
By -_Vahlen_-

41 5 0

Woke up to a normal day of school, At least that's what we thought.... More

Former ~Introduction~
Former ~Chapter 1~
Former ~Chapter 2~
Former ~Chapter 3~

Former ~Chapter 4~

2 1 0
By -_Vahlen_-

I thinks that's what we all needed at this point.













Author' P.O.V

They shortly arrived at their destination, to the sound of cows mooing, and birds chirping. The country side was a amazing place wasn't it.

Claire' P.O.V

The news came over the t.v, and i was in shock. Hospital Amore was under attack! Zoey' mum worked there, and it was only 20 minutes away from where she was daily. What if i could never see her again?! What if she has been taken by the virus!? I couldn't think straight anymore, I needed to see her and know that she was alright! To make sure she was alive and safe. i couldn't even starting thinking was life would be like without her. She was always there for me when i needed her the most! I cant lose her! Not now!














Ayumi' P.O.V

The rumbling of the car stopped, the chirping of birds, and cows mooing was now the only thing i could hear. Everything seemed so quiet and still. Like no one was moving, Then after about 10 seconds of piece and quiet, there was a tap on my shoulder. I panicked turning around fast getting ready to punch what ever it was, but ended up coming to a halt when i saw it was only Miss. She looked at me in shock, apologizing for scaring me, then proceeded to wake up the other girls. We had finally made it to her home in the country side! A place we could stay for awhile since our parents were absent, a place we could be safe for the meantime.

Authors P.O.V

One after the other they woke up, hopping out of the car and stretching their legs.
The place was beautiful and peaceful, Like nothing bad could ever happen there. Like a safe house. 

They proceeded to follow their teacher to the front door. Miss opening the door for them to go inside. As they walked inside they were greeted with the warm soft smell of flowers. It gave the house a nice Aura and made them feel safe and warm inside.

Not long after walking into the house and taking their shoes off, careful to not dirty the soft and pretty carpet in the living room, Miss shut the door behind them making her way towards the kitchen, placing her coat on the coat hanger by the door. Walking into the kitchen she motioned for the girls to follow. They all obliged and followed her one after the other into the small kitchen where 4 bar stools sat. They all looked at their teacher before taking a seat. There wasn't enough for them all, so some remained standing watching as their teacher pulled out a bowl and mince from inside her fridge.

"What would you girls like for dinner hmm?" She asked pointing to the mince she had gotten out. "Nachos or Meatballs?" she said smiling at them waiting for their response.

Zoey spoke up first, "Nachos sounds nice miss."
"Yeah nachos"
"Yeah, please can we have nachos?"
"Nachos yeah!"
"Nachos sounds nice"

So it was decided. She was going to make nachos, and honestly she wasn't disappointed, Her vote was also for nachos.

Kraigs P.O.V

The sound of Miss clanking things in the kitchen was there. But also the sound of people talking along with the faint sound of Rain. Was it raining?

I walked over to one of the curtains that was closed, and peaked my head out to see what the noise was. To my surprise it was raining. I loved rain at night, it was so soothing and easy to fall asleep too. Right now all i wanted to do was go lie in bed and listen to the rain as i slowly fell asleep, but that wasn't going to happen right now was it. Nope. I was still waiting for dinner and all my friends were talking making the dining room and kitchen quite loud. I could just leave and walk up stairs and lay in one of the rooms, but it wasn't my place to go snooping around her house without permission, plus i was really looking forward to the freshly cooked nachos that were on the way.

I made my way back to the dinning chair i was previously sat at. I made eye contact with Tammi which not gonna lie ,was really awkward, But i made do and started a conversation with her about our pets and how mine are better than hers, which made us laugh in the end.

Authors P.O.V

Miss had finished making the dinner. The room didn't smell of flowers anymore, it smelt of amazingly fresh cooked nachos that made everyone's mouths water.
Taking a plate and knife/fork from the counter in the kitchen eat, Miss put their dinner on the plates for them, as they went back to their seats to eat their amazingly cooked dinner their teacher had cooked for them. 

Taking their seats, The room was filled with the amazing smell of nachos, and the chatting of the kids and teacher as they talked the night away till they were all finished their dinner, and seated in the living room with a movie from Netflix playing as they lay on the floor and couches in blankets, while the rain poured outside giving them some sort of re-leaf as to the night not being completely silent, and making it easier for them to sleep till morning.

~Author Z~

Thanks for reading chapter 4 of Former. Sorry for not updating in ages, i kinda forgot about this book actually. Since Covid-19 has put almost everyone into lock down i came back onto Watt-pad and noticed this book and remembered i hadn't written anything for it in so long. I decided i should write one more chapter and see if i'm going to continue it, seen as i don't really like the plot line for the book, Ill either be changing it or making a whole new book.(Depends if i'm bothered to haha) But yeah. Thanks for reading and don't forget to 'VOTE' and ill see you next time. :D

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