie? Are Elsa, Anna and Rapun... More

Chapter 2
Chapter 2 - 1
Chapter 2 - 2
Chapter 2 - 3
Chapter 2 - 4
Chapter 2 - 5
Chapter 2 - Part 6
Chapter 2 - Part 7
Chapter 2 - Part 8
Chapter 2 - Part 9
Chapter 2 - Part 10
Chapter 2 - Part 11
Chapter 2 - Part 12
Chapter 2 - Part 14
Chapter 2 - Part 15
Chapter 2 - Part 16
Chapter 2 - Part 17
Chapter 2 - Part 18
Chapter 2 - Part 19
Chapter 2 - Part 20
Chapter 2 - Part 21
Chapter 2 - Part 22
Chapter 2 - Part 22.2

Chapter 2 - Part 13

208 3 6
By FantasyAmy


Narrator's P.O.V.

At the dinner

"Tila, will Iduna still come?" Agnarr asked by the fire.
     "She must be here very soon. I'm sure she's coming today to dinner." Tila answered.
     "I hope so." Agnarr said.

      Just when Agnarr wanted to start with eating, Iduna came by running with a smile on her face.
      "Hey, there you are." Agnarr said and smiled too.
      "Yes, and I need to talk with you." She said serious.
      "Oh, me too." Agnarr said surprised.
      "Really? What is it?" Iduna said just as surprised.
      "You first. Mine's not that important." He quickly said. He knew that this was wrong but he was too curious what Iduna might be telling him so he said that.
      "Okay, but I need to show it to you. Otherwise you won't believe." She said and already walked away. Agnarr quickly stood up and followed her.

     They went to the bridge. Iduna then stopped and told Agnarr to look down. He first didn't know what she was trying to say because it was already dark and one could barely see anything.
       But when he looked closer, he saw Lieutenant Matthias coming out of the water. He didn't seem to hurt though, rather as if he was taking a bath right now.
      "What is he doing?" Agnarr asked Iduna.
      "That's what I wanted to ask you. The river comes right from the mountains. I don't have a good feeling about that." Iduna said seriously.
      "I'm sure it's nothing bad. Besides, what could be there why he would go there? Unless my mother would want something, but they would've asked me for sure." Agnarr said naturally.
      "We have some magical places there. Also the caves are very dangerous and sometimes people get lost there for days. When have you last seen him?" Iduna asked.
      "A few days ago. But only because I have spent all the time with you and didn't keep attention to the guards." He said but then realized that this was actually what Iduna hoped for him to say.
     "What could your mother want from there?" Iduna asked further.
     "I don't know. Especially I don't know what there is so I have no idea."
     "Yeah, you're right. It is probably nothing." She sighed. "Besides, what is it that you wanted to tell me?"
     They started to walk back to the fireplace.
      "Oh, uhm, I... you know when I asked you if you could see my castle one day too?"
      "Yeah. Why are you asking?"
      "I... you know, my parents decided to travel back to Arendelle soon." He said and then silently sighed.
      "Soon? Have you tried to ask if you could stay longer?" Iduna asked.
      "Yeah, but you know how they are. Especially my mother." Agnarr looked down with a sad face.
      Iduna wanted to respond but they were both interrupted by a scream.

      "Run!" A Northuldra member ran to the fireplace where all villagers were eating.
      Tila stood up immediately and comforted the man. "What is wrong? What happened? Why are you breathing so hard?" She asked without hesitating, but she was also afraid of what the answer may be, although she had no clue.
     "The rock giants. They woke up and are coming to the village. I tried talking to them but they didn't listen. They are going to destroy everything!" he screamed out of fear, which caused panic.
     Agnarr looked at Iduna, who shrugged her shoulders but at the same time looked really worried and afraid. As if she already experienced something like that.
      "Are you sure? The rock giants are here to protect us; you've heard the legends. They don't want anything bad." Tila tried to calm him down but it was really hard and he just experienced a trauma.
      "Maybe they're angry that we let people like this stay at our island even if they're not allowed to. I'm sure that they have something to do why they're awake." He said and pointed at all the guards from Arendelle.
      The guards looked surprised and angry at the same time. They didn't want to let this sink just like that because they knew it wasn't true.

     The fearful Northuldra member screamed and was ready to attack the Arendelle royals but Tila could stop him in the last second.
      "Woah, what are you doing? If the trolls knew that this could happen, they would have never let them in here." Tila comforted him.
      But he didn't want to listen and got crazy out of his anger.
     Other villagers also stood up and looked angry with the Arendelle people. They didn't look at Agnarr because they knew he was good, but the guards weren't pure.
      The guards took out their swords and were ready to attack, but Agnarr stepped in.
      "Stop it! We didn't come here for war and these people haven't done anything bad." Agnarr said but it seemed as if his parents commanded them to not listen to him.
      "We will protect you, Prince. Go and hide in the ship because this should be done by adults." One of the guards said.
      Iduna also stepped in and tried to calm her folk down.
      "Listen to your true nature. This is not who we are. The spirits will protect us." Tila said.
       The Northuldra folk took a deep breath and lowered the weapons. "Tila is right. This is not who we are. We should never let these outsiders to get into our heads." Alexandra said and moved to the front of the crowd.
      The crowd started talking.
     "She's right."
     "We weren't raised like them."
     "The spirits are there for us. They never disappointed us."

     Just when everyone was calmed down, the rock giants have reached the village and let out a loud scream. Everyone was shocked. Especially the Arendelle people because they didn't even know that something like this could exist.
     "It's a trap!" the guards shouted.
      "It's not!" Tila screamed back because she was afraid she knew what would happen next. She never wanted to experience war.
      The rock giants didn't want to stop and stepped onto everything that was beneath them. They destroyed many tipis and didn't care about it.
      Many Northuldra people noticed that this was not who they were supposed to be after what the legend said. They were sure that the rock giants weren't themselves; there must be something more to the story.
      But they didn't have much time to think about that because the Arendelle people attacked them.
     "No!" Tila screamed and wanted to step in but she jumped back when she was nearly hit with a sword. "Please. We can talk this through. There must be an explanation!"


If you have a question, you can ask in the comments.

I would appreciate any kind of feedback, especially if you have criticism, I'm very open! ⛄️

Because I'm not a native speaker, my English may come off bad and I'm sorry for that. If you noticed any mistakes, please tell me right away so that I can correct them!!

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