π–‚π–Žπ–ˆπ–π–Šπ–‰ 𝕲𝖔𝖔𝖉 (𝕲𝖔𝖑...

Per darkvixen14

77K 1.7K 236

Six months, it's been six months since Ben's coronation and since the Royal four and the Isle four discovered... MΓ©s

New Characters
A Wicked Daydream
A Royal Mess
Not In Distress
My Knight And looking Back
Going, Going Gone
Of Trumaines, Hooks and Ravens
Chillin' like a Villain
A Prophesied Power
A Heart to Heart
Pinky Promise
It's Going Down
Family Talk
Cotillion Ready
You and Me
Truth is out
The Last Book is Up

Troubled Waters

3.8K 88 15
Per darkvixen14

Chad walked up to Rapunzel and Eugene who were in deep conversation with Varian with a raven on his arm, deeply confusing the rulers and royal alchemist of Corona. "Why do you have a bird on your arm sweetheart?" Rapunzel asked.

"I have no idea Ella just told me to bring it-" The bird squawked and ruffled his feathers indignantly. "Him," Chad quickly corrected, "him to you."

"What if they send him back?" Mal shuffled anxiously as they walked along the cobblestone path.

"They're not going to," Ella assured, "my mom is so forgiving and Diaval did nothing wrong but aid your mother. He himself is innocent. Just go to the Auradon carriages. I'll take care of it," she nodded, breathing heavily.

Ella nodded Carlos along with her. Since each VK had been appointed to the court by at least one four kingdom heirs Carlos and Evie would be joining them Carlos would be riding with Agraba and Evie with Tirulia, for appearance's sake. Apparently, a girl and a boy make for better pictures and publicity. "Oh, Sunshine there you are," Eugene said as he saw his daughter approach, dragging Carlos along with her. "What's with the bird?" Diaval was not amused, snapping at Eugene's finger without actually biting him.

"Try it," Ella whispered, having noticed how Carlos growled back on the Isle, usually those with animalistic tendencies work with animals in their magic so this was to test a theory and give Mal some emotional support. "Do the same thing Mal did."

Carlos shakily reached out his hand and waved his fingers, "Into a man." A red mist came from his hand and Diaval shifted into a human.

"Oh gosh!" Rapunzel said, startled. She looked at Carlos, "You have magic?"

He looked at his hand and nodded numbly, "Apparently. I thought my eyes just glowed."

"Did you say glow?" Eugene and Rapunzel shared a nervous look but neither child caught it more worried about the raven man.

"Mom, dad this is Mal's papa, Diaval. We went to the isle, long story," she cut off her godfather's coming questions. "We brought him with us when we crossed, he wanted to be there for Mal since she's really tense and even doubting this whole thing."

Varian put the rest of the pieces together, "Adam and Belle will throw a hissy fit since he's off the isle."

Rapunzel and Eugene shared another look, seeming to have a wordless conversation. "Your majesty's if I may, I mean to cause no harm I just want to be there for my daughter."

"Oh, we weren't questioning that."

"It was more of a how do we keep Belle and Adam civil for the night."

Diaval looked positively baffled, Varian laughed, "They have a thing for fostering Ex-villains and convicts, they are very forgiving people."

"Unlike Adam and Belle," Ryder whispered under his breath.

"We'll take care of everything."

"He can ride in my carriage," Rapunzel grinned at the voice and ran over to Cassandra. "Hey Raps." Cassandra didn't come by a lot not since she left with her father all those years ago before the four-kingdom merger and she usually stayed out of Auradon since Belle and Adam tried to lock her away. "That is if I still get a carriage."

Eugene smiled at her, "Of course you do Cass."

Diaval looked down at the two children who smiled up at him, he could see who made them so kind and forgiving. They would make fine rulers one day.


Ella stepped out of her carriage; Jay having gone ahead of her. Cameras were flashing in her face; a million questions being thrown at her at once. "Princess Ella did Lady Evie make your dress?" one reporter asked, holding out his mic.

The blonde let out a melodic laugh, "Yes she did, and Princess Jazzy did the shoes." She lifted the hem of her dress to show off the light purple platform pumps with faux diamonds decorating the ankle strap.

"What about your gloves?" Another reporter asked.

"Oh, they were done but this wonderful new designer Dizzy Turmaine of the isle. Can't you just tell how much talent she has," she could basically hear Dizzy squeal from the isle.

"Is lady Evie your seamstress?"

She nodded, "Yes, she is. Her and Princess Jazzy, they're business partners."

"Did Sir Jay help you with your jewelry today?"

"He gifted them to me and after today he'll be lord Jay to the court."

There were more flashing lights and yelling as her brother came down the line and joined her, behind him she could see Jazzy, Aziz, Carlos, Aaron and Evie. Ben and Mal had gone ahead much like Jay. Her brother came holding an arm out for her. She grasped it, posed for a few more pictures and walked towards the boat.

She walked to her place letting go of her brother's arm, "are you okay?" she whispered.

He raised an eyebrow, "Why wouldn't I be?

She gave him a deadpanned look, "I saw how you were looking at her during the fight, you wanted to help her."

"Look all me and Uma had-"

"I didn't say her name."

His face bloomed bright red, he calmed himself down and sighed, "Look it's not important right now, we can talk about this after, let's just have a nice cotillion."

He kissed her cheek and went to walk away, "Hey," he turned back. "We'll figure it all out."

He smiled back at her, "I know. 'Cause we're awesome."

Ella shook her head and shuffled her feet nervously. The horns blew and Lumiere walked up. "The future Lady Mal," The purple haired fey presented herself at the top of the steps. Lumiere whispered, "you work it girl" in an effort to calm her down. Everyone clapped but what caught Mal's attention was Diaval at the bottom of the steps next to a woman she recognized from the pictures in Ella's dorm as Cassandra. Ryder caught her eye from the bottom of the steps and smiled at her nodding at Adam and Belle while trying to hold back a laugh. Both royals looked like they had swallowed a lemon. She let a small smile come to her as she walked down the stairs.

Adam stepped forward to get her, but Eugene stopped him, "That's the father's duty if he is present," he nodded to Diaval who was talking a good amount of joy in the whole situation.

He stepped up to Mal and held his hand out, "You look beautiful darling. According to his royal pompousness down there, Ben is still on his way," He assured her.

She looked down at the dress then back at him, "thank you papa."

Before anymore was said Lumiere announced, "Princess Ella."

How Ella managed to look beautiful and stay stony faced Mal would never know nor grasp. Eugene walked up to her, "You look wonderful sunshine."

"Thank you, daddy, and thank you for keeping Diaval safe. Mal really needed him."

He nodded, "Of course but next time Mal needs help, maybe have to talk to mom instead of going all the way to the isle."

She giggled lowly, "Deal."

Evie came to get Mal and Ryder to Ella. "The future Lord Jay."

Jay came down the stairs looking regal, as per his girlfriend's training, but feeling like he wanted to pass out. The mothers were supposed to let the sons come down the stairs themselves so Merida, who so graciously offered to stand in for his mother, waited till he was at the bottom of the steps to meet him. "Evie did an amazing job, look amazing, you all do," Jay's eyes drifted to Ella who looked stunning in a deep purple dress.

Jay smiled, "Thanks Merida for the complement and this."

"Of course, Jay, you're a good kid and you make Ella happy," as if on cue Ella stepped up and held out her arms to Jay with a soft smile on her face.

Merida nodded at him, and he stepped towards her and took her arms in his grasp, his calloused hands rough against her arms but it had become a familiar touch that Ella found comfort in.

Evie let go of her grasp on Mal's hands. "Look, we're right here with you."

She took Ryder's for the four kingdom heirs first dance, "All of us," Ryder assured her. "Even the sugar sweet love birds over there," he jabbed his thumb at Jay and his sister. "And the stammering messes that way," he nodded to a stuttering and blushing Lonnie and Aaron. Mal let out a soft laugh.

The horns blew again, "King Benjamin." Ben walked out looking like a true king there was more applause and the crowed bowed.

"Go get him," Evie said to Mal.

Ben walked straight to her and bowed, "Mal I wish I had time to explain."

The spotlight turned on again there were no horns, no applause and Lumiere moved, confused. Uma walked out causing a ripple of gasps through the crowd. Pure rage radiated off the Ak's and their eyes glowing for everyone to see. Jay, Evie and Carlos let their anger course to the surface. Mals even lit up with the barrage of emotions she was feeling.

Belle and Adam tried to play it off cool but inside they were bubbling with fear. When Ben Got her down the steps he kissed the ring on her hand, Mal's ring. "I'm sorry it all happened so fast, something happened to me while I was on the Isle with Uma, a connection." Diaval looked ready to fight the teenage king, Cassandra even handed him his raven head staff that she had to take to calm Belle and Adam down.

"What are you saying?" Mal asked. Evie felt her heart break and fear.

"I'm saying-"

"It was love," Uma cut him off. "I just- I realized how alike Ben and I are."

"We are,'' he whispered.

"I know," Uma giggled.

"You look so beautiful."

"Ben, Ben" Mal tried. Aaron was so angry so to get his friends attention he snapped knowing he hated it. He glared at him with pure rage, It scared the Ak's they knew he would never look at anyone like that. He didn't have that capacity for hate. "Did you go back for her?" Ben turned back to Mal.

"He didn't have to. I dove through the barrier before it closed, and I'm a really good swimmer."

"You are."

She giggled again, "thank you." Uma moved to Mal; she grabbed her hand. "Listen Mal, I just really wanna thank you, I do for everything," she hugged Mal, who tensed up, and caught Ryder's eye over her shoulder. He didn't look angry, just sad, like he expected more from her. She didn't know why he had such faith in her, she was just a villain.

"Don't you see Mal, you were right you knew that we weren't meant to be with each other, that's why you never told me that you loved me, thank you." Seeing the tears in his daughter's eyes Diaval rolled his sleeves up and would have tackled Ben had Eugene not caught him.

The music started which was supposed to be the first dance for the four kingdom heirs. They all fore went the dance and made their way towards their hurting friend. Carlos hung on to his sister in all but blood. "Not too happy I risked my life for him."

"I can't believe his idiocy," Ryder snapped.

Ella glared, "to our sister."

"I know right," Jazzy added.

Aaron just put Mal's head on his shoulder. "We're with you Mal" Lonnie assured her.

"Let's get out of here," Jay said.

When 75% of the people the cotillion is for leave you can guarantee the press would be all over it. So, to save face or at least try, Adam stopped her, "Mal."

"I'm sorry we had no idea."

"I'm gonna talk to him," Mal couldn't even respond, she just wanted to leave. Diaval stood in front of her making Adam stumble back.

Jane was already up the stairs, "Lumiere Unveil the gifts the need to see them."

"And now for the unveiling of King Ben's masterpiece especially for his Lady," he said motioning to Mal with a smile making it clear whose side he was on. The stained-glass window uncovered. Showing the real her, part Isle part Auradon.

Since both windows were under the same curtain Jay saw Ella's early. Both their eyes glowing Jay leaning over Ella who was leaning back, both smiling and holding hands with the shining sun over them. It was definitely a Corona design, but Jay was wearing his own colors and a suit that looked like the one he wore to officially meet her parents after the coronation. It was 100% perfectly Jay.

"Ben did that?" Mal asked. "Ben's known who I was all along."

"He loves the real you M," Evie added.

"A true love."

"Told you," Carlos said from behind her, making her laugh a little.

Uma was less than impressed with all of Ben and Ella's hard work, she was furious. "Cover that back up," she yelled at Lumiere.

"I will not," he snapped back.

Uma gained her composure, "Why don't you tell everyone the gift you have for me Ben."

"Everyone I have an announcement; Uma will be joining the court to night as my lady."

Ella moved forward and placed a hand on her friend's shoulder, "Ben."

"Not now Ella!" He said pushing her off caused her to stumble back and fall to the ground. Jay and Ryder were at her sides in a second. Now Ryder looked mad, and Uma was scared for the first time in her life. "As my gift to her I'm taking down the Barrier. Once and for all, Fairy godmother bring down the barrier."

"I most certainly will not."

"I am your King!"

"Odey him!"

Ryser started laughing hysterically, unnerving both Uma and Ben as he helped up His sister. "You made a serious mistake," he said in a low voice. His and Ella's eyes lit up gold. Rapunzel had to run over to her son to keep him at bay and keep him from sinking the boat. This was not supposed to happen, Adam and Belle were not supposed to know until everything was said and done.

Mal stepped down, "Ben, Ben, Look at me."

"No look at me, you love me remember."

"No, you don't."

"Yes, you do."

"Ben, look at me."

"Bring down the barrier now!" Uma Yelled at Fairy Godmother.

"I do not take orders from you," Fairy godmother said.

"Ben, I never told you that I love you because I thought I wasn't good enough, and I thought that it was only a matter of time before you saw that yourself but Ben that's me," she said pointing at the window. "I'm part Isle and part Auradon."

"Ben over here."

"And Ben, you've always known who we are and who we can be."

"Ben don't listen to her."

"Ben, I know what love feels like now, of course I love you, Ben, I've always loved you," Mal said Kissing him when she finished.

When they broke Ben blinked then smiled at her, "Mal" he whispered touching his forehead to hers.

"True loves kiss," Evie said.

"Works every time," Jazzy added with a smile.

Uma wasn't going to go down without a fight and tried to snatch Fairy Godmother's wand, "Give it to me!"

"Guards seize her" Fairy godmother yelled.

Uma ran to the side of the ship, "stop! stop!" Ryder yelled. "Uma, I spoke to you on the Isle, I got to know you. You are so much more than just a villain that much I can tell. You want your happy ending, and you care Uma, you care about everybody, you want everybody to have that ending. Do not let your pride get in the way of something that you really want." He held out his hand, "Let us help you." Uma's necklace started to glow, calling to her. She climbed up on the railing, "No! No Uma!"

Published: Nov 11th, 2019
Updated/ Edited: Sep 11th, 2023.

Continua llegint

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