Fight for Yourself (manxman)...

Per tampamanatee

19K 1.1K 137

Dante left almost his entire life in Florida, except the guilt and sadness he felt every single day. Oliver... Més

Please read
One. Dante.
Two. Oliver.
Three. Dante. / Oliver.
Four. Dante. / Oliver.
Six. Oliver. / Dante.
Seven. Oliver. / Dante.
Eight. Oliver. / Dante. / Oliver.
Nine. Dante. / Taylor.
Ten. Dante. / Oliver.
Eleven. Dante. / Oliver.
Twelve. Dante.
Thirteen. Oliver.
Fourteen. Dante.
Epilogue. Oliver.

Five. Dante. / Oliver. /Dante.

1.1K 84 6
Per tampamanatee


My mind was racing a million miles a minute as I ran down the stairs. Why the hell did I kiss him? Why did it feel so right? Why do I want to do it again? The thumping from my heart in my chest was so loud, I was sure people around could hear it. There was no possible reason why I had kissed Oliver. Just seeing him outside talking to a guy made my blood boil for absolutely no reason. I wanted him to talk to me, I wanted his attention on me and my body for no fucking reason.

My back slung against the wall in the stairway, my hands immediately latching onto my hair as my body slunk down. The thought of kissing him was not even in my mind as I wandered up towards his office. I simply wanted to talk to him. It had only been a few days since we hung out, but I was getting attached to his presence. Oliver was funny, nice and a damn good kisser. Just remembering the way his large hands almost immediately landed onto my ass was making my breathing pick back up.

He definitely wasn't the first person I had kissed. First guy, yes, but not the first. Sure I had kissed my fair share of slutty girls in the past, but that was just to mess around. I remember getting a blow job behind the school of eleventh grade. Girls had called me exotic and sexy but I think they were just horny. My Greek heritage had nothing to do with girls wanting to get into my pants. Guys had never tried anything with me though, but neither did I. I didn't want to put myself out to something I wasn't familiar with.

Women on the other hand, no problem. I hadn't even felt jealous about anyone, ever. So why the fuck did I feel so jealous and possessive of Oliver? And why was sitting on his lap in his office with his obvious erection hitting me so hot?

On one hand it had been nerve wracking making out in his office. Yet, on the other hand, it was pretty intense. I'm sure we weren't the only two people to ever make out in a hospital. I had watched enough episodes of Grey's Anatomy to know that people hook up in hospitals. Well, at least I thought that's what they did.

Taking a giant breath, I slowly got up and made my way back down to the lobby. Taylor had driven me and when Steven walked me out, they started talking. They were still talking and seemed to be pretty chummy together. God, does everyone have to be so chummy? When I got closer his green eyes looked up, the smile on his face fading when he saw me. I had no idea what I looked like, but apparently not that great.

"Hey, everything okay?" He asked while standing up, Steven standing up too. God everyone around here was so tall. Was it required to be tall when you're applying to medical school?

"Can we go now, please."

It looked like he was going to say something else but stopped and nodded. He then looked up at Steven and smiled. "Thanks for all the advice about school."

"No problem, I'm always here if you need anything else. And Dante, you should be completely healed very soon. You're improving very nicely."

I made a grunting noise while grabbing Taylor and pulling him out of the hospital. "Can we go somewhere and talk?"

"Uh okay. Where do you want to go?"

"I don't care. I just need to talk to you. Might as well kill two birds with one stone and go eat."

He remained silent as we got into his car and he pulled away. My entire body was still on fire, literally just thinking about what happened. I needed these stupid feelings to away. I must have zoned out because the next time I looked up I saw a local seafood restaurant staring back at me. There was a smiling crab dancing on a window, making me want to punch the shit out of it. I followed Taylor inside and sat down in a booth in the corner. After our waitress took our drink order, Taylor's worried eyes looked expectantly at me.

"What happened?"

"So uhm. I know I said I was going to the bathroom when I got done with my appointment. But I may have made a slight detour."

This time his face paled as he whispered,

"You didn't do anything illegal did you?"

I couldn't help but roll my eyes as the waitress came back and gave us our waters. After she took our order, and winking at me, we were finally alone again. "No. I went up to just say hi to Oliver."

"He seems like a good guy, really nice too."

"I kissed him."

The drink of water he just took was suddenly flying out of his mouth, followed by coughing. "What?" He croaked out. "How did you go from saying hi, to kissing? Also, I've never heard you ever saying you were into guys."

"That's the thing," I said while playing with my straw wrapper and not meeting his eyes. "I've never had feelings like this, about anyone and it's confusing as hell. I mean you know that I've been with girls, but I had really squashed any other feelings away. Honestly the first time I thought about a guy in a different way, I was in high school. But you know how my parents were," He instantly nodded when I finally looked back up. "And I kept hearing my dad's voice in my head whenever he talked about gay guys. I didn't want him to dislike me anymore if he knew I thought Danny from chemistry was hot. Not that it would have mattered, because no one liked me. But ever since then I've forced myself to just kiss and mess around with girls."

The waitress suddenly came back and out our food in front of us. The shrimp on my plate made my stomach turn as she gave me another annoying wink before walking away. When I looked up, Taylor was looking at me with a sad expression. "I had no idea Dante, you never said anything. If I would've known I could've helped you with these feelings."

I simply shrugged before sighing. "I met Oliver one night at a fight. He was there and I got distracted looking at him and got hit. That's when I found out he was a doctor and he took me to the hospital. And ever since then, he's just been around a lot. And I liked having him around because I don't know, he's just nice. And besides you, I don't really know a lot of nice people, if any. I went up to his office to say hi and saw him just talking to a colleague. I don't know why it pissed me off, but it did. Like hardcore. He had said this guy and him had dated before and I thought they were getting friendly again. And it was like this fire inside of me, I didn't want him looking at that guy. So we went into his office and I got shitty with him because you know I can get angry. It was like my body acted on its own because the next thing I knew, I was sitting on his lap and kissing him." I took a breath and took a big swig of water, trying to calm myself down. "And holy fucking hell Tay, this guy can kiss. It felt so right in the moment and then I told him not to fuck that guy. Then I ran away."

Taylor was staring at me with wide eyes, his food completely forgotten in front of him. "Wow. Did he say anything before you ran away?"

"I didn't give him a chance. I just said don't fuck that guy, then I bolted. I heard him calling for me but I bolted away so fast. For a split second I thought he was going to be super pissed at me. My Dad's voice was in my head calling me a disgrace and disgusting. But in that moment, all I cared about was Oliver touching me and making me feel so damn good. And now I'm afraid that he's going to show up at the apartment. Could you please promise me you won't let him in if he does?


"Please," I practically begged.

"I promise. But I don't think this is something you're going to avoid forever. You said you felt possessive of him. Did you ever think he could be thinking the same thing about you?"

I rolled my eyes before saying, "No."

"Oh come on," he said as he folded his arms across his chest. "If someone wasn't into you, they wouldn't allow a kiss from you. The other night you guys looked really happy together on the couch. He seemed to be looking at you a certain way; I figured he liked you." That made my face pale as I stared down at my food. His hand was then covering mine, giving it a hard squeeze. "But that doesn't mean you're any less of a person. There's going to be people out there that won't agree with your feelings, but screw them. Maybe talking to someone would make you feel better?"

Without responding I shook his hand off and pierced a shrimp with my fork. "I think I need to fight."

He frowned as the waitress came back and asked how everything was. Everything might be off right now, but I just needed to get back into my fighter head. Then, everything would be okay. At least I hoped.


The rest of the day took its sweet ass time to end, my mind just not focusing. Good thing I didn't have a surgery to do because all of my thoughts were about Dante. How his smaller body felt on top of mine, how his fingers buried into my hair. How his ass felt in my hands, how sexy he sounded with his little noises. Now, I was lost. I wished I had been able to catch up with him when he ran away. I needed to talk to him; my fingers were craving to touch him again.

With my mind still racing, I walked out of the hospital and made my way towards my truck. My body was craving him and I needed to talk about that kiss. I drove over to his apartment complex, numbly finding his door and knocking. When it opened I felt my heart leap into my throat but saw Taylor instead. He gave me a friendly smile as he gripped onto the door tighter.

"Hi Oliver." I wasn't sure if Dante had told him about what happened. But since I wasn't sure I wasn't going to rat it out.

"Hey Taylor. Is Dante here?"

He frowned as he said, "I'm sorry but he's not."

Fuck. "Do you know where he went or when he's coming back?"

"I don't, sorry."

I frowned while shoving my hands into my pockets. "Well, thanks anyway." He gave me a sad smile before slowly shutting the door. With a sigh I left the complex before driving home. It was too quiet by myself so I called Nathan and practically begged for him to hang out.

Not pathetic at all.


I understood Dante not wanting to see me that first day, but it's been two weeks. I had gone over to his place two more times and Taylor kept saying he wasn't there and didn't know when he'd be back. I was starting to get frustrated because all I wanted to do was talk. But maybe Taylor was being honest, maybe Dante left town. That thought made me sigh as I got into an elevator. It stopped a little while later and I watched as the doors opened to reveal none other than Dante.

His long curling hair was sweaty around his face, the scruff on his face seeming to have been shaved down. He was wearing a pair of sweats and a green shirt with a dinosaur on the front. There was what looked like a gym bag slung over his shoulder, a jacket tucked into the bag. He was looking at his phone so he didn't see me until he got in and went to press the button. That's when the light clicked in and he gasped, turning to make an escape right as the doors shut.

"Fuck," he said as the doors closed before slowly turning around and looking up into my eyes. When he went to press a button I beat him to it and pressed the emergency button, so the elevator stopped. "What the hell was that for?" He angrily asked.

"I believe I have a right to talk to you," I said while pushing myself off the wall. "You give me one of the greatest kisses ever and then you ignore me? Please tell me how that's fair."

His face paled as he backed himself up against the wall, his fingers gripping tightly onto his bag. "Look it was nothing. Can you just forget it even happened please? I was having an off day; I didn't think you'd think anything of it. It didn't mean anything."

"Oh really," I said while coming closer to him and putting my hands on either side of him. He looked up at me as his bag fell from his shoulder.

I watched him swallow, his Adam's apple bobbing and begging to be kissed. "Yes," he whispered before clearing his throat. "I said it didn't mean anything. I was just in a mood." His breath picked up when I took a finger and slowly ran it over his neck, the one I'd been dreaming about.

"So you haven't been avoiding me for two weeks?" I dryly asked.

"I've been at the gym a lot."

"Mm," I said while coming closer to him as a certain situation in my pants was getting worse. "Let me tell you something Dante. I'm going to kiss you right here, right now." The pulse in his neck quickened as a small noise escaped his lips. "If it really didn't mean anything, I'll leave you alone. But if it actually means something to you, I'm taking you home and we're talking about this more. Okay?"

He was silent for a long time until he finally nodded. That nod was all I needed to wrap my arms around his waist and pull him towards me. He gasped when he felt my erection on his stomach, before my lips bent down and kissed him. My hands traveled down to his ass and squeezed, his hands finding their way around my neck. As I angled my head and deepened the kiss, I felt him shudder around me. I broke off to kiss down his neck as he started breathing harder. When my lips grazed over his Adam's apple, his body lurched forward and a quiet moan left his lips. My god, what a man. His fingers dug into my hair as my lips continued to pleasure his neck.

I then went back to kissing his lips before picking him up higher, making his legs wrap around my waist. His back hit the wall as I continued to kiss him with enough passion that hopefully it'll knock his socks off. My lips traveled across his jaw and back down his neck, his moans getting louder. His breathing was picking up as his arms tightened around my neck.

"Oliver," he suddenly whispered. I gently pulled back, giving his neck one final butterfly kiss. As I looked at him, my heart about flew out of my chest. He was breathing heavy and his lips were swollen. All from me. And damn, did that feel good. Those dark eyes were then looking at me as he said, "It did matter."

I watched him for a second longer before gently kissing him on the cheek and carefully putting him down. I then got the elevator to work again and once we were on the ground floor, I steered him over to my truck. I helped him get inside before we drove off into the night. He was pretty quiet the entire ride to my house, one point he started biting his thumb nail.

He all but flew out of the door the moment I parked in the garage, stumbling a little before he regained his footing.

We were still silent as I walked into the house, the silence hitting me in the face like a brick. I wanted noise. I wanted someone to come home to, someone who'd liven up this house. But I wasn't going to say something like that, since Dante still looked like a scared chicken.

As I closed the door behind him he suddenly asked, "Can I take a shower?" He must've seen the puzzled look on my face because he said, "I boxed today and need a shower. I'd just like to smell nicer if uh, well for whatever you were planning."

He then looked down at the ground which made me frown. I gently placed my hand under his chin and brought those eyes back up to mine. "Dante, I didn't bring you here to make you feel uncomfortable. I didn't bring you here to try and pull something on you, like forcing myself on you. I simply would like to talk and if showering would make you feel better, then go ahead and shower. You can use the guest bathroom if using mine makes you feel weird." He continued to stare up at me in silence before he slowly nodded. "Are you hungry? I can order a pizza if you'd like."

"Okay," he whispered before suddenly wrapping his arms around me in a hug. His face buried into my chest as his nails dug into my back. My arms gripped onto him just as hard, resting my head on top of his. "I thought you were bringing me back for different reasons. That's what usually happens. I should say I'm sorry for thinking you were that kind of guy."

"I can promise you I'm not. I'd never force you to do anything." He nodded before slowly pulling back and giving me a very small smile. "I'll show you the bathroom." After walking down a hallway I turned on the light in the bathroom, making it come to life. It was filled with soft colors and really interesting art. My mom definitely had a fun time helping me decorate. "Do you need extra clothes, or do you want me to wash yours?"

"Both I guess," he said as his eyes continued to look around the room.

"Give me one second." I then walked down another hallway into my bedroom to grab some random clothes. When I came back he was still looking around the bathroom in awe. "Here you go," I said while handing him the clothes. "I can wash yours when you're done."

He slowly nodded as he started to shut the door. Before it was completely shut he looked up and said,

"You're the third person in my life who's ever given me a hug." With that he shut the door completely as I stared at it in shock. No one has hugged him? What about his family? I slowly ran a hand over my scruffy face as I wandered into the kitchen. Hopefully he'll open up more about that. He didn't seem to be in one of his Dante moods, but honestly I wasn't sure how to handle him without his sass and snark. Guess we'll see, I thought while picking up the phone to order.

The pizza, breadsticks, wings and dessert took almost forty minutes to arrive. I didn't quite know what to get him so I pretty much just ordered a little bit of everything. The shower had stopped a while ago but he still hadn't come out, so I placed all the food and some beverages in the family room and sat down onto a couch. When he walked in the room, it honestly seemed to brighten up. He was wearing one of my older shirts, a faded Harvard medical school one. It was one of my favorites because of how soft it was. He also had on a pair of pajama pants that were slightly too big. He seemed comfy though and that's all that matters.

I quickly stood up and grabbed his clothes from him, making my way to the laundry room. When the washer was started up I walked back, expecting to see him eating or at least sitting. Instead, he was facing one of the two bookshelves in the room. It was where I had family photos, some of my favorite books, nick naks I'd gotten on trips and different baseballs from games I'd attended with Nathan. He must've heard me walk in because he instantly turned around and said,

"Your house is really nice."

"Thank you," I said while looking around the light blue walls. "It can get a little lonely and quiet in here. But it really helps to relieve any stress from the day."

He nodded as he wandered over to a set of French doors leading outside into the three acre lot. "Did you design it?"

"I had some help but yes. I had always wanted a cozy house on a small piece of land." My eyes wandered over to the woods on the backside of the property. "Looks beautiful in the fall and winter." He remained quiet as he stared out the doors. "Do you want to eat anything?"

It seemed like he just realized there was a bunch of food on the coffee table before he sat down. I took a hesitant seat next to him, not too close though. He grabbed a slice of pizza and continued to glance around the room, swallowing after a few seconds. He then kept his half eaten slice of pizza in his hand, hesitating a few minutes before he said, "You don't know anything about me." His dark eyes glanced up before he quickly looked down at his hands. "And honestly I don't know you that well so I'm not about to open up completely to you. But I will say I left Florida because of my family. I have kissed women before but you were the first guy I've ever kissed. I don't consider myself to be gay because I've never been attracted to a guy before. I was treated really rotten by my father, who is actually a cardiologist. Basil Ambrosia."

"Really?" When he slowly nodded I said, "I've actually met him at a cardiologist conference. I had no idea."

Dante frowned as he glanced down at his pizza. "People can be deceiving. He's the most two faced person I've ever met. That was why I was pretty shitty to you when we first met. I just assumed all doctors were assholes. My mother used to be nice, but that all changed. That's why I needed to leave and that's how I ended up here."

"Why did you instantly run away after the kiss?"

He shrugged, taking another bite of his pizza. "I'm not good at expressing how I feel. And honestly, I didn't know how I felt. And I still don't know. I was raised with homophobic family members so I guess I was just scared that I was going to get yelled at. It doesn't make any sense I know."

"I understand that completely. I've been out since I was fifteen and for the most part everything has been okay. But there were always those few select people who acted like it was the end of the world. I've had people beat me up for just being myself and I've come across my share of homophobic people. It's perfectly okay if you're still confused about how you feel."

He slowly nodded while staring down at the pizza in his hands. "Have you kissed a lot of guys?" He quietly asked.

"Well, I've had a few boyfriends and one night stands if we're being honest. I'm sure you've kissed your fair share of women."

Dante didn't respond but took another bite of his pizza before grabbing a breadstick. "Was that too personal of a question?"

He still wouldn't look up at me and honestly, he was adorable as hell. "Nah, it was fine. Not like you asked how big my dick was or something." A smile finally broke out onto his face as he looked up into my eyes. "And Dante, I'm not here to try and change your mind about the way you live your life. It's perfectly okay if you don't want this to go anywhere." I gave him a smile before grabbing a piece of pizza.

To make him feel more comfortable, I turned the TV on while sinking back into the couch. "Can I stay here tonight?"

I looked back over at him to say, "Of course. The guest bedroom is all set up." He slowly nodded before my phone was suddenly going off. "Shit," I mumbled while getting up and running into my room. I quickly changed before coming back into the room to see Dante looking worried. "I just got called in for an emergency. I'm not quite sure how long it'll take, I'm sorry. I don't get emergencies that often."

"That's okay," he whispered before standing up and handing me a piece of pizza. "Take this with you."

I couldn't help but smile as I stared down into his eyes. God, how I wanted to just kiss him. "Thank you. Just make yourself at home and if I don't see you tonight I'll see you in the morning."

Taking my pizza, I swiftly went out to my car before driving off to the hospital. It would be so nice to come home to someone. Even if Dante didn't want us to become an item, I'd still want him in my life. Hopefully he felt the same.


My eyes traveled around the quiet house while shoving more pizza in my mouth. Taylor seemed pretty excited that I was staying here for the night when I called him, which only made me roll my eyes. Since it was so quiet, I turned the TV up louder before starting to snoop. I mean who doesn't snoop in someone's house? Anyone who says they don't is lying.

I walked on the hardwood floors until I reached super fluffy carpet in his bedroom. He had a nice sized queen bed, my cheeks feeling strangely hot for some reason. Noticing picture frames next to his bed, I wandered over and gently picked one up. The people in the picture looked like his family and man; the genes were strong with these people. Once my fingers landed onto the drawer of his nightstand, I took a quick look over my shoulder to make sure he wasn't here. Once it opened I saw multiple books, in addition to the ones in front of the picture frame. There were some receipts, some glasses and a king sized Hershey's and cream chocolate bar.

As my fingers went further back into the drawer, my eyes widened when I found a small bottle of lube. There were also condoms, only three, but still. My eyes then traveled back down to the bed and frowned. How many guys had been in this bed? How many things had been sucked and fucked here?

Making sure the condom and lube were back in their original spots, I wandered over to his closet and opened it. Damn, this was big. He had many button down shirts, really nice pairs of pants, some random ass tee shirts and about five pairs of shoes. After closing the door I took another bite of pizza while wandering into his bathroom.

"Holy shit," I muttered as my eyes took in the large room. The walk in shower had tile going all up the wall, had a rain shower head and some jets on the wall. There was a standing tub and a vanity with two sinks, a marble counter top. "Fuck," I said while opening one of the mirror cabinets above one of the sinks. There were bottles of ibuprofen, packs of tissues, upset stomach tablets and other random ass shit.

After my inspection of his bedroom was done, I wandered into the big kitchen and looked everywhere. He seemed to really like spices and also pepper. He had three things of pepper and one salt container. I smirked while shaking my head. His fridge was pretty stocked, his pantry full of crackers, pasta, and lots of barbeque chips. Guess I found his favorite.

I continued my exploration of his house for who knows how long, my eyelids eventually becoming tired. I didn't want to go to sleep yet, mainly because I wasn't that comfortable here. I wanted Oliver to come back so at least there'd be someone else here. With a yawn I plopped back down on the couch and continued to watch a show while shoving my face with food.

I wasn't sure how long I was watching TV before my eyes finally shut. They instantly opened when I heard a door open and saw Oliver walking in from the garage. He was taking his jacket and shoes off as I slowly got up and yawned. Luckily I had put all the food in the fridge before he got here.

When I walked into the kitchen, he turned towards me and smiled. "Hey," he softly said.

"Hi. How was it?" I asked while sleepily rubbing my eyes.

"Long. Sorry I was gone so long."

My eyes traveled over to the oven to see it was three thirty in the morning. "That's okay," I said while yawning again. "I'm glad you're home." I was so tired my body started to lean forward and luckily it hit his larger one. My face ended up snuggling up under his chin as my arms wrapped around him. "I need to tell you a secret."

"What?" It sounded like he was smiling as he wrapped his arms around me, his fingers slowly running up and down my back.

"I snooped around."

He laughed before saying, "You know what? I'm okay with that. Now how about you go to bed?"

Before I could reply he easily lifted me up and carried me into the guest bedroom. He gently rested me down onto the bed pulling the covers over my body. "Goodnight Oliver."

"Goodnight Dante," he whispered before my eyes shut.

A/N: I freaking love long chapters, reading and writing

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