Moody Hogwarts

By lolagreen26

515 22 3

Rating Fiction Teen What would happen if Hogwarts decided to take a more active roll in the students relation... More

Day 1
Day 2
Day 3, night
Day 4
Day 5

Day 2 Night

80 3 0
By lolagreen26


Harry, still attempting to block out the rest of the world, came to dinner, book in hand. Sitting next to Ginny, he was promptly asked "What's happening in the book?"

"The kids went inside a computer, and are trying to reach their dad on the other side, who has been kidnapped."

Over at the Slytherin table, Pansy was nervously looking around for Draco, hoping she would not have to leave to go get him. Just when she was about to stand up, Draco dragged himself through the hall doors.

Pansy glared at him once he sat down next to her. She had to make sure he understood that last minute was not what she had wanted. Draco glared right back.

Dumbledore stood up.

"Now I see many of you have experienced some of the benefits of Hogwarts current situation. I just want to remind all of you that this does not give you the excuse to make-out in the halls, be late for classes or curfew, or leaving the boundaries of the school. If you look around, you will notice that some of your classmates are missing. Do not worry, Hogwarts has never hurt someone and they always end up back in their assigned dorms on time. Thank you."

"So, what are the latest couples?" Katie Bell piped up.

"I think Marietta and Cho have become closer." Ginny responded, eager to find out more about other people's love lives.

"Yeah, but want to hear something gross?" Cormac McLaggen whispered

"What?" Lavender leaned into Cormac.

"Did you see that Malfoy came in late? His goons sat together real close to each other. And I hear that they have been dating for the last year!"

"That is so ... ewww!!!!!" Lavender squirmed as if someone had put slime in her hands.

"And what exactly is eww about it? The fact that if those two could reproduce the kids would be so dumb they could not breathe? Or the fact they are boys?" Ginny said with a glare.

Lavender had no interest in Ginny's right activism she picked up from Hermione and promptly said in a higher voice "Both!"

"So you think the Twins are 'eww' too?"

"Well yeah! But I have always thought that."

"You are so shallow. You are as bad as a traditional pureblood and their hate of all others. You are as bad as all those abusive, racist, sexist muggles!"

"Ginny!" The Twins said in unison behind their sister.

"Thank you for protecting us."

"But there is no need for you to waste your time spending it on thick heads like her." You knew the Twins were taking a situation seriously when they only switched off at the end of sentences rather than a few words.

"What about Cedric? I saw him wander off with a Slytherin, though I could not tell who." Katie tried to lighten the mood.

"That was Blaise Zabini."Cormac said. "And I agree with Ginny on the sexist thing. It is just so childish. But man, can you imagine what would happen if Crab and Goyle did breed?"

That brought laughs from all who was listening to the girls' gossip.

"And for a change of pace, didn't I see you with Hannah earlier?" Katie pointed the question at Lavender.

"Well you see now."

"Do you mean to say the all mighty Lavender cannot stand gays but is a lesbian herself?" Ginny has a sly evil Slytherin in her.

"Be careful sis,"

"Otherwise you will start to sound-"

"-Like Harry with his-"

"-Slytherin remarks." the twins snickered

"Anyone see Hermione or Ron?" Lavender tried desperately to get the conversation off herself.

** ** **

*Outside the Great Hall*

"Lavender. We need to talk. Please follow me to my dorm." The words came out in one breath and seem rehearsed.

Once in the room, Hanna locked the door and put a silence spell for privacy.

"What are you playing at Lav.? Just before dinner, you were saying I was the piece of the puzzle in your live you had been looking for. Now I hear you made fun of Crab and Goyle not for their looks, but the fact their gay. What does that make us?"

"Hanna, you don't understand."

"You're right I don't understand. I mean even Harry Potter is not so carless as to insult a supposed loved one in front of all of Gryffindor and the school."

"Do you want me to explain, or would you prefer to just rant?"


"My family up holds the pureblood traditions. If they found out that I liked a girl, I would be punished so badly."

"What punishment could out rate dating me?"



"There are a number of things they could pick from. In a pureblood household how the parents' choose to discipline their children cannot be interrupted by the Ministry of Magic."

"I don't think I am following. Like what?"

"They could lock me away from the world, never to be seen in public, or even out of a certain set of rooms. Corporal punishment is popular."

"You can't be serious?"

"I would not put it underneath them."


"I have a lot to straighten out before I can be seen or admit to anyone I am seeing you. I am so sorry, and you will never understand how much. But I can't just risk everything right now. So please bear with me?"

"Of course. But for a start, why not try and lay of the sexist comments. That way you are not encouraging but also not annoying others.

"I can do that."

** ** **

It was pitch black.

"Hermione, are you there?"

"Yeah Ron, I'm here. And you're on my leg."

"Sorry!" After a bit of moving around, torches all along the walls light up. Hermione had hit the floor first and was covered with dust. Her school robe was torn along the left arm and her right leg was twisted from where Ron landed on it. Ron was a little dirty but suffered no injuries. They were both going to have some nice looking bruises later on.

Hermione stood up, limping a little, and examined the room. The roof had to be fifty feet up, the stone wall were scratched with small lines everywhere. There were two doors, both locked. One looked like any other wooden door; the other had many puncture wounds. Looking closer, the holes had a bit of a key shape to them.

"Hey do you get the feeling that we have been here before?" Ron stated with an air of calm. It wasn't like he had just fallen through the floor or anything.

"I don't get the feeling, I know. This was the room with the flying keys our first year."

"What? But how did we end up here?"

"Are you really that thick? We fell, remember?"

"Right, so, how do we get out?"

"We can't. The only way the floor would have opened up is if Hogwarts did it. This means that we are stuck here.

"But I want dinner!"

"You are always thinking of your stomach!"

"No I'm not! I think about other things too."

"Oh, like what, quidditch? And don't you dare say your school work."

"Like you. I am always worried that I'll do the wrong thing in front of you. And if you like my outfit or what would impress you."


"Did I say that out loud?"



"Do you really like me?"


"How much?"


"How much do you like me?"

"You really want to know?"



"Just tell me!"

"Tell me why first!"

"I asked you first."

"Fine, I like you so much I would do anything for you. If you said you wanted me to quit quidditch, I would. If you wanted me to go on a diet, I would. If we were in a battle and you were in danger, I would save you even if it meant my own life." Ron said with more confidence and trust than Hermione had ever seen from him before. Neither noticed the tear from her eye that smeared the dust on her face.



"I love you."


"I love you, Ronald Weasley."



"How much?"

"I love you so much I would get on a broom to help you practice if you asked. I love you so much I would risk failing a class to help you in one of yours. I love you so much I would sacrifice my life for you in battle. I love you so much, one day I hope to marry you and have kids."



"Hermione, would you be my girlfriend?"


Ron reached out to the girl of his dreams. Running a thumb over the dirt trail on her cheek he leaned in, not caring about the grime on their faces. Hermione closed her eyes and met him the rest of the way. Dirt was the main flavor of this encounter. But the warmth they felt could not be covered up. Neither waited long before nervously moving to open mouth kisses; soon locking them together. The warmth of their mouths; tongues sliding against each other, and a sudden metal flavor of something round. Ron pulled back dazed.

"What was that?"

"You like it Ron?"

"Yeah, but what is it?"

"A tongue stud."

"A what?"

"It's a metal bar in the middle of my tongue."

"Never heard of it. And why have I never seen it before?"

"It's a muggle thing. I've had it under an invisibility charm because it goes against both the school and my parents' rules."

"Wow. Can I see it?"

"Sure." Hermione opened her mouth to show off the small gold ball on her tongue.

"That is so cool"

"I'm glad you like it because it is not going anywhere."

"Got anymore hidden studs or other things I should know about?"

"You will find out in good time. But for now let's get back to the kissing."

There was nothing for Ron to argue about when Hermione decided to position herself entirely on top of him and start devouring his mouth.

** ** **

*Bed Time*


"Yeah Neville?"

"I thought Professor Dumbledor said Hogwarts never kept people beyond curfew?"

"He did."

"Then where is Ron? I have not seen him since the last class we had together."

"How should I know?" Just as the last word left Harry's lips, a thud came from the direction of Ron's bed. Looking over, there was Ron, looking like he had just traveled through a hurricane.

"Ron!" Neville's voice shook with shock.

"Well that was weird." What the first words from Ron after some grumble sounds.

"What happened?"

"Hogwarts ate Hermione and me before dinner and just dropped us off in are beds."

"Have you eaten anything?"

"Yes. Well, not food. But I'm good for the night." At that Ron closed his bed curtains and was out.

"I did not think it was possible"

"What?" Seamus popped into Neville's thinking aloud statement.

"A Weasley went to sleep without dinner."

"Now that is a shocker" with a laugh Seamus closed his curtains.

"Lights out" Harry called distinguishing the last lamp in the room.

** ** **

Darkness. A familiar darkness surrounds me. My hand stretches before me, feeling the area. Wood, cold medal, a disintegrating fabric, and spider webs. The ceiling is low. With my back against the wall I can touch the opposite side. So small of a place, my cupboard is. The only place I could call my own. I worked very hard to live here.

"Boy, get out here and cook breakfast!" "Daddy, he is being weird again." "You think you deserve to eat?" "Freak!" "Go weed the garden" "You worthless scum!"

The voices will not stop. Make them stop. With hands over my ears, the voices grow loader.

*click* I look up. A pale hand is held out before me. A soft smile says 'come with me, I'll take care of you."

I reach for the hand, warmth flowing through me.


Harry woke up that morning relaxed. It was not the first time he had been saved from his hellish nightmares. It was always the same; a pale hand reaching to him, offering comfort and safety. If only that hand was real. 'Maybe Luna was right, maybe I am dwelling too much.'

With a slight change of heart, Harry dressed for the day.

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