The New Master

By animelova2001

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A Black Butler (kuroshitsuji) fanfiction. OC x Ciel Ciel and Sebastian are in the modern world and currently... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 9
Chapter 10

Chapter 8

190 8 1
By animelova2001

        I woke up to the sound of birds chirping...

        "Mmmm..." I groaned. My head was hurting, and my bed felt unusually warmer than usual. I tried to get up, but then I realized that... Ciel was holding me! Suddenly, the events of last night came rushing back into my head bringing a wave of nausea with it. I tried to get out of Ciel's firm hold on me without waking him up. But it was hard with how dizzy I was.

        "Haru?" Ciel asked sleepily. I froze and looked up. There, Ciel was looking at me with his half closed and a sleepy haze over them. Oh God, why did you have to make him look so sexy right now? I thought.

        "Oh... H-hey Ciel... Good morning?" I said awkwardly. I began to blush because his arms were still around me.

        "Wha-What? Morning?" Ciel looked down and he seemed to finally realize the position we were in. "W-w-w-w-whoa!" He backed up so far that he fell out of my bed.

        "A-are you ok?" I hurried to the edge of the bed to see Ciel looking at me with a shocked/scared expression. If you looked close enough, you could see that his cheeks were tinted with a slight shade of pink. Is he blushing?

        "Why was I? Were we? What? Ugh.... Owww...." Ciel raised a hand to his head and began to massage it. I think his memories of last night are coming back. "Oh... I was watching over you and fell asleep..." He said, still rubbing his head.

        "Y-yeah..." I looked away.

        "Your forehead..."


        "Are you okay?" He asked and I nodded.

        "But why 12/14/1885? Why such an old date? Do you know anything about this? Ciel, did anything happen then?" I asked eagerly.

        "..." Ciel stayed quiet. He's hiding something...

        "Ciel..." I warned.

        "December 14... It's my birthday..."


        "On the year 1885... Phantomhive Manor burned down... along with my parents... Or so I thought."

        "What do you mean?" I tried to look up into Ciel's eyes, but his hair was blocking his face.

        "I-it's nothing... You don't need to know right now," He said and he looked up into my eyes. His eyes seemed to be pleading me to stop asking him questions about his past. Maybe his past is a painful one.

        "Then..." I hesitated, pondering whether to ask this question or not. "Will... Will I ever be able to find out what it means?"

        "Maybe... In time, maybe..." He told me. Ciel got up and then left the room.


        "Haru... Haru... HARU!" I snapped out of my trance and looked up at Izzy. She was tutoring me since Ciel "called in sick."

        "Y-yes?" I asked. I was caught day-dreaming about Ciel. I've been doing that a lot lately... and it's always about Ciel...

        "Tomorrow you'll be taking the exam to get into school. So, please, pay attention," Izzy told me.

        "Sorry... there's just been a lot on my mind lately." I touched my forehead, which was now wrapped with a bandage to conceal the date on my forehead.

        "Well... TAKE YOUR MIND OFF OF IT! Although what happened last night is still a mystery... We have a lot to go through right now! You still need to cover fractions!" I covered my ears as Izzy yelled.

        "Yes ma'am. Sorry ma'am," I bowed in my chair.

        "It's fine," She sighed. "Anyways... You cannot divide fractions. What you do instead, is multiply by it's reciprocal."

        "The what?" I asked.

        "Re-sip-ruh-cal," she pronounced. "The common term for this is 'Copy, dot, flip.'"

        "OOOOHH," I said with astonishment.

        "Yes. Now please try to kee-" Izzy was cut off by Sebastian opening the door. Both Izzy and I turned our heads to look at Sebastian. Izzy had an annoyed look plastered on her face. "What is it? We're in an important lesson right now," she snapped.

        "I'm very sorry for the intrusion, but Lady Haru has an..." Sebastian gritted his teeth, "unexpected visitor." I raised my eyebrow in confusion. Who would visit me now? I thought.

        I looked at Izzy to find her sighing in defeat. "Go," she told me. I nodded, knowing full well that she couldn't see my reply. Slowly, I got up from my seat and walked out the door. I sighed in relief. Honestly, all that studying was making me get a headache.

        I walked slowly, distancing myself from Sebastian for some unknown reason. Now that I could take a moment and stare, Sebastian was actually pretty hot. Not my type, but I have to acknoledge how muscular his back looks when he stands up straight. How beautiful his hair is when he walks... Wow, I thought, my hair isn't as pretty as his...

        "Lady Haru," Sebastian turned around and looked at me. I felt myself shiver under his gaze. Could he hear what I was thinking? Maybe he can... He is a demon after all. He smiled. Oh god. He can read minds!

        "Y-yes, Sebastian?" I asked. My voice faltered on Sebastian's name, causing me to say "Seb - chan. I could see his face flash with annoyance. Didn't that guy with a chainsaw -- Grell I think -- call Sebastian Seb - chan or something? If I can recall correctly, Sebastian doesn't like to be called that.

        "The guest is waiting for you in the living room. Please take extreme caution with the guest. He can get quite... disturbing if not weary of him," Sebastian told me and moved aside for me to go into the room. Disturbing?

        Taking Sebastian's warning seriously, I cautiously entered a room to find a gentleman with long auburn hair tied, with red ribbons, into a lose ponytail. The man was looking outside the window. He had a black tailcoat and black pants with black formal shoes. This man looked very rich and formal, so I wouldn't be surprised if he were a foreigner... Bur sadly he was not.

        "And who would I like to thank for this unexpected meeting?" I asked the man. He turned around to reveal those red glasses with it's beady red and black lanyard.

        "Oh Haru! I'm so sorry to have come unexpectedly. But, due to a new assignment, I have to stay here!" Grell gave a toothy smile. I stared at him in shock and disbelief.

        "Sebastian! Get this filth out of my house!" I yelled. How dare he come into my house! I mean, sure, I am grateful for him saving my life (kinda) last time we've met but... I'm pretty sure I've had my fair share of inhuman entities living in my house. First Ciel and Sebastian, then that monster in my dream that, maybe, could have scratched the numbers onto my head, and now Grell? Oh no, I don't think so.

        Almost immediately, Sebastian rushed through the doors and grabbed Grell's arm, twisting it behind him. "Ow! Seby - chan! Why're you doing this?" Grell asked, small tears forming in the corner of his eyes. Sebastian ignored his question and proceeded to take him out of my sight. "Ok! Ok! That hurts! Let me just stay here for the next few weeks, please! I need to do this assignment!"

        "What is this assignment that you keep speaking of?"  I guessed that if he was going to be this persistent,  might as well listen to what he had to say. Sebastian released his grip on Grell. Grell exercised his shoulder before speaking.

        "Well, you see... You know how I'm a grim reaper?"


        "And you know how grim reapers are supposed to collect souls?"

        "Get to the goddamned point."

        "Someone's going to die soon."

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